## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ---- echo=FALSE, message=FALSE----------------------------------------------- ## This code is to import the description of the datasets ## Only the table should be displayed on the vignette library(MicrobiomeBenchmarkData) fname <- system.file( 'extdata/datasets.tsv', package = 'MicrobiomeBenchmarkData' ) datasets <- read.table( fname, header = TRUE, sep = '\t', check.names = FALSE ) data('sampleMetadata', package = 'MicrobiomeBenchmarkData') PMID <- dplyr::distinct( sampleMetadata[, c('dataset', 'pmid')] ) datasets <- dplyr::left_join(datasets, PMID, by = c('Dataset' = 'dataset')) datasets <- dplyr::rename(datasets, PMID = pmid) ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- ## Show table knitr::kable(datasets, filter = 'top') ## ---- echo=FALSE, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()