\magnification=1200 \input /mit/hkbui/huyen/new-viet-macro.tex \it \def\leaderfill{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill} %%% \def\boxit#1{\vbox{\hrule\hbox{\vrule\kern3pt %%% \vbox{\kern3pt#1\kern3pt}\kern3pt\vrule|\hrule}} {\hrule height2pt \hbox{\vrule\kern3pt \vbox{\kern3pt \baselineskip1.3em \hskip10ex . \vskip6.5ex \line{1. Qu\oms c Ca \leaderfill 1} \line{2. Vi\emn t Nam! Vi\emn t Nam \leaderfill 1} \line{3. Vi\emn t Nam Qu\em\ H\ue\oe ng Ng\an o Ngh\emna\ \leaderfill 2} \line{4. Ta Ph\aho i Th\ams y M\aan t Tr\oeh i \leaderfill 3} \line{5. N\oms i V\oh ng Tay L\oes n \leaderfill 3} \line{6. \Db\ue\oeh ng Vi\emn t Nam \leaderfill 4} \line{7. Hu\ems -- S\ah i-G\oh n -- H\ah -N\omn i \leaderfill 5} \line{8. Xin Ch\on n N\oe i N\ah y L\ah m Qu\em\ H\ue\oe ng \leaderfill 6} \line{9. Ti\ems ng H\as t To \leaderfill 7} \line{10. T\omho\ Qu\oms c \Oe i Ta \Db\ana\ Nghe \leaderfill 8} \line{11. T\omho\ Qu\oms c V\ue\oe n L\em n \leaderfill 9} \line{12. \Db\ue\oeh ng Ch\us ng Ta \Db i \leaderfill 10} \line{13. V\emh\ V\oes i M\en\ Cha \leaderfill 11} \line{14. \Db\ueh ng Mong Ai \Db\ueh ng Nghi Ng\an i \leaderfill 12} \line{15. Nh\ue ng H\om m Nay \leaderfill 13} \line{16. D\amn y M\ah\ \Db i\leaderfill 14} \line{17. \Db\emho\ L\an i Cho Em \leaderfill 14} \line{18. Tu\omho i H\omh ng \leaderfill 15} \line{19. Ngh\ih n Tr\uh ng Xa C\as ch \leaderfill 16} \line{20. Ten Thousand Miles You've Gone Away \leaderfill 17} \line{21. Tu\omho i M\omn ng M\oe \leaderfill 18} \line{22. The Ages of Dreams \leaderfill 19} \line{23. Tu\omho i Ng\on c \leaderfill 20} \line{24. Innocent Years \leaderfill 21} \line{25. Tr\aho\ L\an i Em Y\em u \leaderfill 22} \line{26. K\yho\ V\amn t Cho Em \leaderfill 23} \line{27. L\ys\ \Db\oh\ \Db\ue a \leaderfill 24} \line{28. L\ys\ C\am y \Db a \leaderfill 25} \line{29. Qua C\amh u Gi\os\ Bay \leaderfill 26} \line{30. L\ys\ Qu\an\ K\em u \leaderfill 27} \line{30. Tr\oms ng C\oe m \leaderfill 27} \line{31. Song of the Crow \leaderfill 28} \line{32. Drum of Love \leaderfill 29} \line{33. L\ys\ Ng\uen a \Om \leaderfill 30} \line{34. The Black Horse \leaderfill 31} \line{35. H\as t H\omn i Tr\aa ng R\aah m \leaderfill 32} \line{36. Full Moon Fair Song \leaderfill 33} \line{37. The Poem of a Buddhist Monk \leaderfill 34} \line{38. The Wounded Soldier \leaderfill 35} \vskip4ex \kern3pt} \vrule width2pt } \hrule} \bye