global_groups ) && ! in_array( $flag, $wpp_object_cache->global_groups ) ) { global $blog_id; $flag .= "_$blog_id"; } } return $flag; } function wpp_cache_add($key, $data, $flag = '', $expire = 0, $append_blog_suffix = true) { if ( ! empty($_POST) ) // kevinB: reduce elusive anomolies and allow flushing optimization by disabling cache updates during POST operation return; global $wpp_object_cache; if ( $append_blog_suffix ) $flag = wpp_suffix_flag( $flag ); //$data = unserialize(serialize($data)); if ( is_serialized( $data ) ) $data = unserialize($data); if ( empty($wpp_object_cache) ) return; return $wpp_object_cache->add($key, $data, $flag, $expire); } function wpp_cache_close() { global $wpp_object_cache; if ( empty($wpp_object_cache) ) return; return $wpp_object_cache->save(); } function wpp_cache_delete($id, $flag = '', $append_blog_suffix = true) { global $wpp_object_cache; if ( $append_blog_suffix ) $flag = wpp_suffix_flag( $flag ); //rs_errlog("wpp_cache_delete: $id, $flag"); if ( empty($wpp_object_cache) ) return; return $wpp_object_cache->delete($id, $flag); } function wpp_cache_flush_all_sites() { return wpp_cache_flush( true ); } function wpp_cache_flush( $all_sites = false ) { global $wpp_object_cache; if ( empty($wpp_object_cache) || ! is_object($wpp_object_cache) ) { if ( empty($wpp_object_cache->auto_flushed) ) { //rs_errlog('need flush - failed wpp_cache_flush'); $val = $all_sites ? 'all_sites' : true; update_option( 'scoper_need_cache_flush', $val ); } return; } return $wpp_object_cache->flush( '', $all_sites ); } // added by kevinB for use with Role Scoper function wpp_cache_flush_group($flag, $append_blog_suffix = true) { global $wpp_object_cache; if ( $append_blog_suffix ) $flag = wpp_suffix_flag( $flag ); if ( ! empty($_POST) ) { // kevinB: since cache updating during POST operation is disabled, improve perf by flushing each group only once static $already_flushed; if ( ! isset($already_flushed) ) $already_flushed = array(); if ( isset($already_flushed[$flag]) ) return; } if ( empty($wpp_object_cache) || ! is_object($wpp_object_cache) ) return; $flush_okay = $wpp_object_cache->flush($flag); if ( $flush_okay && ! empty($_POST) ) $already_flushed[$flag] = true; return $flush_okay; } function wpp_cache_get($id, $flag = '', $append_blog_suffix = true) { global $wpp_object_cache; if ( $append_blog_suffix ) $flag = wpp_suffix_flag( $flag ); if ( empty($wpp_object_cache) ) return; return $wpp_object_cache->get($id, $flag); } function wpp_cache_init( $sitewide_groups = true, $use_cache_subdir = true ) { global $wpp_object_cache; if ( isset($wpp_object_cache) ) $wpp_object_cache->save(); $GLOBALS['wpp_object_cache'] = new WP_Persistent_Object_Cache( $use_cache_subdir ); if ( IS_MU_RS && $sitewide_groups ) $GLOBALS['wpp_object_cache']->global_groups = array_merge( $GLOBALS['wpp_object_cache']->global_groups, array( 'all_usergroups', 'group_members' ) ); // added by kevinB: if a flush fails, try try again (and meanwhile, DON'T use the old invalid cache) $need_flush = ( function_exists('scoper_get_option') ) ? scoper_get_option('need_cache_flush') : get_option('scoper_need_cache_flush'); if ( $need_flush ) { //rs_errlog('cache init: performing pending flush'); delete_option('scoper_need_cache_flush'); $wpp_object_cache->auto_flushed = true; $all_sites = ( 'all_sites' == $need_flush ); $GLOBALS['wpp_object_cache']->flush( '', $all_sites ); } } function wpp_cache_replace($key, $data, $flag = '', $expire = 0, $append_blog_suffix = true) { if ( ! empty($_POST) ) // kevinB: reduce elusive anomolies and allow flushing optimization by disabling cache updates during POST operation return; global $wpp_object_cache; if ( $append_blog_suffix ) $flag = wpp_suffix_flag( $flag ); //$data = unserialize(serialize($data)); if ( is_serialized( $data ) ) $data = unserialize($data); if ( empty($wpp_object_cache) ) return; return $wpp_object_cache->replace($key, $data, $flag, $expire); } function wpp_cache_set($key, $data, $flag = '', $expire = 0, $append_blog_suffix = true, $force_update = false) { if ( ! empty($_POST) && ! $force_update ) // kevinB: reduce elusive anomolies and allow flushing optimization by disabling cache updates during POST operation return; global $wpp_object_cache; if ( $append_blog_suffix ) $flag = wpp_suffix_flag( $flag ); //$data = unserialize(serialize($data)); if ( is_serialized( $data ) ) $data = unserialize($data); if ( empty($wpp_object_cache) ) return; return $wpp_object_cache->set($key, $data, $flag, $expire); } function wpp_cache_force_set( $key, $data, $flag = '', $expire = 0, $append_blog_suffix = true ) { return wpp_cache_set( $key, $data, $flag, $expire, $append_blog_suffix, true ); } // returns true on success function wpp_cache_test( &$err_msg, $text_domain = '' ) { // intentionally not using WP_CACHE_DIR because we need a known location so rs_cache_flush.php can delete files without loading WP $cache_dir = ( defined( 'CACHE_PATH' ) ) ? CACHE_PATH : WP_CONTENT_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $err = false; if ( defined( 'DISABLE_PERSISTENT_CACHE' ) ) { $err_msg = __('The file cache will not operate because DISABLE_PERSISTENT_CACHE is defined, possibly in wp-config.php or role-scoper.php.', 'scoper'); $err = true; } elseif ( ! is_writable($cache_dir) || ! @ is_dir($cache_dir)) { $err_msg = sprintf( __('The file cache cannot operate because the cache directory (%s) is not writeable to WordPress.', $text_domain), $cache_dir ); $err = true; } elseif ( ! defined('SCOPER_SAFE_MODE_CACHE') && ini_get('safe_mode') ) { $err_msg = __('The file cache cannot operate because PHP is running in safe mode.', $text_domain); $err = true; } else { global $wpp_object_cache; $temp_file = tempnam($cache_dir, 'tmp'); $fd = @fopen($temp_file, 'w'); if ( false === $fd ) { $err_msg = sprintf( __('The file cache cannot operate because file creation attempts fail in %s', $text_domain), $cache_dir ); $err = true; } else { $serial = ''; fputs($fd, $serial); fclose($fd); if ( file_exists($temp_file) ) unlink($temp_file); else { $err_msg = sprintf( __('The file cache cannot operate because file storage attempts fail in %s', $text_domain), $cache_dir ); $err = true; } } } // endif cache directory is writeable return ! $err; } if ( ! defined('CACHE_SERIAL_HEADER') ) define('CACHE_SERIAL_HEADER', ""); class WP_Persistent_Object_Cache { var $cache_dir; var $cache_enabled = false; var $expiration_time = 900; var $flock_filename = 'wpp_object_cache.lock'; var $mutex; var $cache = array (); var $dirty_objects = array (); var $non_existant_objects = array (); var $global_groups = array ('users', 'userlogins', 'usermeta'); var $non_persistent_groups = array('comment'); var $blog_id; // Note: wpp_cache_get() / wpp_cache_set() / wpp_cache_delete() functions also attach blog_id suffix to flag. This blog_id property is just to establish a separate physical cache subfolder for each blog var $cold_cache_hits = 0; var $warm_cache_hits = 0; var $cache_misses = 0; var $secret = ''; var $is_404; // note: option for non-subdirectory init is to support one-time flushing of root-stored cache on version update function WP_Persistent_Object_Cache( $use_subdir = true ) { global $blog_id; // Destructor method is not reliable. Call non-object function manually via WP shutdown hook instead. // Also leave this method in place as a backup in case WP shutdown hook is not called. register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, "__destruct")); if ( defined('DISABLE_PERSISTENT_CACHE') ) return; // Disable the persistent cache if safe_mode is on. if ( ! defined('SCOPER_SAFE_MODE_CACHE') && ini_get('safe_mode') ) return; if (defined('CACHE_PATH')) $this->cache_dir = CACHE_PATH; else { // Intentionally not using WP_CACHE_DIR because we need a known location so rs_cache_flush.php can delete files without loading WP. // Using the correct separator eliminates some cache flush errors on Windows $this->cache_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if ( ! file_exists( $this->cache_dir ) ) { if ( @ mkdir( $this->cache_dir ) ) { $stat = stat(WP_CONTENT_DIR); $dir_perms = $stat['mode'] & 0007777; // Get the permission bits. @ chmod( $this->cache_dir, $dir_perms ); } } if (is_writable($this->cache_dir) && @ is_dir($this->cache_dir)) { $this->cache_enabled = true; } else { if (is_writable(WP_CONTENT_DIR)) { $this->cache_enabled = true; } } // put the entire RS cache in a subfolder to avoid clashing with other plugins // if ( $use_subdir ) { // support init to root cache folder for one-time flush on version update before using subfolder $this->cache_dir = $this->cache_dir . 'rs/'; if ( ! file_exists( $this->cache_dir ) ) { if ( @ mkdir( $this->cache_dir ) ) { $stat = stat(WP_CONTENT_DIR); $dir_perms = $stat['mode'] & 0007777; // Get the permission bits. @ chmod( $this->cache_dir, $dir_perms ); } else $this->cache_enabled = false; } } if (defined('CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME')) $this->expiration_time = CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME; if ( defined('WP_SECRET') ) $this->secret = WP_SECRET; else $this->secret = DB_PASSWORD . DB_USER . DB_NAME . DB_HOST . ABSPATH; $this->blog_id = $this->hash($blog_id); } function __destruct() { //if ( empty($this->saved) ) // kevinB: no harm checking for new dirty objects even if save was already invoked manually $this->save(); return true; } function acquire_lock() { // Acquire a write lock. $this->mutex = @fopen($this->cache_dir.$this->flock_filename, 'w'); if ( false == $this->mutex) return false; flock($this->mutex, LOCK_EX); return true; } function add($id, $data, $group = 'default', $expire = '') { if (empty ($group)) $group = 'default'; if (false !== $this->get($id, $group, false)) return false; return $this->set($id, $data, $group, $expire); } function delete($id, $group = 'default', $force = true) { if (empty ($group)) $group = 'default'; if (!$force && false === $this->get($id, $group, false)) return false; //rs_errlog ("
deleting $id/$group:
"); $this->non_existant_objects[$group][$id] = true; $this->dirty_objects[$group][] = $id; if ( isset($this->cache[$group][$id]) ) { //rs_errlog ("
deleting {$this->cache[$group][$id]}
"); unset ($this->cache[$group][$id]); } else { // workaround for problematic servers - delete entire file just in case it's getting cached by the server //rs_errlog ("removing entire cache file."); $this->rm_cache_dir($group); } return true; } // * flush method modified by kevinB for use with Role Scoper: // With scoped roles, get_terms and get_pages results are potentially unique for each user or set of groups // Avoid passing potentially huge cache arrays to and from wp_object_cache by giving // each user/group set a separate cache group. However, as of WP 2.5, these can // only be deleted by flushing the entire cache, or by explicit deletion of each // user/group id. Neither option is reasonable; we need the ability to flush a wp_cache group. // function flush( $group = '', $all_sites = false ) { if ( empty( $this->cache_enabled ) ) return true; if ( ! $this->acquire_lock() ) { $this->cache_enabled = false; // if a pending flush failed, make sure we don't use an invalid cache if ( empty($this->auto_flushed) ) { //rs_errlog('need flush - failed flush'); update_option( 'scoper_need_cache_flush', true ); } return false; } $this->rm_cache_dir( $group, $all_sites ); //rs_errlog ("
removing cached group $group:
"); if ( $group ) { if ( isset($this->cache[$group]) ) unset($this->cache[$group]); if ( isset($this->dirty_objects[$group]) ) unset($this->dirty_objects[$group]); if ( isset($this->non_existant_objects[$group]) ) unset($this->non_existant_objects[$group]); } else { $this->cache = array (); $this->dirty_objects = array (); $this->non_existant_objects = array (); } $this->release_lock(); return true; } function get($id, $group = 'default', $count_hits = true) { if (empty ($group)) $group = 'default'; if (isset ($this->cache[$group][$id])) { if ($count_hits) $this->warm_cache_hits += 1; return $this->cache[$group][$id]; } if (isset ($this->non_existant_objects[$group][$id])) return false; //rs_errlog ("
getting $id/$group:
"); // If caching is not enabled, still return any memcached results from this http session if (!$this->cache_enabled) { if (isset ($this->cache[$group][$id])) { $this->cold_cache_hits += 1; return $this->cache[$group][$id]; } $this->non_existant_objects[$group][$id] = true; $this->cache_misses += 1; return false; } $cache_file = $this->cache_dir.$this->get_group_dir($group)."/".$this->hash($id).'.php'; if (!file_exists($cache_file)) { $this->non_existant_objects[$group][$id] = true; $this->cache_misses += 1; return false; } // If the object has expired, remove it from the cache and return false to force // a refresh. $now = time(); if ((filemtime($cache_file) + $this->expiration_time) <= $now) { $this->cache_misses += 1; $this->delete($id, $group, true); return false; } $this->cache[$group][$id] = unserialize(base64_decode(substr(@ file_get_contents($cache_file), strlen(CACHE_SERIAL_HEADER), -strlen(CACHE_SERIAL_FOOTER)))); if (false === $this->cache[$group][$id]) $this->cache[$group][$id] = ''; $this->cold_cache_hits += 1; return $this->cache[$group][$id]; } function get_group_dir($group) { if ( false !== array_search($group, $this->global_groups) ) return $group; return "{$this->blog_id}/$group"; } function hash($data) { if ( function_exists('hash_hmac') ) { return hash_hmac('md5', $data, $this->secret); } else { return md5($data . $this->secret); } } function load_group_from_db($group) { return; } function make_group_dir($group, $perms) { $group_dir = $this->get_group_dir($group); $make_dir = ''; foreach ( explode('/', $group_dir) as $subdir ) { $make_dir .= "$subdir/"; if (!file_exists($this->cache_dir.$make_dir)) { // kevinB: don't make an empty cache entry following unnecessary delete call if ( empty($this->cache[$group]) ) return false; if (! @ mkdir($this->cache_dir.$make_dir)) break; @ chmod($this->cache_dir.$make_dir, $perms); } if (!file_exists($this->cache_dir.$make_dir."index.php")) { $file_perms = $perms & 0000666; @ touch($this->cache_dir.$make_dir."index.php"); @ chmod($this->cache_dir.$make_dir."index.php", $file_perms); } } return $this->cache_dir."$group_dir/"; } // modified by kevinB for use with Role Scoper ( see explanation above flush method ) function rm_cache_dir( $group = '', $all_sites = false ) { // BEGIN Rolescoper Modification: optionally reference group subdir if ( $group ) $group_dir = $this->get_group_dir( $group ); else $group_dir = ( $all_sites ) ? '' : $this->blog_id; $dir = $this->cache_dir . $group_dir; $dir = rtrim($dir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); // END RoleScoper Modification --// $top_dir = $dir; $stack = array($dir); $index = 0; $errors = 0; while ($index < count($stack)) { # Get indexed directory from stack $dir = $stack[$index]; if ( ! @ is_dir($dir) ) { $index++; continue; } $dh = @ opendir($dir); if (!$dh) { $this->cache_enabled = false; // if a pending flush failed, make sure we don't use an invalid cache if ( empty($this->auto_flushed) ) { //rs_errlog('need flush - failed rm_cache_dir opendir'); update_option( 'scoper_need_cache_flush', true ); } return false; } while ( ($file = @ readdir($dh) ) !== false) { if ( $file == '.' or $file == '..') continue; if ( @ is_dir( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file ) ) $stack[] = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; elseif ( '.htaccess' != $file ) { // sanity check and allows for last-time flushing of MU/MS cache folder without wiping WP Super Cache again if ( @ is_file( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file ) ) { if ( file_exists( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file ) ) { if ( ! @ unlink( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file ) ) { $errors++; } } } } } $index++; } $stack = array_reverse($stack); // Last added dirs are deepest foreach($stack as $dir) { if ( $dir != $top_dir) { if ( ! @ rmdir($dir) ) { $errors++; } } } if ( $errors ) { // false positives cause perpetual flush $this->cache_enabled = false; // if a pending flush failed, make sure we don't use an invalid cache if ( empty($this->auto_flushed) ) { //rs_errlog('need flush - failed rm_cache_dir'); update_option( 'scoper_need_cache_flush', true ); } } } function release_lock() { // Release write lock. flock($this->mutex, LOCK_UN); fclose($this->mutex); } function replace($id, $data, $group = 'default', $expire = '') { if (empty ($group)) $group = 'default'; if (false === $this->get($id, $group, false)) return false; return $this->set($id, $data, $group, $expire); } function set($id, $data, $group = 'default', $expire = '') { if (empty ($group)) $group = 'default'; if ( ! is_array($data) && ( NULL == $data ) ) $data = ''; //rs_errlog ("
setting $id/$group:
"); // is_404() function is no longer available at the execution of this wpp_cache_close, so check it here if ( function_exists( 'is_404' ) && is_404() && empty( $this->is_404 ) ) $this->is_404 = true; if ( ! empty( $this->is_404 ) ) return true; $this->cache[$group][$id] = $data; if ( isset($this->non_existant_objects[$group][$id]) ) unset ($this->non_existant_objects[$group][$id]); $this->dirty_objects[$group][] = $id; return true; } function save() { //$this->stats(); //rs_errlog ("
cache save function
"); if ( ! $this->cache_enabled ) return true; if (empty ($this->dirty_objects)) return true; if ( ! empty( $this->is_404 ) ) // is_404() function is no longer available at the execution of this wpp_cache_close return true; //rs_errlog ("
saving pers cache:
"); // Give the new dirs the same perms as WP_CONTENT_DIR $stat = stat(WP_CONTENT_DIR); $dir_perms = $stat['mode'] & 0007777; // Get the permission bits. $file_perms = $dir_perms & 0000666; // Remove execute bits for files. // Make the base cache dir. if (!file_exists($this->cache_dir)) { if (! @ mkdir($this->cache_dir)) return false; @ chmod($this->cache_dir, $dir_perms); } //rs_errlog ("
made cache dir:
"); if (!file_exists($this->cache_dir."index.php")) { @ touch($this->cache_dir."index.php"); @ chmod($this->cache_dir."index.php", $file_perms); } if ( ! $this->acquire_lock() ) { // This causes perpetual auto-flushing //$this->cache_enabled = false; // if a pending flush failed, make sure we don't use an invalid cache //update_option( 'scoper_need_cache_flush', true ); return false; } //rs_errlog ("
acquired lock
"); // Loop over dirty objects and save them. $errors = 0; foreach ($this->dirty_objects as $group => $ids) { if ( in_array($group, $this->non_persistent_groups) ) continue; if ( ! $group_dir = $this->make_group_dir($group, $dir_perms) ) continue; $ids = array_unique($ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { $cache_file = $group_dir.$this->hash($id).'.php'; // Remove the cache file if the key is not set. if (!isset ($this->cache[$group][$id])) { if (file_exists($cache_file)) if ( !@ unlink($cache_file) ) $errors++; continue; } $temp_file = tempnam($group_dir, 'tmp'); $serial = CACHE_SERIAL_HEADER.base64_encode(serialize($this->cache[$group][$id])).CACHE_SERIAL_FOOTER; //rs_errlog ("
"); $fd = @fopen($temp_file, 'w'); if ( false === $fd ) { $errors++; continue; } //rs_errlog ("
file $temp_file opened
"); fputs($fd, $serial); fclose($fd); if (!@ rename($temp_file, $cache_file)) { if (!@ copy($temp_file, $cache_file)) $errors++; if ( file_exists($temp_file) ) if ( !@ unlink($temp_file)) $errors++; } @ chmod($cache_file, $file_perms); } } if ( $errors && $this->dirty_objects ) { $this->cache_enabled = false; // if a pending flush failed, make sure we don't use an invalid cache // This causes perpetual flushing, at least with WP 2.6 //if ( empty($this->auto_flushed) ) //update_option( 'scoper_need_cache_flush', true ); } $this->dirty_objects = array(); $this->release_lock(); if ( $errors ) { return false; } $this->saved = true; return true; } function stats() { echo "

"; echo "Cold Cache Hits: {$this->cold_cache_hits}
"; echo "Warm Cache Hits: {$this->warm_cache_hits}
"; echo "Cache Misses: {$this->cache_misses}
"; echo "

"; foreach ($this->cache as $group => $cache) { echo "

"; echo "Group: $group
"; echo "Cache:"; echo "

			echo "
"; if (isset ($this->dirty_objects[$group])) { echo "Dirty Objects:"; echo "
				echo "
"; echo "

"; } } } } add_action('admin_footer', 'wpp_cache_close'); add_action('wp_footer', 'wpp_cache_close'); ?>