An \gls*{environment} is a block of code contained within the \glspl{command} \begin{definition} \gls{begin}\marg{\meta{env-name}} \end{definition}% and \begin{definition} \gls{end}\marg{\meta{env-name}} \end{definition}% where \meta{env-name} is the name of the environment. The block of code is then formatted in a method specific to that environment. For example, the \gls{env-bfseries}\footnote{Note there is no backslash in the environment name.}\ environment will typeset the contents of the environment in a bold font. The following code: \begin{codeS} \glsni{begin}\marg{bfseries}Here is some bold text.\glsni{end}\marg{bfseries} \end{codeS}% will appear in the typeset document looking like: \begin{resultS}[Here is some bold text. (The entire sentence is in a bold font.)] \begin{bfseries}Here is some bold text.\end{bfseries} \end{resultS} Some environments also supply \glspl{command} that may only be used within that environment. \xminisec{Example:} The \glsni{env-itemize} environment provides a command called \glsni{item} so that you can specify individual items within an unordered list: \begin{code} \begin{alltt} Shopping List: \glsni{begin}\marg{itemize} \glsni{item} Cabbages \glsni{item} Bananas \glsni{item} Apples \glsni{end}\marg{itemize} \end{alltt} \end{code}% The above will produce the following output: \begin{result}[shoppinglist.html] Shopping List: \begin{itemize} \item Cabbages \item Bananas \item Apples \end{itemize} \end{result}