Bioconductor Task View: Sequencing

Subview of

Packages in view

Package Maintainer Title
GenomicRanges Biocore Team c/o BioC user list Representation and manipulation of genomic intervals
girafe J. Toedling Genome Intervals and Read Alignments for Functional Exploration
PICS Arnaud Droit , Xuekui Zhang , Raphael Gottardo Probabilistic inference of ChIP-seq
rGADEM Arnaud Droit de novo motif discovery
Rolexa Jacques Rougemont Statistical analysis of Solexa sequencing data
Rsamtools Biocore Team c/o BioC user list Import aligned BAM file format sequences into R / Bioconductor
ShortRead Biocore Team c/o BioC user list Base classes and methods for high-throughput short-read sequencing data.