@ARTICLE{Livak2001402, title = "{Analysis of Relative Gene Expression Data Using Real-Time Quantitative PCR and the 2-[Delta][Delta]CT Method}", journal = "Methods", volume = "25", number = "4", pages = "402 -- 408", year = "2001", note = "", issn = "1046-2023", doi = "DOI: 10.1006/meth.2001.1262", author = "Kenneth J. Livak and Thomas D. Schmittgen", } @MISC{rtPCRtutorial, AUTHOR= "Hunt Margaret", TITLE= "Microbiology and immunology online, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine", NOTE="\url{http://pathmicro.med.sc.edu/pcr/realtime-home.htm}", } @MISC{rtPCRambion, AUTHOR = "Applied Biosystems", TITLE = "{RT-PCR}: The Basics", NOTE="\url{http://www.ambion.com/techlib/basics/rtpcr/index.html}", } @MISC{rtPCRtaqman, AUTHOR = "Roche", TITLE = "TaqMan Principles", NOTE="\url{http://www.med.unc.edu/anclinic/Tm.htm}", } @ARTICLE{Pfaffl2001, title="{A new mathematical model for relative quantification real--time PCR}", journal="Nucleic Acids Research", volume="29", number="9", year="2001", pages="2002 -- 2007", author="Michael W. Pfaffl", }