#!/bin/bash # # Installation script - LaTeX for Malayalam # # Alex A.J. # # # # # echo -e "\nInstallation script for LaTeX for Malayalam" echo -e "Alex A.J. \n" echo -e "Starting installation...\n" echo -e "Please choose the directories for installation" echo -e "(The defaults should be ok for RedHat/Debian Linux systems)" echo -e "Caution: DO NOT type / at the end of directory name\n" echo -e "TEXMF root directory (Press if the default is ok)" echo -e "(/usr/share/texmf): \c" read texdir if [ "$texdir" = "" ] then texdir="/usr/share/texmf" fi echo -e "\nDirectory for installing Malayalam TeX files and documentation" echo -e "(/usr/share/malayalam): \c" read maldir if [ "$maldir" = "" ] then maldir="/usr/share/malayalam" fi echo -e "\nDirectory for executables" echo -e "(/usr/local/bin): \c" read bindir if [ "$bindir" = "" ] then bindir="/usr/local/bin" fi echo -e "\nInstalling packages...\n" # The directories mkdir -p $texdir/doc/indic/malayalam mkdir -p $texdir/tex/latex/malayalam mkdir -p $texdir/fonts/map/dvips/malayalam mkdir -p $texdir/fonts/map/pdftex/malayalam mkdir -p $texdir/fonts/type1/malayalam/rachana mkdir -p $texdir/fonts/type1/malayalam/keli mkdir -p $texdir/fonts/tfm/malayalam/rachana mkdir -p $texdir/fonts/tfm/malayalam/keli mkdir -p $texdir/fonts/tfm/malayalam/ism mkdir -p $maldir/cfg mkdir -p $maldir/examples/pdf # The files cp -f ./README $maldir cp -f ./bin/* $bindir cp -f ./cfg/* $maldir/cfg cp -f ./doc/* $texdir/doc/indic/malayalam cp -f ./examples/* $maldir/examples cp -f ./examples/pdf/* $maldir/examples/pdf cp -f ./fonts/malayalam.map $texdir/fonts/map/dvips/malayalam cp -f ./fonts/malayalam_pdftex.map $texdir/fonts/map/pdftex/malayalam cp -f ./fonts/keli/*.pfb $texdir/fonts/type1/malayalam/keli cp -f ./fonts/keli/*.afm $texdir/fonts/type1/malayalam/keli cp -f ./fonts/keli/*.tfm $texdir/fonts/tfm/malayalam/keli cp -f ./fonts/rachana/*.pfb $texdir/fonts/type1/malayalam/rachana cp -f ./fonts/rachana/*.afm $texdir/fonts/type1/malayalam/rachana cp -f ./fonts/rachana/*.tfm $texdir/fonts/tfm/malayalam/rachana cp -f ./fonts/ism/*.tfm $texdir/fonts/tfm/malayalam/ism cp -f ./latex/* $texdir/tex/latex/malayalam # Post installation commands texhash updmap-sys --enable Map malayalam.map echo -e "\n\nInstallation of 'LaTeX for Malayalam' completed successfully.\n" echo -e "Documentation can be found in $texdir/doc/indic/malayalam" echo -e "Examples are provided in $maldir/examples/\n\n" echo -e "Note: The Malayalam package needs 'ifpdf.sty'. This should normally be\n available with your TeX distribution. If not, get it from CTAN.\n" # Alert user to make changes in "mal" if a different directory is chosen # for installation if [ ! "$maldir" = "/usr/share/malayalam" ] then echo -e "ALERT: You have chosen \"$maldir\" as the installation directory. Change the line \`mmdir=\"/usr/share/malayalam/cfg\"' to \`mmdir=\"$maldir/cfg\"' in \"$bindir/mal\"" fi # #End of file