## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'------------------------------- BiocStyle::markdown() ## ----, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>") ## ----,initialize, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE------------------------------- library(GenomicTuples) ## ----example-GTuples, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE--------------------------- seqinfo <- Seqinfo(paste0("chr", 1:3), c(1000, 2000, 1500), NA, "mock1") gt3 <- GTuples(seqnames = Rle(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)), tuples = matrix(c(1:10, 2:11, 3:12), ncol = 3), strand = Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)), score = 1:10, GC = seq(1, 0, length = 10), seqinfo = seqinfo) names(gt3) <- letters[1:10] gt3 ## ----GTuples-help, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE----------------------------- # ?GTuples ## ----GTuples-coercion, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------------------- as(gt3, "GRanges") ## ----GTuples-accessors1, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------ seqnames(gt3) tuples(gt3) strand(gt3) ## ----GTuples-accessors2, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------ mcols(gt3) ## ----GTuples-accessors3, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------ seqinfo(gt3) ## ----GTuples-accessors4, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------ length(gt3) names(gt3) ## ----split, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------------------- sp <- split(gt3, rep(1:2, each=5)) sp ## ----c, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE----------------------------------------- c(sp[[1]], sp[[2]]) ## ----subsetting-GTuples1, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE----------------------- gt3[2:3] ## ----subsetting-GTuples2, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE----------------------- gt3[2:3, "GC"] ## ----subsetting-GTuples3, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE----------------------- gt3_mod <- gt3 gt3_mod[2] <- gt3[1] head(gt3_mod, n = 3) ## ----subsetting-GTuples4, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE----------------------- rep(gt3[2], times = 3) rev(gt3) head(gt3, n = 2) tail(gt3, n = 2) window(gt3, start = 2, end = 4) ## ----tuple-operations, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------------------- start(gt3) end(gt3) tuples(gt3) ## ----shift, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------------------- shift(gt3, 500) ## ----tuples-method, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE----------------------------- tuples(gt3) ## ----size-method, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------------- size(gt3) ## ----IPD-method, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------------------------- IPD(gt3) ## ----GTuplesList, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------------- seqinfo <- Seqinfo(paste0("chr", 1:3), c(1000, 2000, 1500), NA, "mock1") gt3 <- GTuples(seqnames = Rle(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)), tuples = matrix(c(1:10, 2:11, 3:12), ncol = 3), strand = Rle(strand(c("-", "+", "*", "+", "-")), c(1, 2, 2, 3, 2)), score = 1:10, GC = seq(1, 0, length = 10), seqinfo = seqinfo) gtl3 <- GTuplesList(A = gt3[1:5], B = gt3[6:10]) gtl3 ## ----GTuplesList-help, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE------------------------- # ?GTuplesList ## ----GTuplesList-to-GRangesList, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE---------------- as(gtl3, "GRangesList") ## ----basic-gtupleslist-accessors1, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------- seqnames(gtl3) # Returns a list of integer matrices tuples(gtl3) tuples(gtl3)[[1]] strand(gtl3) ## ----basic-gtupleslist-accessors2, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------- length(gtl3) names(gtl3) ## ----basic-gtupleslist-accessors3, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------- seqinfo(gtl3) ## ----basic-gtupleslist-accessors4, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------- elementLengths(gtl3) ## ----basic-gtupleslist-accessors5, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------- isEmpty(gtl3) isEmpty(GTuplesList()) ## ----basic-gtupleslist-accessors6, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------- mcols(gtl3) <- c("Feature A", "Feature B") mcols(gtl3) ## ----combining-GTuplesLists, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE-------------------- ul <- unlist(gtl3) ul ## ----GTuplesList-subsetting1, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE------------------- gtl3[1] gtl3[[1]] gtl3["A"] gtl3$B ## ----GTuplesList-subsetting2, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE------------------- gtl3[1, "score"] gtl3["B", "GC"] ## ----GTuplesList-subsetting3, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE------------------- rep(gtl3[[1]], times = 3) rev(gtl3) head(gtl3, n = 1) tail(gtl3, n = 1) window(gtl3, start = 1, end = 1) ## ----GTuplesList-accessors, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE--------------------- start(gtl3) end(gtl3) tuples(gtl3) ## ----shift-GTuplesList, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------- shift(gtl3, 500) shift(gtl3, IntegerList(A = 300L, B = 500L)) ## ----GTuplesList-looping1, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE---------------------- lapply(gtl3, length) sapply(gtl3, length) ## ----GTuplesList-looping2, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE---------------------- gtl3_shift <- shift(gtl3, 10) names(gtl3) <- c("shiftA", "shiftB") mapply(c, gtl3, gtl3_shift) Map(c, gtl3, gtl3_shift) ## ----GTuplesList-looping3, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE---------------------- endoapply(gtl3, rev) ## ----GTuplesList-looping4, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE---------------------- mendoapply(c, gtl3, gtl3_shift) ## ----GTuplesList-looping5, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE---------------------- Reduce(c, gtl3) ## ----unique-GTuplesList-methods, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE---------------- tuples(gtl3) tuples(gtl3)[[1]] size(gtl3) IPD(gtl3) IPD(gtl3)[[1]] ## ----1-tuples-findOverlaps-examples, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------ # Construct example 1-tuples gt1 <- GTuples(seqnames = c('chr1', 'chr1', 'chr1', 'chr2'), tuples = matrix(c(10L, 10L, 10L, 10L), ncol = 1), strand = c('+', '-', '*', '+')) # GRanges version of gt1 gr1 <- as(gt1, "GRanges") findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'any') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'any'), findOverlaps(gr1, gr1, type = 'any')) findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'start') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'start'), findOverlaps(gr1, gr1, type = 'start')) findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'end') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'end'), findOverlaps(gr1, gr1, type = 'end')) findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'within') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'within'), findOverlaps(gr1, gr1, type = 'within')) findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'equal') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'equal'), findOverlaps(gr1, gr1, type = 'equal')) # Can pass other arguments, such as select and ignore.strand findOverlaps(gt1, gt1, type = 'equal', ignore.strand = TRUE, select = 'last') ## ----2-tuples-findOverlaps-examples, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------ # Construct example 2-tuples gt2 <- GTuples(seqnames = c('chr1', 'chr1', 'chr1', 'chr1', 'chr2'), tuples = matrix(c(10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 20L, 20L, 20L, 25L, 20L), ncol = 2), strand = c('+', '-', '*', '+', '+')) # GRanges version of gt2 gr2 <- as(gt2, "GRanges") findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'any') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'any'), findOverlaps(gr2, gr2, type = 'any')) findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'start') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'start'), findOverlaps(gr2, gr2, type = 'start')) findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'end') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'end'), findOverlaps(gr2, gr2, type = 'end')) findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'within') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'within'), findOverlaps(gr2, gr2, type = 'within')) findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'equal') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'equal'), findOverlaps(gr2, gr2, type = 'equal')) # Can pass other arguments, such as select and ignore.strand findOverlaps(gt2, gt2, type = 'equal', ignore.strand = TRUE, select = 'last') ## ----3-tuples-findOverlaps-examples, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------ # Construct example 3-tuples gt3 <- GTuples(seqnames = c('chr1', 'chr1', 'chr1', 'chr1', 'chr2'), tuples = matrix(c(10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 20L, 20L, 20L, 25L, 20L, 30L, 30L, 35L, 30L, 30L), ncol = 3), strand = c('+', '-', '*', '+', '+')) # GRanges version of gt3 gr3 <- as(gt3, "GRanges") findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'any') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'any'), findOverlaps(gr3, gr3, type = 'any')) # TRUE findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'start') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'start'), findOverlaps(gr3, gr3, type = 'start')) # TRUE findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'end') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'end'), findOverlaps(gr3, gr3, type = 'end')) # TRUE findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'within') # GTuples and GRanges methods identical identical(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'within'), findOverlaps(gr3, gr3, type = 'within')) # TRUE findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'equal') # GTuples and GRanges methods **not** identical because GRanges method ignores # "internal positions". identical(findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'equal'), findOverlaps(gr3, gr3, type = 'equal')) # FALSE # Can pass other arguments, such as select and ignore.strand findOverlaps(gt3, gt3, type = 'equal', ignore.strand = TRUE, select = 'last') ## ----3-tuples-compare-examples, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE----------------- # Construct example 3-tuples gt3 <- GTuples(seqnames = c('chr1', 'chr1', 'chr1', 'chr1', 'chr2', 'chr1', 'chr1'), tuples = matrix(c(10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 5L, 10L, 20L, 20L, 20L, 25L, 20L, 20L, 20L, 30L, 30L, 35L, 30L, 30L, 30L, 35L), ncol = 3), strand = c('+', '-', '*', '+', '+', '+', '+')) gt3 # Compare each tuple to itself compare(gt3, gt3) gt3 < gt3 gt3 > gt3 gt3 == gt3 # Compare the third tuple to all tuples compare(gt3[3], gt3) gt3[3] < gt3 gt3[3] > gt3 gt3[3] == gt3 ## Some comparisons where tuples differ only in one coordinate # Ordering of seqnames # 'chr1' < 'chr2' for tuples with otherwise identical coordinates gt3[1] < gt3[5] # TRUE # Ordering of strands # '+' < '-' < '*' for tuples with otherwise identical coordiantes gt3[1] < gt3[2] # TRUE gt3[1] < gt3[2] # TRUE gt3[1] < unstrand(gt3[2]) # TRUE gt3[2] < unstrand(gt3[2]) # TRUE # Ordering of tuples # Tuples checked sequentially from pos1, ..., posm for tuples with otherwise # identical coordinates gt3[6] < gt3[1] # TRUE due to pos1 gt3[2] < gt3[4] # TRUE due to pos2 gt3[1] < gt3[7] # TRUE due to pos3 # Sorting of tuples # Sorted first by seqnames, then by strand, then by tuples sort(gt3) # Duplicate tuples # Duplicate tuples must have identical seqnames, strand and positions (tuples) duplicated(c(gt3, gt3[1:3])) unique(c(gt3, gt3[1:3])) ## ----sessionInfo, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------------- sessionInfo()