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The first non-option argument, if present, is the menu entry to start from; it is searched for in all 'dir' files along INFOPATH. If it is not present, info merges all 'dir' files and shows the result. Any remaining arguments are treated as the names of menu items relative to the initial node visited. --[no-]number-sections output chapter and sectioning numbers; default is on. --disable-encoding do not output accented and special characters in Info and plain text output based on document encoding. --docbook output Docbook XML. --dvi, --dvipdf, --ps, --pdf call texi2dvi to generate given output, after checking validity of TEXINFO-FILE. --enable-encoding override --disable-encoding (default). --epub3 output EPUB 3. --fill-column=NUM break Info lines at NUM columns (default %d). --footnote-style=STYLE output footnotes in Info according to STYLE: `separate' to put them in their own node; `end' to put them at the end of the node, in which they are defined (this is the default). --html output HTML. --latex output LaTeX. --no-headers suppress node separators, Node: lines, and menus from Info output (thus producing plain text) or from HTML (thus producing shorter output). Also, if producing Info, write to standard output by default. --no-split suppress any splitting of the output; generate only one output file. --paragraph-indent=VAL indent Info paragraphs by VAL spaces (default %d). If VAL is `none', do not indent; if VAL is `asis', preserve existing indentation. --plaintext output plain text rather than Info. --split-size=NUM split Info files at size NUM (default %d). --subnodes recursively output menu items -v, --variable VAR=VALUE assign VALUE to Info variable VAR --version display version information and exit -w, --where, --location print physical location of Info file --xml output Texinfo XML. --base-level=NUM|NAME level of the head1 commands; default 0 --debug=NUM set debugging level --headings-as-sections no structuring command for sections --help display this help and exit --menus generate node menus --no-fill-section-gaps do not fill sectioning gaps --no-section-nodes use anchors for sections instead of nodes --output=NAME output to NAME for the first or main manual instead of standard output --preamble=STR insert STR as beginning boilerplate. Defaults to a minimal Texinfo document beginning --setfilename @setfilename for the main manual --subdir=NAME put files included in the main manual in NAME --top top for the main manual --unnumbered-sections do not number sections --version display version information and exit Source files groveled to make this file include: %s --ifdocbook process @ifdocbook and @docbook even if not generating Docbook. --ifhtml process @ifhtml and @html even if not generating HTML. --ifinfo process @ifinfo even if not generating Info. --iflatex process @iflatex and @latex. --ifplaintext process @ifplaintext even if not generating plain text. --iftex process @iftex and @tex. --ifxml process @ifxml and @xml. --no-ifdocbook do not process @ifdocbook and @docbook text. --no-ifhtml do not process @ifhtml and @html text. --no-ifinfo do not process @ifinfo text. --no-iflatex do not process @iflatex and @latex text. --no-ifplaintext do not process @ifplaintext text. --no-iftex do not process @iftex and @tex text. --no-ifxml do not process @ifxml and @xml text. -E, --macro-expand=FILE output macro-expanded source to FILE, ignoring any @setfilename. -b, --speech-friendly be friendly to speech synthesizers -h, --help display this help and exit --index-search=STRING go to node pointed by index entry STRING -n, --node=NODENAME specify nodes in first visited Info file -o, --output=FILE output selected nodes to FILE -o, --output=DEST output to DEST. With split output, create DEST as a directory and put the output files there. With non-split output, if DEST is already a directory or ends with a /, put the output file there. Otherwise, DEST names the output file. Also, for the --no-ifFORMAT options, do process @ifnotFORMAT text. The defaults for the @if... conditionals depend on the output format: if generating Docbook, --ifdocbook is on and the others are off; if generating HTML, --ifhtml is on and the others are off; if generating Info, --ifinfo is on and the others are off; if generating plain text, --ifplaintext is on and the others are off; if generating LaTeX, --iflatex is on and the others are off; if generating XML, --ifxml is on and the others are off. info show top-level dir menu info '(emacs)Files' alternative way to start at Files node info --subnodes -o out.txt emacs dump entire emacs manual to out.txt info -f ./foo.info show file ./foo.info, not searching dir info emacs start at emacs node from top-level dir info emacs -n Files start at Files node within emacs manual info emacs buffers select buffers menu entry in emacs manual info info-stnd show the manual for this Info program --debug report what is being done. --delete delete existing entries for INFO-FILE from DIR-FILE; don't insert any new entries. --defsection=TEXT like --section, but only use TEXT if no sections are present in INFO-FILE (replacing "Miscellaneous"). --description=TEXT the description of the entry is TEXT; used with the --name option to become synonymous with the --entry option. --dir-file=NAME specify file name of Info directory file; equivalent to using the DIR-FILE argument. --dry-run same as --test. --entry=TEXT insert TEXT as an Info directory entry, overriding any corresponding entry from DIR-FILE. TEXT is written as an Info menu item line followed by zero or more extra lines starting with whitespace. If you specify more than one entry, all are added. If you don't specify any entries, they are determined from information in the Info file itself. --help display this help and exit. --info-dir=DIR same as --dir-file=DIR/dir. --info-file=FILE specify Info file to install in the directory; equivalent to using the INFO-FILE argument. --item=TEXT same as --entry=TEXT. --keep-old do not replace entries, or remove empty sections. --maxwidth, --max-width=COL wrap description at column COL. --menuentry=TEXT same as --name=TEXT. --name=TEXT the name of the entry is TEXT; used with --description to become synonymous with the --entry option. --no-indent do not format new entries in the DIR file. --quiet suppress warnings. --regex=R put this file's entries in all sections that match the regular expression R (ignoring case). --remove same as --delete. --remove-exactly only remove if the info file name matches exactly; suffixes such as .info and .gz are not ignored. --section=SEC put entries in section SEC of the directory. If you specify more than one section, all the entries are added in each of the sections. If you don't specify any sections, they are determined from information in the Info file itself; if nothing is available there, the --defsection value is used; if that is not specified, the final default is "Miscellaneous". --section R SEC equivalent to --regex=R --section=SEC --add-once. --silent suppress warnings. --test suppress updating of DIR-FILE. --version display version information and exit. -D 'VAR VAL' define VAR to VAL (one shell argument). -D VAR define the variable VAR, as with @set. -I DIR append DIR to the @include search path. -P DIR prepend DIR to the @include search path. -U VAR undefine the variable VAR, as with @clear. backward case-sensitively"%s" is invalid"%s", line %u: %d completion: %d completions: %s already exists but is not a directory%s can be invoked via %s%s can only be invoked via %s%s for %s%s is not a valid language code%s is not a valid region code%s is not a valid split possibility%s is undefined%s not meaningful for non-split output%s pointer `%s' (for node `%s') different from %s name `%s'%s reference to nonexistent `%s'%s%s%s [%s]: %s%s%s: %s: %s%s: %s: cannot parse language line%s: --footnote-style arg must be `separate' or `end', not `%s'. %s: --paragraph-indent arg must be numeric/`none'/`asis', not `%s'. %s: Specify the Info file only once. %s: already have dir file: %s %s: could not create directory %s: %s%s: could not open %s for writing: %s %s: could not open %s: %s %s: could not read (%s) and could not create (%s)%s: empty file%s: error closing errors: %s%s: error closing input: %s%s: error closing output: %s%s: error on closing %s: %s %s: error on closing internal links file %s: %s %s: error on closing stdout: %s %s: errors: %s%s: ignoring %s without content %s: invalid option -- '%c' %s: missing file argument %s: missing file argument. %s: no highlighted language found%s: no such variable%s: option '%s%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option '%s%s' is ambiguous %s: option '%s%s' is ambiguous; possibilities:%s: option '%s%s' requires an argument %s: option requires an argument -- '%c' %s: output incompatible with split%s: removing %s as input file %s has no content %s: rename %s failed: %s %s: unknown formatting context %s %s: unknown special element information type %s %s: unknown variable %s%s: unrecognized option '%s%s' %s: when generating %s, only one input FILE may be specified with -o %s: wrong argument for --base-level '%s' is invalid'%s' is not on any keys---------- Footnotes ---------------Info: (), lines ----, --Xopt option without printed output--css-include ended in comment1...9 Pick the first...ninth item in this node's menu. @%s `%s' file %s for redirection exists@%s `%s' previously defined@%s after the first element@%s arg must be `top' or `bottom', not `%s'@%s cross-reference name should not contain `:'@%s defined with zero or more than one argument should be invoked with {}@%s entry node name `%s' different from %s name `%s'@%s expected braces@%s has text but no @item@%s in empty multitable@%s is not meaningful outside `@float' environment@%s is obsolete@%s is obsolete; %s@%s is useless inside of a paragraph@%s leads to a merging of %s in itself, ignoring@%s missing argument@%s missing closing brace@%s missing closing delimiter sequence: %s}@%s missing first argument@%s node name should not contain `%s'@%s not allowed inside `@copying' block@%s not empty@%s not meaningful inside `@%s' block@%s only meaningful on a @multitable line@%s output more than once: %s@%s outside of any node@%s outside of table or list@%s reference to nonexistent node `%s'@%s requires a name@%s seen before @%s closing brace@%s seen before @end %s@%s should be right below `@float'@%s should not appear anywhere inside @%s@%s should not appear anywhere inside caption@%s should not appear in @%s@%s should not appear in @%s block@%s should not appear on @%s line@%s should only appear at the beginning of a line@%s should only appear in an index entry@%s should only appear in heading or footing@%s should only appear in math context@%s to `%s', different from %s name `%s'@%s: could not find %s@%s: could not open %s: %s@\ should only appear in math context@allowcodebreaks arg must be `true' or `false', not `%s'@author not meaningful outside `@titlepage' and `@quotation' environments@clear requires a name@clickstyle should only accept an @-command as argument, not `%s'@columnfractions only meaningful on a @multitable line@dircategory after first node@direntry after first node@dotless expects `i' or `j' as argument, not `%s'@end %s seen before @%s closing brace@end %s should only appear at the beginning of a line@exampleindent arg must be numeric/`asis', not `%s'@firstparagraphindent arg must be `none' or `insert', not `%s'@footnotestyle arg must be `separate' or `end', not `%s'@image file `%s' (for HTML) not found, using `%s'@image file `%s' (for LaTeX) not found@image file `%s' can not be copied@image file `%s' not found, using `%s'@image file `%s' unreadable: %s@image missing filename argument@import not finished in css file@include: could not find %s@include: could not open %s: %s@itemx must follow @item@itemx should not begin @%s@kbdinputstyle arg must be `code'/`example'/`distinct', not `%s'@menu in invalid context@node %s name should not contain `,': %s@node name should not contain `,': %s@node precedes @%s, but parts may not be associated with nodes@node precedes @part, but parts may not be associated with nodes@nodedescription outside of any node@nodedescriptionblock outside of any node@paragraphindent arg must be numeric/`none'/`asis', not `%s'@part should not be associated with @top@set requires a name@setchapternewpage arg must be `on', `off' or `odd', not `%s'@setfilename after the first element@sp arg must be numeric, not `%s'@strong{Note...} produces a spurious cross-reference in Info; reword to avoid that@subentry should only occur in an index entry@tab before @item@unmacro requires a name@urefbreakstyle arg must be `after'/`before'/`none', not `%s'@verb without associated characterAccept (or force completion of) this lineAdd or remove entries in INFO-FILE from the Info directory DIR-FILE.Add this digit to the current numeric argumentArchive::Zip is required for EPUB file outputBasic Info command keys Building completions...CSS file %s not foundCancel current operationCancel or quit operationCannot delete a permanent windowCannot delete the last windowCannot execute an 'echo-area' command hereCannot find '%s'Cannot find a window!Cannot find node '%s'Cannot find node '(%s)%s'Cannot open pipe to '%s'Clear displayed search matchesCommands available in Info windows: Commands available in the echo area: Conditional processing in input:Controls what happens when scrolling is requested at the end of a nodeControls whether scroll-behavior affects cursor movement commandsCopyright (C) %s Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Could not create output file '%s'Could not read %s.Couldn't manipulate the file %s. Delete all other windowsDelete the character behind the cursorDelete the character under the cursorDelete the current windowDescribe command: Describe key: %sDescribe variable: Display help messageDisplay version of Info being runDivide the available screen space among the visible windowsEND-INFO-DIR-ENTRY without matching START-INFO-DIR-ENTRYEmail bug reports to bug-texinfo@gnu.org, general questions and discussion to help-texinfo@gnu.org. Texinfo home page: http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/Error converting file character encodingError in regular expression `%s': %sExamples:Examples: makeinfo foo.texi write Info to foo's @setfilename makeinfo --html foo.texi write HTML to @setfilename makeinfo --xml foo.texi write Texinfo XML to @setfilename makeinfo --docbook foo.texi write Docbook XML to @setfilename makeinfo --plaintext foo.texi write plain text to standard output makeinfo --pdf foo.texi write PDF using texi2dvi makeinfo --html --no-headers foo.texi write html without node lines, menus makeinfo --number-sections foo.texi write Info with numbered sections makeinfo --no-split foo.texi write one Info file however big Exclude default directories from file search pathExplain the use of a variableExtra regular expression specified, ignoring `%s'Failing Find Invocation node of [%s]: Find file: Find the node describing program invocationFinding index entries...Follow menus: Follow xref (%s): Follow xref: Footnotes could not be displayedFound '%s' in %s. ('\[next-index-match]' tries to find next.)Frequently-used options: -a, --all use all matching manuals -k, --apropos=STRING look up STRING in all indices of all manuals -d, --directory=DIR add DIR to INFOPATH -f, --file=MANUAL specify Info manual to visitGNU Info version %sGeneral options: --document-language=STR locale to use in translating Texinfo keywords for the output document (default C). --error-limit=NUM quit after NUM errors (default %d). --force preserve output even if errors. --help display this help and exit. --no-validate suppress node cross-reference validation. --no-warn suppress warnings (but not errors). --conf-dir=DIR search also for initialization files in DIR. --init-file=FILE load FILE to modify the default behavior. -c, --set-customization-variable VAR=VAL set customization variable VAR to value VAL. -v, --verbose explain what is being done. --version display version information and exit. General output options:Get Manpage: Go to next match in Info sub-treeGo to previous match in Info sub-treeGo to the next matching index item from the last '\[index-search]' commandGoing back to last match from %sGoto node: Grovel all known info file's indices for a string and build a menuGrow (or shrink) this windowHere is the menu of nodes you have recently visited. Select one from this menu, or use '\[history-node]' in another window. Hide some Info file syntax in the text of nodesHighlight search matchesHow to follow a cross-referenceHow to print the information line at the start of a nodeI-search backward: I-search: INFO-FILE and DIR-FILE are required unless the --info-file or --dir-file (or --info-dir) options are given, respectively.Index aproposIndex entries containing '%s': Index entry in @%s with : produces invalid Info: %sIndex entry: Index topicInput file options:Insert a TAB characterInsert completionInsert next character verbatimInvalid back referenceInvalid character class nameInvalid collation characterInvalid content of \{\}Invalid preceding regular expressionInvalid range endInvalid regular expressionKill ring is emptyKill the word following the cursorKill the word preceding the cursorKill to the beginning of the lineKill to the end of the lineLength of time in milliseconds to wait for the next byte in a sequence indicating that a key has been pressedList all matches of a string in the indexList possible completionsLook up a string in the index for this fileMake a window containing a menu of all of the currently visited nodesMemory exhaustedMenu item (%s): Menu item: Method to use to track mouse eventsMinimal length of a search stringMove backward a characterMove backward a wordMove backwards or up through node structureMove down to the next lineMove forward a characterMove forward a wordMove forwards or down through node structureMove the cursor to a specific line of the windowMove to the end of the lineMove to the end of this lineMove to the end of this nodeMove to the next cross referenceMove to the previous cross referenceMove to the start of the lineMove to the start of this lineMove to the start of this nodeMove to the start of this node's menuMove up to the previous lineNUL character (\000) not permittedNUL character (^%c) not permittedNo '%s' pointer for this nodeNo 'Prev' or 'Up' for this node within this documentNo active searchNo available info files have '%s' in their indicesNo completionsNo cross references in this nodeNo dir file specified; try --help for more information.No earlier node in historyNo file indexNo footnotes in this nodeNo index entries containing '%s'No index entries containing '%s'.No indices foundNo indices found.No input file specified; try --help for more information.No matchNo menu in node '%s'No menu in this nodeNo menu item '%s' in node '%s'No more index entries containing '%s'No more matchesNo more nodes within this documentNo previous index search stringNo previous regular expressionNo previous search stringNo program name givenNot completeNot enough room for a help window, please delete a windowOnly @fonttextsize 10 or 11 is supported, not `%s'Only one windowOptions for DVI/PS/PDF: --Xopt=OPT pass OPT to texi2dvi; can be repeated. Options for HTML: --css-include=FILE include FILE in HTML