true ), 'object' ) as $_post_type => $type_obj ) { $var = 'new-' . $_post_type; if ( isset( $bar->menu->{$type}['children']->{$var} ) ) { if ( ! cr_user_can( $type_obj->cap->edit_posts, 0, 0, array('skip_id_generation' => true, 'skip_any_object_check' => true ) ) ) unset( $bar->menu->{$type}['children']->{$var} ); } } } function flt_get_the_category( $cats, $context = '' ) { if ( $context && ( 'display' != $context ) ) return; $readable_cats = apply_filters( 'get_terms', array(), 'category', array('fields' => 'ids', 'skip_teaser' => true) ); foreach ( $cats as $key => $cat ) if ( ! in_array($cat->term_id, $readable_cats) ) unset( $cats[$key] ); return $cats; } function flt_snazzy_archives( $query ) { if ( strpos( $query, "posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_password = '' AND post_type IN (" ) ) { // TODO: update this to deal with custom types // query parsing currently does not deal with IN syntax for post_type if ( strpos( $query, "('post','page')" ) ) { $object_type = array( 'post', 'page' ); $query = str_replace( "post_type IN ('post','page')", "( post_type = 'post' OR post_type = 'page')", $query ); } elseif ( strpos( $query, "('post')" ) ) { $object_type = 'post'; $query = str_replace( "post_type IN ('post')", "post_type = 'post'", $query ); } elseif ( strpos( $query, "('page')" ) ) { $object_type = 'page'; $query = str_replace( "post_type IN ('page')", "post_type = 'page'", $query ); } $query = str_replace( "post_status = 'publish' AND ", '', $query ); $query = apply_filters( 'objects_request_rs', $query, 'post', $object_type ); } return $query; } /* RS 1.1 no longer adds any join clauses, so this WP shortcoming is moot for us // wp_get_archives uses unfilterable SELECT * for postbypost archive type function flt_log_getarchives( $query ) { add_filter( 'query', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'flt_archives_bugstomper') ); return $query; } function flt_archives_bugstomper( $query ) { if ( strpos( $query, 'ELECT * FROM' ) ) { global $wpdb; $query = str_replace( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts", "SELECT DISTINCT $wpdb->posts.* FROM $wpdb->posts", $query ); remove_filter( 'query', array('ScoperHardwayFront', 'flt_archives_bugstomper') ); } return $query; } */ function flt_get_tags( $results, $taxonomies, $args ) { if ( ! is_array($taxonomies) ) $taxonomies = (array) $taxonomies; if ( ('post_tag' != $taxonomies[0]) || (count($taxonomies) > 1) ) return $results; global $wpdb; $defaults = array( 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'number' => '', 'offset' => '', 'slug' => '', 'name__like' => '', 'search' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); if ( 'ids' == $fields ) return $results; global $scoper, $current_rs_user; $filter_key = ( has_filter('list_terms_exclusions') ) ? serialize($GLOBALS['wp_filter']['list_terms_exclusions']) : ''; $ckey = md5( serialize( compact(array_keys($defaults)) ) . serialize( $taxonomies ) . $filter_key ); $cache_flag = 'rs_get_terms'; if ( $cache = $current_rs_user->cache_get( $cache_flag ) ) if ( isset( $cache[ $ckey ] ) ) return apply_filters('get_tags_rs', $cache[ $ckey ], 'post_tag', $args); //------------ WP argument application code from get_terms(), with hierarchy-related portions removed ----------------- // // NOTE: must change 'tt.count' to 'count' in orderby and hide_empty settings // Also change default orderby to name // $where = ''; $inclusions = ''; if ( !empty($include) ) { $exclude = ''; $exclude_tree = ''; $interms = wp_parse_id_list($include); if ( count($interms) ) { foreach ( (array) $interms as $interm ) { if (empty($inclusions)) $inclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id = ' . intval($interm) . ' '; else $inclusions .= ' OR t.term_id = ' . intval($interm) . ' '; } } } if ( !empty($inclusions) ) $inclusions .= ')'; $where .= $inclusions; $exclusions = ''; if ( !empty($exclude) ) { $exterms = wp_parse_id_list($exclude); if ( count($exterms) ) { foreach ( (array) $exterms as $exterm ) { if ( empty($exclusions) ) $exclusions = ' AND ( t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' '; else $exclusions .= ' AND t.term_id <> ' . intval($exterm) . ' '; } } } if ( !empty($exclusions) ) $exclusions .= ')'; $exclusions = apply_filters('list_terms_exclusions', $exclusions, $args ); $where .= $exclusions; if ( !empty($slug) ) { $slug = sanitize_title($slug); $where .= " AND t.slug = '$slug'"; } if ( !empty($name__like) ) $where .= " AND LIKE '{$name__like}%'"; // don't limit the query results when we have to descend the family tree if ( ! empty($number) ) { if( $offset ) $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $number; else $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $number; } else $limit = ''; if ( !empty($search) ) { $search = like_escape($search); $where .= " AND ( LIKE '%$search%')"; } // ------------- end get_terms() argument application code -------------- $post_type = cr_find_post_type(); // embedded select statement for posts ID IN clause $posts_qry = "SELECT $wpdb->posts.ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE 1=1"; $posts_qry = apply_filters('objects_request_rs', $posts_qry, 'post', $post_type, array('skip_teaser' => true)); $qry = "SELECT DISTINCT t.*, tt.*, COUNT(p.ID) AS count FROM $wpdb->terms AS t" . " INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id AND tt.taxonomy = 'post_tag'" . " INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships AS tagr ON tagr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id" . " INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts AS p ON p.ID = tagr.object_id WHERE p.ID IN ($posts_qry)" . " $where GROUP BY t.term_id ORDER BY count DESC $limit"; // must hardcode orderby clause to always query top tags $results = scoper_get_results( $qry ); $cache[ $ckey ] = $results; $current_rs_user->cache_set( $cache, $cache_flag ); $results = apply_filters('get_tags_rs', $results, 'post_tag', $args); return $results; } } // end class ?>