Package: aroma.light ==================== Version: 2.0.0 [2014-04-11] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which is now BioC v2.14 for R (>= 3.1.0). Version: 1.99.3 [2014-03-31] o Bumped the version such that the next release will be 2.0.0. Version: 1.33.3 [2014-03-30] o Added pairedAlleleSpecificCopyNumbers(). o Argument 'preserveScale' for normalizeTumorBoost() is now required. The goal with this is to in a future version migrate to use preserveScale=FALSE as the default (was preserveScale=TRUE) in order to avoid introducing a a global bias in the tumor allele B fraction of heterozygous SNPs. The examples use preserveScale=FALSE now. Version: 1.33.2 [2014-03-25] o Now plotDensity() supports weights via argument 'W'. Version: 1.33.1 [2014-03-25] o Now plotDensity() also supports density() objects. o CLEANUP: robustSmoothSpline() no longer uses DUP=FALSE in an internal .Fortran() call. o Bumped up package dependencies. Version: 1.33.0 [2013-10-14] o The version number was bumped for the Bioc devel version. Version: 1.32.0 [2012-10-14] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which now is Bioc v2.13 for R (>= 3.0.0). Version: 1.31.10 [2013-10-08] o Added averageQuantile() for matrices in addition to lists. o SPEEDUP: Now normalizeQuantileSpline(..., sortTarget=TRUE) sorts the target only once for lists of vectors just as done for matrices. o DOCUMENTATION: Merged the documentation for normalizeQuantileSpline() for all data types into one help page. Same for plotXYCurve(). o BUG FIX: Argument 'lwd' of plotXYCurve(X, ...) was ignored if 'X' was a matrix. o Bumped up package dependencies. Version: 1.31.9 [2013-10-07] o Now library(aroma.light, quietly=TRUE) attaches the package completely silently without any messages. o Now the 'aroma.light' Package object is also available when the package is only loaded (but not attached). o DOCUMENTATION: Merged the documentation for normalizeQuantileRank() for numeric vectors and lists. o DOCUMENTATION: Now documention S3 methods under their corresponding generic function. Version: 1.31.8 [2013-10-02] o DOCUMENTATION: More generic functions are now "aliased" under relevant corresponding methods. Version: 1.31.7 [2013-09-27] o SPEEDUP: Now all package functions utilizes 'matrixStats' functions where possible, e.g. anyMissing(), colMins(), and rowWeightedMedians(). o Bumped up package dependencies. Version: 1.31.6 [2013-09-25] o CLEANUP: Package no longer use a fallback attachment of the 'R.oo' package upon attachment. Version: 1.31.5 [2013-09-23] o ROBUSTNESS: Now properly declaring all S3 methods in the NAMESPACE file. o SPEEDUP/CLEANUP: normalizeTumorBoost() now uses which() instead of whichVector() of 'R.utils'. Before R (< 2.11.0), which() used to be 10x slower than whichVector(), but now it's 3x faster. o CLEANUP: Now only using 'Authors@R' in DESCRIPTION, which is possible since R (>= 2.14.0). Hence the new requirement on the version of R. o Bumped up package dependencies. Version: 1.31.4 [2013-09-10] o CLEANUP: Now package explicitly imports what it needs from matrixStats. o Bumped up package dependencies. Version: 1.31.3 [2013-05-25] o SPEEDUP: Removed all remaining gc() calls, which were in normalizeQuantileSpline(). o SPEEDUP: Replaced all rm() calls with NULL assignments. o Updated the package dependencies. Version: 1.31.2 [2013-05-20] o Same updates as in v1.30.2. Version: 1.31.1 [2011-04-18] o Same updates as in v1.30.1. Version: 1.31.0 [2013-04-03] o The version number was bumped for the Bioc devel version. Version: 1.30.5 [2013-09-25] o Backport from v1.31.5: Declaring all S3 methods in NAMESPACE. o Backport from v1.31.5: normalizeTumorBoost() now uses which(), which also removes one dependency on 'R.utils'. Version: 1.30.4 [2013-09-25] o Backport from v1.31.4: Now package explicitly imports what it needs from matrixStats. Version: 1.30.3 [2013-09-25] o Backport from v1.31.3: Removal of all gc() calls and removal of variables is now faster. o Removed one stray str() debug output in robustSmoothSpline(). Version: 1.30.2 [2013-05-20] o CRAN POLICY: Now all Rd \usage{} lines are at most 90 characters long. Version: 1.30.1 [2013-04-18] o Now backtransformPrincipalCurve() preserves dimension names. o BUG FIX: backtransformPrincipalCurve() gave an error if the pricipal curve was fitted using data with missing values. o BUG FIX: fitPrincipalCurve() would not preserve dimension names if data contain missing values. Version: 1.30.0 [2012-04-03] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which now is Bioc v2.12 for R (>= 3.0.0). Version: 1.29.0 [2012-10-01] o The version number was bumped for the Bioc devel version. Version: 1.28.0 [2012-10-01] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which now is Bioc v2.11 for R (>= 2.15.1). Version: 1.27.1 [2012-09-12] o ROBUSTNESS: Replaced an .Internal(psort(...)) call in medianPolish() with a call to matrixStats:::.psortKM(). Version: 1.27.0 [2012-08-30] o CLEANUP: Removed weightedMedian(), which has been moved to the matrixStats package. o BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: Now package depends on the matrixStats (>= 0.5.2) package, so that weightedMedian() is still available when loading this package. In future releases, matrixStats will be downgraded to only be a suggested package. Version: 1.26.1 [2012-08-30] o BUG FIX: robustSmoothSpline() would not work with most recent R devel versions. o Updated the package dependencies. Version: 1.26.0 [2012-08-19] o Changed the license of aroma.light to GPL (>= 2) from LGPL (>= 2), because some of the implementation was adopted from GPL (>= 2) code, i.e. robustSmoothSpline() uses code from stats::smooth.spline(). o R CMD check no longer warns about some examples depending on the R.basic package. Version: 1.25.4 [2012-08-19] o WORKAROUND: Now robustSmoothSpline() robustly locates the proper native R fit function for smooth splines, which vary with different releases of R. Version: 1.25.3 [2012-04-16] o Package no longer depends on R.methodsS3, only imports. Version: 1.25.2 [2012-04-16] o 'R CMD check' no longer complaints about .Internal() calls. Version: 1.25.1 [2012-04-16] o Added support for fitNaiveGenotypes(..., flavor="fixed"). o GENERALIZATION: Now fitNaiveGenotypes() returns also 'flavor' and 'tau'. The latter are the genotype threshholds used by the caller. o CLEANUP: Dropped argument 'flavor' of callNaiveGenotypes(); it is instead passed to fitNaiveGenotypes() via '...'. Version: 1.25.0 [2012-03-30] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.24.0 [2012-03-30] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which now is Bioc v2.10 for R (>= 2.15.0). Version: 1.23.0 [2011-10-31] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.22.0 [2011-10-31] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which now is Bioc v2.9 for R (>= 2.14.0). Version: 1.21.2 [2011-10-10] o Updated robustSmoothSpline() such that it works with the new "uniqueness" scheme of smooth.spline() in R v2.14.0 and newer. It is tricky, because robustSmoothSpline() is a reiterative algorithm which requires that the choosen "unique" x:s does not change in each iteration. Previously, 'signif(x, 6)' was used to identify unique x:s, which gives the same set of values when called twice, whereas this is not true for the new choice with 'round((x - mean(x))/tol)'. Version: 1.21.1 [2011-06-26] o Added argument 'aspectRatio' to plotMvsA(). It can be used to adjust the range of the 'Mlim' argument relative to the 'Alim' argument. Version: 1.21.0 [2011-04-13] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.20.0 [2010-04-13] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which now is Bioc v2.8 for R (>= 2.13.0). Version: 1.19.6 [2011-04-12] o CLEANUP: Removed internal patch of principal.curve(). If an older version than princurve v1.1-10 is used, an informative error is thrown requesting an update. The internal patch is part of the offical princurve v1.1-10 release (since 2009-10-04). o Now all methods allocate objects with NAs of the appropriate mode. o KNOWN ISSUES: Recent updates to smooth.spline() in R v2.14.0 causes robustSmoothSpline() to break in some cases. Version: 1.19.5 [2011-04-08] o Now weightedMedian() returns NA:s of the same mode as argument 'x'. Version: 1.19.4 [2011-03-03] o Same updates as in v1.18.4. Version: 1.19.3 [2011-02-05] o Same updates as in v1.18.3. Version: 1.19.2 [2010-10-22] o Same updates as in v1.18.2. Version: 1.19.1 [2010-10-18] o Same updates as in v1.18.1. Version: 1.19.0 [2010-10-18] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.18.4 [2011-03-03] o BUG FIX: findPeaksAndValleys(x, to) were 'x' is numeric would use partial match and interpret 'to' as argument 'tol' and not part of '...' passed to density(). This problem was solved by placing '...' before argument 'tol'. Thanks Oscar Rueda at the Cancer Reasearch UK for reporting on and identifying this bug. Version: 1.18.3 [2011-02-05] o DOCUMENTATION: Added paragraphs on how to do affine normalization when channel offsets are known/zero. Same for multiscan calibration when scanner offsets are known/zero. o DOCUMENTATION: Fixed broken links to help for iwpca(). Version: 1.18.2 [2010-10-22] o DOCUMENTATION: Minor clarifications to the help page on "1. Calibration and Normalization". This page is now also referenced in help("calibrateMultiscan"). Version: 1.18.1 [2010-10-18] o These updates were supposed to be in v1.17.7, but we forgot to commit them to the BioC repository before the new BioC release. o Argument 'censorAt' for fitNaiveGenotypes() has new default. o BUG FIX: fitNaiveGenotypes(..., subsetToFit=) would throw an exception reporting "Some elements of argument 'subsetToFit' is out of range ...". Version: 1.18.0 [2010-10-18] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which now is Bioc v2.7 for R (>= 2.12.0). Version: 1.17.6 [2010-10-08] o Now findPeaksAndValleys() returns a object of class PeaksAndValleys, which extends data.frame. Version: 1.17.5 [2010-10-07] o Added optional argument 'fit' to callNaiveGenotypes() for passing a model fit returned by fitNaiveGenotypes(). If not specified, callNaiveGenotypes() will call fitNaiveGenotypes() internally. o Added fitNaiveGenotypes(), which previously was only internal of callNaiveGenotypes(). Version: 1.17.4 [2010-10-06] o Added findPeaksAndValleys() for the 'density' class, which then findPeaksAndValleys() for 'numeric' utilizes. Version: 1.17.3 [2010-09-18] o ROBUSTNESS: Now normalizeFragmentLength() asserts that arguments 'fragmentLengths' and 'y' contain at least some finite values and specifies the same number of units. In addition, the method also gives more informative error messages in case it cannot fit the normalization function due to non-finite values. Version: 1.17.2 [2010-08-04] o Added argument 'preserveScale' to normalizeTumorBoost() to rescale the calibrated allele B fractions for heterozygous SNPs such that the compression relative to the homozgygotes is preserved. Version: 1.17.1 [2010-07-23] o Same updates as in release version v1.16.1. Version: 1.17.0 [2010-04-22] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.16.1 [2010-07-23] o Now callNaiveGenotypes() returns the model estimates as attribute 'modelFit'. This feature was supposed to be in v1.16.0. Version: 1.16.0 [2010-04-22] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which now is Bioc v2.6 for R (>= 2.11.0). Version: 1.15.4 [2010-04-08] o R devel assumes ASCII encoding unless specified. Added explicit Latin-1 encoding to the DESCRIPTION file to R CMD check to pass. Version: 1.15.3 [2010-04-04] o Added normalizeDifferencesToAverage(), normalizeTumorBoost(), callNaiveGenotypes() and internal findPeaksAndValleys(), which all were moved from the package. Version: 1.15.2 [2010-03-12] o BUG FIX: The example of fitPrincipalCurve() used a non-existing argument name in the calls to substitute(). Thanks to Brian Ripley at University of Oxford for reporting this. Version: 1.15.1 [2009-11-01] o Now fitPrincipalCurve() only uses the internal bug-fix patch if a version earlier than princurve v1.1-10 is installed. Version: 1.15.0 [2009-10-27] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.14.0 [2009-10-27] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version, which now is Bioc v2.5 for R (>= 2.10.0). Version: 1.13.6 [2009-10-20] o FIX: CITATION file reverted to that of v1.13.4. Version: 1.13.5 [2009-10-08] o CITATION file [incorrectly] updated by BioC maintainers. Version: 1.13.4 [2009-09-23] o Fixed a few broken Rd links. Version: 1.13.3 [2009-07-15] o ADDED: fit- and backtransformXYCurve(). o Added attribute 'processingTime' to the fit object returned by fitPrincipalCurve(). Version: 1.13.2 [2009-05-29] o Incorporating the same updates as in release v1.12.2. Version: 1.13.1 [2009-05-13] o Incorporating the same updates as in release v1.12.1. Version: 1.13.0 [2009-04-20] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.12.2 [2009-05-29] o Replacing old HOWTOCITE with a standard CITATION file. o BUG FIX: Previous bug fix in backtransformPrincipalCurve() regarding argument 'dimension' broke the initial purpose of this argument. Since both use cases are still of interest, how the subsetting is done is now based on whether the number of dimensions of the input data and the model fit match or not. See help and example code for 'backtransformPrincipalCurve.matrix'. Version: 1.12.1 [2009-05-13] o BUG FIX: backtransformPrincipalCurve(..., dimensions) did not subset the 'X' matrix. Also, the method now returns a matrix of the same number of columns requested. The Rd example now illustrates this. Thanks to Pierre Neuvial, UC Berkeley for the troublshooting and fix. Version: 1.12.0 [2009-04-20] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version. Version: 1.11.2 [2009-02-08] o BUG FIX: An error was thrown in backtransformPrincipalCurve() when argument 'dimensions' was specified. Version: 1.11.1 [2009-01-12] o Added fit- & backtransformPrincipalCurve(). Version: 1.11.0 [2008-10-21] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.10.0 [2008-10-21] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version. Version: 1.9.2 [2008-09-11] o Added argument 'onMissing' to normalizeFragmentLength() for specifying how to normalize (if at all) data points for which the fragment lengths are unknown. For backward compatibility, we start off by having it "ignore" by default. o MEMORY OPTIMIZATION: robustSmoothSpline() is now cleaning out more variables when no longer needed. Version: 1.9.1 [2008-05-10] o Incorporating the same updates as in release v1.8.1. Version: 1.9.0 [2008-04-29] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.8.1 [2008-05-10] o BUG FIX: If the 'subsetToFit' of normalizeFragmentLength() was shorter than the number of data points, an exception was thrown. The test was supposed to assert that the subset was not greater than the number of data points. Version: 1.8.0 [2008-04-29] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version. Version: 1.7.2 [2008-04-14] o Added normalizeFragmentLength(). o Added normalizeQuantileSpline(). o Renamed normalizeQuantile() to normalizeQuantileRank(). o Added plotXYCurve(). o Added predict() for the 'lowess' class. Version: 1.7.1 [2007-11-28] o The startup message when loading the package is generated with packageStartupMessage() so that it can be suppressed. o Package now only suggest the R.oo package, and instead depends on the new R.methodsS3. o TYPO: Corrected a spelling error in the help pages. o Package passes R CMD check R v2.6.1. Version: 1.7.0 [2007-10-08] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.6.0 [2007-10-08] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version. Version: 1.5.2 [2007-08-10] o Package pass R CMD check R v2.6.0. Version: 1.5.1 [2007-06-08] (this was mistakenly versioned 1.4.1) o Added normalizeAverage(). o Package pass R CMD check R v2.6.0 with Rd encoding errors. Version: 1.5.0 [2007-05-09] o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version. Version: 1.4.0 [2007-05-09] o The version number was bumped up with the Bioconductor release. Version: 1.3.1 [2007-01-15] o Removed code to use 'modreg' for backward compatibility with R < 1.9.0. o Added R.utils to Suggests field of DESCRIPTION. Version: 1.3.0 [2006-10-??] o The devel version number was bumped up with the Bioconductor release. Version: 1.2.0 [2006-10-03] o The version number was bumped up with the Bioconductor release. Version: 1.1.0 [2006-07-20] o Added to Bioconductor v1.9. o Added some trial RSP pages. Try browseRsp() in the R.rsp package. Version: 0.1.7 [2006-06-27] o Made the package truely standalone except from R.oo. Previously package R.basic was used in some of the examples. Version: 0.1.6 [2006-05-22] o Added a namespace for the package. o Added 'biocViews' since the package will eventually be added to the Bioconductor project. o Added medianPolish() which is much faster than stats::medpolish() when there are no NA. o Added plotDensity() for list of vectors as well as for matrices. o Added normalizeQuantile() for lists of vectors as well as for a single vector of numerics. To calculate the target quantile there is a new function averageQuantile(), which is also for lists of vectors. It latter does not support robust estimatation of the average, because it safes memory. o Updated normalizeQuantile() for matrices according to the updates in the limma package. Version: 0.1.5 [2006-04-21] o Minor speedup to weightedMedian(), e.g. negative weights do no longer give and error, but are treated as zero instead. This removes some overhead of the function. Also, if it is known that there are no NAs that can be specified by na.rm=NA, which will skip NA checks. Version: 0.1.4 [2006-03-28] o Updated broken Rd links. o Updated the references to publications. Version: 0.1.3 [2006-01-22] o Added help on the returned parameters of fitIWPCA(). o Now fitIWPCA() does not return the data matrix. This is to save memory. The calling algorithm can equally well add the data if it is needed. Version: 0.1.2 [2005-09-06] o All plot methods displaying log-ratios now assures that no fake log-ratios are calculated due to two negative raw signals. Similarily, methods display log-intensities now assures that the log-intensities are calculated as doubles to avoid possible overflow warnings for too large integers. Version: 0.1.1 [2005-07-26] o Added sampleCorrelations() and sampleTuples(). o Now argument 'interpolate' of weightedMedian() defaults to TRUE only if 'ties' is NULL. Version: 0.1.0 [2005-06-03] o Created. Most of the matrix methods were copied from the R.basic and the aroma packages. The purpose of this package is to provide a standalone package, which does not require any of the aroma classes. This will allow the methods to be used by end users as is, or be utilized in other packages.