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Could not find the class methods for %s version 0x%x (%d)! Could not load class %s. Could not load class %s. %s..CLASS RUNTIME: CAN NOT INITIALIZE MAPPING SUBSYSTEM!!! CLASS RUNTIME: NO CLASS SEARCH PATHS SPECIFIED!!! ./indexrCLASS RUNTIME: ERROR SETTING SEARCH PATH!!! CLASS RUNTIME: ERROR ENTERING MAPPING ENTRY!!! CLASS RUNTIME: No index file found in '%s': error %d; some objects in this directory may be ignored. CLASS runtime warning: CLASSPATH directory %s is not readable (error %d); ignoring it. CLASS RUNTIME: ERROR SETTING SEARCH PATH!!! .doCLASS RUNTIME: ERROR ENTERING IMPLICIT MAPPING ENTRY!!! CLASS RUNTIME: NO CLASSPATH ELEMENTS WERE USABLE!!! CLASSPATH *** Information for entry %d: class name: %s class name key: %s class info at: 0x%x superclass name: %s superclass name key: %s superclass info at: 0x%x This class has no superclass version: 0x%x (%d) methods table at: 0x%x procedures table at: 0x%x text base: 0x%x text length: 0x%x (%d) ** This class is statically loaded and has not yet ** ** been used therefore it has not been initialized. ** class name: %s class name key: %s Dump of class runtime registered class information. Entries are dumped in the order they were registered. No classes have been registered yet. The class information has been corrupted!! End of class runtime registered classes information. Dump of class mapping information. End of class mapping information. Dump of class information for process %d. End of class information for process %d. w/tmp/class.dmp$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/class/lib/RCS/classproc.c,v 1.4 1992/12/15 21:00:13 rr2b R6tape $a)h)o)v)}))))))))))))))))* ** ***4*>*H*R*\*f*p*z**************+++$+.+8+B+L+V+`+j+t+~+++++++++++++, ,,,(,2,<,F,P,Z,d,n,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,,---"-,-6-@-J-T-^-h-r-|--------------...&.0.:.D.N.X.b.l.v............../ /$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/class/lib/RCS/mapping.c,v 1.8 1993/08/25 20:34:23 susan Exp $/ Dumping search path entries: [%02d] "%s" Dumping mapping entries by name: entry [%02d][%02d] "%s" [%02d] "%s" 0x%08x Dumping mapping entries by key: entry [%02d][%02d] "%s" [%02d] "%s" 0x%08x Dumping search path statistics: %d search paths are registered Name hash table entries: [%02d] contains %d entries. Key hash table entries: [%02d] contains %d entries. W;;``?,W?`@xW