CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.4 ------------------------ o Reduced the amount of filtering from Cook's cutoff: maximum no longer includes samples from experimental groups with only 2 samples, the default F quantile is raised to 0.99, and a robust estimate of dispersion is used to calculate Cook's distance instead of the fitted dispersion. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.32 ------------------------- o By default, use QR decomposition on the design matrix X. This stabilizes the GLM fitting. Can be turned off with the useQR argument of nbinomWaldTest() and nbinomLRT(). o Allow for "frozen" normalization of new samples using previous estimated parameters for the functions: estimateSizeFactors(), varianceStabilizingTransformation(), and rlogTransformation(). See manual pages for details and examples. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.31 ------------------------- o The adjustment of p-values and use of Cook's distance for outlier detection is moved to results() function instead of nbinomWaldTest(), nbinomLRT(), or DESeq(). This allows the user to change parameter settings without having to refit the model. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.24 ------------------------- o The results() function allows the user to specify a contrast of coefficients, either using the names of the factor and levels, or using a numeric contrast vector. Contrasts are only available for the Wald test differential analysis. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.23 ------------------------- o The results() function automatically performs independent filtering using the genefilter package and optimizing over the mean of normalized counts. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.21 ------------------------- o The regularized log transformation uses the fitted dispersions instead of the MAP dispersions. This prevents large, true log fold changes from being moderated due to a large dispersion estimate blind to the design formula. This behavior is also more consistent with the variance stabilizing transformation. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.10 ------------------------- o Outlier detection: Cook's distances are calculated for each sample per gene and the matrix is stored in the assays list. These values are used to determine genes in which a single sample disproportionately influences the fitted coefficients. These genes are flagged and the p-values set to NA. The argument 'cooksCutoff' of nbinomWaldTest() and nbinomLRT() can be used to control this functionality. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------ o Base class: SummarizedExperiment is used as the superclass for storing the data. o Workflow: The wrapper function DESeq() performs all steps for a differential expression analysis. Individual steps are still accessible. o Statistics: Incorporation of prior distributions into the estimation of dispersions and fold changes (empirical-Bayes shrinkage). A Wald test for significance is provided as the default inference method, with the likelihood ratio test of the previous version also available. o Normalization: it is possible to provide a matrix of sample- *and* gene-specific normalization factors