$agent_name ) // $sorted_roles[$agent_id] = $roles[$agent_id]; foreach( $roles as $agent_id => $val ) { if ( $limitation_type = $val['date_limited'] + ( 2 * $val['content_date_limited'] ) ) $date_limits[ $agent_id ] = $val; if ( is_array($val) && ! empty($val['inherited_from']) ) $role_propagated[$agent_id] = true; if ( is_array($val) && ( 'both' == $val['assign_for'] ) ) $agent_grouping[$limitation_type][ASSIGN_FOR_BOTH_RS] [$agent_id]= $agent_names[$agent_id]; elseif ( is_array($val) && ( 'children' == $val['assign_for'] ) ) $agent_grouping[$limitation_type][ASSIGN_FOR_CHILDREN_RS] [$agent_id]= $agent_names[$agent_id]; else $agent_grouping[$limitation_type][ASSIGN_FOR_ENTITY_RS] [$agent_id]= $agent_names[$agent_id]; } // display for_entity assignments first, then for_both, then for_children $assign_for_order = array( 'entity', 'both', 'children'); $use_agents_csv = scoper_get_option("{$role_basis}_role_assignment_csv"); foreach ( array_keys($agent_grouping) as $limitation_type ) { foreach ( $assign_for_order as $assign_for ) { if ( ! isset($agent_grouping[$limitation_type][$assign_for]) ) continue; // sort each assign_for grouping alphabetically uasort($agent_grouping[$limitation_type][$assign_for], 'strnatcasecmp'); foreach ( $agent_grouping[$limitation_type][$assign_for] as $agent_id => $agent_name ) { // surround rolename with bars to indicated it was inherited $pfx = ( isset($role_propagated[$agent_id]) ) ? '{' : ''; $sfx = ''; if ( $checkbox_base_id ) { if ( $use_agents_csv ) $js_call = "agp_append('{$role_basis}_csv', ', $agent_name');"; else $js_call = "agp_check_it('{$checkbox_base_id}{$agent_id}');"; $link_end = " href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"$js_call\">"; $sfx = ''; } // surround rolename with braces to indicated it was inherited if ( $pfx ) $sfx .= '}'; $limit_class = ''; $limit_style = ''; $link_class = 'rs-link_plain'; $title_text = ''; if ( $limitation_type ) { ScoperAdminUI::set_agent_formatting( $date_limits[$agent_id], $title_text, $limit_class, $link_class, $limit_style ); $title = "title='$title_text'"; } else $title = "title='select'"; switch ( $assign_for ) { case ASSIGN_FOR_BOTH_RS: //roles which are assigned for entity and children will be bolded in list $link = ( $link_end ) ? "" . $link . $agent_names[$agent_id] . $sfx . ''; break; case ASSIGN_FOR_ENTITY_RS: $link = ( $link_end ) ? "'; } // end foreach assign_for $agent_list[$limitation_type] = implode(', ', $agent_list[$limitation_type]); } if ( $agent_list ) return implode(', ', $agent_list); } function taxonomy_scroll_links($tx, $terms, $admin_terms = '') { $max_terms = ( defined( 'SCOPER_MAX_TAXONOMY_SCROLL_LINKS' ) ) ? SCOPER_MAX_TAXONOMY_SCROLL_LINKS : 100; if ( empty($terms) || ( is_array($admin_terms) && empty($admin_terms) ) || ( count($terms) > $max_terms ) ) return; echo '' . __('Scroll to current settings:','scoper') . '
'; if ( $admin_terms && ! is_array($admin_terms) ) $admin_terms = ''; global $scoper; $tx_src = $scoper->data_sources->get( $tx->source ); $col_id = $tx_src->cols->id; $col_name = $tx_src->cols->name; $col_parent = ( ! empty($tx_src->cols->parent) ) ? $tx_src->cols->parent : ''; $font_ems = 1.2; $text = ''; $term_num = 0; $parent_id = 0; $last_id = -1; $last_parent_id = -1; $parents = array(); $depth = 0; foreach( $terms as $term ) { $term_id = $term->$col_id; if ( isset($term->$col_parent) ) $parent_id = $term->$col_parent; if ( ! $admin_terms || ! empty($admin_terms[$term_id]) ) { if ( $parent_id != $last_parent_id ) { if ( ($parent_id == $last_id) && $last_id ) { $parents[] = $last_id; $depth++; } elseif ($depth) { do { array_pop($parents); $depth--; } while ( $parents && ( end($parents) != $parent_id ) && $depth); } $last_parent_id = $parent_id; } //echo "term {$term->$col_name}: depth $depth, current parents: "; //dump($parents); if ( $term_num ) $text .= ( $parent_id ) ? ' - ' : ' . '; if ( ! $parent_id ) $depth = 0; $color_level_b = ($depth < 4) ? 220 - (60 * $depth) : 0; $hexb = dechex($color_level_b); if ( strlen($hexb) < 2 ) $hexb = "0" . $hexb; $color_level_g = ($depth < 4) ? 80 + (40 * $depth) : 215; $hexg = dechex($color_level_g); $font_ems = ($depth < 5) ? 1.2 - (0.12 * $depth) : 0.6; $text .= "
{$term->$col_name}"; } $last_id = $term_id; $term_num++; } $text .= '
'; return $text; } function display_date_limit_inputs( $role_duration = true, $content_date_limits = true ) { echo '
'; if ( $role_duration || $content_date_limits && scoper_get_option( 'display_hints' ) ) if ( scoper_get_option('display_hints') ) { echo '
'; if ( $role_duration ) { _e("Role Duration specifies the time period in which a role is active.", 'scoper'); echo ' '; } if ( $content_date_limits ) _e("Content Date Limits narrow the content which the role applies to.", 'scoper'); echo '
'; echo '
'; } if ( $role_duration ) { echo '
'; if ( ! empty($_POST['set_role_duration']) ) { $checked = "checked='checked'"; $hide_class = ''; } else { $checked = ''; $hide_class = " hide-if-js"; } $js_call = "agp_display_if('role_duration_inputs', 'set_role_duration')"; echo "
'; echo "
    "; // TODO: make these horizontal li echo '
  • '; _e('Grant Role on:', 'scoper'); ScoperAdminBulkLib::display_touch_time( '', '', 'start_date_gmt_' ); echo '
  • '; echo '
  • '; _e('Expire Role on:', 'scoper'); ScoperAdminBulkLib::display_touch_time( '', '', 'end_date_gmt_' ); echo '
  • '; echo '
'; echo '
'; // jQuery to hide the show/hide the date selection UI based on "Keep current setting" checkbox toggle ?> '; if ( ! empty($_POST['set_content_date_limits']) ) { $checked = "checked='checked'"; $hide_class = ''; } else { $checked = ''; $hide_class = " hide-if-js"; } $js_call = "agp_display_if('role_date_limit_inputs', 'set_content_date_limits')"; echo "'; echo "
    "; echo '
  • '; _e('Min Content Date:', 'scoper'); ScoperAdminBulkLib::display_touch_time( '', '', 'content_min_date_gmt_' ); echo '
  • '; echo '
  • '; _e('Max Content Date:', 'scoper'); ScoperAdminBulkLib::display_touch_time( '', '', 'content_max_date_gmt_' ); echo '
  • '; echo '
'; echo '
'; } if ( $role_duration || $content_date_limits && scoper_get_option( 'display_hints' ) ) if ( scoper_get_option('display_hints') ) { echo '
'; _e('This controls what limits to apply to the User / Group roles you select for creation or modification. Currently stored limits are indicated by a dotted border around the User or Group name. For details, hover over the name or view the User or Group Profile.', 'scoper' ); echo '
'; } echo '
'; } function display_touch_time( $stamp, $date, $id_prefix = '', $class = 'curtime', $edit = 1, $for_post = 1, $tab_index = 0, $multi = 0, $suppress_hidden_inputs = true, $suppress_current_inputs = true, $use_js = false, $empty_month_option = true ) { // todo: move to $args array, default suppress to false if ( $use_js ) { echo ''; printf($stamp, $date); echo ''; echo ' '; echo __awp('Edit'); echo ''; $class = 'hide_if_js '; } else $class = ''; echo '
'; ScoperAdminBulkLib::touch_time( $edit, $for_post, $tab_index, $multi, $id_prefix, $suppress_hidden_inputs, $suppress_current_inputs, $use_js, $empty_month_option ); echo '
'; } // from WP 2.8.4 core, add id_prefix argument function touch_time( $edit = 1, $for_post = 1, $tab_index = 0, $multi = 0, $id_prefix = '', $suppress_hidden_inputs = false, $suppress_current_inputs = false, $use_js = true, $empty_month_option = false ) { global $wp_locale, $post, $comment; if ( $for_post ) { if ( empty($post) ) { $edit = true; $current_post_date = 0; } else { $edit = ( in_array($post->post_status, array('draft', 'pending') ) && (!$post->post_date_gmt || '0000-00-00 00:00:00' == $post->post_date_gmt ) ) ? false : true; $current_post_date = $post->post_date; } } else { $edit = true; $current_comment_date = ( empty($comment) ) ? 0 : $comment->comment_date; } $tab_index_attribute = ''; if ( (int) $tab_index > 0 ) $tab_index_attribute = " tabindex='$tab_index'"; // echo '
'; if ( ! empty($_POST) ) { $jj = ( ! empty( $_POST[$id_prefix . 'jj'] ) ) ? $_POST[$id_prefix . 'jj'] : ''; $mm = ( ! empty( $_POST[$id_prefix . 'mm'] ) ) ? $_POST[$id_prefix . 'mm'] : ''; $aa = ( ! empty( $_POST[$id_prefix . 'aa'] ) ) ? $_POST[$id_prefix . 'aa'] : ''; $hh = ( ! empty( $_POST[$id_prefix . 'hh'] ) ) ? $_POST[$id_prefix . 'hh'] : ''; $mn = ( ! empty( $_POST[$id_prefix . 'mn'] ) ) ? $_POST[$id_prefix . 'mn'] : ''; $ss = ( ! empty( $_POST[$id_prefix . 'ss'] ) ) ? $_POST[$id_prefix . 'ss'] : ''; } else { $time_adj = time() + (get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600 ); $post_date = ($for_post) ? $current_post_date : $current_comment_date; $jj = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'd', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'd', $time_adj ); $mm = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'm', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'm', $time_adj ); $aa = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'Y', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'Y', $time_adj ); $hh = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'H', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'H', $time_adj ); $mn = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 'i', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 'i', $time_adj ); $ss = ($edit) ? mysql2date( 's', $post_date, false ) : gmdate( 's', $time_adj ); } if ( ! $suppress_current_inputs ) { $cur_jj = gmdate( 'd', $time_adj ); $cur_mm = gmdate( 'm', $time_adj ); $cur_aa = gmdate( 'Y', $time_adj ); $cur_hh = gmdate( 'H', $time_adj ); $cur_mn = gmdate( 'i', $time_adj ); } $month = "'; $day = ''; $year = ''; $hour = ''; $minute = ''; /* translators: 1: month input, 2: day input, 3: year input, 4: hour input, 5: minute input */ printf(__('%1$s%2$s, %3$s @ %4$s : %5$s'), $month, $day, $year, $hour, $minute); echo ''; if ( $multi ) return; echo "\n\n"; foreach ( array('mm', 'jj', 'aa', 'hh', 'mn') as $timeunit ) { if ( ! $suppress_hidden_inputs ) echo '' . "\n"; if ( ! $suppress_current_inputs ) { $cur_timeunit = 'cur_' . $timeunit; echo '' . "\n"; } } ?>


2035 ) $aa = 2035; if ( ( $aa > 99 ) && ( $aa < 1902 ) ) $aa = '1902'; $aa = ($aa <= 0 ) ? date('Y') : $aa; $mm = ($mm <= 0 ) ? date('n') : $mm; $jj = ($jj > 31 ) ? 31 : $jj; $jj = ($jj <= 0 ) ? date('j') : $jj; $hh = ($hh > 23 ) ? $hh -24 : $hh; $mn = ($mn > 59 ) ? $mn -60 : $mn; $ss = ($ss > 59 ) ? $ss -60 : $ss; $return[$key] = get_gmt_from_date( sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $aa, $mm, $jj, $hh, $mn, $ss ) ); if ( ! $return[$key] ) $return[$key] = '0'; } return (object) $return; } function date_limits_js() { $ajax_url = site_url( 'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php' ); ?> ' + $( '#' + pfx + 'mm option[value=' + $('#' + pfx + 'mm').val() + ']' ).text() + ' ' + $('#' + pfx + 'jj').val() + ', ' + $('#' + pfx + 'aa').val() + ' @ ' + $('#' + pfx + 'hh').val() + ':' + $('#' + pfx + 'mn').val() + ' ' ); } else $('#' + pfx + 'timestamp').html(''); } function editDateLimit_rs( pfx ) { if ($('#' + pfx + 'timestampdiv').is(":hidden")) { $('#' + pfx + 'timestampdiv').slideDown("normal"); $('.' + pfx + 'edit-timestamp').hide(); } } function setDateLimit_rs( pfx ) { $('#' + pfx + 'timestampdiv').slideUp("normal"); $('.' + pfx + 'edit-timestamp').show(); updateDateLimit_rs( pfx ); } $('.rs_role_edit-timestamp').click(function () { id = this.id; pos = id.indexOf( 'edit-timestamp' ); pfx = id.substr( 0, pos ); editDateLimit_rs( pfx ); return false; }); $('.rs_role_cancel-timestamp').click(function() { id = this.id; pos = id.indexOf( 'cancel-timestamp' ); pfx = id.substr( 0, pos ); $('#' + pfx + 'timestampdiv').slideUp("normal"); clearDateEdit_rs( pfx ); $('.' + pfx + 'edit-timestamp').show(); updateDateLimit_rs( pfx ); return false; }); $('.rs_role_save-timestamp').click(function () { id = this.id; pos = id.indexOf( 'save-timestamp' ); pfx = id.substr( 0, pos ); setDateLimit_rs( pfx ); return false; }); */ } // end function date_limits_js } // end class ?>