'; } if ( !function_exists( 'wp_cache_user_agent_is_rejected' ) ) { function wp_cache_user_agent_is_rejected() { global $cache_rejected_user_agent; if (!function_exists('apache_request_headers')) return false; $headers = apache_request_headers(); if (!isset($headers["User-Agent"])) return false; foreach ($cache_rejected_user_agent as $expr) { if (strlen($expr) > 0 && stristr($headers["User-Agent"], $expr)) return true; } return false; } } function wp_cache_get_response_headers() { if(function_exists('apache_response_headers')) { flush(); $headers = apache_response_headers(); } else if(function_exists('headers_list')) { $headers = array(); foreach(headers_list() as $hdr) { list($header_name, $header_value) = explode(': ', $hdr, 2); $headers[$header_name] = $header_value; } } else $headers = null; return $headers; } function wp_cache_is_rejected($uri) { global $cache_rejected_uri; $auto_rejected = array( '/wp-admin/', 'xmlrpc.php', 'wp-app.php' ); foreach( $auto_rejected as $u ) { if( strstr( $uri, $u ) ) return true; // we don't allow caching of wp-admin for security reasons } foreach ( $cache_rejected_uri as $expr ) { if( $expr != '' && preg_match( "~$expr~", $uri ) ) return true; } return false; } function wp_cache_mutex_init() { global $mutex, $wp_cache_mutex_disabled, $use_flock, $blog_cache_dir, $mutex_filename, $sem_id; if( isset( $wp_cache_mutex_disabled) && $wp_cache_mutex_disabled ) return true; if( !is_bool( $use_flock ) ) { if(function_exists('sem_get')) $use_flock = false; else $use_flock = true; } $mutex = false; if ($use_flock ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Created mutex lock on filename: {$blog_cache_dir}{$mutex_filename}", 5 ); $mutex = @fopen( $blog_cache_dir . $mutex_filename, 'w' ); } else { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Created mutex lock on semaphore: {$sem_id}", 5 ); $mutex = @sem_get( $sem_id, 1, 0644 | IPC_CREAT, 1 ); } } function wp_cache_writers_entry() { global $mutex, $wp_cache_mutex_disabled, $use_flock; if( isset( $wp_cache_mutex_disabled ) && $wp_cache_mutex_disabled ) return true; if( !$mutex ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "(writers entry) mutex lock not created. not caching.", 2 ); return false; } if ( $use_flock ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "grabbing lock using flock()", 5 ); flock($mutex, LOCK_EX); } else { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "grabbing lock using sem_acquire()", 5 ); sem_acquire($mutex); } return true; } function wp_cache_writers_exit() { global $mutex, $wp_cache_mutex_disabled, $use_flock; if( isset( $wp_cache_mutex_disabled ) && $wp_cache_mutex_disabled ) return true; if( !$mutex ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "(writers exit) mutex lock not created. not caching.", 2 ); return false; } if ( $use_flock ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "releasing lock using flock()", 5 ); flock($mutex, LOCK_UN); } else { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "releasing lock using sem_release()", 5 ); sem_release($mutex); } } function wp_cache_ob_callback( $buffer ) { global $wp_cache_pages; $buffer = apply_filters( 'wp_cache_ob_callback_filter', $buffer ); if( defined( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE' ) ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE defined. Caching disabled.', 2 ); return $buffer; } if ( isset( $wp_cache_pages[ 'single' ] ) && $wp_cache_pages[ 'single' ] == 1 && is_single() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching single post.', 2 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( isset( $wp_cache_pages[ 'pages' ] ) && $wp_cache_pages[ 'pages' ] == 1 && is_page() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching single page.', 2 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( isset( $wp_cache_pages[ 'archives' ] ) && $wp_cache_pages[ 'archives' ] == 1 && is_archive() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching archive page.', 2 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( isset( $wp_cache_pages[ 'tag' ] ) && $wp_cache_pages[ 'tag' ] == 1 && is_tag() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching tag page.', 2 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( isset( $wp_cache_pages[ 'category' ] ) && $wp_cache_pages[ 'category' ] == 1 && is_category() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching category page.', 2 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( isset( $wp_cache_pages[ 'frontpage' ] ) && $wp_cache_pages[ 'frontpage' ] == 1 && is_front_page() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching front page.', 2 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( isset( $wp_cache_pages[ 'home' ] ) && $wp_cache_pages[ 'home' ] == 1 && is_home() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching home page.', 2 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( isset( $wp_cache_pages[ 'search' ] ) && $wp_cache_pages[ 'search' ] == 1 && is_search() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching search page.', 2 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( isset( $wp_cache_pages[ 'feed' ] ) && $wp_cache_pages[ 'feed' ] == 1 && is_feed() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching feed.', 2 ); return $buffer; } if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Output buffer callback', 4 ); $buffer = &wp_cache_get_ob( $buffer ); wp_cache_shutdown_callback(); return $buffer; } function wp_cache_append_tag( &$buffer ) { global $wp_cache_gmt_offset; global $cache_enabled, $super_cache_enabled; $timestamp = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() + ( $wp_cache_gmt_offset * 3600))); if ( $cache_enabled || $super_cache_enabled ) { $buffer .= "\n"; } else { $buffer .= "\n"; } } function wp_cache_get_ob(&$buffer) { global $wpsc_settings; global $cache_enabled, $cache_path, $cache_filename, $meta_file, $wp_start_time, $supercachedir; global $new_cache, $wp_cache_meta, $file_expired, $blog_id, $cache_compression; global $wp_cache_gzip_encoding, $super_cache_enabled, $cached_direct_pages; global $wp_cache_404, $gzsize, $supercacheonly; global $blog_cache_dir, $wp_cache_request_uri, $wp_supercache_cache_list; global $wp_cache_not_logged_in, $wp_cache_object_cache, $cache_max_time; global $wp_cache_is_home, $wp_cache_front_page_checks; $new_cache = true; $wp_cache_meta = ''; /* Mode paranoic, check for closing tags * we avoid caching incomplete files */ if ( $buffer == '' ) { $new_cache = false; if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) { wp_cache_debug( "Buffer is blank. Output buffer may have been corrupted by another plugin or this is a redirected URL. Look for text 'ob_start' in the files of your plugins directory.", 2 ); $buffer .= "\n\n"; } } if ( $wp_cache_404 && false == apply_filters( 'wpsupercache_404', false ) ) { $new_cache = false; if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) { wp_cache_debug( "404 file not found not cached", 2 ); $buffer .= "\n\n"; } } if (!preg_match('/(<\/html>|<\/rss>|<\/feed>|<\/urlset)/i',$buffer) ) { $new_cache = false; if( false === strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 'robots.txt' ) ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) { wp_cache_debug( "No closing html tag. Not caching.", 2 ); $buffer .= "\n\n"; } } else { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "robots.txt detected. Not caching.", 2 ); } } if( !$new_cache ) return $buffer; $duration = wp_cache_microtime_diff($wp_start_time, microtime()); $duration = sprintf("%0.3f", $duration); $buffer .= "\n\n"; if( !wp_cache_writers_entry() ) { $buffer .= "\n\n"; if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Could not get mutex lock. Not caching.", 1 ); return $buffer; } if ( $wp_cache_not_logged_in && is_feed() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Feed detected. Writing legacy cache files.", 5 ); $wp_cache_not_logged_in = false; } $home_url = parse_url( trailingslashit( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ) ); $dir = get_current_url_supercache_dir(); $supercachedir = $cache_path . 'supercache/' . preg_replace('/:.*$/', '', $home_url[ 'host' ]); if( !empty( $_GET ) || is_feed() || ( $super_cache_enabled == true && is_dir( substr( $supercachedir, 0, -1 ) . '.disabled' ) ) ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Supercache disabled: GET or feed detected or disabled by config.", 2 ); $super_cache_enabled = false; } $tmp_wpcache_filename = $cache_path . uniqid( mt_rand(), true ) . '.tmp'; $supercacheonly = false; if( $super_cache_enabled ) { if ( wp_cache_get_cookies_values() == '' ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Anonymous user detected. Only creating Supercache file.", 3 ); $supercacheonly = true; } } if ( $wp_cache_not_logged_in && wp_cache_get_cookies_values() != '' ) { $super_cache_enabled = false; $cache_enabled = false; if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Not caching for known user.', 5 ); } if ( $wp_cache_object_cache ) { // half on mode when using the object cache if ( wp_cache_get_cookies_values() != '' ) { $cache_enabled = false; } $super_cache_enabled = false; $supercacheonly = false; wp_cache_init(); // PHP5 destroys objects during shutdown } if ( !$cache_enabled ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( '', 5 ); wp_cache_writers_exit(); return $buffer . "\n"; } if( @is_dir( $dir ) == false ) @wp_mkdir_p( $dir ); $fr = $fr2 = $gz = false; // Open wp-cache cache file if ( !$supercacheonly ) { if ( false == $wp_cache_object_cache ) { $fr = @fopen($tmp_wpcache_filename, 'w'); if (!$fr) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Error. Supercache could not write to " . str_replace( ABSPATH, '', $cache_path ) . $cache_filename, 1 ); $buffer .= "\n"; wp_cache_writers_exit(); return $buffer; } } } else { $user_info = wp_cache_get_cookies_values(); $do_cache = apply_filters( 'do_createsupercache', $user_info ); if ( $super_cache_enabled && ( $user_info == '' || $do_cache === true ) ) { $cache_fname = "{$dir}index.html"; $tmp_cache_filename = $dir . uniqid( mt_rand(), true ) . '.tmp'; $fr2 = @fopen( $tmp_cache_filename, 'w' ); if ( !$fr2 ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Error. Supercache could not write to " . str_replace( ABSPATH, '', $tmp_cache_filename ), 1 ); $buffer .= "\n"; @fclose( $fr ); @unlink( $tmp_wpcache_filename ); wp_cache_writers_exit(); return $buffer; } elseif ( $cache_compression ) { $gz = @fopen( $tmp_cache_filename . ".gz", 'w'); if (!$gz) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Error. Supercache could not write to " . str_replace( ABSPATH, '', $tmp_cache_filename ) . ".gz", 1 ); $buffer .= "\n"; @fclose( $fr ); @unlink( $tmp_wpcache_filename ); @fclose( $fr2 ); @unlink( $tmp_cache_filename ); wp_cache_writers_exit(); return $buffer; } } } } $added_cache = 0; $oc_key = get_oc_key(); if ( preg_match( '//', $buffer ) ) { //Dynamic content if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Dynamic content found in buffer.", 4 ); $store = preg_replace('|(.*?)|is', "\n\n", $buffer); $store = preg_replace('|(.*?)|is', "\n\n", $store); $store = preg_replace('|(.*?)|is', "\n\n", $store); $wp_cache_meta[ 'dynamic' ] = true; /* Clean function calls in tag */ $buffer = preg_replace('||is', '', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace('||is', '', $buffer); $buffer = preg_replace('|(.*?)|is', "$1", $buffer); $store = apply_filters( 'wpsupercache_buffer', $store ); // Append WP Super Cache or Live page comment tag wp_cache_append_tag($buffer); wp_cache_append_tag($store); global $wp_super_cache_late_init; if ( false == isset( $wp_super_cache_late_init ) || ( isset( $wp_super_cache_late_init ) && $wp_super_cache_late_init == 0 ) ) $buffer .= ''; if ( false == $wp_cache_object_cache ) { if( $fr ) { // legacy caching fputs($fr, $store); } elseif ( isset( $fr2 ) ) { // supercache active $php_fname = "{$dir}index.html.php"; $tmp_php_filename = $dir . uniqid( mt_rand(), true ) . '.tmp'; $php_fd = @fopen( $tmp_php_filename, 'w' ); if ( !$php_fd ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Error. Supercache could not write to " . str_replace( ABSPATH, '', $tmp_php_filename ), 1 ); $buffer .= "\n"; @fclose( $php_fd ); @unlink( $tmp_php_filename ); wp_cache_writers_exit(); return $buffer; } fputs( $php_fd, $store ); } } else { wp_cache_set( $oc_key, $store, 'supercache', $cache_max_time ); } if ( $cache_compression && $wp_cache_gzip_encoding ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Gzipping dynamic buffer.", 5 ); $gzdata = gzencode( $buffer . "", 6, FORCE_GZIP ); $gzsize = strlen($gzdata); } } else { $buffer = apply_filters( 'wpsupercache_buffer', $buffer ); // Append WP Super Cache or Live page comment tag wp_cache_append_tag($buffer); if( $gz || $wp_cache_gzip_encoding ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Gzipping buffer.", 5 ); $gzdata = gzencode( $buffer . "", 6, FORCE_GZIP ); $gzsize = strlen($gzdata); } if ($wp_cache_gzip_encoding) { $wp_cache_meta[ 'headers' ][ 'Content-Encoding' ] = 'Content-Encoding: ' . $wp_cache_gzip_encoding; $wp_cache_meta[ 'headers' ][ 'Vary' ] = 'Vary: Accept-Encoding, Cookie'; // Return uncompressed data & store compressed for later use if ( false == $wp_cache_object_cache ) { if( $fr ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Writing gzipped buffer to wp-cache cache file.", 5 ); fputs($fr, $gzdata); } } elseif ( $cache_enabled ) { wp_cache_set( $oc_key . ".gz", $gzdata, 'supercache', $cache_max_time ); $added_cache = 1; } } else { // no compression $wp_cache_meta[ 'headers' ][ 'Vary' ] = 'Vary: Cookie'; if ( false == $wp_cache_object_cache ) { if( $fr ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Writing non-gzipped buffer to wp-cache cache file.", 5 ); fputs($fr, $buffer); } } elseif ( $cache_enabled ) { wp_cache_set( $oc_key, $buffer, 'supercache', $cache_max_time ); $added_cache = 1; } } if ( false == $wp_cache_object_cache ) { if( $fr2 ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Writing non-gzipped buffer to supercache file.", 5 ); fputs($fr2, $buffer . '' ); } if( $gz ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Writing gzipped buffer to supercache file.", 5 ); fwrite($gz, $gzdata ); } } } $new_cache = true; if ( false == $wp_cache_object_cache ) { if( $fr ) { $supercacheonly = false; fclose($fr); if ( filesize( $tmp_wpcache_filename ) == 0 ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Warning! The file $tmp_wpcache_filename was empty. Did not rename to {$blog_cache_dir}{$cache_filename}", 5 ); @unlink( $tmp_wpcache_filename ); } else { if ( !rename( $tmp_wpcache_filename, $blog_cache_dir . $cache_filename ) ) { unlink( $blog_cache_dir . $cache_filename ); rename( $tmp_wpcache_filename, $blog_cache_dir . $cache_filename ); } if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Renamed temp wp-cache file to {$blog_cache_dir}$cache_filename", 5 ); $added_cache = 1; } } if( $fr2 ) { fclose($fr2); if ( $wp_cache_front_page_checks && $cache_fname == $supercachedir . $home_url[ 'path' ] . 'index.html' && !( $wp_cache_is_home ) ) { wp_cache_writers_exit(); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Warning! Not writing another page to front page cache.", 1 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( filesize( $tmp_cache_filename ) == 0 ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Warning! The file $tmp_cache_filename was empty. Did not rename to {$cache_fname}", 5 ); @unlink( $tmp_cache_filename ); } else { if ( !@rename( $tmp_cache_filename, $cache_fname ) ) { @unlink( $cache_fname ); @rename( $tmp_cache_filename, $cache_fname ); } if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Renamed temp supercache file to $cache_fname", 5 ); $added_cache = 1; } } if( $php_fd ) { fclose( $php_fd ); if ( $php_fname == $supercachedir . $home_url[ 'path' ] . 'index.html.php' && !( $wp_cache_is_home ) ) { wp_cache_writers_exit(); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Warning! Not writing another page to front page cache.", 1 ); return $buffer; } elseif ( filesize( $tmp_php_filename ) == 0 ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Warning! The file $tmp_php_filename was empty. Did not rename to {$php_fname}", 5 ); @unlink( $tmp_php_filename ); } else { if ( !@rename( $tmp_php_filename, $php_fname ) ) { @unlink( $php_fname ); @rename( $tmp_php_filename, $php_fname ); } if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Renamed temp supercache file to $php_fname", 5 ); $added_cache = 1; } } if( $gz ) { fclose($gz); if ( filesize( $tmp_cache_filename . '.gz' ) == 0 ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Warning! The file {$tmp_cache_filename}.gz was empty. Did not rename to {$cache_fname}.gz", 5 ); @unlink( $tmp_cache_filename . '.gz' ); } else { if ( !@rename( $tmp_cache_filename . '.gz', $cache_fname . '.gz' ) ) { @unlink( $cache_fname . '.gz' ); @rename( $tmp_cache_filename . '.gz', $cache_fname . '.gz' ); } if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Renamed temp supercache gz file to {$cache_fname}.gz", 5 ); $added_cache = 1; } } } if ( $added_cache && isset( $wp_supercache_cache_list ) && $wp_supercache_cache_list ) { update_option( 'wpsupercache_count', ( get_option( 'wpsupercache_count' ) + 1 ) ); $last_urls = (array)get_option( 'supercache_last_cached' ); if ( count( $last_urls ) >= 10 ) $last_urls = array_slice( $last_urls, 1, 9 ); $last_urls[] = array( 'url' => $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 'date' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ); update_option( 'supercache_last_cached', $last_urls ); } wp_cache_writers_exit(); if ( !headers_sent() && $wp_cache_gzip_encoding && $gzdata) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Writing gzip content headers. Sending buffer to browser", 5 ); header( 'Content-Encoding: ' . $wp_cache_gzip_encoding ); header( 'Vary: Accept-Encoding, Cookie' ); header( 'Content-Length: ' . $gzsize ); return $gzdata; } else { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Sending buffer to browser", 5 ); return $buffer; } } function wp_cache_phase2_clean_cache($file_prefix) { global $cache_path, $blog_cache_dir; if( !wp_cache_writers_entry() ) return false; if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Cleaning cache in $blog_cache_dir", 3 ); if ( ( $handle = @opendir( $blog_cache_dir ) ) ) { while ( false !== ($file = @readdir($handle))) { if ( preg_match("/^$file_prefix/", $file) ) @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . $file ); } closedir($handle); } wp_cache_writers_exit(); } function prune_super_cache( $directory, $force = false, $rename = false ) { global $cache_max_time, $cache_path, $super_cache_enabled, $cache_rebuild_files, $blog_cache_dir; if( !is_admin() && $super_cache_enabled == 0 ) return false; if( !isset( $cache_max_time ) ) $cache_max_time = 3600; $now = time(); $protected_directories = array( $cache_path . '.htaccess', $cache_path . $blog_cache_dir . 'meta', $cache_path . 'supercache' ); $oktodelete = false; if (is_dir($directory)) { if( $dh = @opendir( $directory ) ) { $directory = trailingslashit( $directory ); while( ( $entry = @readdir( $dh ) ) !== false ) { if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue; $entry = $directory . $entry; prune_super_cache( $entry, $force, $rename ); // If entry is a directory, AND it's not a protected one, AND we're either forcing the delete, OR the file is out of date, if( is_dir( $entry ) && !in_array( $entry, $protected_directories ) && ( $force || @filemtime( $entry ) + $cache_max_time <= $now ) ) { // if the directory isn't empty can't delete it if( $handle = @opendir( $entry ) ) { $donotdelete = false; while( !$donotdelete && ( $file = @readdir( $handle ) ) !== false ) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; $donotdelete = true; } closedir($handle); } if( $donotdelete ) continue; if( !$rename ) { @rmdir( $entry ); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "gc: deleted $entry", 2 ); } } } closedir($dh); } } elseif( is_file($directory) && ($force || @filemtime( $directory ) + $cache_max_time <= $now ) ) { $oktodelete = true; if( in_array( $directory, $protected_directories ) ) $oktodelete = false; if( $oktodelete && !$rename ) { @unlink( $directory ); } elseif( $oktodelete && $rename ) { wp_cache_rebuild_or_delete( $directory ); } } } function wp_cache_rebuild_or_delete( $file ) { global $cache_rebuild_files; if( strpos( $file, '?' ) !== false ) $file = substr( $file, 0, strpos( $file, '?' ) ); if( $cache_rebuild_files && substr( $file, -14 ) != '.needs-rebuild' ) { if( @rename($file, $file . '.needs-rebuild') ) { @touch( $file . '.needs-rebuild' ); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "rebuild_or_gc: rename to {$file}.needs-rebuild", 2 ); } else { @unlink( $file ); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "rebuild_or_gc: deleted $file", 2 ); } } else { @unlink( $file ); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "rebuild_or_gc: deleted $file", 2 ); } } function wp_cache_phase2_clean_expired( $file_prefix, $force = false ) { global $cache_path, $cache_max_time, $blog_cache_dir, $wp_cache_preload_on; clearstatcache(); if( !wp_cache_writers_entry() ) return false; $now = time(); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Cleaning expired cache files in $blog_cache_dir", 2 ); if ( ( $handle = @opendir( $blog_cache_dir ) ) ) { while ( false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ( preg_match("/^$file_prefix/", $file) && (@filemtime( $blog_cache_dir . $file) + $cache_max_time) <= $now ) { @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . $file ); @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . str_replace( '.html', '.meta', $file ) ); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Deleting $blog_cache_dir{$file} (plus meta)", 5 ); continue; } if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if( is_dir( $blog_cache_dir . $file ) == false && (@filemtime($blog_cache_dir . $file) + $cache_max_time) <= $now ) { if( substr( $file, -9 ) != '.htaccess' ) { @unlink($blog_cache_dir . $file); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Deleting $blog_cache_dir{$file}", 5 ); } } } } closedir($handle); if ( false == $wp_cache_preload_on || true == $force ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Doing GC on supercache dir: {$cache_path}supercache", 2 ); prune_super_cache( $cache_path . 'supercache' ); } } wp_cache_writers_exit(); return true; } function wp_cache_shutdown_callback() { global $cache_path, $cache_max_time, $file_expired, $file_prefix, $meta_file, $new_cache, $wp_cache_meta, $known_headers, $blog_id, $wp_cache_gzip_encoding, $gzsize, $cache_filename, $supercacheonly, $blog_cache_dir; global $wp_cache_request_uri, $wp_cache_key, $wp_cache_object_cache, $cache_enabled, $wp_cache_blog_charset, $wp_cache_not_logged_in; $wp_cache_meta[ 'uri' ] = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].preg_replace('/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', $wp_cache_request_uri); // To avoid XSS attacks $wp_cache_meta[ 'blog_id' ] = $blog_id; $wp_cache_meta[ 'post' ] = wp_cache_post_id(); $wp_cache_meta[ 'key' ] = $wp_cache_key; $wp_cache_meta = apply_filters( 'wp_cache_meta', $wp_cache_meta ); $response = wp_cache_get_response_headers(); foreach ($known_headers as $key) { if(isset($response[$key])) { $wp_cache_meta[ 'headers' ][ $key ] = "$key: " . $response[$key]; } } if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data.", 2 ); if (!isset( $response['Last-Modified'] )) { $value = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'; /* Dont send this the first time */ /* @header('Last-Modified: ' . $value); */ $wp_cache_meta[ 'headers' ][ 'Last-Modified' ] = "Last-Modified: $value"; } if ( !isset( $response[ 'Content-Type' ] ) && !isset( $response[ 'Content-type' ] ) ) { // On some systems, headers set by PHP can't be fetched from // the output buffer. This is a last ditch effort to set the // correct Content-Type header for feeds, if we didn't see // it in the response headers already. -- dougal if (is_feed()) { $type = get_query_var('feed'); $type = str_replace('/','',$type); switch ($type) { case 'atom': $value = "application/atom+xml"; break; case 'rdf': $value = "application/rdf+xml"; break; case 'rss': case 'rss2': default: $value = "application/rss+xml"; } } else { // not a feed $value = get_option( 'html_type' ); if( $value == '' ) $value = 'text/html'; } $value .= "; charset=\"" . $wp_cache_blog_charset . "\""; if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Sending 'Content-Type: $value' header.", 2 ); @header("Content-Type: $value"); $wp_cache_meta[ 'headers' ][ 'Content-Type' ] = "Content-Type: $value"; } if ( !$supercacheonly && !$wp_cache_not_logged_in && $new_cache ) { if( !isset( $wp_cache_meta[ 'dynamic' ] ) && $wp_cache_gzip_encoding && !in_array( 'Content-Encoding: ' . $wp_cache_gzip_encoding, $wp_cache_meta[ 'headers' ] ) ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Sending gzip headers.", 2 ); $wp_cache_meta[ 'headers' ][ 'Content-Encoding' ] = 'Content-Encoding: ' . $wp_cache_gzip_encoding; $wp_cache_meta[ 'headers' ][ 'Vary' ] = 'Vary: Accept-Encoding, Cookie'; } $serial = serialize($wp_cache_meta); if( wp_cache_writers_entry() ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Writing meta file: {$blog_cache_dir}meta/{$meta_file}", 2 ); if ( false == $wp_cache_object_cache ) { $tmp_meta_filename = $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . uniqid( mt_rand(), true ) . '.tmp'; $fr = @fopen( $tmp_meta_filename, 'w'); if( !$fr ) @mkdir( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta' ); $fr = @fopen( $tmp_meta_filename, 'w'); if ( $fr ) { fputs($fr, $serial); fclose($fr); @chmod( $tmp_meta_filename, 0666 & ~umask()); if( !@rename( $tmp_meta_filename, $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $meta_file ) ) { @unlink( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $meta_file ); @rename( $tmp_meta_filename, $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $meta_file ); } } else { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Problem writing meta file: {$blog_cache_dir}meta/{$meta_file}", 2 ); } } elseif ( $cache_enabled ) { $oc_key = get_oc_key() . ".meta"; if ( gzip_accepted() ) $oc_key .= ".gz"; wp_cache_set( $oc_key, $serial, 'supercache', $cache_max_time ); } wp_cache_writers_exit(); } } global $time_to_gc_cache; if( isset( $time_to_gc_cache ) && $time_to_gc_cache == 1 ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Executing wp_cache_gc action.", 3 ); do_action( 'wp_cache_gc' ); } } function wp_cache_no_postid($id) { return wp_cache_post_change(wp_cache_post_id()); } function wp_cache_get_postid_from_comment( $comment_id, $status = 'NA' ) { global $super_cache_enabled, $wp_cache_request_uri; $comment = get_comment($comment_id, ARRAY_A); if ( $status != 'NA' ) { $comment[ 'old_comment_approved' ] = $comment[ 'comment_approved' ]; $comment[ 'comment_approved' ] = $status; } if ( ( $status == 'trash' || $status == 'spam' ) && $comment[ 'comment_approved' ] != 1 ) { // don't modify cache if moderated comments are trashed or spammed if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Moderated comment deleted or spammed. Don't delete any cache files.", 4 ); return wp_cache_post_id(); } $postid = $comment['comment_post_ID']; // Do nothing if comment is not moderated // http://ocaoimh.ie/2006/12/05/caching-wordpress-with-wp-cache-in-a-spam-filled-world if ( !preg_match('/wp-admin\//', $wp_cache_request_uri) ) { if ( $comment['comment_approved'] == 'delete' && ( isset( $comment[ 'old_comment_approved' ] ) && $comment[ 'old_comment_approved' ] == 0 ) ) { // do nothing if moderated comments are deleted if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Moderated comment deleted. Don't delete any cache files.", 4 ); return $postid; } elseif ( $comment['comment_approved'] == 'spam' ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Spam comment. Don't delete any cache files.", 4 ); return $postid; } elseif( $comment['comment_approved'] == '0' ) { if ( $comment[ 'content_type' ] == '' ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Moderated comment. Don't delete supercache file until comment approved.", 4 ); $super_cache_enabled = 0; // don't remove the super cache static file until comment is approved } else { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Moderated ping or trackback. Not deleting cache files..", 4 ); return $postid; } } } // We must check it up again due to WP bugs calling two different actions // for delete, for example both wp_set_comment_status and delete_comment // are called when deleting a comment if ($postid > 0) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Post $postid changed. Update cache.", 4 ); return wp_cache_post_change( $postid ); } elseif ( $_GET[ 'delete_all' ] != 'Empty Trash' && $_GET[ 'delete_all2' ] != 'Empty Spam' ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Unknown post changed. Update cache.", 4 ); return wp_cache_post_change( wp_cache_post_id() ); } } /* Clear out the cache directory. */ function wp_cache_clear_cache() { global $cache_path, $wp_cache_object_cache; if ( $wp_cache_object_cache ) { reset_oc_version(); } else { prune_super_cache( $cache_path . 'supercache/', true ); prune_super_cache( $cache_path, true ); } } function wp_cache_post_edit($post_id) { global $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit, $cache_path, $blog_cache_dir; if( $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Clearing cache $blog_cache_dir and {$cache_path}supercache/ on post edit per config.", 2 ); if ( $wp_cache_object_cache ) { reset_oc_version(); } else { prune_super_cache( $blog_cache_dir, true ); prune_super_cache( $cache_path . 'supercache/', true ); } } else { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Clearing cache for post $post_id on post edit.", 2 ); wp_cache_post_change( $post_id ); } } function wp_cache_post_id_gc( $siteurl, $post_id, $all = 'all' ) { global $cache_path, $wp_cache_object_cache; if ( $wp_cache_object_cache ) reset_oc_version(); $post_id = intval( $post_id ); if( $post_id == 0 ) return; if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_post_id_gc post_id: $post_id " . post_permalink( $post_id ) . " clearing cache in $dir{$permalink}.", 4 ); $permalink = trailingslashit( str_replace( get_option( 'home' ), '', post_permalink( $post_id ) ) ); $dir = $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $siteurl; if ( $all == 'all' ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_post_id_gc clearing cache in $dir{$permalink}.", 4 ); prune_super_cache( $dir . $permalink, true, true ); do_action( 'gc_cache', 'prune', $permalink ); @rmdir( $dir . $permalink ); } else { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_post_id_gc clearing cached index.html(.gz) in $dir{$permalink}.", 4 ); prune_super_cache( $dir . $permalink . 'index.html', true, true ); prune_super_cache( $dir . $permalink . 'index.html.php', true, true ); prune_super_cache( $dir . $permalink . 'index.html.gz', true, true ); do_action( 'gc_cache', 'prune', $permalink ); } if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_post_id_gc clearing cache in {$dir}page/.", 4 ); prune_super_cache( $dir . 'page/', true ); do_action( 'gc_cache', 'prune', '/page/' ); } function wp_cache_post_change( $post_id ) { global $file_prefix, $cache_path, $blog_id, $super_cache_enabled, $blog_cache_dir, $blogcacheid, $wp_cache_refresh_single_only; static $last_processed = -1; if ($post_id == $last_processed) return $post_id; $last_processed = $post_id; $post = get_post( $post_id ); if( $post->post_status == 'draft' ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_post_change: draft post, not deleting any cache files.", 4 ); return $post_id; } if( !wp_cache_writers_entry() ) return $post_id; if ( isset( $wp_cache_refresh_single_only ) && $wp_cache_refresh_single_only && strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], 'wp-comments-post.php' ) ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "wp_cache_post_change: comment detected. only deleting post page.", 4 ); $all = false; } else { $all = true; } if ( $wp_cache_object_cache ) reset_oc_version(); $permalink = trailingslashit( str_replace( get_option( 'siteurl' ), '', post_permalink( $post_id ) ) ); if( $super_cache_enabled ) { $siteurl = trailingslashit( strtolower( preg_replace( '/:.*$/', '', str_replace( 'http://', '', get_option( 'home' ) ) ) ) ); // make sure the front page has a rebuild file if ( $all == true ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Post change: deleting cache files in " . $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $siteurl, 4 ); prune_super_cache( $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $siteurl . 'index.html', true, true ); prune_super_cache( $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $siteurl . 'index.html.php', true, true ); prune_super_cache( $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $siteurl . 'index.html.gz', true, true ); do_action( 'gc_cache', 'prune', 'homepage' ); } wp_cache_post_id_gc( $siteurl, $post_id ); if( $all == true && get_option( 'show_on_front' ) == 'page' ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Post change: deleting page_on_front and_page_for_posts pages.", 4 ); if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Post change: page_on_front " . get_option( 'page_on_front' ), 4 ); wp_cache_post_id_gc( $siteurl, get_option( 'page_on_front' ), 'single' ); $permalink = trailingslashit( str_replace( get_option( 'home' ), '', post_permalink( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ) ) ); prune_super_cache( $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $siteurl . $permalink . 'index.html', true, true ); prune_super_cache( $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $siteurl . $permalink . 'index.html.php', true, true ); prune_super_cache( $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $siteurl . $permalink . 'index.html.gz', true, true ); do_action( 'gc_cache', 'prune', $permalink ); } } $matches = array(); if ( ($handle = @opendir( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' )) ) { while ( false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ( preg_match("/^({$file_prefix}{$blogcacheid}.*)\.meta/", $file, $matches) ) { $meta_pathname = $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file; $content_pathname = $blog_cache_dir . $matches[1] . ".html"; $meta = unserialize(@file_get_contents($meta_pathname)); if( false == is_array( $meta ) ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Post change cleaning up stray file: $content_pathname", 4 ); @unlink($meta_pathname); @unlink($content_pathname); continue; } if ($post_id > 0 && $meta) { if ( $meta[ 'blog_id' ] == $blog_id && ( ( $all == true && !$meta[ 'post' ] ) || $meta[ 'post' ] == $post_id) ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Post change: deleting post cache files for {$meta[ 'uri' ]}: $content_pathname", 4 ); @unlink($meta_pathname); @unlink($content_pathname); if ( $super_cache_enabled == true ) { @wp_cache_rebuild_or_delete($cache_path . 'supercache/' . trailingslashit( $meta[ 'uri' ] ) . 'index.html'); @wp_cache_rebuild_or_delete($cache_path . 'supercache/' . trailingslashit( $meta[ 'uri' ] ) . 'index.html.php'); @wp_cache_rebuild_or_delete($cache_path . 'supercache/' . trailingslashit( $meta[ 'uri' ] ) . 'index.html.gz'); do_action( 'gc_cache', 'rebuild', trailingslashit( $meta[ 'uri' ] ) ); } } } elseif ($meta[ 'blog_id' ] == $blog_id) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Post change: deleting cache files for {$meta[ 'uri' ]}: $content_pathname", 4 ); @unlink($meta_pathname); @unlink($content_pathname); if ( $super_cache_enabled == true ) { @wp_cache_rebuild_or_delete($cache_path . 'supercache/' . trailingslashit( $meta[ 'uri' ] ) . 'index.html'); @wp_cache_rebuild_or_delete($cache_path . 'supercache/' . trailingslashit( $meta[ 'uri' ] ) . 'index.html.php'); @wp_cache_rebuild_or_delete($cache_path . 'supercache/' . trailingslashit( $meta[ 'uri' ] ) . 'index.html.gz'); do_action( 'gc_cache', 'rebuild', trailingslashit( $meta[ 'uri' ] ) ); } } } } closedir($handle); } wp_cache_writers_exit(); return $post_id; } function wp_cache_microtime_diff($a, $b) { list($a_dec, $a_sec) = explode(' ', $a); list($b_dec, $b_sec) = explode(' ', $b); return $b_sec - $a_sec + $b_dec - $a_dec; } function wp_cache_post_id() { global $posts, $comment_post_ID, $post_ID; // We try hard all options. More frequent first. if ($post_ID > 0 ) return $post_ID; if ($comment_post_ID > 0 ) return $comment_post_ID; if (is_single() || is_page()) return $posts[0]->ID; if (isset( $_GET[ 'p' ] ) && $_GET['p'] > 0) return $_GET['p']; if (isset( $_POST[ 'p' ] ) && $_POST['p'] > 0) return $_POST['p']; return 0; } function wp_cache_gc_cron() { global $file_prefix, $cache_max_time; if ( $cache_max_time == 0 ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Cache garbage collection disabled because cache expiry time is zero.', 5 ); return false; } if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Cache garbage collection.', 5 ); if( !isset( $cache_max_time ) ) $cache_max_time = 600; $start = time(); if( !wp_cache_phase2_clean_expired($file_prefix ) ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( 'Cache Expiry cron job failed. Probably mutex locked.', 1 ); update_option( 'wpsupercache_gc_time', time() - ( $cache_max_time - 10 ) ); // if GC failed then run it again in one minute } if( time() - $start > 30 ) if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) && $GLOBALS[ 'wp_super_cache_debug' ] ) wp_cache_debug( "Cache Expiry cron job took more than 30 seconds to execute.\nYou should reduce the Expiry Time in the WP Super Cache admin page\nas you probably have more cache files than your server can handle efficiently.", 1 ); } ?>