PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation Release Notes PDFsharp 1.31.3066 PDFsharp was originally designed to work on top of GDI+ from namespace System.Drawing. The current beta version includes a build of PDFsharp that uses WPF instead of GDI+. We created this variation for a better integration in your WPF applications. The WPF based version of PDFsharp is still beta and should not be used in production code. MigraDoc and most samples can now be compiled with PDFsharp based on GDI+ or based on WPF. PDF AND XPS This release contains a preview version of our forthcoming XPS to PDF converter. The converter transforms XPS files into equivalent PDF files. The preview version currently consists of a set of unit test functions that can be started with Visual Studio 2008 Professional or higher. The code is still in an early state. MigraDoc Foundation 1.31.3066 MigraDoc Foundation is a new name (formerly known as MigraDoc Lite). Aside from some minor bug fixes MigraDoc is unchanged in functionality. Because rendering (especially of tables) is rather slow we started to recode its internal data structures to increase the performance. This optimized version is not part of this release because it simply does not work until it is complete. We will release it when it is finished. *** Files in this Release *** PDFSharp-MigraDocFoundation-1_31.zip: the complete source code (recommended if you're using Visual Studio 2008 or 2005) PDFsharp-MigraDocFoundation-Assemblies-1_31.zip: the compiled assemblies (for those who don't use Visual Studio 2008 or 2005) PDFsharp-Help-VSIPCC-1_31.zip: help files that integrate with the Visual Studio documentation (recommended if you're using Visual Studio 2008 or 2005) PDFsharp-Help-Standalone-1_31.zip: stand-alone help file (for those who don't use Visual Studio 2008 or 2005) *** What do you need? *** Download the binaries if you don't care about the source code. If you download the source code, you can create your own binaries with VS 2005 or 2008. You don't need the standalone help if you're working with Visual Studio 2008 or 2005. You don't need the integrated help if you don't have Visual Studio. *** Changes *** New for version 1.31: 1.31 contains a few bug fixes; it requires less memory when dealing with palettized images; it creates smaller PDF files for some image types. The drawback: processing images for PDF files is sometimes slower because of this size optimization. If you favour speed: stay with PDFsharp 1.30. If you favour small PDF files: use PDFsharp 1.31. Future versions of PDFsharp will support both modes (favour speed and favour size). PDFsharp 1.30 includes MigraDoc (previously we had two different versions; we think that most people downloaded both files so we decided to offer the combined version only). This release includes binaries (compiled assemblies) in a separate ZIP file. PDFsharp was originally designed to work on top of GDI+ from namespace System.Drawing. The current version includes a build of PDFsharp that uses WPF instead of GDI+. This release contains a preview version of our forthcoming XPS to PDF converter. The converter transforms XPS files into equivalent PDF files. The preview version currently consists of a set of unit test functions that can be started with Visual Studio 2008 Professional or higher. The code is still in an early state. *** Further Information *** Homepage: http://www.pdfsharp.net/ Wiki http://www.pdfsharp.net/wiki/