Changes in 1.3.2: * update test codes to avoid the conflict Changes in 1.3.1: * update according to the new version of VariantAnnotation Changes in 1.1.5: * minor bug fix in asVCF * update man page "SeqVarGDSClass-class.Rd" with new methods * in DESCRIPTION, BiocGenerics listed in "Suggests" instead of "Imports" as suggested by R CMD check * bug fix in seqDelete * revise the function 'seqTranspose' according to the update of gdsfmt (v1.0.0) Changes in 1.1.4: * add a new argument "action" to the function 'seqSetFilter' * add a new function 'seqInfoNewVar' which allows adding new variables to the INFO fields Changes in 1.1.3: * minor bug fix to avoid 'seqGetData' crashing when no value returned from a variable-length variable * update documents Changes in 1.1.2: * added methods 'qual', 'filt', 'asVCF' * 'granges' method uses length of reference allele to set width Changes in 1.1.1: * revise the argument 'var.index' in the function 'seqApply' * basic supports of 'GRanges' and 'DNAStringSetList' Version 0.99.1: * first submission