% Copyright 2000-2005 Werner Lemberg . % This file is part of vntex. License: LPPL, version 1.3 or newer, % according to http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % % This is the file dblaccnt.tex to be used with plain TeX; it is a wrapper % file for dblaccnt.sty. % % Since it uses LaTeX's font encoding mechanism, it needs the `plnfss' and % `plainenc' packages: % % \input plnfss % \input plainenc % \input dblaccnt % % \fontencoding{...} % % ... % % % History % % 1.0 2000/01/27 % % Initial release. % % 1.1 2005/04/21 % % Add copyright message and history. % Minor documentation clean-up. %\ProvidesFile{dblaccnt.tex}[2005/04/21 v1.1 double accent support for plain TeX] \makeatletter \input dblaccnt.sty % We repeat the definitions in plain.def of the Babel package to use the % new macros from dblaccnt.sty \DeclareTextAccent{\'}{OT1}{19} \DeclareTextAccent{\`}{OT1}{18} \let\@acci\' \let\@accii\` \let\@acciii\= \makeatother \endinput % end of dblaccnt.tex