\documentstyle[twoside,12pt]{article} \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{9in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{.01pt} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{.01pt} \setlength{\topmargin}{-40pt} \setlength{\parskip}{4pt} \pagestyle{empty} \input /mit/hkbui/huyen/header.tex \begin{document} \Large\bf THE ROSEY YEARS\\ \normalsize\it \bigskip \noindent There is no sun up in the sky Yet I am warm and don't know why There is no fire where I go And yet I feel myself aglow... It's not the lightning in the wine That makes my eyes so brightly shine The rain falls lightly through the trees But it can't douse this flame in me O o shine...O o shine\\ \noindent A lotus reaching for the sun The road of life has just begun A fragrant flower yet to blossom A precious bud to blossom soon... The clouds have vanished from the sky Like birds in paradise I fly Like silver gulls along the shore Above a vibrant earth I soar O o fly...O o fly...\\ \noindent No one is singing in the street And yet I feel tha joyful beat The pounding rhythms of my heart And wondrous voyages they chart A thousand songs ring in my ears Embracing all my hopes and fears There is no future in a dream I'm standing somewhere in between... O o dream...O o dream...\\ \medskip \hspace*{2.5in} copyright by PHOENIXONGS-ASCAP\\ \hspace*{2.5in} used by permission \end{document}