--[[ File l3build-aux.lua Copyright (C) 2018-2024 The LaTeX Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] -- local safety guards and shortcuts local match = string.match local gsub = string.gsub local pairs = pairs local print = print local lookup = kpse.lookup local os_time = os.time local os_type = os.type -- -- Auxiliary functions which are used by more than one main function -- ---Convert the given `epoch` to a number. ---@param epoch string ---@return number ---@see l3build.lua ---@usage private? function normalise_epoch(epoch) assert(epoch, 'normalize_epoch argument must not be nil') -- If given as an ISO date, turn into an epoch number local y, m, d = match(epoch, "^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)$") if y then return os_time({ year = y, month = m, day = d, hour = 0, sec = 0, isdst = nil }) - os_time({ year = 1970, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 0, sec = 0, isdst = nil }) elseif match(epoch, "^%d+$") then return tonumber(epoch) else return 0 end end ---Returns the CLI command (ending with `os_concat`) to set the epoch ---when forcecheckepoch is true, a void string otherwise. ---Will be run while checking or typesetting ---@param epoch string ---@param force boolean ---@return string ---@see check, typesetting ---@usage private? function set_epoch_cmd(epoch, force) return force and ( os_setenv .. " SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=" .. epoch .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_TEX_PRIMITIVES=1" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " FORCE_SOURCE_DATE=1" .. os_concat ) or "" end ---Returns the script name depending on the calling sequence. ---`l3build ...` -> full path of `l3build.lua` in the TDS ---When called via `texlua l3build.lua ...`, `l3build.lua` is resolved to either ---`./l3build.lua` or the full path of `l3build.lua` in the TDS. ---`texlua l3build.lua` -> `/Library/TeX/texbin/l3build.lua` or `./l3build.lua` ---@return string local function get_script_name() if match(arg[0], "l3build$") or match(arg[0], "l3build%.lua$") then return lookup("l3build.lua") else return arg[0] -- Why no lookup here? end end -- Performs the task named target given modules in a bundle. ---A module is the path of a directory relative to the main one. ---Uses `run` to launch a command. ---@param modules table List of modules. ---@param target string ---@param opts table ---@return number 0 on a successful completion, a non 0 error code otherwise. ---@see many places, including latex2e/build.lua ---@usage Public function call(modules, target, opts) -- Turn the option table into a CLI option string opts = opts or options local cli_opts = "" for k,v in pairs(opts) do if k ~= "names" and k ~= "target" then -- Special cases, TODO enhance the design to remove the need for this comment local t = option_list[k] or {} local value = "" if t["type"] == "string" then value = value .. "=" .. v elseif t["type"] == "table" then for _,a in pairs(v) do if value == "" then value = "=" .. a -- Add the initial "=" here else value = value .. "," .. a end end end cli_opts = cli_opts .. " --" .. k .. value end end if opts.names then for _, name in pairs(opts.names) do cli_opts = cli_opts .. " " .. name end end local script_name = get_script_name() for _, module in ipairs(modules) do local text if module == "." and opts["config"] and #opts["config"]>0 then text = " and configuration \"" .. opts["config"][1] .. "\"" else text = " for module \"" .. module .. "\"" end print("Running l3build with target \"" .. target .. "\"" .. text ) local error_level = run( module, "texlua " .. script_name .. " " .. target .. cli_opts ) if error_level ~= 0 then return error_level end end return 0 end ---Unpack the given dependencies. ---A dependency is the path of a directory relative to the main one. ---@param deps table regular array of dependencies. ---@return number 0 on a successful completion, a non 0 error code otherwise. ---@see stdmain, check, unpack, typesetting ---@usage Private? function dep_install(deps) local error_level for _, dep in ipairs(deps) do print("Installing dependency: " .. dep) error_level = run(dep, "texlua " .. get_script_name() .. " unpack -q") if error_level ~= 0 then return error_level end end return 0 end -- Construct a localtexmf including any tdsdirs -- Needed for checking and typesetting, hence global function localtexmf() local paths = "" for src,_ in pairs(tdsdirs) do paths = paths .. os_pathsep .. abspath(src) .. "//" end if texmfdir and texmfdir ~= "" and direxists(texmfdir) then paths = paths .. os_pathsep .. abspath(texmfdir) .. "//" end return paths end -- Run a command after setting up the environmental variables function runcmd(cmd,dir,vars) dir = dir or "." dir = abspath(dir) vars = vars or {} -- Allow for local texmf files local env if checkformat ~= "context" then env = os_setenv .. " TEXMFCNF=." .. os_pathsep end local envpaths = "." .. localtexmf() .. os_pathsep .. abspath(localdir) .. os_pathsep .. dir .. (typesetsearch and os_pathsep or "") -- Deal with spaces in paths if os_type == "windows" and match(envpaths," ") then envpaths = gsub(envpaths,'"','') end for _,var in pairs(vars) do env = (env and (env .. os_concat) or "") .. os_setenv .. " " .. var .. "=" .. envpaths end return run(dir,set_epoch_cmd(epoch, forcedocepoch) .. (env and (env .. os_concat) or "") .. cmd) end