RELEASE HISTORY OF THE "cleaver" PACKAGE ======================================== Version 1.1.8 [2014-03-26]: - Fix missedCleavages>1. - Add argument "unique". - Add methods, Biostrings, IRanges to NAMESPACE. Version 1.1.7 [2014-03-25]: - Typo in the manual page. Version 1.1.5 [2014-02-25]: - Using AAStringSetList constructor for list of characters instead of creating a lot of AAStringSets dramatically decreases running time for cleave,AAStringSet-method. Version 1.1.4 [2013-12-20]: - tests: - move tests into tests/testthat to adapt to testthat 0.8 and new CRAN policy. Version 0.99.5 [2013-07-24]: - vignette: - remove duplicated sessionInfo entries. Version 0.99.4 [2013-07-23]: - vignette: - use BiocStyle. - add sessionInfo() and TOC. Version 0.99.3 [2013-07-08]: - vignette: add second BRAIN reference. Version 0.99.2 [2013-06-17]: - Replace own AAStringSetList constructor by Biostrings::AAStringSetList. - man/cleaver-package.Rd: remove static date. - vignette: add dynamic date and don't load Biostrings manually anymore. - NAMESPACE: don't import from Biostrings and IRanges. Version 0.99.1 [2013-05-30]: - Add S4-methods for character, AAString, AAStringSet. - man/cleave-methods.Rd: split table of cleavage rules to reduce table width. - Extend vignette (add BRAIN and based examples). Version 0.99.0 [2013-04-27]: - Initial release.