\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[left=3.5cm, right=3.5cm]{geometry} \ifdefined \UnicodeEncodingName \usepackage{fontspec} % The Harfbuzz renderer provides selection of pre-composed characters % (NFC normalization) with LuaTeX \setmainfont[Renderer=Harfbuzz]{FreeSerif} % \setmainfont[Renderer=Harfbuzz]{Linux Libertine O} \ifdefined\luatexversion \newcommand*{\texengine}{LuaTeX} \else \newcommand*{\texengine}{XeTeX} \fi \newcommand*{\ux}[2]{\ignorespaces#1} \else \usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \newcommand*{\texengine}{pdfTeX} \newcommand*{\ux}[2]{\ignorespaces#2} \fi % Load encoding definitions \usepackage[normalize-symbols]{textalpha} % "Greek script everywhere" % With TL22, the special handling of Greek UPPERCASE is only triggered % if the text language is set to "greek" with Babel: \usepackage[greek%.local-MakeUppercase-fixes % uncomment to test modifier ,english]{babel} % babel-greek \languageattribute{greek}{polutoniko} % "modern" polytonic Greek % \languageattribute{greek}{ancient} % Babel's Greek "ini" doesn't drop diacritics input via standard accent macros % \usepackage[greek,english,provide*=*]{babel} \usepackage[unicode,colorlinks,linkcolor=blue]{hyperref} \usepackage{bookmark} \usepackage{longtable} \setcounter{LTchunksize}{60} % don't lowercase the font encoding names (T1, LGR, ...) \ifdefined \AddToNoCaseChangeList % new in 2022 \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\fontencoding} \fi % Auxiliary commands \ifdefined \extrasgreek % babel-greek loaded \newcommand*{\Greek}{\foreignlanguage{greek}} \else \newcommand*{\Greek}{\ensuregreek} \newcommand*{\lgrfont}{\fontencoding{LGR}\selectfont} \fi \providecommand*{\greekfontencoding}{undefined} \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}} \newcommand{\pkgref}[1]{\emph{\href{https://ctan.org/pkg/#1}{#1}}} % print the selected language variant \newcommand*{\GreekLanguageVariant}{% \ifx\captionsgreek\captionsancientgreek ancient% \else \ifx\captionsgreek\captionspolutonikogreek polutoniko% \else monotoniko% \fi \fi } % one line in a case-change test table \newcommand*{\Cases}[1]{% & \Greek{#1} & \Greek{\MakeUppercase{#1}} & \Greek{\MakeLowercase{#1}} } \newcommand*{\TestUppercase}[1]{\Greek{#1 → \MakeUppercase{#1}}} % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} \title{Greek characters supported by \emph{greek-fontenc}} \author{Günter Milde} \maketitle \abstract{ \noindent This document lists all Greek characters that are supported by \emph{greek-fontenc} and tests the outcome of \cs{MakeUppercase} and \cs{MakeLowercase} for different input variants (literal input, LICR% \footnote{LaTeX internal character representation} macro, Latin transliteration). \makeatletter The document is compiled with \texengine, format version \fmtversion{} patch-level \patch@level{}, and the L3 programming layer from \ExplFileDate{}. \makeatother \ifdefined \extrasgreek % babel-greek loaded The \emph{babel-greek} version is ``\csname ver@greek.ldf\endcsname''. \fi The \verb|\greekfontencoding| is \greekfontencoding{} and the current language variant is \emph\GreekLanguageVariant. } \tableofcontents \section{Input Variants} The columns represent the following input variants: \begin{enumerate} \item literal character \item named accent macro + LICR \item short accent macro + LICR \item short accent macro + \ux{literal character} % Xe/LuaTeX {transliteration} % pdfTeX \item \ux{short accent macro (reversed order) + literal character} {accent character + transliteration} \end{enumerate} For composite diacritics, there are additional columns for short macros in reversed order and with the second diacritic as accent macro. \section{Greek and Coptic} Characters from the Greek and Coptic Unicode block that are supported by \emph{greek-fontenc} and \emph{greek-inputenc}: \begin{longtable}{llll} No. & original case & MakeUppercase & MakeLowercase \\ x0374 \Cases{ ʹ \textdexiakeraia{} }\\ x0375 \Cases{ ͵ \textaristerikeraia{} }\\ x037A \Cases{ ͺ { }\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ }{ |}}\\ x037E \Cases{ ; \texterotimatiko{} \ux{ }{ ?}}\\ \\ x0384 \Cases{ ΄ \acctonos{} \'{} \ux{ }{ '}}\\ x0385 \Cases{ ΅ \accdialytikatonos{ } \"'{} \'"{} \"\'{} \ux{ }{ "'}}\\ x0386 \Cases{ Ά \acctonos\textAlpha{} \'\textAlpha{} \ux{\'Α }{\'A 'A}}\\ x0387 \Cases{ · \textanoteleia{} \ux{ }{ ;}}\\ x0388 \Cases{ Έ \acctonos\textEpsilon{} \'\textEpsilon{} \ux{\'Ε }{\'E 'E}}\\ x0389 \Cases{ Ή \acctonos\textEta{} \'\textEta{} \ux{\'Η }{\'H 'H}}\\ x038A \Cases{ Ί \acctonos\textIota{} \'\textIota{} \ux{\'Ι }{\'I 'I}}\\ x038C \Cases{ Ό \acctonos\textOmicron{} \'\textOmicron{} \ux{\'Ο }{\'O 'O}}\\ x038E \Cases{ Ύ \acctonos\textUpsilon{} \'\textUpsilon{} \ux{\'Υ }{\'U 'U}}\\ x038F \Cases{ Ώ \acctonos\textOmega{} \'\textOmega{} \ux{\'Ω }{\'W 'W}}\\ \\ x0390 \Cases{ ΐ \accdialytikatonos\textiota{} \'"\textiota{} \ux{\'"ι \"'ι \'\"ι \"\'ι}{\'"i \"'i \'\"i \"\'i '"i "'i}}% \ux{}{\footnote{With the pre-2022 \cs{MakeUppercase} and literal input, the order of combined accents involving the dialytika is important, e.g., \texttt{"'i} results in \Greek{"'i → "vI}.}} \\ x0391 \Cases{ Α \textAlpha{} \ux{ }{ A}}\\ x0392 \Cases{ Β \textBeta{} \ux{ }{ B}}\\ x0393 \Cases{ Γ \textGamma{} \ux{ }{ G}}\\ x0394 \Cases{ Δ \textDelta{} \ux{ }{ D}}\\ x0395 \Cases{ Ε \textEpsilon{} \ux{ }{ E}}\\ x0396 \Cases{ Ζ \textZeta{} \ux{ }{ Z}}\\ x0397 \Cases{ Η \textEta{} \ux{ }{ H}}\\ x0398 \Cases{ Θ \textTheta{} \textvarTheta{} \ux{ }{ J}}\\ x0399 \Cases{ Ι \textIota{} \ux{ }{ I}}\\ x039A \Cases{ Κ \textKappa{} \ux{ }{ K}}\\ x039B \Cases{ Λ \textLambda{} \ux{ }{ L}}\\ x039C \Cases{ Μ \textMu{} \ux{ }{ M}}\\ x039D \Cases{ Ν \textNu{} \ux{ }{ N}}\\ x039E \Cases{ Ξ \textXi{} \ux{ }{ X}}\\ x039F \Cases{ Ο \textOmicron{} \ux{ }{ O}}\\ \\ x03A0 \Cases{ Π \textPi{} \ux{ }{ P}}\\ x03A1 \Cases{ Ρ \textRho{} \ux{ }{ R}}\\ x03A3 \Cases{ Σ \textSigma{} \ux{ }{ S}}% cf. section~\ref{sec:sigma} \\ x03A4 \Cases{ Τ \textTau{} \ux{ }{ T}}\\ x03A5 \Cases{ Υ \textUpsilon{} \ux{ }{ U}}\\ x03A6 \Cases{ Φ \textPhi{} \ux{ }{ F}}\\ x03A7 \Cases{ Χ \textChi{} \ux{ }{ Q}}\\ x03A8 \Cases{ Ψ \textPsi{} \ux{ }{ Y}}\\ x03A9 \Cases{ Ω \textOmega{} \ux{ }{ W}}\\ x03AA \Cases{ Ϊ \accdialytika\textIota{} \"\textIota{} \ux{\"Ι }{\"I "I}}\\ x03AB \Cases{ Ϋ \accdialytika\textUpsilon{} \"\textUpsilon{} \ux{\"Υ }{\"U "U}}\\ x03AC \Cases{ ά \acctonos\textalpha{} \'\textalpha{} \ux{\'α }{\'a 'a}}\\ x03AD \Cases{ έ \acctonos\textepsilon{} \'\textepsilon{} \ux{\'ε }{\'e 'e}}\\ x03AE \Cases{ ή \acctonos\texteta{} \'\texteta{} \ux{\'η }{\'h 'h}}\\ x03AF \Cases{ ί \acctonos\textiota{} \'\textiota{} \ux{\'ι }{\'i 'i}}\\ \\ x03B0 \Cases{ ΰ \accdialytikatonos\textupsilon{} \"'\textupsilon{} \ux{\"'υ \'"υ \'\"υ \"\'υ}{\'"u \"'u \'\"u \"\'u '"u "'u}}\\ x03B1 \Cases{ α \textalpha{} \ux{ }{a }}\\ x03B2 \Cases{ β \textbeta{} \ux{ }{b }}\\ x03B3 \Cases{ γ \textgamma{} \ux{ }{g }}\\ x03B4 \Cases{ δ \textdelta{} \ux{ }{d }}\\ x03B5 \Cases{ ε \textepsilon{} \textvarepsilon{} \ux{ }{e }}\\ x03B6 \Cases{ ζ \textzeta{} \ux{ }{z }}\\ x03B7 \Cases{ η \texteta{} \ux{ }{h }}\\ x03B8 \Cases{ θ \texttheta{} \ux{ }{j }}\\ x03B9 \Cases{ ι \textiota{} \ux{ }{i }}\\ x03BA \Cases{ κ \textkappa{} \ux{ }{k }}\\ x03BB \Cases{ λ \textlambda{} \ux{ }{l }}\\ x03BC \Cases{ μ \textmu{} \ux{ }{m }}\\ x03BD \Cases{ ν \textnu{} \ux{ }{n }}\\ x03BE \Cases{ ξ \textxi{} \ux{ }{x }}\\ x03BF \Cases{ ο \textomicron{} \ux{ }{o }}\\ \\ x03C0 \Cases{ π \textpi{} \ux{ }{p }}\\ x03C1 \Cases{ ρ \textrho{} \ux{ }{r }}\\ x03C2 \Cases{ ς \textfinalsigma{} \textvarsigma{} \ux{ }{s }}\\ x03C3 \Cases{ σ \textsigma{} \textsigma{} \ux{ }{s\textcompwordmark{} sv}} \ux{}{sic!\footnote{transliteration \texttt{sv} fails in uppercase}} \\ x03C4 \Cases{ τ \texttau{} \ux{ }{t }}\\ x03C5 \Cases{ υ \textupsilon{} \ux{ }{u }}\\ x03C6 \Cases{ φ \textphi{} \textvarphi{} \ux{ }{f }}\\ x03C7 \Cases{ χ \textchi{} \ux{ }{q }}\\ x03C8 \Cases{ ψ \textpsi{} \ux{ }{y }}\\ x03C9 \Cases{ ω \textomega{} \ux{ }{w }}\\ x03CA \Cases{ ϊ \accdialytika\textiota{} \"\textiota{} \ux{\"ι }{\"i "i}}\\ x03CB \Cases{ ϋ \accdialytika\textupsilon{} \"\textupsilon{} \ux{\"υ }{\"u "u}}\\ x03CC \Cases{ ό \acctonos\textomicron{} \'\textomicron{} \ux{\'ο }{\'o 'o}}\\ x03CD \Cases{ ύ \acctonos\textupsilon{} \'\textupsilon{} \ux{\'υ }{\'u 'u}}\\ x03CE \Cases{ ώ \acctonos\textomega{} \'\textomega{} \ux{\'ω }{\'w 'w}}\\ \\ x03D0 \Cases{ ϐ \textbetasymbol{} \textvarbeta{} }\\ x03D1 \Cases{ ϑ \textthetasymbol{} \textvartheta{} }\\ x03D5 \Cases{ ϕ \textphisymbol{} }\\ x03D6 \Cases{ ϖ \textpisymbol{} \textvarpi{} }\\ x03D8 \Cases{ Ϙ \textQoppa{} }\\ x03D9 \Cases{ ϙ \textqoppa{} }\\ x03DA \Cases{ Ϛ \textStigma{} }\\ x03DB \Cases{ ϛ \textstigma{} }\\ x03DC \Cases{ Ϝ \textDigamma{} }\\ x03DD \Cases{ ϝ \textdigamma{} }\\ x03DE \Cases{ Ϟ \textKoppa{} }\\ x03DF \Cases{ ϟ \textkoppa{} }\\ \\ x03E0 \Cases{ Ϡ \textSampi{} }\\ x03E1 \Cases{ ϡ \textsampi{} }\\ \\ x03F0 \Cases{ ϰ \textkappasymbol{} \textvarkappa{} }\\ x03F1 \Cases{ ϱ \textrhosymbol{} \textvarrho{} }\\ x03F4 \Cases{ ϴ \textThetasymbol{} }\\ x03F5 \Cases{ ϵ \textepsilonsymbol{} }\\ \end{longtable} % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Greek extended} \begin{longtable}{llll} x1F00 \Cases{ ἀ \accpsili\textalpha{} \>\textalpha{} \ux{ \>α }{ \>a >a}}\\ x1F01 \Cases{ ἁ \accdasia\textalpha{} \<\textalpha{} \ux{ \<α }{ \`\textalpha{} \ux{\>`α \`>α \>\`α \`\>α}{\>`a \`>a \>\`a \`\>a >`a `>a}}\\ x1F03 \Cases{ ἃ \accdasiavaria\textalpha{} \<`\textalpha{} \ux{\<`α \`<α \<\`α \`\<α}{\<`a \`'\textalpha{} \ux{\>'α \'>α \>\'α \'\>α}{\>'a \'>a \>\'a \'\>a >'a '>a}}\\ x1F05 \Cases{ ἅ \accdasiaoxia\textalpha{} \<'\textalpha{} \ux{\<'α \'<α \<\'α \'\<α}{\<'a \'\textalpha{} \ux{\>~α \~>α \>\~α \~\>α}{\>~a \~>a \>\~a \~\>a >~a ~>a}}\\ x1F07 \Cases{ ἇ \accdasiaperispomeni\textalpha{} \~<\textalpha{} \ux{\<~α \~<α \<\~α \~\<α}{\<~a \~\textAlpha{} \ux{ \>Α }{ \>A >A}}\\ x1F09 \Cases{ Ἁ \accdasia\textAlpha{} \<\textAlpha{} \ux{ \<Α }{ \`\textAlpha{} \ux{\>`Α \`>Α \>\`Α \`\>Α}{\>`A \`>A \>\`A \`\>A >`A `>A}}\\ x1F0B \Cases{ Ἃ \accdasiavaria\textAlpha{} \<`\textAlpha{} \ux{\<`Α \`<Α \<\`Α \`\<Α}{\<`A \`'\textAlpha{} \ux{\>'Α \'>Α \>\'Α \'\>Α}{\>'A \'>A \>\'A \'\>A >'A '>A}}\\ x1F0D \Cases{ Ἅ \accdasiaoxia\textAlpha{} \<'\textAlpha{} \ux{\<'Α \'<Α \<\'Α \'\<Α}{\<'A \'\textAlpha{} \ux{\>~Α \~>Α \>\~Α \~\>Α}{\>~A \~>A \>\~A \~\>A >~A ~>A}}\\ x1F0F \Cases{ Ἇ \accdasiaperispomeni\textAlpha{} \~<\textAlpha{} \ux{\<~Α \~<Α \<\~Α \~\<Α}{\<~A \~\textepsilon{} \ux{ \>ε }{ \>e >e}}\\ x1F11 \Cases{ ἑ \accdasia\textepsilon{} \<\textepsilon{} \ux{ \<ε }{ \`\textepsilon{} \ux{\>`ε \`>ε \>\`ε \`\>ε}{\>`e >`e}}\\ x1F13 \Cases{ ἓ \accdasiavaria\textepsilon{} \<`\textepsilon{} \ux{\<`ε \`<ε \<\`ε \`\<ε}{\<`e <`e}}\\ x1F14 \Cases{ ἔ \accpsilioxia\textepsilon{} \>'\textepsilon{} \ux{\>'ε \'>ε \>\'ε \'\>ε}{\>'e >'e}}\\ x1F15 \Cases{ ἕ \accdasiaoxia\textepsilon{} \<'\textepsilon{} \ux{\<'ε \'<ε \<\'ε \'\<ε}{\<'e <'e}}\\ x1F18 \Cases{ Ἐ \accpsili\textEpsilon{} \>\textEpsilon{} \ux{ \>Ε }{ \>E >E}}\\ x1F19 \Cases{ Ἑ \accdasia\textEpsilon{} \<\textEpsilon{} \ux{ \<Ε }{ \`\textEpsilon{} \ux{\>`Ε \`>Ε \>\`Ε \`\>Ε}{\>`E >`E}}\\ x1F1B \Cases{ Ἓ \accdasiavaria\textEpsilon{} \<`\textEpsilon{} \ux{\<`Ε \`<Ε \<\`Ε \`\<Ε}{\<`E <`E}}\\ x1F1C \Cases{ Ἔ \accpsilioxia\textEpsilon{} \>'\textEpsilon{} \ux{\>'Ε \'>Ε \>\'Ε \'\>Ε}{\>'E >'E}}\\ x1F1D \Cases{ Ἕ \accdasiaoxia\textEpsilon{} \<'\textEpsilon{} \ux{\<'Ε \'<Ε \<\'Ε \'\<Ε}{\<'E <'E}}\\ \\ x1F20 \Cases{ ἠ \accpsili\texteta{} \>\texteta{} \ux{ \>η }{ \>h >h}}\\ x1F21 \Cases{ ἡ \accdasia\texteta{} \<\texteta{} \ux{ \<η }{ \`\texteta{} \ux{\>`η \`>η \>\`η \`\>η}{\>`h >`h}}\\ x1F23 \Cases{ ἣ \accdasiavaria\texteta{} \<`\texteta{} \ux{\<`η \`<η \<\`η \`\<η}{\<`h <`h}}\\ x1F24 \Cases{ ἤ \accpsilioxia\texteta{} \>'\texteta{} \ux{\>'η \'>η \>\'η \'\>η}{\>'h >'h}}\\ x1F25 \Cases{ ἥ \accdasiaoxia\texteta{} \<'\texteta{} \ux{\<'η \'<η \<\'η \'\<η}{\<'h <'h}}\\ x1F26 \Cases{ ἦ \accpsiliperispomeni\texteta{} \~>\texteta{} \ux{\>~η \~>η \>\~η \~\>η}{\>~h >~h}}\\ x1F27 \Cases{ ἧ \accdasiaperispomeni\texteta{} \~<\texteta{} \ux{\<~η \~<η \<\~η \~\<η}{\<~h <~h}}\\ x1F28 \Cases{ Ἠ \accpsili\textEta{} \>\textEta{} \ux{ \>Η }{ \>H >H}}\\ x1F29 \Cases{ Ἡ \accdasia\textEta{} \<\textEta{} \ux{ \<Η }{ \`\textEta{} \ux{\>`Η \`>Η \>\`Η \`\>Η}{\>`H >`H}}\\ x1F2B \Cases{ Ἣ \accdasiavaria\textEta{} \<`\textEta{} \ux{\<`Η \`<Η \<\`Η \`\<Η}{\<`H <`H}}\\ x1F2C \Cases{ Ἤ \accpsilioxia\textEta{} \>'\textEta{} \ux{\'>Η \'>Η \'\>Η \'\>Η}{\>'H >'H}}\\ x1F2D \Cases{ Ἥ \accdasiaoxia\textEta{} \<'\textEta{} \ux{\<'Η \'<Η \<\'Η \'\<Η}{\<'H <'H}}\\ x1F2E \Cases{ Ἦ \accpsiliperispomeni\textEta{} \~>\textEta{} \ux{\>~Η \~>Η \>\~Η \~\>Η}{\>~H >~H}}\\ x1F2F \Cases{ Ἧ \accdasiaperispomeni\textEta{} \~<\textEta{} \ux{\<~Η \~<Η \<\~Η \~\<Η}{\<~H <~H}}\\ \\ x1F30 \Cases{ ἰ \accpsili\textiota{} \>\textiota{} \ux{ \>ι }{ \>i >i}}\\ x1F31 \Cases{ ἱ \accdasia\textiota{} \<\textiota{} \ux{ \<ι }{ \`\textiota{} \ux{\>`ι \`>ι }{\>`i >`i}}\\ x1F33 \Cases{ ἳ \accdasiavaria\textiota{} \<`\textiota{} \ux{\<`ι \`<ι }{\<`i <`i}}\\ x1F34 \Cases{ ἴ \accpsilioxia\textiota{} \>'\textiota{} \ux{\>'ι \'>ι }{\>'i >'i}}\\ x1F35 \Cases{ ἵ \accdasiaoxia\textiota{} \<'\textiota{} \ux{\<'ι \'<ι }{\<'i <'i}}\\ x1F36 \Cases{ ἶ \accpsiliperispomeni\textiota{} \~>\textiota{} \ux{\>~ι \~>ι }{\>~i >~i}}\\ x1F37 \Cases{ ἷ \accdasiaperispomeni\textiota{} \~<\textiota{} \ux{\<~ι \~<ι }{\<~i <~i}}\\ x1F38 \Cases{ Ἰ \accpsili\textIota{} \>\textIota{} \ux{ \>Ι }{ \>I >I}}\\ x1F39 \Cases{ Ἱ \accdasia\textIota{} \<\textIota{} \ux{ \<Ι }{ \`\textIota{} \ux{\>`Ι \`>Ι }{\>`I >`I}}\\ x1F3B \Cases{ Ἳ \accdasiavaria\textIota{} \<`\textIota{} \ux{\<`Ι \`<Ι }{\<`I <`I}}\\ x1F3C \Cases{ Ἴ \accpsilioxia\textIota{} \>'\textIota{} \ux{\>'Ι \'>Ι }{\>'I >'I}}\\ x1F3D \Cases{ Ἵ \accdasiaoxia\textIota{} \<'\textIota{} \ux{\<'Ι \'<Ι }{\<'I <'I}}\\ x1F3E \Cases{ Ἶ \accpsiliperispomeni\textIota{} \~>\textIota{} \ux{\>~Ι \~>Ι }{\>~I >~I}}\\ x1F3F \Cases{ Ἷ \accdasiaperispomeni\textIota{} \~<\textIota{} \ux{\<~Ι \~<Ι }{\<~I <~I}}\\ \\ x1F40 \Cases{ ὀ \accpsili\textomicron{} \>\textomicron{} \ux{ \>ο }{ \>o >o}}\\ x1F41 \Cases{ ὁ \accdasia\textomicron{} \<\textomicron{} \ux{ \<ο }{ \`\textomicron{} \ux{\>`ο \`>ο }{\>`o >`o}}\\ x1F43 \Cases{ ὃ \accdasiavaria\textomicron{} \<`\textomicron{} \ux{\<`ο \`<ο }{\<`o <`o}}\\ x1F44 \Cases{ ὄ \accpsilioxia\textomicron{} \>'\textomicron{} \ux{\>'ο \'>ο }{\>'o >'o}}\\ x1F45 \Cases{ ὅ \accdasiaoxia\textomicron{} \<'\textomicron{} \ux{\<'ο \'<ο }{\<'o <'o}}\\ x1F48 \Cases{ Ὀ \accpsili\textOmicron{} \>\textOmicron{} \ux{ \>Ο }{ \>O >O}}\\ x1F49 \Cases{ Ὁ \accdasia\textOmicron{} \<\textOmicron{} \ux{ \<Ο }{ \`\textOmicron{} \ux{\>`Ο \`>Ο }{\>`O >`O}}\\ x1F4B \Cases{ Ὃ \accdasiavaria\textOmicron{} \<`\textOmicron{} \ux{\<`Ο \`<Ο }{\<`O <`O}}\\ x1F4C \Cases{ Ὄ \accpsilioxia\textOmicron{} \>'\textOmicron{} \ux{\>'Ο \'>Ο }{\>'O >'O}}\\ x1F4D \Cases{ Ὅ \accdasiaoxia\textOmicron{} \<'\textOmicron{} \ux{\<'Ο \'<Ο }{\<'O <'O}}\\ \\ x1F50 \Cases{ ὐ \accpsili\textupsilon{} \>\textupsilon{} \ux{ \>υ }{ \>u >u}}\\ x1F51 \Cases{ ὑ \accdasia\textupsilon{} \<\textupsilon{} \ux{ \<υ }{ \`\textupsilon{} \ux{\>`υ \`>υ }{\>`u >`u}}\\ x1F53 \Cases{ ὓ \accdasiavaria\textupsilon{} \<`\textupsilon{} \ux{\<`υ \`<υ }{\<`u <`u}}\\ x1F54 \Cases{ ὔ \accpsilioxia\textupsilon{} \>'\textupsilon{} \ux{\>'υ \'>υ }{\>'u >'u}}\\ x1F55 \Cases{ ὕ \accdasiaoxia\textupsilon{} \<'\textupsilon{} \ux{\<'υ \'<υ }{\<'u <'u}}\\ x1F56 \Cases{ ὖ \accpsiliperispomeni\textupsilon{} \~>\textupsilon{} \ux{\>~υ \~>υ }{\>~u >~u}}\\ x1F57 \Cases{ ὗ \accdasiaperispomeni\textupsilon{} \~<\textupsilon{} \ux{\<~υ \~<υ }{\<~u <~u}}\\ x1F59 \Cases{ Ὑ \accdasia\textUpsilon{} \<\textUpsilon{} \ux{ \<Υ }{ \\textomega{} \ux{ \>ω }{ \>w >w}}\\ x1F61 \Cases{ ὡ \accdasia\textomega{} \<\textomega{} \ux{ \<ω }{ \`\textomega{} \ux{\>`ω \`>ω }{\>`w >`w}}\\ x1F63 \Cases{ ὣ \accdasiavaria\textomega{} \<`\textomega{} \ux{\<`ω \`<ω }{\<`w <`w}}\\ x1F64 \Cases{ ὤ \accpsilioxia\textomega{} \>'\textomega{} \ux{\>'ω \'>ω }{\>'w >'w}}\\ x1F65 \Cases{ ὥ \accdasiaoxia\textomega{} \<'\textomega{} \ux{\<'ω \'<ω }{\<'w <'w}}\\ x1F66 \Cases{ ὦ \accpsiliperispomeni\textomega{} \~>\textomega{} \ux{\>~ω \~>ω }{\>~w >~w}}\\ x1F67 \Cases{ ὧ \accdasiaperispomeni\textomega{} \~<\textomega{} \ux{\<~ω \~<ω }{\<~w <~w}}\\ x1F68 \Cases{ Ὠ \accpsili\textOmega{} \>\textOmega{} \ux{ \>Ω }{ \>W >W}}\\ x1F69 \Cases{ Ὡ \accdasia\textOmega{} \<\textOmega{} \ux{ \<Ω }{ \`\textOmega{} \ux{\>`Ω \`>Ω }{\>`W >`W}}\\ x1F6B \Cases{ Ὣ \accdasiavaria\textOmega{} \<`\textOmega{} \ux{\<`Ω \`<Ω }{\<`W <`W}}\\ x1F6C \Cases{ Ὤ \accpsilioxia\textOmega{} \>'\textOmega{} \ux{\>'Ω \'>Ω }{\>'W >'W}}\\ x1F6D \Cases{ Ὥ \accdasiaoxia\textOmega{} \<'\textOmega{} \ux{\<'Ω \'<Ω }{\<'W <'W}}\\ x1F6E \Cases{ Ὦ \accpsiliperispomeni\textOmega{} \~>\textOmega{} \ux{\>~Ω \~>Ω }{\>~W >~W}}\\ x1F6F \Cases{ Ὧ \accdasiaperispomeni\textOmega{} \~<\textOmega{} \ux{\<~Ω \~<Ω }{\<~W <~W}}\\ \\ x1F70 \Cases{ ὰ \accvaria\textalpha{} \`\textalpha{} \ux{\`α }{\`a `a}}\\ x1F71 \Cases{ ά \accoxia\textalpha{} \'\textalpha{} \ux{\'α }{\'a 'a}}\\ x1F72 \Cases{ ὲ \accvaria\textepsilon{} \`\textepsilon{} \ux{\`ε }{\`e `e}}\\ x1F73 \Cases{ έ \accoxia\textepsilon{} \'\textepsilon{} \ux{\'ε }{\'e 'e}}\\ x1F74 \Cases{ ὴ \accvaria\texteta{} \`\texteta{} \ux{\`η }{\`h `h}}\\ x1F75 \Cases{ ή \accoxia\texteta{} \'\texteta{} \ux{\'η }{\'h 'h}}\\ x1F76 \Cases{ ὶ \accvaria\textiota{} \`\textiota{} \ux{\`ι }{\`i `i}}\\ x1F77 \Cases{ ί \accoxia\textiota{} \'\textiota{} \ux{\'ι }{\'i 'i}}\\ x1F78 \Cases{ ὸ \accvaria\textomicron{} \`\textomicron{} \ux{\`ο }{\`o `o}}\\ x1F79 \Cases{ ό \accoxia\textomicron{} \'\textomicron{} \ux{\'ο }{\'o 'o}}\\ x1F7A \Cases{ ὺ \accvaria\textupsilon{} \`\textupsilon{} \ux{\`υ }{\`u `u}}\\ x1F7B \Cases{ ύ \accoxia\textupsilon{} \'\textupsilon{} \ux{\'υ }{\'u 'u}}\\ x1F7C \Cases{ ὼ \accvaria\textomega{} \`\textomega{} \ux{\`ω }{\`w `w}}\\ x1F7D \Cases{ ώ \accoxia\textomega{} \'\textomega{} \ux{\'ω }{\'w 'w}}\\ \\ x1F80 \Cases{ ᾀ \accpsili\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \>\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \>α\ypogegrammeni{} }{ \>a| >a|}}\\ x1F81 \Cases{ ᾁ \accdasia\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \<\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \<α\ypogegrammeni{} }{ \`\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>`α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>`a| >`a|}}\\ x1F83 \Cases{ ᾃ \accdasiavaria\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \<`\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<`α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<`a| <`a|}}\\ x1F84 \Cases{ ᾄ \accpsilioxia\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \>'\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>'α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>'a| >'a|}}\\ x1F85 \Cases{ ᾅ \accdasiaoxia\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \<'\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<'α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<'a| <'a|}}\\ x1F86 \Cases{ ᾆ \accpsiliperispomeni\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \~>\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~>α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>~a| >~a|}}\\ x1F87 \Cases{ ᾇ \accdasiaperispomeni\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \~<\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~<α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<~a| <~a|}}\\ x1F88 \Cases{ ᾈ \accpsili\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \>\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \>Α\ypogegrammeni{} }{ \>A| >A|}}\\ x1F89 \Cases{ ᾉ \accdasia\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \<\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \<Α\ypogegrammeni{} }{ \`\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>`Α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>`A| >`A|}}\\ x1F8B \Cases{ ᾋ \accdasiavaria\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \<`\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<`Α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<`A| <`A|}}\\ x1F8C \Cases{ ᾌ \accpsilioxia\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \>'\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>'Α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>'A| >'A|}}\\ x1F8D \Cases{ ᾍ \accdasiaoxia\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \<'\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<'Α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<'A| <'A|}}\\ x1F8E \Cases{ ᾎ \accpsiliperispomeni\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \~>\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~>Α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>~A| >~A|}}\\ x1F8F \Cases{ ᾏ \accdasiaperispomeni\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \~<\textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~<Α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<~A| <~A|}}\\ \\ x1F90 \Cases{ ᾐ \accpsili\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \>\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \>η\ypogegrammeni{} }{ \>h| >h|}}\\ x1F91 \Cases{ ᾑ \accdasia\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \<\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \<η\ypogegrammeni{} }{ \`\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>`η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>`h| >`h|}}\\ x1F93 \Cases{ ᾓ \accdasiavaria\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \<`\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<`η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<`h| <`h|}}\\ x1F94 \Cases{ ᾔ \accpsilioxia\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \>'\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>'η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>'h| >'h|}}\\ x1F95 \Cases{ ᾕ \accdasiaoxia\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \<'\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<'η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<'h| <'h|}}\\ x1F96 \Cases{ ᾖ \accpsiliperispomeni\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \~>\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~>η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>~h| >~h|}}\\ x1F97 \Cases{ ᾗ \accdasiaperispomeni\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \~<\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~<η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<~h| <~h|}}\\ x1F98 \Cases{ ᾘ \accpsili\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \>\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \>Η\ypogegrammeni{} }{ \>H| >H|}}\\ x1F99 \Cases{ ᾙ \accdasia\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \<\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \<Η\ypogegrammeni{} }{ \`\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>`Η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>`H| >`H|}}\\ x1F9B \Cases{ ᾛ \accdasiavaria\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \<`\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<`Η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<`H| <`H|}}\\ x1F9C \Cases{ ᾜ \accpsilioxia\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \>'\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>'Η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>'H| >'H|}}\\ x1F9D \Cases{ ᾝ \accdasiaoxia\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \<'\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<'Η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<'H| <'H|}}\\ x1F9E \Cases{ ᾞ \accpsiliperispomeni\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \~>\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~>Η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>~H| >~H|}}\\ x1F9F \Cases{ ᾟ \accdasiaperispomeni\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \~<\textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~<Η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<~H| <~H|}}\\ \\ x1FA0 \Cases{ ᾠ \accpsili\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \>\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \>ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>w| >w|}}\\ x1FA1 \Cases{ ᾡ \accdasia\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \<\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \<ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\`\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>`ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>`w| >`w|}}\\ x1FA3 \Cases{ ᾣ \accdasiavaria\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \<`\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<`ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<`w| <`w|}}\\ x1FA4 \Cases{ ᾤ \accpsilioxia\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \>'\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>'ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>'w| >'w|}}\\ x1FA5 \Cases{ ᾦ \accdasiaoxia\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \<'\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<'ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<'w| <'w|}}\\ x1FA6 \Cases{ ᾧ \accpsiliperispomeni\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \~>\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~>ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>~w| >~w|}}\\ x1FA7 \Cases{ ᾥ \accdasiaperispomeni\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \~<\textomega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~<ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<~w| <~w|}}\\ x1FA8 \Cases{ ᾨ \accpsili\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \>\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \>Ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>W| >W|}}\\ x1FA9 \Cases{ ᾩ \accdasia\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \<\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \<Ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\`\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>`Ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>`W| >`W|}}\\ x1FAB \Cases{ ᾫ \accdasiavaria\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \<`\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<`Ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<`W| <`W|}}\\ x1FAC \Cases{ ᾬ \accpsilioxia\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \>'\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\>'Ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>'W| >'W|}}\\ x1FAD \Cases{ ᾭ \accdasiaoxia\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \<'\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\<'Ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<'W| <'W|}}\\ x1FAE \Cases{ ᾮ \accpsiliperispomeni\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \~>\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~>Ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\>~W| >~W|}}\\ x1FAF \Cases{ ᾯ \accdasiaperispomeni\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \~<\textOmega\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~<Ω\ypogegrammeni{} }{\<~W| <~W|}}\\ \\ x1FB0 \Cases{ ᾰ \u\textalpha{} \u\textalpha{} \ux{\u α }{\u a }}\\ x1FB1 \Cases{ ᾱ \=\textalpha{} \=\textalpha{} \ux{ \=α }{\=a }}\\ x1FB2 \Cases{ ᾲ \accvaria\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \`\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \`α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\`a| `a|}}\\ x1FB3 \Cases{ ᾳ \textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ α\ypogegrammeni{} }{ a| a|}}\\ x1FB4 \Cases{ ᾴ \accoxia\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \'\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \'α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\'a| 'a|}}\\ x1FB6 \Cases{ ᾶ \accperispomeni\textalpha{} \~\textalpha{} \ux{ \~α }{\~a ~a }}\\ x1FB7 \Cases{ ᾷ \accperispomeni\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \~\textalpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ \~α\ypogegrammeni{} }{\~a| ~a|}}\\ x1FB8 \Cases{ Ᾰ \u\textAlpha{} \u\textAlpha{} \ux{\u Α }{\u A }}\\ x1FB9 \Cases{ Ᾱ \=\textAlpha{} \=\textAlpha{} \ux{ \=Α }{\=A }}\\ x1FBA \Cases{ Ὰ \accvaria\textAlpha{} \`\textAlpha{} \ux{ \`Α }{\`A `A }}\\ x1FBB \Cases{ Ά \accoxia\textAlpha{} \'\textAlpha{} \ux{ \'Α }{\'A 'A }}\\ x1FBC \Cases{ ᾼ \textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \textAlpha\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ Α\ypogegrammeni{} }{ A| A|}}\\ x1FBD \Cases{ ᾽ \accpsili{} \>{} \ux{ }{ > }}\\ x1FBE \Cases{ ι \prosgegrammeni{} \prosgegrammeni{} \ux{ \prosgegrammeni{} }{ | | }}\\ x1FBF \Cases{ ᾿ \accpsili{} \>{} \ux{ }{ > }}\\ \\ x1FC0 \Cases{ ῀ \accperispomeni{} \~{} \ux{ }{ ~ }}\\ x1FC1 \Cases{ ῁ \accdialytikaperispomeni{} \"~{} \~"{} \"\~{} \~\"{} \ux{ }{ ~" "~ }}\\ x1FC2 \Cases{ ῂ \accvaria\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \`\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\`η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\`h| `h|}}\\ x1FC3 \Cases{ ῃ \texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ η\ypogegrammeni{} }{h| h|}}\\ x1FC4 \Cases{ ῄ \accoxia\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \'\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\'η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\'h| 'h|}}\\ x1FC6 \Cases{ ῆ \accperispomeni\texteta{} \~\texteta{} \ux{\~η }{\~h ~h }}\\ x1FC7 \Cases{ ῇ \accperispomeni\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \~\texteta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{\~η\ypogegrammeni{} }{\~h| ~h|}}\\ x1FC8 \Cases{ Ὲ \accvaria\textEpsilon{} \`\textEpsilon{} \ux{\`Ε }{\`E `E }}\\ x1FC9 \Cases{ Έ \accoxia\textEpsilon{} \'\textEpsilon{} \ux{\'Ε }{\'E 'E }}\\ x1FCA \Cases{ Ὴ \accvaria\textEta{} \`\textEta{} \ux{\`Η }{\`H `H }}\\ x1FCB \Cases{ Ή \accoxia\textEta{} \'\textEta{} \ux{\'Η }{\'H 'H }}\\ x1FCC \Cases{ ῌ \textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \textEta\ypogegrammeni{} \ux{ Η\ypogegrammeni{} }{H| H|}}\\ x1FCD \Cases{ ῍ \accpsilivaria{} \>`{} \`>{} \>\`{} \`\>{} \ux{ }{ >` }}\\ x1FCE \Cases{ ῎ \accpsilioxia{} \>'{} \'>{} \>\'{} \'\>{} \ux{ }{ >' }}\\ x1FCF \Cases{ ῏ \accpsiliperispomeni{} \>~{} \~>{} \>\~{} \~\>{} \ux{ }{ ~> }}\\ \\ x1FD0 \Cases{ ῐ \u\textiota{} \u\textiota{} \ux{\u ι }{\u i }}\\ x1FD1 \Cases{ ῑ \=\textiota{} \=\textiota{} \ux{\=ι }{ \=i }}\\ x1FD2 \Cases{ ῒ \accdialytikavaria\textiota{} \`"\textiota{} \`\"\textiota{} \"`\textiota{} \"\`\textiota{} \ux{\`"ι \"`ι \`\"ι \"\`ι}{\`"i \"`i \`\"i \"\`i `"i "`i}}\\ x1FD3 \Cases{ ΐ \accdialytikatonos\textiota{} \'"\textiota{} \'\"\textiota{} \"'\textiota{} \"\'\textiota{} \ux{\'"ι \"'ι \'\"ι \"\'ι}{\'"i \"'i \'\"i \"\'i '"i "'i}}\\ x1FD6 \Cases{ ῖ \accperispomeni\textiota{} \~\textiota{} \ux{ \~ι }{ \~i ~i }}\\ x1FD7 \Cases{ ῗ \accdialytikaperispomeni\textiota{} \~"\textiota{} \~\"\textiota{} \"~\textiota{} \"\~\textiota{} \ux{\~"ι \"~ι \~\"ι \"\~ι}{\~"i \"~i \~\"i \"\~i "~i ~"i}}\\ x1FD8 \Cases{ Ῐ \u\textIota{} \u\textIota{} \ux{\u Ι }{\u I }}\\ x1FD9 \Cases{ Ῑ \=\textIota{} \=\textIota{} \ux{ \=Ι }{ \=I }}\\ x1FDA \Cases{ Ὶ \accvaria\textIota{} \`\textIota{} \ux{ \`Ι }{ \`I `I}}\\ x1FDB \Cases{ Ί \accoxia\textIota{} \'\textIota{} \ux{ \'Ι }{ \'I 'I}}\\ x1FDD \Cases{ ῝ \accdasiavaria{} \<`{} \`<{} \<\`{} \`\<{} \ux{ }{ <`}}\\ x1FDE \Cases{ ῞ \accdasiaoxia{} \<'{} \'<{} \<\'{} \'\<{} \ux{ }{ <'}}\\ x1FDF \Cases{ ῟ \accdasiaperispomeni{} \<~{} \~<{} \<\~{} \~\<{} \ux{ }{ ~<}}\\ \\ x1FE0 \Cases{ ῠ \u\textupsilon{} \u\textupsilon{} \ux{\u υ }{\u u }}\\ x1FE1 \Cases{ ῡ \=\textupsilon{} \=\textupsilon{} \ux{\=υ }{ \=u }}\\ x1FE2 \Cases{ ῢ \accdialytikavaria\textupsilon{} \`"\textupsilon{} \`\"\textupsilon{} \"`\textupsilon{} \"\`\textupsilon{} \ux{\`"υ \"`υ \`\"υ \"\`υ}{\`"u \"`u \`\"u \"\`u `"u "`u}}\\ x1FE3 \Cases{ ΰ \accdialytikatonos\textupsilon{} \'"\textupsilon{} \'\"\textupsilon{} \"'\textupsilon{} \"\'\textupsilon{} \ux{\'"υ \"'υ \'\"υ \"\'υ}{\'"u \"'u \'\"u \"\'u '"u "'u}}\\ x1FE4 \Cases{ ῤ \accpsili\textrho{} \>\textrho{} \ux{ \>ρ }{\>r >r }}\\ x1FE5 \Cases{ ῥ \accdasia\textrho{} \<\textrho{} \ux{ \<ρ }{\} macros in TeX's mathematical mode. In text, the alternative glyphs are considered typographical variants without special meaning. The 8-bit LGR font encoding does not allocate code points for them. \emph{Babel-greek} and the \emph{% \href{http://mirrors.ctan.org/language/greek/greek-fontenc/textalpha-doc.pdf} {textalpha}} package provide the \texttt{normalize-symbols} option (ignored with Xe/LuaTeX) that is also used in this test document. \smallskip\noindent Test the handling of symbol variants in text literal letter, LICR, \cs{var}, \cs{symbol}, literal symbol: \newcommand{\symbolvariants}{ β\textbeta \textvarbeta \textbetasymbol ϐ ε\textepsilon \textvarepsilon \textepsilonsymbol ϵ θ\texttheta \textvartheta \textthetasymbol ϑ Θ\textTheta \textvarTheta \textThetasymbol ϴ κ\textkappa \textvarkappa \textkappasymbol ϰ π\textpi \textvarpi \textpisymbol ϖ ρ\textrho \textvarrho \textrhosymbol ϱ φ\textphi \textvarphi \textphisymbol ϕ } \noindent No case change \begin{quote} \Greek{\symbolvariants} \end{quote} % MakeUppercase selects the matching capital letter: \begin{center} \Greek{\MakeUppercase{\symbolvariants}} \end{center} \noindent MakeLowercase selects the lowercase letter (not the symbol): \begin{quote} \Greek{ \MakeLowercase{\textBeta Β \textEpsilon Ε \textTheta Θ \textThetasymbol \textvarTheta ϴ \textKappa Κ \textPi Π \textRho Ρ \textPhi Φ}}. \end{quote} LGR provides two lowercase variants of the archaic letter \emph{stigma}. Both map to GREEK LETTER STIGMA \ensuregreek{Ϛ}. The lowercase of \ensuregreek{Ϛ} is \ensuregreek{\MakeLowercase{Ϛ}} (\verb|\textstigma|), not \verb|\textvarstigma|% \ifdefined \UnicodeEncodingName \else (\ensuregreek\textvarstigma)% \fi . \subsection{Hiatus} Tonos and psili mark a \emph{hiatus} (break-up) if placed on the first of two vowels that would otherwise form a diphthong. A dialytika must be placed on the second vowel if they are dropped: \begin{quote} \TestUppercase{άι άυ έι ἄι ἄυ ἔι ἀυ} (literal) \TestUppercase{\acctonos\textalpha\textiota{} \acctonos\textalpha\textupsilon{} \acctonos\textepsilon\textiota{} \accpsilioxia\textalpha\textiota{} \accpsilioxia\textalpha\textupsilon{} \accpsilioxia\textepsilon\textiota{} \accpsili\textalpha\textupsilon{} } (named+LICR) \TestUppercase{\'\textalpha\textiota{} \'\textalpha\textupsilon{} \'\textepsilon\textiota{} \>'\textalpha\textiota{} \>'\textalpha\textupsilon{} \>'\textepsilon\textiota{} \>\textalpha\textupsilon{} } (short+LICR) \TestUppercase{\ux{\'αι \'αυ \'ει \>'αι \>'αυ \>'ει \>αυ} {\'ai \'au \'ei \>'ai \>'au \>'ei \>au} } (short+\ux{literal}{transliteration}) \TestUppercase{\ux{\'\>αι \'\>αυ \'\>ει} {\'\>ai \'\>au \'\>ei} } (short+\ux{literal}{transliteration}, reversed) \end{quote} The ``hiatus feature'' does not work with the LGR ``input ligatures''. Support for monotonic literal characters came with the 2022 \cs{MakeUppercase} implementation changes. Since 2023 it also works with polytonic literals (\TestUppercase{ἀυπνία}). % Very occasionally, one will see "internal breathings" in transliterations of % foreign names, e.g., \TestUppercase{Ἀβραἅμ} for Abraham. % The remainder is only relevant with 8-bit TeX: \ux{\end{document}}{} Test the auto-hiatus feature for side-effects: \Greek{\MakeUppercase{\'α β}} (must keep space after Α). Kerning (compare with source): \newcommand*\md{\textcompwordmark} \newcommand*\MU{\MakeUppercase} \begin{quote} \selectlanguage{greek} \raggedright \md \MU{ AO AY AI AU RA OA UA DU} [ \\ \<\md \MU{ \\md \MU{ \>AO \>AY \>AI \>AU \>RA \>OA U\>A D\>U} [ \\ \>'\md\MU{ \>'AO \>'AY \>'AI \>'AU \>'RA \>'OA U\>'A D\>'U} [ \\ \'\md \MU{ \'AO \'AY \'AI \'AU \'RA \'OA U\'A D\'U} [ \\ \>`\md\MU{ \>`AO \>`AY \>`AI \>`AU \>`RA \>`OA U\>`A D\>`U} [ \\ \<'\md\MU{ \<'AO \<'AY \<'AI \<'AU \<'RA \<'OA U\<'A D\<'U} [ \\ \`\md \MU{ \`AO \`AY \`AI \`AU \`RA \`OA U\`A D\`U} [ \\ \<`\md\MU{ \<`AO \<`AY \<`AI \<`AU \<`RA \<`OA U\<`A D\<`U} [ \\ \~\md \MU{ \~AO \~AY \~AI \~AU \~RA \~OA U\~A D\~U} [ \\ \~>\md\MU{ \~>AO \~>AY \~>AI \~>AU \~>RA \~>OA U\~>A D\~>U} [ \\ \~<\md\MU{ \~ are suppressed in uppercase. This affects other uses of these characters: \begin{quote} \TestUppercase{\lgrfont{(( ` ' ~ < > ))}}\qquad \TestUppercase{\lgrfont{``x''}} \end{quote} Workaround: use literal typographical quote characters or ``french'' quotes: \begin{quote} \TestUppercase{\lgrfont{‘x’}} \qquad \TestUppercase{\lgrfont{((x))}} \end{quote} To keep side-effects to a minimum, breathings, combined accents and varia are dropped only with the language variants \emph{polutoniko} or \emph{ancient} as they are not required with monotonic Greek (the current language variant is \GreekLanguageVariant). \item The uppercase of spacing composite diacritics including a dialytika \verb|"~ "` "'| appears as apostrophe, as a single \verb|"| stands for an apostrophe in the LGR transliteration if followed by a space or empty character. \end{itemize} \end{document}