get_blog_roles_daterange( 'rs', array( 'include_role_duration_key' => true, 'enforce_duration_limits' => false ) ); // arg: return array with additional key dimension for role duration // for Administrators, display any custom post General Roles which were auto-assigned to maintain default editing rights global $current_rs_user; if ( $current_rs_user->ID == $user->ID ) { if ( is_content_administrator_rs() ) $blog_roles[''][''] = ( isset($blog_roles['']['']) ) ? array_merge( $current_rs_user->assigned_blog_roles[''] ) : $current_rs_user->assigned_blog_roles['']; } foreach ( $this->scoper->taxonomies->get_all() as $taxonomy => $tx ) $term_roles[$taxonomy] = $user->get_term_roles_daterange( $taxonomy, 'rs', array( 'include_role_duration_key' => true, 'enforce_duration_limits' => false ) ); // arg: return array with additional key dimension for role duration $duration_limits_enabled = scoper_get_option( 'role_duration_limits' ); $content_date_limits_enabled = scoper_get_option( 'role_content_date_limits' ); $html = ''; if ( $groups_only ) { if ( IS_MU_RS && scoper_get_option( 'mu_sitewide_groups', true ) ) { global $blog_id; $list = scoper_get_blog_list( 0, 'all' ); $blog_path = ''; foreach ( $list as $blog ) { if ( $blog['blog_id'] == $blog_id ) { $blog_path = $blog['path']; break; } } $group_caption = sprintf( __('Group Roles %1$s(for %2$s)%3$s', 'scoper'), '', rtrim($blog_path, '/'), '' ); } else $group_caption = __('Group Roles', 'scoper'); } else { $html .= "
"; $html .= "

" . __('Scoped Roles', 'scoper') . "

"; $wp_blog_roles = array_intersect_key( $user->assigned_blog_roles[''], $scoper->role_defs->get_matching( 'wp' ) ); if ( ! empty($wp_blog_roles) ) { $display_names = array(); foreach (array_keys($wp_blog_roles) as $role_handle) $display_names []= $scoper->role_defs->get_display_name($role_handle); $html .= sprintf( __("Assigned WordPress Role: %s", 'scoper'), implode(", ", $display_names) ); if ( $contained_roles = $this->scoper->role_defs->get_contained_roles( array_keys($wp_blog_roles), false, 'rs' ) ) { $display_names = array(); foreach (array_keys($contained_roles) as $role_handle) $display_names []= $this->scoper->role_defs->get_display_name($role_handle); $html .= '
'; $html .= sprintf( __("(contains %s)", 'scoper'), implode(", ", $display_names) ); $html .= ''; } } $html .= '

'; } $display_names = array(); foreach ( array_keys($blog_roles) as $duration_key ) { if ( is_serialized($duration_key) ) { $role_date_limits = unserialize( $duration_key ); $role_date_limits->date_limited = true; } else $role_date_limits = array(); foreach ( array_keys($blog_roles[$duration_key]) as $date_key ) { $display_names = array(); if ( is_serialized($date_key) ) { $content_date_limits = unserialize( $date_key ); $content_date_limits->content_date_limited = true; } else $content_date_limits = array(); $date_caption = ''; if ( $role_date_limits || $content_date_limits ) { $limit_class = ''; // unused byref arg $limit_style = ''; // unused byref arg $link_class = ''; // unused byref arg ScoperAdminUI::set_agent_formatting( array_merge( (array) $role_date_limits, (array) $content_date_limits ), $date_caption, $limit_class, $link_class, $limit_style, false ); // arg: no title='' wrapper around date_caption $date_caption = ' ' . trim($date_caption) . ''; } if ( $rs_blog_roles = $this->scoper->role_defs->filter( $blog_roles[$duration_key][$date_key], array( 'role_type' => 'rs' ) ) ) { foreach ( array_keys($rs_blog_roles) as $role_handle ) $display_names []= $this->scoper->role_defs->get_display_name($role_handle); $url = "admin.php?page=rs-general_roles"; $linkopen = ""; $linkclose = ""; $list = implode(", ", $display_names); if ( $groups_only ) $html .= sprintf( _n('%1$sGeneral Role%2$s%4$s: %3$s', '%1$sGeneral Roles%2$s%4$s: %3$s', count($display_names), 'scoper'), $linkopen, $linkclose, $list, $date_caption); else $html .= sprintf( _n('Additional %1$sGeneral Role%2$s%4$s: %3$s', 'Additional %1$sGeneral Roles%2$s%4$s: %3$s', count($display_names), 'scoper'), $linkopen, $linkclose, $list, $date_caption); if ( $contained_roles = $this->scoper->role_defs->get_contained_roles( array_keys($rs_blog_roles), false, 'rs' ) ) { $display_names = array(); foreach (array_keys($contained_roles) as $role_handle) $display_names []= $this->scoper->role_defs->get_display_name($role_handle); $html .= '
'; $html .= sprintf( __("(contains %s)", 'scoper'), implode(", ", $display_names) ); $html .= ''; } $html .= '

'; } } // end foreach content date range } // end foreach role duration date range $disable_role_admin = false; global $profileuser; $viewing_own_profile = ( ! empty($profileuser) && ( $profileuser->ID == $current_rs_user->ID ) ); if ( ! $viewing_own_profile ) { if ( $require_blogwide_editor = scoper_get_option('role_admin_blogwide_editor_only') ) { if ( ( 'admin' == $require_blogwide_editor ) && ! is_user_administrator_rs() ) return false; if ( ( 'admin_content' == $require_blogwide_editor ) && ! is_content_administrator_rs() ) return false; $disable_role_admin = ! $scoper->user_can_edit_blogwide( 'post', '', array( 'require_others_cap' => true, 'status' => 'publish' ) ); } } foreach ( $this->scoper->taxonomies->get_all() as $taxonomy => $tx ) { if ( empty($term_roles[$taxonomy]) ) continue; $val = ORDERBY_HIERARCHY_RS; $args = array( 'order_by' => $val ); if ( ! $terms = $this->scoper->get_terms($taxonomy, UNFILTERED_RS, COLS_ALL_RS, 0, $args) ) continue; $object_types = array(); $obj_src = $this->scoper->data_sources->get( $tx->object_source ); if ( ! $obj_src || ! is_array($obj_src->object_types) ) continue; foreach ( array_keys($obj_src->object_types) as $object_type) if ( scoper_get_otype_option('use_term_roles', $tx->object_source, $object_type) ) $object_types []= $object_type; if ( ! $object_types ) continue; $object_types []= $taxonomy; $admin_terms = ( $disable_role_admin ) ? array() : $this->scoper->get_terms($taxonomy, ADMIN_TERMS_FILTER_RS, COL_ID_RS); $strict_terms = $this->scoper->get_restrictions(TERM_SCOPE_RS, $taxonomy); $role_defs = $this->scoper->role_defs->get_matching('rs', $tx->object_source, $object_types); $tx_src = $this->scoper->data_sources->get( $tx->source ); $col_id = $tx_src->cols->id; $col_name = $tx_src->cols->name; $term_names = array(); foreach ( $terms as $term ) $term_names[$term->$col_id] = $term->$col_name; foreach ( array_keys($term_roles[$taxonomy]) as $duration_key ) { if ( is_serialized($duration_key) ) { $role_date_limits = unserialize( $duration_key ); $role_date_limits->date_limited = true; } else $role_date_limits = array(); foreach ( array_keys($term_roles[$taxonomy][$duration_key]) as $date_key ) { if ( is_serialized($date_key) ) { $content_date_limits = unserialize( $date_key ); $content_date_limits->content_date_limited = true; } else $content_date_limits = array(); $title = ''; $date_caption = ''; $limit_class = ''; $limit_style = ''; $link_class = ''; $style = ''; if ( $role_date_limits || $content_date_limits ) { ScoperAdminUI::set_agent_formatting( array_merge( (array) $role_date_limits, (array) $content_date_limits ), $date_caption, $limit_class, $link_class, $limit_style ); $title = "title='$date_caption'"; $date_caption = ' ' . trim($date_caption) . ''; } if ( $admin_terms ) { $url = "admin.php?page=rs-$taxonomy-roles_t"; //$html .= ("\n

" . sprintf(_ x('%1$s Roles%2$s:', 'Category Roles, content date range', 'scoper'), $tx->display_name, '' . $date_caption) . '

' ); $html .= ("\n

" . sprintf(__('%1$s Roles%2$s:', 'scoper'), $tx->labels->singular_name, '' . $date_caption) . '

' ); } else $html .= ("\n

" . sprintf(__('%1$s Roles%2$s:', 'scoper'), $tx->labels->singular_name, $date_caption) . '

' ); //$html .= ("\n

" . sprintf(_ x('%1$s Roles%2$s:', 'Category Roles, content date range', 'scoper'), $tx->display_name, $date_caption) . '

' ); $html .= '
'; } // end foreach content date range } // end foreach role duration date range } // end foreach taxonomy require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/object_roles_list.php'); $html .= scoper_object_roles_list($user, array( 'enforce_duration_limits' => false, 'is_user_profile' => $viewing_own_profile, 'echo' => false ) ); if ( $groups_only ) { //if ( empty($rs_blog_roles) && empty($term_role_list) && empty($got_obj_roles) ) if ( $html ) { echo '
'; echo "


"; echo $html; echo '
'; if ( IS_MU_RS ) echo '

'; } //echo '

' . __('No roles are assigned to this group.', 'scoper'), '

'; } else { echo $html; echo '
'; } } // end function ui_user_roles function display_ui_group_roles($group_id) { $users = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS); $args = array('disable_user_roles' => true, 'filter_usergroups' => array($group_id => true), 'disable_wp_roles' => true ); $user_id = ( $users ) ? $users[0] : 0; $user = new WP_Scoped_User($user_id, '', $args); if ( ! $users ) $user->groups = array( $group_id => true ); if ( $group = ScoperAdminLib::get_group($group_id) ) { if ( ! strpos( $group->meta_id, '_nr_' ) ) { echo '
'; if ( IS_MU_RS && scoper_get_option( 'mu_sitewide_groups' ) ) { global $wpdb, $blog_id; $blog_ids = scoper_get_col( "SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs ORDER BY blog_id" ); $orig_blog_id = $blog_id; } else $blog_ids = array( '1' ); foreach ( $blog_ids as $id ) { if ( count($blog_ids) > 1 ) switch_to_blog( $id ); ScoperProfileUI::display_ui_user_roles($user, true); //arg: groups only } echo '
'; if ( count($blog_ids) > 1 ) switch_to_blog( $orig_blog_id ); } } } function display_ui_user_groups() { if ( ! $all_groups = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(UNFILTERED_RS) ) return; global $current_rs_user, $profileuser; $user_id = $profileuser->id; $editable_ids = ScoperAdminLib::get_all_groups(FILTERED_RS, COL_ID_RS); if ( $user_id == $current_rs_user->ID ) $stored_groups = array_keys($current_rs_user->groups); else { $user = new WP_Scoped_User($user_id, '', array( 'skip_role_merge' => 1 ) ); $stored_groups = array_keys($user->groups); } // can't manually edit membership of WP Roles groups, other metagroups $all_ids = array(); foreach ( $all_groups as $key => $group ) { $all_ids[]= $group->ID; if ( ! empty($group->meta_id) && ! is_null($group->meta_id) && in_array( $group->ID, $editable_ids ) && ! strpos($group->meta_id, '_editable') ) { $editable_ids = array_diff( $editable_ids, array($group->ID) ); $stored_groups = array_diff( $stored_groups, array($group->ID) ); unset( $all_groups[$key] ); } } // avoid incorrect eligible count if orphaned group roles are included in editable_ids $editable_ids = array_intersect( $editable_ids, $all_ids ); if ( ! $editable_ids && ! $stored_groups ) return; echo "
"; echo "

"; if ( defined( 'GROUPS_CAPTION_RS' ) ) echo ( GROUPS_CAPTION_RS ); else _e( 'User Groups', 'scoper' ); echo "

"; if ( scoper_get_option( 'group_ajax' ) ) { $arr_display_names = array(); $group_ids = array(); $group_ids['active'] = $stored_groups; $group_ids['recommended'] = $current_rs_user->get_groups_for_user( $user_id, array( 'status' => 'recommended' ) ); $group_ids['requested'] = $current_rs_user->get_groups_for_user( $user_id, array( 'status' => 'requested' ) ); foreach ( $group_ids as $key => $ids ) { foreach ( $ids as $group_id ) { foreach ( array_keys($all_groups) as $nkey ) { if ( $all_groups[$nkey]->ID == $group_id ) { $arr_display_names [$key][$group_id]= $all_groups[$nkey]->display_name; break; } } } } global $scoper_user_search; $scoper_user_search->output_html( $arr_display_names, 'groups' ); } else { $css_id = 'group'; $locked_ids = array_diff($stored_groups, $editable_ids ); $args = array( 'suppress_extra_prefix' => true, 'eligible_ids' => $editable_ids, 'locked_ids' => $locked_ids ); require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/agents_checklist_rs.php'); ScoperAgentsChecklist::agents_checklist( ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS, $all_groups, $css_id, array_flip($stored_groups), $args); echo ''; } echo '

'; echo ""; } } // end class ScoperProfileUI