% ortest.tex \input orcode.tex \overfullrule=0pt \font\orsk=orsk10 at 47.62mm \font\or=or10 at 47.62mm \font\orss=orss10 at 47.62mm Skeleton shapes of the basic Oriya letters: {\baselineskip=40mm\orsk aiIu UeEo OMH kKgGf cCjJF qQwWN tTdDn pPbBm yYrlv zSshL \orkSa\orjnya } \vfill\eject The same skeletons drawn with a round pen: {\baselineskip=40mm\orss aiIu UeEo OMH kKgGf cCjJF qQwWN tTdDn pPbBm yYrlv zSshL \orkSa\orjnya } \vfill\eject The same skeletons drawn with an elliptical pen, and some calligraphic effects applied: {\baselineskip=40mm\or aiIu UeEo OMH kKgGf cCjJF qQwWN tTdDn pPbBm yYrlv zSshL \orkSa\orjnya } \bye