## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup, message=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- library(mosbi) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- z_score <- function(x, margin = 2) { z_fun <- function(y) { (y - mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)) / sd(y, na.rm = TRUE) } if (margin == 2) { return(apply(x, margin, z_fun)) } else if (margin == 1) { return(t(apply(x, margin, z_fun))) } } bicluster_histo <- function(biclusters) { cols <- mosbi::colhistogram(biclusters) rows <- mosbi::rowhistogram(biclusters) graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) hist(cols, main = "Column size ditribution") hist(rows, main = "Row size ditribution") } ## ---- message=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------- # get data data(mouse_data) mouse_data <- mouse_data[c( grep( "metabolite_identification", colnames(mouse_data) ), grep("^X", colnames(mouse_data)) )] # Make data matrix data_matrix <- z_score(log2(as.matrix(mouse_data[2:ncol(mouse_data)])), 1) rownames(data_matrix) <- mouse_data$metabolite_identification stats::heatmap(data_matrix) ## ---- message=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------- # Fabia fb <- mosbi::run_fabia(data_matrix) # In case the algorithms throws an error, # return an empty list # isa2 BCisa <- mosbi::run_isa(data_matrix) # Plaid BCplaid <- mosbi::run_plaid(data_matrix) # QUBIC BCqubic <- mosbi::run_qubic(data_matrix) # Merge results of all algorithms all_bics <- c(fb, BCisa, BCplaid, BCqubic) bicluster_histo(all_bics) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bic_net <- mosbi::bicluster_network(all_bics, # List of biclusters data_matrix, # Data matrix n_randomizations = 5, # Number of randomizations for the # error model MARGIN = "both", # Use datapoints for metric evaluation metric = 4, # Fowlkes–Mallows index # For information about the metrics, # visit the "Similarity metrics # evaluation" vignette n_steps = 1000, # At how many steps should # the cut-of is evaluated plot_edge_dist = TRUE # Plot the evaluation of cut-off estimation ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- stats::heatmap(get_adjacency(bic_net)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(bic_net) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mosbi::plot_algo_network(bic_net, all_bics, vertex.label = NA) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare groups for plotting weeks <- vapply( strsplit(colnames(data_matrix), "\\."), function(x) { return(x[1]) }, "" ) names(weeks) <- colnames(data_matrix) print(sort(unique(weeks))) # 5 colors required week_cols <- c("yellow", "orange", "red", "green", "brown") # Plot network colored by week mosbi::plot_piechart_bicluster_network(bic_net, all_bics, weeks, week_cols, vertex.label = NA ) graphics::legend("topright", legend = sort(unique(weeks)), fill = week_cols, title = "Week" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare groups for plotting samples <- vapply( strsplit(colnames(data_matrix), "\\."), function(x) { return(x[2]) }, "" ) names(samples) <- colnames(data_matrix) samples_cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal( n = length(sort(unique(samples))), name = "Set3" ) # Plot network colored by week mosbi::plot_piechart_bicluster_network(bic_net, all_bics, samples, samples_cols, vertex.label = NA ) graphics::legend("topright", legend = sort(unique(samples)), fill = samples_cols, title = "Sample" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- coms <- mosbi::get_louvain_communities(bic_net, min_size = 3, bics = all_bics ) # Only communities with a minimum size of 3 biclusters are saved. ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot all communities for (i in seq(1, length(coms))) { tmp_bics <- mosbi::select_biclusters_from_bicluster_network( coms[[i]], all_bics ) mosbi::plot_piechart_bicluster_network(coms[[i]], tmp_bics, weeks, week_cols, main = paste0("Community ", i) ) graphics::legend("topright", legend = sort(unique(weeks)), fill = week_cols, title = "Week" ) cat("\nCommunity ", i, " conists of results from the following algorithms:\n") cat(get_bic_net_algorithms(coms[[i]])) cat("\n") } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ensemble_bicluster_list <- mosbi::ensemble_biclusters(coms, all_bics, data_matrix, row_threshold = .1, col_threshold = .1 ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()