version.txt date: 9/24/98 version: 06.30.0250 --------------------------------------------------------------------- This file describes changes and or fixes since the last update. NEW FEATURES: 1. SQLForeignKeys now works with the "refint" (Referential Integrity) spi, rather than a custom file as before. It also now returns data for the update and delete rules. 2. Removed any _SQL API wrappers that were used for calling internal functions in the driver. This was an issue for the iodbc version of the driver only. The -Bsymbolic link flag takes care of the problem. 3. Allow override of any odbcinst.ini parameters from odbc.ini. This is mostly of use with the iodbc version of the driver but could possibly be useful when using the driver with Windows NT. 4. The default setting for "Use Declare/Fetch" is now false. BUG_FIXES: 1. Fixed SQLColumns for use with 6.4 Postgres. The 6.3 driver has been tested successfully with the 6.4 backend. 2. SQLColAttributes no longer checks the icol argument for the bookmark column and also for the case of SQL_COLUMN_COUNT. 3. Corrected error messages in SQLFetch and SQLGetData. 4. Meta functions (SQLColumns, SQLTables) now return NULL for null, instead of blank. 5. Include of "config.h" instead of 6. Fixes for iodbc version of GetPrivateProfileString.