#include /* C='^[/][/*]SH_' ;O=${0##*[/]};R=`dirname $0`;R=${R%/}/;R0=$R$O;R=$R${O%%.*} O=${0##*.};Rs=$R.$O;Rm=$R.tmp.$O;Rh=$R.h;R=$Rs$Rh$Rm;Rp='printf %s\n ';Rc=:;O=" ";[ "${R##*$R0*}" = '' ]&&$Rp"$0:NGsuffix"&&exit 1;R='sed -ne ';Cm=$R'"/[E]ND/!d :l;n;p;bl"<$R0>$Rm;$Rp"$Rm"';RB=$($R"s/${C}OP//p"<$R0|(F=mw;while read -r a b;do B=${a%:};F=`$Rp"$F"|$R"s#$B:*##1;p"`${a%_};$Rp"C$B=\$(cat<<'E'$O$b${O}E$O)";done $Rp"R1=$F"));Rw=$R'"/$C$R/!d;:l;n;/${C}ED/q;p;bl"<$R0';Cw="(R=LS;$Rw;$Rw>&3;R=HD $Rw;R=SC;$Rw>&3)"'>$Rh 3>$Rs;$Rp"$Rh $Rs"';Re=eval\ ;$Re"$RB";while getopts $R1\ R;do case $R in \?)exit 1;;*)$Re"O$R=\$OPTARG";Rc=$Rc$O`$Re'$Rp"$C'$R\"`;;esac done;[ "$Rc" = : ]&&Rc=$Cm;shift $((OPTIND-1));$Re"$C_$O$Rc";exit #END GPLv3+*/ //SH_LS /* Copyright (C) 2019 Momi-g * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ //SH_ED //SH_HD ----- #define foo 123 int brp_hw(); //SH_ED /*SH_SC -----*/ #include "brp.h" #include int brp_hw(){ printf("brp samplecode, %d\n", foo); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv){ brp_hw(); return 0; } //SH_ED //---- usage block //SH_OP d cat "$R0" | sed -e "/#END/q" /*SH_OP h cat "$R0" | sed -ne "/${C}OP h/!d;:l;n;/${C}ED/q;p;bl" #q...quit*/ /* brp - line oriented universal preprocessor using posix-sh ---basic usage this script works by just copying and pasting into your file top. ~$ sh brp.sh.c -d #>> drop sh script all the codes are written at the top of this file. ~$ sh brp.sh.c -m #>> output tMp file (brp.tmp.c) and disp "brp.tmp.c" ~$ sh brp.sh.c #>> same as above. noopt is statically fixed to -m. ...-m opt (or noopt) works as 1. delete the header script. 2. write it to a tmpfile. (aaa.tmp.c etc) 3. disp filename to stdout. ~$ sh brp.sh.c -w #>> make brp.h + brp.c. if brp.sh.java, brp.h + brp.java ... -w(output double file) opt works as 1. write SH_LS - SH_ED(LS_block) to both brp.h/brp.c 2. HD_block -> add to brp.h, SC_block -> add to brp.c 3. disp filename to stdout. (brp.h brp.c) your extension: add '//SH_OP z echo "12345"' to this file end and run. ~$ sh brp.sh.c -z -w -z #>> 12345 x2 ...see also -H (7-8 pages). //SH_ED /*SH_OP H cat "$R0" | sed -ne "/${C}OP H/!d;:l;p;n;/${C}ED/q;bl" ---extended usage make code as follows #inc ... #END (header script end) //SH_OP a echo "hello" //SH_OP b: z=100;echo "good-bye $2 $Ob $1 $z" #Ob ...optarg of -b //SH_OP x date //SH_OP y echo "he said, "; eval "$Ca" #Ca ... Command -a... and execute. ~$ sh brp.sh.c -a #>> hello ~$ sh brp.sh.c -a -x -a #>> hello y1999.m1.d31 hello ~$ sh brp.sh.c -y #>> he said, hello ~$ sh brp.sh.c -b 123 a_1st a_2nd #>> good-bye a_2nd 123 a_1st 100 ---opt extend rule //SH_OP b: z=100;echo "good-bye $2 $Ob $1 $z $R0" 1 2 3 4 1- dfl opthead is "//SH_OP" or "/*SH_OP". see below '$C'. 2- separate with blank char(spaces or tabs) 3- optchar is [a-zA-Z0-9] + '_'(see below). add ':' if use optarg. 4- write raw sh-script with ONE LINE. 1-2char var names R?, C?, O? are reserved.(R,C,O,Ra,R7,Cg,O5 ...) optarg is set to $O? ( a: >> $Oa , v: >> $Ov etc) - description of reserved vars. $R0,Rm,Rs,Rh ... orig/tMp/src/header fname. ($Rm -> ./aaa.tmp.c etc) fname uses topname + last suffix. brp.xx.yy.py3 -> ./brp.py3 original fname should avoid tmp/src/header fname. (sh sh_aaa.c -w >> sh_aaa.h / sh_aaa.c ...orig destroyed) $C? ... $Cm/$Cw etc. code buffer. (Ca='echo "foobar"') //SH_OP a echo "hw";echo "$Rm" ...sh brp.sh.c -a ...hw aaa.tmp.c //SH_OP b printf "$Ca" ... sh brp.sh.c -b ... echo "hw";echo "$Rm" //SH_OP c eval "$Ca" ... -c works as equals to -a $C ... comment sed-regex. dfl C='^[/][/*]SH_' ...//SH_xx or /*SH_yy brp uses linecmt as directive. if you want to use other pg-lang(python etc), edit srctop 'C=...' directly. use BRE-reg. shell : C='^#ANYSTR_'; >> #ANYSTR_LS, #ANYSTR_ED etc python: C='^["]["]["]MARKER_'; >> """MARKER_OP etc basic : C="^[']SH_"; ...$C is used as follows. escape slash '/' plz. sed -e "/${C}ED/" ... bad:C='^/[/*]SH_' good:C='^\/[/*]SH_' $O? ... optargs. //SH_OP a: echo "$Oa" .. sh brp.sh.c -a 11 ..11 $O ... newline(\n). ...eg) //SH_OP a echo "a${O}b" >> disp a(\n)b $0,1,2 ..normal args. this pg uses getopts. checked opts are removed. - adopt new one if option setting is duplicate. //SH_OP a echo "hw" >> ignored. sh brp.sh.c -a -> disp "gw" //SH_OP a echo "gw" //SH_OP w echo "123" >> overwrite dflopt. you cant remap old one. - if special optchar '_' is set, it works only once at the script beginning. works as preprocesser. //SH_OP _ echo "preset AA";AA=1;eval "$Ch" //SH_OP a echo "$AA" #>>~$ brp.sh.c -a ... disp "1" + help. - suffixes(LS,HD,SC,OP,ED) are fixed. - linetop '#include...' is assert() for c/cpp. (run ~$ gcc brp.sh.c) you can delete if you want. ---appendix --- copy & paste top script --- #include int main(void){ std::cout << "hw" << std::endl; } //SH_OP b eval "$Cm";g++ "$Rm"; ./a.out ...save as 'aaa.brp.cpp' and run 'sh aaa.brp.c -b' >>> hw. -- //COPT -L./ -lm -DTEST -O2 -Wall //SH_OP t buf=`sed -ne s#^//COPT##p`;eval "$Cm"|tr '\n' ' ';echo "$buf" >> gcc `sh aaa.sh.c -t` -> gcc aaa.tmp.c -L./ -lm -DTEST ... -- //I_OPT -I./ -I./include //L_OPT -L./ -L./lib -lpthread -lm //SH_OP i cat "$R0" | sed -ne 's@^//I_OPT@@p' | tr '\n' ' ' //SH_OP l cat "$R0" | sed -ne 's@^//L_OPT@@p' | tr '\n' ' ' //SH_OP o eval "$Ci"; eval "$Cl" ... sh aaa.sh.c -o >> show -I./include -L./lib -lpthread -lm -- - one liner sample Cm='sed -ne "/[E]ND/{n;bl};d;:l;p;n;bl"<"$R0">"$Rm";echo "$Rm"' >> sed -ne '*see below*' < "$R0" > "$Rm" echo "$Rm" >> cat 'foo.sh.c' | sed -ne '*see below*' > foo.tmp.c echo "foo.tmp.c" - explain sed cmd sed -ne '/[E]ND/{n;bl};d;:l;p;n;bl' >> sed -n(o print. print only when requested) -e(xpression as script) 'if (line==/END/){ .../[E]ND/ n(ext read) ...n (if not -n opt, print nowline & readnext) goto label l ...b l (b=jump/goto. babc -> b abc -> goto abc) } del line (& read nextline & *goto top*) ...d (d cmd is hard worker) label l: ... :l (label. ':' + 'lbl name') p(rint line) ... p n(extline read) ... n goto label l ... b l ' >> del lines until fst hit 'END'. print all lines until EOF. ...sed cmd is difficult but very powerful.Most requests can be solved by referring to the above. - explain sed + sh sed cant use shortest match, but shell is possible(shotest+longest). str="aa_bb_cc" echo "${str#*_}" #>> bb_cc (match aa_ and del) echo "${str##*_}" #>> cc (longet) echo "${str%_*}" #>> aa_bb (from tail) echo "${str%%_*}" #>> aa The way to remember is '# is to the left of % at keyboard' or '# is often used at the beginning of comments'. shell pattern(glob pattern) is very similar to sed-regex. aa_bb_cc -> a_bb_cc reg: s/^.//g sh: ${str#?} ... any one char. reg:'.' sh:'?' aa_bb_cc -> (del) reg: ^[.]* sh: ${str#*} ... all. sh can uses wild card. aa_bb_cc -> aa_ reg: [^a_]* sh: ${str%%[!a_]*} ... not. reg:'^' sh:'!' ...[], bracket works as same, 'one char' escape sh: ${str%123"*"*} ... "*" uses as literal. 0123*567 -> 0 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_%28programming%29 ..or see 'man sh' + input '/' + input 'pattern' + enter + 'n' + shift 'n' concept I wondered why to write dependencies or compile options to makefiles. The source code should contain all the necessary information. Because the programmer's will is written. I didn't like writing in separate files and increasing the workflow. - avoid info fragmentation (script/src/header/gcc opt/ini/config etc) - small. avoid disturbing the main code. - (consider readability) - portable. avoid vender lockin, bashism etc. - low learning cost. good usage help, dont need installation etc (todo) - others ... see unix philosophy. change log -- 2021-05-11 Momi-g * brp.sh.c : v1.0.1 add mandoc, improve brp script 2020-01-04 Momi-g * brp.sh.c : v1.0.0 releases. //SH_ED*/ //----the below is out of HELP. mainly uses for C src----- /*SH_doc* [back][1] #h NAME# brp - line oriented universal preprocesser using posix-sh #h SYNOPSIS# **sh** *./yourcode* [-**mw**] #h EXAMPLE this script works by just copying a sh-script to your code head. all the codes are written at the 10-lines. -[**mw**] is defined in it too. - eg1 (src.abc.xyz) ``` #include /* C='^[/][/*]SH_' ;O=${0##*[/]};R=`dirname $0`;R=${R%/}/;R0=$R$O;R=$R${O%%.*} O=${0##*.};Rs=$R.$O;Rm=$R.tmp.$O;Rh=$R.h;R=$Rs$Rh$Rm;Rp='printf %s\n ';Rc=:;O=" ";[ "${R##*$R0*}" = '' ]&&$Rp"$0:NGsuffix"&&exit 1;R='sed -ne ';Cm=$R'"/[E]ND/!d :l;n;p;bl"<$R0>$Rm;$Rp"$Rm"';RB=$($R"s/${C}OP//p"<$R0|(F=mw;while read -r a b;do B=${a%:};F=`$Rp"$F"|$R"s#$B:*##1;p"`${a%_};$Rp"C$B=\$(cat<<'E'$O$b${O}E$O)";done $Rp"R1=$F"));Rw=$R'"/$C$R/!d;:l;n;/${C}ED/q;p;bl"<$R0';Cw="(R=LS;$Rw;$Rw>&3;R=HD $Rw;R=SC;$Rw>&3)"'>$Rh 3>$Rs;$Rp"$Rh $Rs"';Re=eval\ ;$Re"$RB";while getopts $R1\ R;do case $R in \?)exit 1;;*)$Re"O$R=\$OPTARG";Rc=$Rc$O`$Re'$Rp"$C'$R\"`;;esac done;[ "$Rc" = : ]&&Rc=$Cm;shift $((OPTIND-1));$Re"$C_$O$Rc";exit #END GPLv3+*/ //SH_OP a echo "hw" //SH_OP z pwd; ls -al ``` (run)~$ sh src.abc.xyz -a\ \ #>> hw## (run)~$ sh src.abc.xyz -z\ \ #>> disp info - eg2 (src.sh.c) ``` #inc... ...#END //SH_LS //this code license is XXX... //SH_ED //SH_HD int myf(void); //SH_ED /*SH_SC*/ int myf(void){puts("hw");return 0;} int main(int argc, char** argv){return myf();} //SH_ED ``` (run) #s ~$ sh src.sh.c -m\ \ #>> output tMpfile (brp.tmp.c) and disp "brp.tmp.c"## #s ~$ sh src.sh.c\ \ #>> same as the above. noopt is statically fixed to -m## #s ... -m opt (or noopt) works as 1. delete the header script. 2. write it to a tmpfile. (aaa.tmp.c etc) 3. disp filename to stdout. #s ~$ sh brp.sh.c -w\ \ #>> make brp.h + brp.c. if brp.sh.java, brp.h + brp.java #s ... -w(output double file) opt works as 1. write SH_LS - SH_ED(LS_block) to both brp.h/brp.c 2. add HD_block to brp.h and add SC_block to brp.c 3. disp filename to stdout. (brp.h, brp.c) - eg3 (src.sh.c) ``` #inc..(header script)..#END //SH_OP a echo "hello" //SH_OP b: z=100;echo "good-bye $2 $Ob $1 $z" #Ob ...optarg of -b ..(license block).. //SH_OP x date //SH_OP y echo "he said, "; eval "$Ca" #Ca ... Command -a... ``` (run) #s ~$ sh brp.sh.c -a\ \ #>> hello #s ~$ sh brp.sh.c -a -x -a\ \ #>> hello y1999.m1.d31 hello #s ~$ sh brp.sh.c -y\ \ #>> he said, hello #s ~$ sh brp.sh.c -b 123 ag1 ag2\ \ #>> good-bye ag2 123 ag1 100 #h option setting format ``` //SH_OP b: z=100;echo "good-bye $2 $Ob $1 $z $R0" 1 2 3 4 1- dfl opthead is "//SH_OP" or "/*SH_OP". see below '$C'. 2- separate with blank char(spaces or tabs) 3- optchar allows only [a-zA-Z0-9] + '_'(see below). add ':' if you use optarg. 4- write raw sh-script with ONE LINE. 1-2char var names R?, C?, O? are reserved.(R,C,O,Ra,R7,Cg,O5 ...) optarg is set to $O? ( a: >> $Oa , v: >> $Ov etc) - reserved words $R0,Rm,Rs,Rh ... orig/tMp/src/header filename. ($Rm == ./aaa.tmp.c etc) filename uses topname+last suffix. eg) $R0: ./brp.xx.yy.py3, $Rm: ./brp.py3 original filename should avoid tmp/src/header name. (sh sh_aaa.c -w >>> sh_aaa.h / **sh_aaa.c** ...orig destroyed) $C? ... $Cm/$Cw etc. used for opt command buffer //SH_OP a echo "hw";echo "$Rm" #>>sh brp.sh.c -a ...hw aaa.tmp.c //SH_OP b printf "$Ca" #>> sh brp.sh.c -b ... echo "hw";echo "$Rm" //SH_OP c eval "$Ca" #>> sh brp.sh.c -c ... works as equals to -a $C ... comment sed-regex. default is C='^[/][/*]SH_' ...//SH_xx or /*SH_yy brp uses linecmt as directive. if you want to use other pg-lang(python etc), edit srctop 'C=...' directly with BRE-regex. shell : C='^#ANYSTR_'; >> #ANYSTR_LS, #ANYSTR_ED etc python: C='^["]["]["]MARKER_'; >> """MARKER_OP etc BASIC : C="^[']SH_"; >>'SH_OP etc $C is used as below. escape slash '/' plz. sed -e "/${C}ED/" ... bad:C='^/[/*]SH_' good:C='^\/[/*]SH_' $O? ... optargs. eg) //SH_OP a: echo "$Oa" .. sh brp.sh.c -a 11 ..11 $O ... newline(\n). eg) //SH_OP a echo "a${O}b" >> disp a(\n)b $0,1,2 ..normal args. this pg uses getopts. checked opts are removed. eg) //SH_OP a echo "$1" #>> ~$ sh foo.sh.c -a -- hw >> hw - dupulicated defination adopt new one if option setting is duplicate. //SH_OP a echo "hw" >> ignored. sh brp.sh.c -a -> disp "gw" //SH_OP a echo "gw" //SH_OP w echo "123" >> overwrite dflopt. you cant remap old one - preceding command if you set optchar '_'(0x5F underscore), it will run at first automatically. this optchar works as preprocesser. (set) //SH_OP _ echo "preset AA";AA=1 /*SH_OP a echo "$AA" #*/ //SH_OP 1 echo "hw" (exec) ~$ brp.sh.c -a #>> disp "preset AA", "1" ~$ brp.sh.c -a #>> disp "preset AA", "hw" ~$ brp.sh.c #>> disp "preset AA" and drop brp.c/brp.h - opt 'm/w' is defined at the header script and uses SH_xx (LS,HD,SC,ED) - SH_xx (OP,LS,HD,SC,ED) suffixes are fixed - linetop '#include...' is assert() for c/cpp. (run ~$ gcc brp.sh.c) you can delete if you want. ``` #h appendix ``` --- src.cpp #inc...(script)...#END #include int main(void){ std::cout << "hw" << std::endl;} //SH_OP b eval "$Cm";g++ "$Rm"; ./a.out (run)~$ sh aaa.brp.c -b #>> hw --- ---src.c #inc...(script)...#END #include int main(void){ puts("hw");} //add -L./ -lm -DTEST -O2 -Wall //SH_OP o buf=`sed -ne 's@^//add@@p'<$R0` //SH_OP b eval "$Co"; eval "$Cm"; gcc $Rm $buf (run)~$ sh -x src.sh.c -b #>> gcc src.tmp.c -L./ -lm -DTEST -O2 -Wall --- -one liner sample Cm='sed -ne "/[E]ND/{n;bl};d;:l;p;n;bl"<"$R0">"$Rm";echo "$Rm"' >> sed -ne '...' < "$R0" > "$Rm" echo "$Rm" >> cat 'foo.sh.c' | sed -ne '..see below..' > foo.tmp.c echo "foo.tmp.c" -sed command sed -ne '/[E]ND/{n;bl};d;:l;p;n;bl' -n: no print. print only when requested -e: expression of sed-script >>(explain sed command with pseudo code) if (line==/END/){ .../[E]ND/ n(ext read) ...n (if not -n opt, print nowline & readnext) goto label l ...b l (b=jump/goto. babc -> b abc -> goto abc) } del line ...d (del line & read nextline & *goto top*. d cmd is hard worker) label l: ... :l (label. ':' + 'label name') p(rint line) ... p n(extline read) ... n goto label l ... b l ...sed cmd is difficult but very powerful. add option '--posix' to avoid bashism if you use gnused. eg) ~$ sed --posix -e '/hello/p' https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/manual/sed.html (verbose but bashism) https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/sed.html ~$ man sed -edit string with shell posix-sed cant use shortest match, but shell is possible(shotest+longest). str="aa_bb_cc" echo "${str#*_}" #>> bb_cc (match aa_ and del) echo "${str##*_}" #>> cc (longet) echo "${str%_*}" #>> aa_bb (from tail) echo "${str%%_*}" #>> aa The way to remember is '# is to the left of % at keyboard' or '# is often used at the beginning of comments'. shell pattern(glob pattern) is very similar to regex. aa_bb_cc -> a_bb_cc reg: s/^.//g sh: ${str#?} ... any one char. reg:'.' sh:'?' aa_bb_cc -> (del) reg: ^[.]* sh: ${str#*} ... all. sh can uses wild card. aa_bb_cc -> aa_ reg: [^a_]* sh: ${str%%[!a_]*} ... not. reg:'^' sh:'!' ...[], bracket works as same, 'one char' escape sh: ${str%123"*"*} ... "*" uses as literal. 0123*567 -> 0 - see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_%28programming%29 ~$ man sh #and input '/pattern' + enter + 'n' + shift 'n' ``` [back][1] [1]: https://osdn.net/projects/brp/ /*SH_docE*/ /*SH_OP _ set -e;a=`sed -ne "/${C}DF/!d;:l;n;/${C}DE/q;p;bl"<$R0`;eval "$a" #*/ //*SH_OP h $p"-tsbS:test/eg/.o/.so -LMP:mem,prof@a.out -f:funcs -o:normalout GPLv3+" #*/ /*SH_OP f sed -ne "/${C}DF/q;/;/d;/^[a-z].*)/p"<$R0 #*/ /*SH_OP t $e"$CW";ftt "$@";$p'cc -g -pg $tf $Rs `fOI $tf` `fg $tf` `fL`'|fv #*/ /*SH_OP s $e"$CB";fgr0 "${C}SMP" "${C}SMPE"<$Rs|fbn>eg.c;$p'cc eg.c `fg eg.c`'|fv #*/ /*SH_OP L $p"valgrind --leak-check=full ./a.out 2>&1|sed -e '/SUMMA/!d;n;n;n;n'"|fv #*/ /*SH_OP M $p"fM ./a.out"|fv #*/ /*SH_OP P $p'valgrind --tool=callgrind --callgrind-out-file=log.out ./a.out;kcachegrind log.out'|fv #*/ /*SH_OP b $e"$CW";$p'cc -c $Rs -O2 -Wall -g `fg $Rs` `fI $Rs`'|fv;$p"$bn.o" #*/ /*SH_OP B $e"$Cb";$p"ar -r lib$bn.a $bn.o `fO $Rs`"|fv;$p"lib$bn.a" #*/ /*SH_OP A $e"$CB";$p'fA lib$bn.a `fg $Rh $Rs|fu|grep '[.]a$'|fU`'|fv;$p"lib$bn.a" #*/ /*SH_OP S $e"$Cb";$p"cc -shared -fPIC -o lib$bn.so $bn.o `foi $Rs` `fg $Rs`"|fv;$p"lib$bn.so" #*/ /*SH_OP W $e"$Cm$O$Cw">/dev/null;$i0;$i1;$p"$Rs $Rh $tf" #*/ /*SH_OP o $p'sed -e "/#END/q"<$R0>$bn.h;fmd $R0'|fv #*/ /*SH_DF #-- noob fmd()( fgr0 "${C}doc" "${C}docE"<$1>$Rm cat $Rm|sed -e ' s/^\(#*\)#h[ \t]*\([^#]*\)#*[ \t]*\(.*\)$/\n\n\1# \2\n\n\3/1 s/^#b[ \t]*\([^#]*\)#*[ \t]*\(.*\)$/\n\n\1\n\n\2/1 s/\([^#\\]\)##$/\1 /1' | sed -e 'N;s/\(\n#s[ \t]*\)/ \n/1;P;D'>$bn.md rm $Rm fhtml $bn.md $bn echo "index.html" >/dev/stderr ) fhtml(){ md2h $bn.md $bn; } fman()( pandoc -h>/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 0 # --from license: cc-by-sa 4.0 (code is changed from the orig) # --https://gpanders.com/blog/write-your-own-man-pages/ (auth:Gregory Anders) cat $bn.md|pandoc -s -f markdown -t man -M title="$bn" \ -M section="$2" -M date=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'` > $bn.$2 # --end license: cc-by-sa 4.0 ) #-- vars bn=`basename ${Rs%.*}`; tf=${Rs%/*}/${bn}.ts.${Rs##*.}; e="eval "; p="$Rp" #-- mod fv()(while read -r a;do $e"cat</dev/stderr;$e"$a";done) fbn()(sed -e "s@\*${C##*]}bn\*@$bn@g"|frf) fsn()(tr -s ' \t' '\n') fsl()(tr -s '\n' ' ') fu()(fsn|sort -u) fU()(fu|fsl;$p) fgr()(sed -e "/$1/!d;:l;/$2/{p;d};n;bl") #切出 fgr0()(sed -ne "/$1/!d;:l;n;/$2/d;p;bl") #抜き切出 fgR()(sed -ne "/$1/bl;p;d;:l;n;/$2/d;bl") #切すて fg()(sed -ne "s/.*\*${C##*]}co\*\([^*]*\).*$/\1/p" "$@"|fsn|awk '!a[$0]{a[$0]=1;print}'|fsl) # fO src.o from inc"src.abc" etc. kick self fO()(set -- `fdp "$@"|awk '$0~/[.](h|hpp)$/{print}'|sed -e 's/[.][^.]*$/.o/'|fU` buf="";for i;do test -f $i&&buf="$buf $i";done;$p"$buf" ) fI()(fdp "$@"|sed -e 's/[^/]*$//g'|fu|sed -e '/./s/^/ -I/g'|fU) fL()(find -L `dirname $R0` -type d|sed -e 's/^/-L/g'|fU) # inc""系.h,hpp,oをパス付きで羅列 OIはfdpが重複するので高速化でまとめる fOI()( set -- `fdp "$@"` s="-I./ "`$p"$@"|sed -e 's/[^/]*$//g'|fu|sed -e 's/^/ -I/g'|fU` set -- `$p"$@"|awk '$0~/[.](h|hpp)$/{print}'|sed -e 's/[.][^.]*$/.o/'|fU` buf="";for i;do test -f $i&&buf="$buf $i";done; $p"$buf $s" ) # 依存inc""を再帰的に取得./以下全て self系はkick fdp()( l="$*"; paths="$@"; all=""; used="" while :;do all=`$p$all $paths|fU` #差分を追加 repの始末 差分たちからaaa.hを取得 partial path buf=`(cat $paths|sed -ne 's@^[ \t]*#inc[^"]*.\([a-zA-Z0-9._]*\)".*@\1@p')|sort -u` ch=`$p$used $buf|tr -s ' ' '\n'|sort|uniq -u` #使用済は外す used="$used $ch" #リスト更新 paths=`fsvy $ch|sort -u` #ls検索 name系のみのはず buf=`$p"$all" "$paths"|fU` #増えたらloop [ ${#all} = ${#buf} ]&&break done # initを除く set -- $all for i;do a=${i##*[/]}; a=${a%%.*};[ "${l##*$a*}" = "$l" ]&&set -- "$@" $i;shift;done $p"$@" ) # corecode:search + depthck + uniq fsvy()(c="find -L ./ -false" for i; do c="$c -o -path '*'$i";done; l=`$e"$c"` for i; do $p"$l"|grep -F "$i"|awk '{sv=$0;print gsub("[/]","") " " sv}'| sort -k 1.1,1n -k 2.2,2|awk '{print $2;exit}'; done ) # libをまとめる fA()(n=0;dir=`dirname $0`/tmpdir;mkdir $dir;cd $dir; for i;do n=$((n+1)) cp ../$i $i ar -x $i for ii in *.o;do mv "$ii" "p${n}_$ii";done ar -r lib$bn.aa *.o rm *.o done $p'mv lib$bn.aa ../lib$bn.a'|fv cd ..;rm -r $dir ) #-- yacc # /*SH_OP y $e"$CW";fy # /*SH_OP Y $e"$Cy";fU $( ($p"lib$bn.a";fg $Rs $Rh)|$n|grep '[.]a$'|$U) fy()( cat<<'EEE'|fv f0 "${C}YACC" "${C}YACCE"<$Rs>myyacc.y f0 "${C}LEX" "${C}LEXE"<$Rs>mylex.l lex mylex.l; 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