Welcome and thank you for trying NuTyX-openbox! The following notes will hopefully help you get to know and use your system better. 1. BASIC COMMANDS USED WITH NUTYX 2. THE OPENBOX MENU a) Menu Chooser b) Menu Backup 3. PMENU 4. XFCE4 PANEL 5. CHANGING MOUSE CURSORS 6. PAPIRUS FOLDERS SCRIPT 7. CONKY a) Conky Chooser b) WARNING! 8. THANKS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS _____________________________ BASIC COMMANDS USED WITH NUTYX If you are new to NuTyX, it uses its own package manager called cards. Below are a few basic commands to help get you started. Each one will first show the cards command followed by an alias command (if available) that does the same thing. 1. To check for updates (this command is an alias)... check 2. To search for a package (sudo not required)... cards search the-package-name search the-package-name Note: package names may differ from what you're used to. If no results are returned, try only part of the name. 3. To install a package... sudo cards install the-package-name get the-package-name 4. To remove a package... sudo cards remove the-package-name del the-package-name 5. To upgrade the system (this command syncs the repos and checks for upgrades)... sudo cards upgrade 6. To create a new user... sudo setup-nutyx -cu nu Note: to create a root user, the name must be --> root 7. For more information and options... cards -h man cards 8. Please take the time to visit NuTyX GNU/Linux website's Documentation page for more information about how to use NuTyX. https://www.nutyx.org/en/documentation _____________________________ THE OPENBOX MENU The default Openbox menu is provided by obmenu-generator. It will automatically add or remove applications that you install (or remove), and it will automatically adopt whichever icon theme you choose in Customize Look and Feel. It can also be used without icons if you prefer. Editing obmenu-generator's menu must be done by editing its menu schema. You can open the menu schema from the menu... Openbox > Obmenu-Generator > Menu Schema a) Menu Chooser There are five other menus to choose from. Four of them use PMenu as a dynamic applications menu. The fifth one is a completely manual menu; in which, you will have to add all of the applications manually. In each menu (including the obmenu-generator menu), there is a "Menu Chooser" found in the Openbox category. Clicking it will bring up a window showing the menu choices. Just click on the one you want to use, and the system will adopt that menu. b) Menu Backup In each menu (other than the obmenu-generator menu), there is a "Menu Backup" within the Openbox category of each menu. It's purpose is to backup the menu(s) in case you have made any edits to the menu.xml file(s). When you click on "Menu Backup", you won't see anything happen. However, it will automatically save the current menu (that you have edited) and overwrite the menu.xml file in the appropriate folder that the "Menu Chooser" uses. That way, if you change menus but decide to return to the one(s) you edited, your edited menu will appear when you click on it in "Menu Chooser". (NOTE: "Menu Backup" doesn't appear in the Obmenu-Generator menu. If you edit Obmenu-Generator's menu schema (menu.pl), your changes will automatically be saved. _____________________________ PMENU I have also included the PMenu Applications menu on both the tint2 panel and xfce4 panel. Clicking them will open the Applications menu. _____________________________ XFCE4 PANEL In the center of the top of the screen, you will find an Xfce4 panel that is being used as a dock. _____________________________ CHANGING MOUSE CURSORS If you change the mouse cursor theme in Customize Look and Feel, the system may not fully adopt the new theme until you log out and log back in. If you still notice that the cursor reverts to a different cursor when clicking on some items, you will also need to set the cursor in Customize Look and Feel (as root) found in the Accessories category of the menu. _____________________________ PAPIRUS FOLDERS SCRIPT The official papirus folders script is included in this release. If you would like to use a different color folder in the file manager, you can run the script to change the folder color. To use the script, open your terminal and enter the following command... papirus-folders -l ...that will list the available colors. After deciding which color you would like to use (I will use black as an example) enter the following command using sudo... sudo papirus-folders -C black The folders will adopt the new color the next time you open a new instance of the file manager. _____________________________ CONKY In order for the conky to appear on computers that only have one CPU, I only have one CPU showing in the .conkyrc(s). If you have 2 CPUs, you can simply uncomment the second CPU for it to appear in the conky. If you have more than 2 CPUs, you will need to add them manually by editing the .conkyrc(s). a) Conky Chooser There are 6 conkys available in the Conky Chooser application. In the Obmenu-Generator menus, you will find it in... System Accessories > Conky Chooser In the Pmenu menus and Manual menu, you will find it in... Accessories > Conky Chooser b) WARNING! Before you edit the .conkyrc, make sure to note the name of the conky that you are going to edit. If you edit the .conkyrc file(s), and you want to have your edited version available in the Conky Chooser, you will have to copy the edited .conkyrc file from your Home folder, and paste it into the Conky's appropriate folder found in... ~/.config/conky/ ...each Conky's .conkyrc file is inside of the folder bearing its name. _____________________________ THANKS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, my deepest and most sincere thanks go to Thierry (the developer of NuTyX GNU/Linux) and anyone else who has a part in making NuTyX GNU/Linux possible. Thierry has provided an absolutely fantastic system! Though it's based on LFS..to me, it's one of the easiest and the most enjoyable Linux systems that I have ever used; it is my favorite and preferred system! Thank you Thierry! Next, I would like to thank the developers of obmenu-generator and PMenu. Both developers have also created absolutely fantastic work! I would also like to thank the developer of the Simply Circle icons for allowing me to include the Grey version in this release. Also, many thanks to Adarsh Bhat for helping test the releases! Not only has he been a joy to work with, he has been both a great help and an inspiration in the development for all of the .isos. Thank you Adarsh! Finally, I would like to thank any users who may give this system a try! Thank you so much for considering NuTyX-openbox!!!