CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------------ SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES The Seqnames package will have functions which will be moved from AnnotationDbi , GenomicRanges o List of 9 functions moved from AnnotationDbi supportedSeqnameMappings, findSequenceRenamingMaps, supportedSeqnameStyles, supportedSeqnames, extractSeqnameSet, testSeqnames, isSupportedSeqnamesStyle, listAllSupportedStylesBySpecies, listAllSupportedSeqnameStyles. o makeSeqnameIds moved from GenomicRanges o keepStandardChromosomes moved from GenomicRanges o rename: keepStandardChromosomes -> keepChromosomes NEW FEATURES o added new functions: supportedOrganisms() supportedSeqnameMappingsWithGroup() extractSeqnameSetByGroup() CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.6 ---------------------------------- NEW FEATURES o add new functions() seqnamesInGroup which will take a character vector of chromosomes and return the chromosomes specified by the group parameter supplied by the user. The user can also give the species and the style. seqnamesOrder() internally calls Herve's function makeSeqnameIds() o add seqnameStyles generic and method from GenomicRanges SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o rename: testSeqnames -> isSupportedSeqnames o move SeqnamesStyle generic from GenomicRanges and define a new method which works on a character vector. DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT o deprecate listAllSupportedStylesBySpecies(), listAllSupportedSeqnameStyles(), supportedOrganisms() supportedSeqnameMappingsWithGroup() DEPRECATED AND USED INTERNALLY(NOT EXPORTED) o deprecate supportedSeqnameMappings(), supportedSeqnameStyles(), isSupportedSeqnamesStyle(),issupportedSeqnames() CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.7 ---------------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o rename: isSupportedSeqnames -> .isSupportedSeqnames supportedSeqnameStyles -> .supportedSeqnameStyles supportedSeqnameMappings -> .supportedSeqnameMappings isSupportedSeqnamesStyle -> .isSupportedSeqnamesStyle