This directory contains the Chinese translation of Linux mini HOWTOs. Some documents are written in HTML format while others are written in plain text format. All files are written in gb2312(Simplified Chinese Character) code. You may browse the online documents at This directory is maintained by C.W.Huang If you are willing to contribute to the Chinese Linux HOWTOs translation project, please contact me! 本目录包含了 Linux mini HOWTOs 的中译版. 有些文件是以 HTML 格式写成,其馀的是纯文字格式. 所有档案都是用 gb2312 码编写的. 你也可在下列地点直接阅读线上文件: 本目录现由黄志伟 所维护. 如果你愿意为这个 Linux HOWTO 翻译计画尽一分心力,请与我联络.