# Installation from the TDS archive If CollArgs is not (yet) offered by your TeX distribution, the easiest way to install it is by downloading the TDS archive `collargs.tds.zip` from [CollArgs's CTAN page](https://ctan.org/pkg/collargs), and unpacking it into your `texmf` directory. Read on only if you have an unstoppable urge to install from source and/or compile the manual or the documented source code. # Installation from the source ## Getting the sources There are several options: * Download and unpack the zip archive of the package from [CollArgs's CTAN page](https://ctan.org/pkg/collargs). * Download and unpack the TDS archive, or copy the files from your local distribution. The sources reside in `/source/generic/collargs`. * Clone the [GitHub repository of Memoize](https://github.com/sasozivanovic/memoize). ## Generating the runtime files The easiest way to generate the runtime files is by running `make`. The following command will generate runtime files for all supported formats (currently: LaTeX, plain TeX and ConTeXt). ``` make collargs.sty ``` Alternatively, you can generate these files manually. The source of this package was written using [EasyDTX](https://ctan.org/pkg/easydtx). Therefore, you first have to convert the `.edtx` file into a regular `.dtx`: ``` edtx2dtx collargs.edtx > collargs.dtx ``` The next step is standard. Produce the runtime files by compiling the installation file: ``` tex collargs.ins ``` Finally, if you require the ConTeXt runtime, replace all instances of `\expanded` and `\unexpanded` in `t-collargs.tex` by `\normalexpanded` and `\normalunexpanded`, respectively. One way to do this is: ``` sed -i -s -e 's/\\\(un\)\?expanded/\\normal\1expanded/g;' t-collargs.tex ``` ## Installation It is recommended to install the files into a TDS-compliant `texmf` directory, as usual. Inspect file `FILES` or the TDS archive `collargs.tds.zip` to see what goes where. # Compiling the documentation The documentation of this package is integrated into the documentation of [Memoize](https://ctan.org/pkg/memoize), please continue there.