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su -c '%1'Tuxboot is currently installed. Remove the existing version?tuxbootuiOn-Line DistributionUpdate distro version listUpdatePre DownloadedSelect the disk image typeSelect disk image filesave iso fileSave ISO filecheck iso file with md5sumMD5 Check&Type:Dri&ve:OKReturnCancelEscReboot NowExit1. Downloading Files3. Installing BootloadergridLayoutfirstlayergridLayout_2radioDistrodistrolayoutdistroselectdverselectupdatebuttonintromessageradioLayoutradioButtonLayoutradioFloppyoptionslayerhorizontalLayoutlabelslayoutdiskimagetypeselectinputlayoutFloppyPathFloppyFileSelectordrivelayoutshowalldrivescheckboxsaveisocheckboxmd5checkboxtargetlayoutlabeltypelabeldrivedriveselectokbuttoncancelbuttonoldsecondlayerrebootlayerverticalLayout_4rebootmsgtextexitbuttonslayoutfrebootbuttonfexitbuttonprogresslayerverticalLayout_5pdesc5pdesc4pdesc3pdesc2pdesc1tprogressstatuslayoutsdesc1sdesc2sdesc3sdesc4sdesc5GETHOSTtuxboot/1.1.1User-Agent*/*AcceptKeep-AliveConnection%1un%2.%3%1%2.%3%1 B%1 KB%1 MB/.Copying file, please wait...Destination: %1Copied: 0 bytes2datacopied64(qint64,qint64)1quit()2finished()Downloaded: %1 of %2Copied: %1 of %22done(bool)://%16 &sync-l %1-s LABEL %1None-u %1-s UUID %1LABEL=%1UUID=%1whichsilent%1 not found(hd%1,%2)ftpDownloaded: 0 bytes1dlprogressupdate(int, int)2dataReadProgress(int, int)USB Drivetmpmd5%1 %2MD5 Checksummd5 check error: %1 Faile! %1 exists, overwrite?:/%1specSyslinux%1utils/linux/syslinuxboot/grub-bd -aos -o"%1" e "%2" "%3"theme:sabayonroot=%1root=\S{0,}LABEL=\S{0,}root=\S{0,}CDLABEL=\S{0,}rootfstype=autorootfstype=iso9660#^kernel\s{1,}\S{1,}\s{1,}Syncing filesystems%1 (Current)Hard Disk(ext2|ext3|ext4)-t %2-s TYPE %2Installing extlinux to %1%1/utils/linux/syslinuxclonezilla-f -i %1%1 -A%2:/mbr.binubnentry%1isolinux.cfg%1%2extlinux.confextlinux-s %1 %2ln%1extlinux.conf/proc/mounts %1 /dev/ NOT FOUND/boot/grub/grub.cfg%1.bakset timeout=15%9 ^Configuring grub2 on %1/boot/grub/menu.lstConfiguring grub on %1\s{0,}hiddenmenu.{0,}#hiddenmenutimeout 15clonezilla_live_stable..-clonezilla_live_testingclonezilla_live_alternativegparted-live-stable>gparted-live-(.*).isogparted-live-testingdrbl_live_stabledrbl_live_testingrarlzhZtarbz2zip7zOpen Disk Image FileISO7zsflp/dev/disk/by-id/^usb-\S{1,}$(vfat|ext2|ext3|ext4)^include\s{1,}\S{1,}.cfg$^include\s{1,}^append\s{1,}\S{1,}.cfg$^append\s{1,}^\s{0,}append\s{1,}\s{0,1}initrd=\S{0,} <> Archive: %1Source:Destination:Source: %1 (%2)Destination: %1%22listInfo(QUrlInfo)Untitled Entry Grub %1^title\s{1,}\S{1,}title^initrd\s{1,}\S{1,}^initrd^kernel\s{1,}\S{1,}^kernelcurrentTux2Live/sbin/fdiskutil-linuxeither/bin/df/sbin/sfdisk/lib/udev/vol_id/sbin/blkide2fsprogsmtools/usr/bin/ubnsylnx/usr/bin/ubnexlnxp7zip-full or p7zip-plugincoreutils/tmp/methoddistributiondiskimageisofileimgfileinstalltypeHardHDDtargetdriveshowcustomnodistroautoinstallsomeotherversionNOT MOUNTED\040-l^menu label\s{1,}\S{1,}^menu label^append\s{1,}\S{1,}^append.{0,}initrd=^label\s{1,}\S{1,}Untitled Entry Syslinux %1^labelLocating initrd file in %1initrinitramroot.gzrootfs.cgzrootfs.gzarchlive.imggentoo.igzsabayon.igzminirootminirtinitramfsinitramfs.imginitramfs.gzinitrd.imginitrd.lzmainitrd.xzinitrd.gzinitrd.igzinitrd.lzinitrd.img.gzLocating kernel file in %1xpudrescueunixbsdlinux24linux26gentoobzImagevmlinuxvmlinuzsystem.map.exe$.efi$.tar$.txt$.cat$.msg$.sig$.c32$.sha1sum$.sha1$.md5sum$.md5$.svg$.bmp$.xcf$.psd$.fnt$.rle$.pcx$.pdf$.png$.jpg$.html$.efimg$system.map$mt86+.bin$mt86plus.bin$mt86.bin$mt86+$mt86plus$memtest86plus.bin$memtest86plus$memtestplus.bin$memtestplus$memtest86+.bin$memtest86+$memtest+.bin$memtest+$memtest86.bin$memtest86$memtest.bin$memtest$isolinux.cfg$isolinux.bin$initrd.img$initrd.gz$bzImage$Copying kernel file from %1-bd -slt l "%2"Path = Path = [BOOT]Path = %1Folder = 1Folder = +Size = Copying initrd file from %1${${%1}^configfile\s{1,}\S{1,}.cfg$^configfile\s{1,}^source\s{1,}\S{1,}.cfg$^source\s{1,}^linux\s{1,}\S{1,}\s{1,}grub.confmenu_en.cfggrubenvpxelinux.cfgextlinux.cfg^menuentry\s{1,}".{1,}"menuentry^linux\s{1,}\S{1,}^linuxUntitled Entry(Current)(Done)%1liveusb%1rescue%2rescue.isoCopying %1 to %2rescue/KRD.VERSION.iso$isolinuxpxelinuxboot/syslinux/syslinux.cfgboot%1syslinux%1syslinux.cfgAll Files (*)%1/%2-%3.isoSave ISO File to%1%2%3html486Could not update!%1-%2%1 %2\d$/%1ubnkern/%1ubninitmemdiskhttp://ftp://%1sevnz.exe%1\7z.dll_Live_NetInstall_HdMedia_x64clonezilla_livedownload clonezilla??clonezilla-live-%1.isogparted-livegparted-live-%1.isodrbl_livedrbl-live-xfce-%1.isogparted-live-xfce-%1.isoAll Files (*.iso)Open Tux2Live Image FileInsert a USB flash drive%1 not mounted== Select Distribution ==Select a distroSelect a disk image fileDiskimage file not found7z command not foundSelect from a list of supported distributionsSelect the distribution versionSpecify a disk image file to loadSpecify a CD image (ISO or ZIP) file to load

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

Show &All Drives (Use with Care)Select the installation target typeSelect the target drive to install to2. Extracting and Copying Files4. Installation Complete, Rebootbackground-color: transparent;%1 is out of space, abort installation?The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.Source:
%11cpprogressupdate64(qint64,qint64)%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.Downloading files, please wait...1dlprogressupdate64(qint64, qint64)2dataTransferProgress(qint64, qint64)The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.theme:sabayon cdroot_type=vfat^kernel\s{1,}\S{1,}\s{1,}\S{1,}After rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?Running special syslinux %1 on %2default menu.c32 prompt 0 menu title tuxboot timeout 100 label %5 menu label %1 kernel %2 append %6%3 %4 \s{0,}set\s{1,}timeout=\d{1,}.{0,} menuentry "%1" { set root=%5 linux %2 %4 initrd %3 } \s{0,}timeout\s{1,}\d{1,}.{0,} title %1 root %5 kernel %2 %4 initrd %3 boot http://free.nchc.org.tw/clonezilla-live/stable/>clonezilla-live-(.*)-(.*).isohttp://free.nchc.org.tw/clonezilla-live/testing/http://free.nchc.org.tw/clonezilla-live/alternative/stable/clonezilla_live_alternative_testinghttp://free.nchc.org.tw/clonezilla-live/alternative/testing/http://free.nchc.org.tw/gparted-live/stable/http://free.nchc.org.tw/gparted-live/testing/http://free.nchc.org.tw/drbl-live/stable/>drbl-live-xfce-(.*)-(.*).isohttp://free.nchc.org.tw/drbl-live/testing/All Files (*.iso *.zip *.img *.gz *.bz2 *.tar *.Z *.lzh *.lzma *.rar)Extracting files, please wait...Extracted: 0 of %1 filesExtracted: %1 of %2 files1sAppendSelfUrlInfoList(QUrlInfo)
Homepage: http://clonezilla.org/
Description: CloneZilla live is a distribution used for disk backup and imaging. The stable branch of Clonezilla live are based on Debian
Install Notes: CloneZilla live is booted and run in live mode; no installation is required to use it.
Download Path: Clonezilla Live Stable at SourceForge
Homepage: http://clonezilla.org/
Description: CloneZilla live is a distribution used for disk backup and imaging. The testing branch of Clonezilla live are based on Debian
Install Notes: CloneZilla live is booted and run in live mode; no installation is required to use it.
Download Path: Clonezilla Live Testing at SourceForge
Homepage: http://clonezilla.org/
Description: CloneZilla live is a distribution used for disk backup and imaging. The alternative branch of Clonezilla live are based on Ubuntu
Install Notes: CloneZilla live is booted and run in live mode; no installation is required to use it.
Download Path: Clonezilla Live Alternative at SourceForge
Homepage: http://clonezilla.org/
Description: CloneZilla live is a distribution used for disk backup and imaging. The alternative branch of Clonezilla live are based on Ubuntu
Install Notes: CloneZilla live is booted and run in live mode; no installation is required to use it.
Download Path: Clonezilla Live Alternative Testing at SourceForge
Homepage: http://gparted.sf.net/
Description: The GParted application is a graphical partition editor for creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions.
Install Notes: GParted live is booted and run in live mode; no installation is required to use it.
Download Path: GParted Live Stable at SourceForge
Homepage: http://gparted.sf.net/
Description: The GParted application is a graphical partition editor for creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions.
Install Notes: GParted live is booted and run in live mode; no installation is required to use it.
Download Path: GParted Live Testing at SourceForge
Homepage: http://drbl.org/
Description: DRBL live is a distribution used for diskless clients and Clonezilla SE (Server Edition).
Install Notes: DRBL live is booted and run in live mode; no installation is required to use it.
Download Path: DRBL Live Stable at SourceForge
Homepage: http://drbl.org/
Description: DRBL live is a distribution used for diskless clients and Clonezilla SE (Server Edition).
Install Notes: DRBL live is booted and run in live mode; no installation is required to use it.
Download Path: DRBL Live Testing at SourceForge
Homepage: http://tux2live.org/
Description: Tux2live is toolkit to build your Linux live environment from what you installed in hard disk and it's easy to customize and configure.
Install Notes: Please click "ok" to select the iso file that you created via tux2live in file browser.
Searching in %1%1/%2 matches in %3^set\s{1,}\S{1,}\s{0,}=\s{0,}".{1,}"^set\s{1,}(\S{1,})\s{0,}=\s{0,}"(.{1,})"^set\s{1,}\S{1,}\s{0,}=\s{0,}\S{1,}^set\s{1,}(\S{1,})\s{0,}=\s{0,}(\S{1,})^linux\s{1,}\S{1,}\s{1,}\S{1,}Extracting bootloader configurationExtracting compressed iso: %1http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/clonezilla/clonezilla-live-%1.isohttp://free.nchc.org.tw/clonezilla-live/stable/MD5SUMShttp://free.nchc.org.tw/clonezilla-live/testing/MD5SUMShttp://free.nchc.org.tw/clonezilla-live/alternative/stable/MD5SUMShttp://free.nchc.org.tw/clonezilla-live/alternative/testing/MD5SUMShttp://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gparted/gparted-live-%1.isohttp://free.nchc.org.tw/gparted-live/stable/MD5SUMShttp://free.nchc.org.tw/gparted-live/testing/MD5SUMShttp://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/drbl/drbl-live-xfce-%1.isohttp://free.nchc.org.tw/drbl-live/stable/MD5SUMShttp://free.nchc.org.tw/drbl-live/testing/MD5SUMSNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.You must select a distribution to load.You must select a disk image file to load.The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.Please Install p7zip-full or p7zip-plugins first!`E@Г@@ ^E`_E@@0@@@0@@ =A14callexternappT.p@E/pE@@@P]E`]E@@0@@@0@@@@p@@ @@@@@@p@ @0@@@@@`@E]E]E`@@@0@.pE.p.pE.p11randtmpfile19ubngetrequestheaderEE(E@EPE`EpEEEEEEEE.p`E@E.pkEE,pEE.pE@E,p EEcustomveruninstallercopyfileTdlbytes,maxbytesdatacopied64(qint64,qint64)finished()nDirListStorcurDirUrlsAppendSelfUrlInfoList(QUrlInfo)tuxbootdistroselectIndexon_distroselect_currentIndexChanged(int)on_showalldrivescheckbox_clicked()typeselectIndexon_typeselect_currentIndexChanged(int)on_dverselect_currentIndexChanged()on_diskimagetypeselect_currentIndexChanged()on_FloppyFileSelector_clicked()on_cancelbutton_clicked()on_frebootbutton_clicked()on_fexitbutton_clicked()dlbytes,maxbytesdlprogressupdate(int,int)dlprogressupdate64(qint64,qint64)cpprogressupdate64(qint64,qint64)on_okbutton_clicked()boolon_updatebutton_clicked() 8   Dwg)Dn] ] ]   FPEEpE+A@5A@@0@@@0@@@@@ @@@@ @`@@@@`@@ @@@`@@@p@@@Б@P@`@p@@p@@@@@@@`@`@P@@@@@@0@F05A`5AЛ@@@@@PF0EEpE E`E@@0@@@0@@FEEEEE@@0@@@0@@`bAFEPEPE`EpE@@0@@@0@@FаEE`E0E@E@@0@@@0@@7tuxboot/pE@.pF(12nDirListStor.p8F,p9copyfileT.phF/p11uninstaller.pF,p9customver.pF,p.p F0FN2Ui9tuxbootuiE-p@F12Ui_tuxbootui+^*:8d@%z%2`,eLL* j+< (4TP2\Y#2M .:!wZTwL@  #1Nt d[Z<tw J`,/ M1[l>ð{memdisk XHmenu.c32Z'drbl.png %'tux2live.pngclonezilla.png kggparted.pngi18n =tuxboot_vi.qm x=tuxboot_ar.qm =tuxboot_sv.qm =tuxboot_lv.qm =tuxboot_gl.qm X=tuxboot_it.qm X=tuxboot_et.qm X]tuxboot_ast.qm h=tuxboot_de.qm (=tuxboot_ca.qm H=tuxboot_eo.qm =tuxboot_sk.qm X=tuxboot_lt.qm x=tuxboot_fr.qm j=tuxboot_pt_BR.qm X=tuxboot_id.qm 8=tuxboot_bn.qm =tuxboot_ml.qm]tuxboot_nan.qm x=tuxboot_tr.qm h=tuxboot_hu.qm Lj=tuxboot_cs.qm =tuxboot_uk.qm =tuxboot_es.qmؽtuxboot_zh_TW.qm h=tuxboot_he.qm =tuxboot_nl.qm H=tuxboot_ro.qm (=tuxboot_da.qm X=tuxboot_pt.qm(tuxboot_zh_CN.qm =tuxboot_bg.qm (=tuxboot_ja.qm =tuxboot_am.qm x=tuxboot_nb.qm =tuxboot_fi.qm =tuxboot_sl.qm H=tuxboot_fo.qm h=tuxboot_be.qm =tuxboot_pl.qm h=tuxboot_ru.qm =tuxboot_ms.qm =tuxboot_el.qmcU>HdrSA11f؎fPg1f(f!tfe t0u.f>0.2.f4f1ގ.&8f..<.f`F.**vuq*$eu`uY*d`dQ1<u6Y* $Q1$uYFu t YfaQfP1H f|&f;ufPf@f|F&f;f|fXYf`.*$ $$d`dQ tYfa0~t udt`uûcȎffff&Dff, "fE 1а(؎а؋Hhڄh?hPhЅhhhh/k{f],H1؎Ў $"Ȏ؎Ћ&DÜhfR˻-fafff`1ۋflaϜ`]7D6fDt$,1ɱ D$(f ffG% GffD|$0!u1ɱ fD,aMEMDISK 3.85 2010-02-20/ЅgERROR: A20 gate not responding! `$)1`hf˹_`n)W5p=%d%h%tVS5p1Stt4uD t?ÊT$u=uFB u1C:L$u1Ҁ ڃFuJu ;u[^UWVS`D$4T$80*L$PD$DPD$LPD$TP? eD$LD$@9v h6GHD$D$HD$,kD$ l$ D$$1t$ L$$l$ 8PxHXω݃|$8l$<wv9s^);\$,rT+|$,|$$w9|$ rO9sK);l$ r-l$ )PSVh16)ރL$ |$<;Ut$LWh_6L$XD$DZ[D$HWt$PT$\[1T$@PPt$4h6\[^_]UWVS$¸dRhd<hL<h6pt u h6 $$o P$$h6$$$D$$_]5ph7fp/71҅x"‹L$) $p67 p67 pp<7$@nu{t h@7_{G u Uut hd75!G(t pp!wppPp$!G!$8<pp pp pfp\$+p c pp` K pp@ 3 p$ppp\$+p = pt p7p7pp|$<7T$C:u^G@9uppD$KpD$CpD$G p\$Opp|$)߉  p7p77xtp8xtpp7=gxt p p7pt = p"ѡ ppPw t fx u{fPftrfwkfPftbf?w\P$fxuP@z)uIzFuCzAu=zTu7 pH@ p7p74Fw}f=purp߉ށw (ۃ؃P1>tC  p7p7p=pup1fUB@D$11ɀtauX?F9}9}?A9| p79|  p7;T$uu<$ ɀAu<$ ? p p=pu p p$1p7t1҅x+ƒ7tx ƒʀp=py p=pupD$+pt 7 p p1t 7pp p9v #8M8!@u@S8@u3K8@u-Q8@u Y8@u=p 1<7@V u:TD$4D$ TMD$4D$ M1D$D$ FD$DD$ AS$1j$1SQ ffT$>^f fL$fK$pD$(pC0pC1pfC pfC" pC$pCp$t=pxAfC6pCC3_8@tK38@t C3C3b8o@t C3 C3m8V@tc3i8E@t C3C3_8C3uq8x8ut8 pT$(pD$$ pT$pD$pT$pD${8u6p$~8<$x7UQt$0t$0t$ t$0t$,RT$(RT$$RPh8a08C3t't-t u#8888QQPh89=py&pHfC8pHC:=p ЃC@OC8C9C:% pC;C<C=C>C?lC@CACBpHCCp<vCExCHpS\C`p=w8=pw,= p?w#CPpCT pCXf=ptfKN=pxfKN ǃCj1@9uڈ|$ uD$D$u$G ЊP!pP(P"fT$@&f D$fC f C$fC"f~f<$-k p1)׉|$9It w$LL$ $ Pt$$URh9D$ Pt$hI9$p9$v hw9|$ ;|$v|$+$$RPWh9yD$ f j$p+D$1RPD$1N !-(p C(,pK,u <vfSfCs,s(CPh9L$L$D$D$ D$(f+|$f{4LC TCPk ”  u  H:t߉ 9@t, h:cC2FD$(C %>u?:a@t hF:*C2$,1҉VfDŽ$Ƅ$p$RWWj$u $?u ho:C2G$P$P$Ph:$C2$f $=py =u1tGC29~PPWh:*S2D$.S TS2BS2p҉9@C2po$@C2py h;QQCPh8;@fk D$fCL$fK |$ D$ FD$L$t$Ck ٺvL$$pdT$ BBm@B@F@TP$‹X1Ƀ B9uوH =pL$ Y2y|$ udvuUv>t J Тi;@uuug;@ufG8T$ fB5x5T5Lhm;~ D$(LGD$(TL$fAft D$x5x5T5Lh;- |$pu ǂ8|pǀ<|| t$D$8p< |$)ȃT$9s h; p): dhlpxأx@-pPfjJJ-pPfjJJft; p |$ L$ <@t)< fDŽ$Rj$Pj)<V p8$PnPu%H ~41 B9uu - =u10pp4[^_]Gf=p&UWVS111ҸN0x uP xvw]w!p xu|vv dw,p xwvrwv pc$p(p ,p[^_]ú{UWVSl$,1҉z 1҉l 1؃fD$DŽ$ DŽ$DŽ$PAMSfD$f$f$PVVj$u^$vT$PAMSuGQQsss 3sh< ss sSw$ZGUL\$h,1҉ RSSjX j$ 1RP11]X$Ph< \$L,1҉H fD$p SSjD$du[D$`ftWj 1RP1D$TftVj1RP1SD$XPD$hPh<]\$,1҉D$5QSSj{D$8uut$t$|$)t @NN9|1ɉT$T @A9|T$ @N9|u $j4$WVJL$+L$ T$s%$( $@ $%@ t@GKD |$lt|$huJL$$t JL$4$WV1T$ C L$+D$ [^_]S8à u ÀfD$(PjD$ Pj؃H[VS1 Cu؃[^VSщ‰lƉ[^à T$D$ T$D$ Ð4VWPlj։sIȃrsftftX_^Ð>WSPLj ЉsI˃rsftftX[_Ð~VWPlj9r,sIȃrsftftDt1|9rINOȃr"rftfFGtX_^ÐUWVS,l$@f8xt QQh=p tRRhX=h8=t PPh~=t UUh=Ի tX t(<D$ 9D$?D$GD$D$[uD$ t$49D$>D$FD$D$[u9v WWh=X)ډPU8PKXt VVh=t SSh> ft QQh<>fxt RRh]>pX\p<39v PPh|>1PU@T$DD$H1ۉ؃,[^_]UWVS `-@0p;HvSSh>h8= 5D18p 1ǁ3DB9rݣ` . 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El ToritoDOSEMUccmdFATfdMBRfloppyharddiskMEMDISK: Image has fractional end sector MEMDISK: Image seems to have fractional end cylinder MEMDISK: Image appears to be truncated noeddnoebioscbiosrobigrawsafeintrwoffon.5hdDisk is %s%d, %u%s K, C/H/S = %u/%u/%u (%s/%s), EDD %s, %s Using standard INT 15hsafe INT 15hbig real mode rawunknown %#x access to high memory stackCode %u, meminfo %u, cmdline %u, stack %u Total size needed = %u bytes, allocating %uK MEMDISK: Insufficient low memory Old dos memory at 0x%05x (map says 0x%05x), loading at 0x%05x 1588: 0x%04x 15E801: 0x%04x 0x%04x nopassanynopassany specified - we're the only drive of any kind nopassnopass specified - we're the only drive INT 13 08: Failure, assuming this is the only drive INT 13 08: Success, count = %u, BPT = %04x:%04x BIOS equipment byte says count = %d, go with that We lost the last drive in our class of drives. Drive probing gives drive shift limit: 0x%02x nodptold: int13 = %08x int15 = %08x int1e = %08x new: int13 = %08x int15 = %08x int1e = %08x MEMDISK: bootstrap too large to load Loading boot sector... pausepress any key to boot... booting... xMEMDISK 3.85 2010-02-20Copyright 2001-2010 H. Peter Anvin et ale820: %08x%08x %08x%08x %d DOS: %d K e801: %04x %04x 88: %04x MEMDISK: Unable to obtain memory map 0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEFgzip file uses invalid methodfailed Decompression error: %s gzip file is encrypted; not supportedgzip file is a continuation file; not supportedgzip file has unsupported flagsgzip file corruptpkzip file is encrypted; not supportedpkzip file uses data_descriptor field; not supportedpkzip file has unsupported flagspkzip file uses invalid methodpkzip file corruptoutput buffer overrunfailed Decompression error: ran out of input data malloc errorout of memory incomplete literal tree incomplete distance treeinvalid compressed format (err=1)invalid compressed format (err=2)invalid compressed format (other)uncompressed data length errorcrc errorok       ?? #+3;CScscc !1Aa  0@` D$INT13SFMEMDISK .>@.f&8.<.>Ȏ.& RR.2Zxtc.:r .:s.>.@..@U.>?t.>?uFuVPfSF.f8Gf[X].f&8..؎>f`w\0@F1ێË"&' f8Gfa.f&81x &tk&>uvaXfa.f&8ZtCVN^X11"'Fu}fr1ÊVuF$N ^ H FHF~MEu1~MDu*~ISu#~K?uF!MFEMFDIFSKN F1fNfـ?fK;sOf~f9s@fff&f؋~N fffNfff f6f;wfXfPAMSfrgfRf!ufD fGf!t&fEfGfW&f&fUffWf+GfW&fE&fU fuf1fXffF]F]U= v=t=tt(].....ff.ff. fPfSfRfU+ff1یfgfpfr1H&3У&3У Ru$.p "ێgfڎ$"Z!u$f`/fVfWfQf@vf@fQf6f&f>f&fXfYf_f^rgf4gf.f&..Ȏ.&`RR.2\Zxtc.:\r .:Fs...8.U.>t.>uFuVPfSF.fGf[X].f&..8؎f`Iw\0 F1ێËb&' fGfa.f&1x &tk&>uvaXfa.f&Z\tC0V2N^X11b'F_uf1Ê^V\uFdN ]^LH PFNHF~MEu1~MDu*~ISu#~K?uF!MFEMFDIFSKN F(1Á~U5FUF0FX11f11ÎF"~x& r9rȫII1øfNfـ?fK;PsOf~fN9s@fff&Pf؋~N fffNfff f6,f;0wfXvF"&rf&f|t&f\&f|ffrD&f| uB&f\&f| u2&fL&ftffrf;0wff f6,føXø&dXøfPAMSfrgfRf!uf fGf!t&fEfGfW&f&fUffWf+GfW&fE&fU fuf1fXffF]F]U= v=t=tt(]..<.T.X.fTf.fXf.JfPfSfRfU__ff1یfgff1H&3У&3У Ru$_. 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This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxbootArchive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxbootDestination: %1tuxbootDestination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxbootSource:tuxbootSource: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxboot!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootFloppytuxboot Hard DisktuxbootISOtuxbootInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller2ODS%-5OsO`}5n , v-MuQ|pdyӞN5n.b,7a*KOXH2I)gy$t+- FT]/c*<.t+1; IW_EJC db > D ) bʓ_  ,Ur 6r~! PC M D f G @d? /. d *"  Ζ4.{  !!  ء @ 814 `~^ m#/ *.[n,k~u+('qN~ O  >1>di/*Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-14 05:27+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) *EF 'D4PE'D %DI 'DJEJF LeftToRightQObject6%1 EH,H/, GD *1J/ %3*(/'DG%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot:FA0* E3'-) %1 #,GP6 'D*+(J*'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot DE J*E 'D9+H1 %1 %1 not foundtuxbootDE J*E 'D9+H1 9DI %1. H FG E7DH( EF %,D H69J) *F5J( %2 BE (*F5J( -2E) "%3" #H E'JC'A&G' AJ *H2J9*C.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 DE J1C(%1 not mountedtuxbootD%1/%2 *7'(B AJ <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (-'DJ) (Current)tuxboot(#F*GI)(Done)tuxboot$<b>'D'14JA:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>'DH,G):</b>Destination:tuxboot"<b>'DH,G):</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot&<b>'DH,G):</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot4<b>*EQ *-EJD:</b> %1 EF %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot.<b>*E *F2JD:</b> 0 ('J*Downloaded: 0 bytestuxboot<<b>%3*.1',:</b> %1 EF EDA'* %2 Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot@<b>*E %3*.1',:</b> 0 EF EDA'* %1Extracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootZ<b>J*E %3*.1', EDA 'D#J %3 #H 'DE6:H7:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>'DE5/1:</b>Source:tuxboot,<b>'DE5/1:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootD<b>'DE5/1:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootB(9/ %9'/) 'D*4:JD BE (%.*J'1 .J'1 'D%BD'9 EF 0'C1) 'DJH %3 (J AJ B'&E) 'D%BD'9 'DEH,H/) AJ F8'E 'D'/.'D H 'D'.1', 'D#3'3J ('D(JH3).%1 GD *1J/ %9'/) 'D*4:JD 'D#FPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot J6(7 grldr AJ %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxbootJ6(7 ,1( AJ %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot J6(7 ,1( b AJ %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot@DE J*E 'D9+H1 9DI EDA 5H1) 'DB15Diskimage file not foundtuxbootFJ*E *F2JD 'DEDA'*, %F*81 EF A6DC...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootJJ*E %3*.1', 'DEDA'*, 'F*81 EF A6DC... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootB15 E1FFloppytuxboot'DB15 'D5D( Hard DisktuxbootEDA ISOISOtuxboot0#/.D 0'C1) AD'4 JH %3 (JInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot&J+(* extlinux AJ %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootDE J*E 'D9+H1 9DI 0'C1) AD'4 JH %3 (J. %0' BE* (%/.'D 0'C1) JH %3 (J ABE (E-'HD) %9'/) *GJ&*G' %DI FH9 EDA'* FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot&%A*- EDA 5H1) 'DB15Open Disk Image Filetuxboot@J*E 'D(-+ AJ <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot&%.*1 EDA 5H1) 'DB15Select a disk image filetuxboot%.*1 *H2J9)Select a distrotuxboot&J2'EF #F8E) 'DEDA'*Syncing filesystemstuxbootFA0* E3'-) /DJD %1. #6:7 'F9E' D%,G'6 'D*+(J* 'D'' D*,'GD G0' 'D.7# HE-'HD) E*'(9) 'D*+(J* H 'D' DD,EJ9' D*,'GD ,EJ9 '.7# 'DE3'-'* 'DF'A0).The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboot'DEDA %1 EH,H/ E3(B'K. BE ('D6:7 9DI 'F9E DD,EJ9' DCJ J*E 'DC*'() AHBG HDCJ D'*3&D 9F E+DG E1) #.1I, #H %6:7 9DI 'F9E' DDC*'() AHB 'DEDA'* (5H1) A1/J), #H %6:7 9DI 'D'' %0' '1/* 'D%-*A'8 (F3.) 'DEDA 'DEH,H/). H#E' %0' CF* E1*'('K AJ E'*.*'1 ABE ('D6:7 9DI 'F9E DD,EJ9'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootXEDA 5H1) 'DB15 %1 'DD0J *E *-/J/G :J1 EH,H/./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootE4:D USB USB DrivetuxbootJ,( 9DJC #HD'K *1CJ( 0'C1) 'DJH %3 (J %1 AJ FB7) 1CH(, E9 'D9DE #F E98E 'D*H2J9'* *BHE (A9D 0'DC #DJ'K (9/ %2'D) H%9'/) %/.'D 0'C1) 'DJH %3 (J.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootVJ,( 9DJC %.*J'1 EDA 5H1) 'DB15 DJ*E *-EJDG'*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootFJ,( 9DJC %.*J'1 *H2J9) DJ*E *-EJDG''You must select a distribution to load.tuxboot'-/ 'D'E1JFeithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui a. *F2JD 'DEDA'*1. Downloading Files tuxbootui.b. %3*.1', HF3. 'DEDA'*2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui*c. *F5J( E-ED 'D%BD'93. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiLd. %C*ED* 9EDJ) 'D*F5J(, %9'/) 'D*4:JD 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootuih<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">3JBHE .J'1 <span style=" font-weight:600;">EF7HJ 9DI .71</span> (916 C'A) 'D3H'B'* AJ 'D5F/HB 'DEF3/D 'DE9FHF (9FH'F "3H'B'*". BE (*A9JD G0' 'D.J'1 AB7 %0' CF* 9DI 9DE (E' *A9D, D'F %3*./'E G0' 'D.J'1 B/ J$/J %DI A4D 9EDJ) 'D*F5J( #H E4CD'* AJ 9EDJ) %BD'9 'DF8'E.

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui %D:'!Cancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootui%.1,Exit tuxbootui EH'ABOK tuxbootui #9/ 'D*4:JD 'D#F Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootui&%.*1 EDA 5H1) 'DB15Select disk image file tuxbootui@%.*1 EF B'&E) 'D*H2J9'* 'DE/9HE)-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui&%.*1 FH9 5H1) 'DB15Select the disk image type tuxbootui$%.*1 F3.) 'D*H2J9)Select the distribution version tuxbootui(%.*1 FH9 G/A 'D*F5J(#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiJ%.*1 'D3H'B) 'DG/A DJ*E 'D*F5J( 9DJG'%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui<-// EDA 5H1) 'DB15 DJ*E *-EJDG!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui@J,( 'D*4:JD (3*./'E 5D'-J) 'D,01Must run as root uninstaller4%C*ED* 9EDJ) %2'D) 'D*F5J(Uninstallation Complete uninstaller$ * /JD{3%)OsO `}5n ([v*8 ZuQ|LdyӞN5n*b)67a*KXI%rgy$'&- CFT],c&<.i ('1; W_EJC !db!|>  D bʓ? &P  \ ,Ur 6r~" PC D f # @d_ /. % ) Ζ4+Q  !! W ء D 0 81 `~* a& m#/ *+[n(~uu'V'qN  1>ri,JProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-01 21:02+0000 Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <yeager@ubuntu.com> Language-Team: Swedish <sv@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) LeftToRight LeftToRightQObject>%1 finns redan. Skriv ver den?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootn%1 har slut p utrymme, vill du avbryta installationen?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 hittades inte %1 not foundtuxboot%1 hittades inte. Denna krvs fr installationslget %2. Installera paketet "%3" eller motsvarande i din distribution.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot&%1 r inte monterad%1 not mountedtuxbootL%1/%2 sktrffar i <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Pgende) (Current)tuxboot(Frdig)(Done)tuxboot <b>Arkiv:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Ml:</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>Ml:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot <b>Ml:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot.<b>Hmtat:</b> %1 av %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot*<b>Hmtat:</b> 0 byteDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootB<b>Extraherat:</b> %1 av %2 filer Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot@<b>Extraherat:</b> 0 av %1 filerExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootJ<b>Extraherar komprimerad iso:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Klla:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Klla:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Klla:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootEfter omstart, vlj uppstartsalternativet fr USB i uppstartsmenyn i ditt BIOS.%1 Starta om nu?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot0Konfigurerar grldr p %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot.Konfigurerar grub p %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot0Konfigurerar grub2 p %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot<Avbildningsfilen hittades inteDiskimage file not foundtuxboot,Hmtar filer, vnta...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot4Extraherar filer, vnta... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDiskettFloppytuxbootHrddisk Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot6Anslut en USB-lagringsenhetInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot4Installerar extlinux p %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootInga USB-lagringsenheter hittades. Om du har anslutit en USB-enhet s prova att formatera om den som FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot(ppna avbildningsfilOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot6Sker i <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot,Vlj en avbildningsfilSelect a disk image filetuxboot(Vlj en distributionSelect a distrotuxboot.Synkroniserar filsystemSyncing filesystemstuxbootKatalogen %1 har slut p lagringsutrymme. Tryck p "Ja" fr att avbryta installationen, "Nej" fr att ignorera detta fel och frska att fortstta installationen, samt "Nej till alla" fr att ignorera alla relaterade fel.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootFilen %1 finns redan. Tryck p "Ja fr alla" fr att skriva ver dem och inte bli tillfrgad igen, "Ja" fr att skriva ver filer p individuell basis, samt "Nej" fr att hlla kvar din befintliga version. Om du r osker, tryck p "Ja fr alla".The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootVDen angivna avbildningsfilen %1 finns inte./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB-enhet USB DrivetuxbootdDu mste frst montera USB-enheten %1 till en monteringspunkt. De flesta distributioner kommer att gra detta automatiskt efter att du kopplar frn och ansluter USB-enheten igen.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootZDu mste vlja en avbildningsfil att lsa in.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootVDu mste vlja en distribution att lsa in.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootantingeneithertuxboot &Typ:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui1. Hmtar filer1. Downloading Files tuxbootui@2. Extraherar och kopierar filer2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui:3. Installerar starthanterare3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiZ4. Installationen r frdig, Starta om datorn 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui AvbrytCancel tuxbootuiEn&het:Dri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootuiAvslutaExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&DistributionOn-Line Distribution tuxbootuiDiska&vbildningPre Downloaded tuxbootuiStarta om nu Reboot Now tuxbootui ReturnReturn tuxbootui&Vlj avbildningsfilSelect disk image file tuxbootui`Vlj frn en lista ver distributioner som stds-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui4Vlj typ av avbildningsfilSelect the disk image type tuxbootui2Vlj distributionsversionSelect the distribution version tuxbootui:Ange typ fr installationsml#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiDAnge mlenhet fr installerationen%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuiXVisa &alla enheter (anvnd med frsiktighet) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiDAnge en avbildningsfil att anvnda!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootuidDet krvs att du kr programmet som root-anvndareMust run as root uninstaller2Avinstallationen utfrdesUninstallation Complete uninstaller'D%%#OsO`}5Xn #%v$quQ|dy0ӞN5n\$\b#7a*|K7XbI!gy@$x"- FT]$c"Z<p.h"1;W,_ EJC dpbL> D Y bʓ  ,Ur 6r~ PC g D f @d_ /. l !  e !  ء  81F `~ m#/ *$[n(#]~u"'qN?  L1>$i%JProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-03 00:33+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: Latvian <lv@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject.%1 pastv, prrakst+t ?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootP%1 nepietiek vietas, atcelt instalciju?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 nav atrasts %1 not foundtuxboot%1 nav atrasts. Tas ir vajadz+gs prieka %2 instalcijas veida. Uzinstaljiet "%3" pakotni, vai Jksu OS l+dz+gu.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot"%1 nav piemontts%1 not mountedtuxbootH%1/%2 skr+t ieka <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Esoaais) (Current)tuxboot(Gatavs)(Done)tuxboot"<b>Arh+vs:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxboot"<b>Mr7is:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot&<b>Mr7is:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot<<b>Lejupieldti:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot:<b>Lejupieldti:</b> 0 baitiDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootF<b>Atarhivti:</b> %1 no %2 failiem Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootD<b>Atarhivti:</b> 0 no %1 failiemExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot4<b>Atarhivjam ISO:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Avots:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Avots:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Avots:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPc prstartaanas, izvlaties USB boot opciju, ieka BIOS boot izvlnes.%1 Vai tagad prstartt datoru?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot.Konfigurju grldr uz %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot,Konfigurju grub uz %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot.Konfigurju grub2 uz %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootISO nav atrastsDiskimage file not foundtuxbootPLejupieldju failus, lkdzu uzgaidiet...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootNotiek atarhiv Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisketeFloppytuxbootCietais Disks Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot$Ieliekat USB dziniInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot.Intalju extlinux uz %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootNetika atrasts USB dzinis. Ja jau esat to pievienojuai, lkdz pam#iniet to noformatt uz FAT32 failu sistmu.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot Atvrt ISO failuOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot<Mekl ieka <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot(Izvlaties ISO failuSelect a disk image filetuxbootIzvlieties OSSelect a distrotuxboot6Sinhronizju failu sistmasSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootFails %1 jau eksist. Nospiediet 'Yes to All' , lai prrakst+tu pa virsu visus failus, spiediet 'Yes' lai prrakst+tu tikai individulus failu, un 'No' lai atsttu visu bez izmaiFm, bet ja aaubaties, spiediet 'Yes to All'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootBNord+tais ISO fails %1 neeksist/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB dzinis USB Drivetuxboot"Jums no skuma vajag piemontt USB dzini pie montaana punkta %1 . Vairums distribkcijas, to dara automtiski, kad izFemat un ieliekat USB dzini.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootLJums ir jizvlas IO fails ko ieldt.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootTJums ir jizvlas distribkcija ko ieldt.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootvai ar+eithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller) 6RD{%0OsO%`}5,n /'v1F1!2uQ_|dyӞkN5n1b07a*KXI,gy"$-- VIFT ]3c-<.!.z1;!W$_E mJC UdTb"v>  D bʓ ,  z ,Ur 6r~#~ PC! D f s @dk /. ,6  Ζ42s  !" _ ء |  81 `~ a-> m#/ 1*2[nd/~{u-'qNh  1>i3VProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-27 21:52+0000 Last-Translator: Miguel Anxo Bouzada <mbouzada@gmail.com> Language-Team: Galician <gl@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) *De esquerda a dereita LeftToRightQObject8%1 xa existe, sobrescribilo?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot`%1 non dispon de espazo, cancelar a instalacin?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 non atopado %1 not foundtuxboot%1 non atopado. preciso para instalar en modo %2. Instale o paquete %3 ou o equivalente na sua distribucin.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot&%1 non esta montada%1 not mountedtuxbootT%1/%2 coincidencias en <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Actual) (Current)tuxboot(Feito)(Done)tuxboot$<b>Archivo:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Destino:</b>Destination:tuxboot$<b>Destino:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot(<b>Destino:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot8<b>Descargados:</b> %1 de %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot6<b>Descargados:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootF<b>Extraido:</b> %1 de %2 ficheiros Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootD<b>Extraido:</b> 0 de %1 ficheirosExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootF<b>Extraendo iso comprimida:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Orixe:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Orixe:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Orixe:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootDespois de reiniciar, elixa a opcin de arranque desde USB no men de arranque da BIOS.%1 Reiniciar agora?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot0Configurando grldr en %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot.Configurando grub en %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot0Configurando grub2 en %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootRNon se atopa o ficheiro de imaxe de discoDiskimage file not foundtuxboot@Descargando ficheiros, agarde...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot<Extraendo ficheiros, agarde... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisqueteFloppytuxbootDisco rxido Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot:Insira unha unidade flash USBInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot2Instalando extlinux en %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootNon se atoparon unidades USB, se xa inseriu unha unidade USB, tente formatala como FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootDAbrir o ficheiro de imaxe de discoOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot>Buscando en <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxbootHEscolla o ficheiro de imaxe de discoSelect a disk image filetuxboot,Escolla a distribucinSelect a distrotuxbootHSincronizando o sistema de ficheirosSyncing filesystemstuxbootO directorio %1 non dispon de espazo. Prema S para interrumpir a instalacin, Non para ignorar este erro e tratar de continuar a instalacin, e Non a todos para facer caso omiso de todas as mensaxes de erro sobre o espazo dispoible.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootO ficheiro %1 xa existe. Prema Si a todo para sobrescribilo e que non sexa solicitado de novo, Si para sobrescribir os ficheiros de forma individual, e Non para conservar a versin existente. En caso de dubida, prema Si a todo.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootVO ficheiro de imaxe de disco %1 non existe./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUnidade USB USB DrivetuxbootVEn primeiro lugar, debe montar a unidade USB %1 nun punto de montaxe. A maiora das distribucins farao automaticamente despois de quitar e volver a inserir a unidade USB.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboothDebe escoller un ficheiro de imaxe de disco a cargar*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootPDebe escoller unha distribucin a cargar'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootcalqueraeithertuxboot &Tipo:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui61. Descargando os ficheiros1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiH2. Extraendo e copiando os ficheiros2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootuiH3. Instalando o cargador de arranque3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiL4. Completouse a instalacin, reinicie 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Esta opcin <span style=" font-weight:600;">potencialmente perigosa</span> amosar todas as unidades no cadro desplegable titulado Unidade. Active esta opcin s si sabe o que est a facer, se usa esta opcin a instalacin pode fallar ou crear problemas de arranque.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancelarCancel tuxbootui&Unidade:Dri&ve: tuxbootui EscapeEsc tuxbootuiSarExit tuxbootuiAceptarOK tuxbootui&DistribucinOn-Line Distribution tuxbootui&Imaxe de discoPre Downloaded tuxbootuiReiniciar agora Reboot Now tuxbootui VolverReturn tuxbootuiHEscolla o ficheiro de imaxe de discoSelect disk image file tuxbootuibEscoller dunha lista de distribucins dispoibles-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui@Escolla o tipo de imaxe de discoSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiBEscolla a versin da distribucinSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiPEscolla o tipo de instalacin de destino#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiTEscolla a unidade de destino onde instalar%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuiVMostrar &todas as unidades (Usar con xeito) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiZIndique o ficheiro de imaxe de disco a cargar!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootuiDDebe executarse como administradorMust run as root uninstaller8Completouse a desinstalacinUninstallation Complete uninstaller8D}%3OsO`}5Hn 1v3?#.uQ|LdyӞN5n4db27a*K!XI.Vgy$0 - FT]5c/<X."01;#W_*E"IJC db$> D G bʓ /0  ,Ur 6r~% PC# i Dl f  @d /. ~ .  Ζ45  !% Y ء ( 81 8 `~J a/~ m#/ *58[nb2~u0@'qN!  L1>`i6Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-20 03:49+0000 Last-Translator: G. Spanu <Unknown> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) (Da sinistra a destra LeftToRightQObject<%1 esiste gi, sovrascriverlo?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootp%1 non ha spazio sufficiente. Uscire dall'installazione?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 non trovato %1 not foundtuxboot"%1 non trovato. Questo elemento necessario per l'installazione di %2. Installare il pacchetto "%3" o l'equivalente per la distribuzione scelta.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 non montato%1 not mountedtuxbootV%1/%2 corrispondenze in <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Corrente) (Current)tuxboot(Completato)(Done)tuxboot&<b>Archivio:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxboot0<b>Copiati:</b> %1 di %2Copied: %1 of %2tuxboot,<b>Copiati</b>: 0 byteCopied: 0 bytestuxboot(<b>Destinazione:</b>Destination:tuxboot.<b>Destinazione:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot2<b>Destinazione:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot4<b>Scaricati:</b> %1 di %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot0<b>Scaricati:</b> 0 byteDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot<<b>Estratti:</b> %1 di %2 file Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot:<b>Estratti:</b> 0 di %1 fileExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootP<b>Estrazione file iso compresso:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot <b>Sorgente:</b>Source:tuxboot0<b>Sorgente:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootH<b>Sorgente:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot>== Selezionare distribuzione ==== Select Distribution ==tuxbootDopo il riavvio selezionare nel BIOS l'opzione di avvio da USB. %1 Riavviare ora?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot$Tutti i file (*.*) All Files (*)tuxboot*Configuro grldr in %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot(Configuro grub in %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot*Configuro grub2 in %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootBCopia file in corso, attendere...Copying file, please wait...tuxboot.Copia file initrd da %1Copying initrd file from %1tuxboot,Copia file kernel da%1Copying kernel file from %1tuxboot>File immagine disco non trovatoDiskimage file not foundtuxbootPScaricamento file in corso, attendere...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxbootHEstrazione configurazione bootloader#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootXEstrazione file in corso, attendere prego... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot FloppyFloppytuxbootDisco fisso Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot6Inserire un'unit flash USBInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot.Installo extlinux in %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxboot2Trovato file initrd in %1Locating initrd file in %1tuxboot2Trovato file kernel in %1Locating kernel file in %1tuxbootNon sono state trovate unit flash USB. Se avete gi inserito un'unit USB, provate a riformattarla come FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot(Aprire file immagineOpen Disk Image FiletuxbootNRicerca in corso su <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot8Selezionare un file immagineSelect a disk image filetuxboot:Selezionare una distribuzioneSelect a distrotuxboot8Sincronizzazione filesystemsSyncing filesystemstuxbootLa cartella %1 piena. Selezionare 'Si' per uscire dall'installazione, 'No' per ignorare questo avviso e provare a continuare l'installazione, 'No a tutti' per ignorare ulteriori avvisi di spazio insufficiente.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootIl file %1 esiste gi. Selezionare 'Si a tutti' per sovrasciverlo e non ricevere ulteriori avvisi, 'Si' per sovrascrivere i file individualmente, 'No' per mantenere la versione esistente. Nel dubbio selezionare 'Si a tutti'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootJIl file immagine disco %1 non esiste./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUnit USB USB DrivetuxbootE' necessario prima montare l'unit USB %1 ad un punto di montaggio. La maggior parte delle distribuzioni far questa operazione automaticamente dopo che avrete rimosso e reinserito l'unit USB.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootzE' necessario selezionare un file immagine disco da caricare.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootpE' necessario selezionare una distribuzione da caricare.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootEntrambieithertuxboot &Tipo:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootuiB1. Scaricamento dei file in corso1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiN2. Estrazione e copia dei file in corso2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootuiH3. Installazione bootloader in corso3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiFInstallazione completata. Riavviare 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Questa opzione <span style=" font-weight:600;">potenzialmente pericolosa</span> visualizzer tutte le unit nella lista a discesa della finestra "Unit". Abilitarla solo se si conosce cosa si sta facendo; se si usa questa opzione, l'installazione facilmente fallir, o si potrebbero avere problemi al boot.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiAnnullaCancel tuxbootui&Unit:Dri&ve: tuxbootuiESCEsc tuxbootuiEsciExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&DistribuzioneOn-Line Distribution tuxbootui&Immagine discoPre Downloaded tuxbootuiRiavvia adesso Reboot Now tuxbootuiIndietroReturn tuxbootuiDSelezionare il file immagine discoSelect disk image file tuxbootui|Selezionare una distribuzione dalla lista di quelle supportate-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiJSelezionare il tipo di immagine discoSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiVSelezionare la versione della distribuzioneSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiHSelezionare il tipo di installazione#Select the installation target type tuxbootuijSelezionare l'unit in cui effettuare l'installazione%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui\Visu&alizza tutte le unit (usare con cautela) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuibSpecificare un file immagine di disco da caricare!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui:Deve essere avviato come rootMust run as root uninstaller6Disinstallazione completataUninstallation Complete uninstaller0DDy%*OsO`}5n )]v+^C!duQ|dyӞNf5n+b*X7a*KXI&gy$(@- uFT]-c'<>. !2(1;"W_fE JC db"> D G bʓ! 'd  ,Ur 6r~# PC! Q D f @dQ /. &  Ζ4,{ q !# Y ء 0 81* `~B a' m#/ *,[n)~u(p'qN$  d1>Ji-{<Project-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-16 03:39+0000 Last-Translator: mahfiaz <mahfiaz@gmail.com> Language-Team: Estonian <et@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) "Vasakult paremale LeftToRightQObjectJ%1 on juba olemas, kas kirjutada le?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootV%1 on mlu tis, kas katkesta paigaldamine?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 ei leitud %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot$%1 ei ole haagitud%1 not mountedtuxbootR%1/%2 vastavust kohas <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(ksil) (Current)tuxboot(valmis)(Done)tuxboot"<b>Arhiiv:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxboot4<b>Kopeeritud:</b> %1 / %2Copied: %1 of %2tuxboot4<b>Kopeeritud:</b> 0 baitiCopied: 0 bytestuxboot <b>Sihtkoht:</b>Destination:tuxboot&<b>Sihtkoht:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot*<b>Sihtkoht:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot:<b>Allalaaditud:</b> %1 %2-stDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot8<b>Allalaaditud:</b> 0 baitiDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootL<b>Lahti pakitud:</b> %1 %2-st failist Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootL<b>Lahti pakitud:</b> 0 %1-st failistExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootV<b>Pakitud iso faili lahtipakkimine:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Allikas:</b>Source:tuxboot.<b>Allikas:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootF<b>Allikas:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPrast taaskivitamist vali USB alglaadimine BIOSi menst.%1 Kas taaskivitada kohe?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot:Grldr seadistamine seadmel %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot:Grubi seadistamine seadmel %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot:Grub2 seadistamine seadmel %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxboot@Faili kopeerimine, palun oota...Copying file, please wait...tuxbootJInitrd faili kopeerimine asukohast %1Copying initrd file from %1tuxbootJKernelifaili kopeerimine asukohast %1Copying kernel file from %1tuxboot,Kettatmmist ei leitudDiskimage file not foundtuxbootHFailide allalaadimine, palun oota...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxbootHAlglaaduri seadistuse lahtipakkimine#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootJFailide lahtipakkimine, palun oota... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDiskettFloppytuxbootKvaketas Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot.Sisesta USB flash-ketasInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot@Extlinuxi paigaldamine kausta %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootDInitrd faili otsimine asukohast %1Locating initrd file in %1tuxbootDKernelifaili otsimine asukohast %1Locating kernel file in %1tuxbootMitte htegi USB flash-ketast ei leitud. Kui sa oled juba sisestanud USB ketta, proovi vormindada see FAT32 failissteemina.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot(Kettatmmise avamineOpen Disk Image FiletuxbootJOtsimine kaustast <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot6Kettatmmise faili valimineSelect a disk image filetuxboot&Vali distributsioonSelect a distrotuxbootBFailissteemide snkroniseerimineSyncing filesystemstuxbootKaustas %1 ei ole rohkem vaba ruumi. Vajuta 'Jah', et katkestada paigaldus, 'Ei', et eirata seda veateadet ning pda paigaldust jtkata, ning 'Kigile ei', et eirata kiki ruumilppemise teateid.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootFail %1 on juba olemas. Vajuta 'Kigile jah', et see ja kik teised le kirjutada. 'Jah', et le kirjutada ainult see fail ning 'Ei' et silitada paregune fail. Kui sa kahtled, vali 'Kigile jah'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootVMratud kettatmmise faili %1 pole olemas./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB-ketas USB DrivetuxbootKigepealt pead USB-ketta %1 haakima. Enamik distributsioone teeb seda automaatselt prast USB-ketta eemaldamist ja uuesti sisestamist.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootZPead valima kettatmmise faili, mida laadida.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootVPead valima distributsioonid, mida laadida.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootvi siiseithertuxboot &Liik:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui01. Failide allalaadimine1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiP2. Failide lahtipakkimine ja kopeerimine2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui43. Alglaaduri paigaldamine3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiN4. Paigaldamine lpetatud, taaskivita. 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui LoobuCancel tuxbootui&Ketas:Dri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootui VljuExit tuxbootuiOlguOK tuxbootui&DistributsioonOn-Line Distribution tuxbootui&KettatmmisPre Downloaded tuxbootui Taaskivita kohe Reboot Now tuxbootui TagasiReturn tuxbootui6Kettatmmise faili valimineSelect disk image file tuxbootui8Vali distributsioon loendist-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiBKettatmmise faili liigi valimineSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiDDistributsiooni versiooni valimineSelect the distribution version tuxbootui:Vali paigalduse sihtkoha liik#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiHVali sihtkoha ketas, kuhu paigaldada%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuiVNidatakse &kiki kettaid (ole ettevaatlik) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiJMratud kettatmmise faili laadimine!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui<Tuleb kivitada juurkasutajanaMust run as root uninstaller*Eemaldamine lpetatudUninstallation Complete uninstaller>D m%OsO`}5 &n KvD uQ {| dyDӞ N5n b7a 7* K/X VfIgy @$-rFT*]c<f. 1;5W _ EYJCd pbr>Z D7 bʓ  ,Ur 6r~ PC  D f  @dg /.L    I !  ء   81( `~ m#/*[n ~u'qN  T1> i(RProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-20 22:03+0000 Last-Translator: Iigo Varela <malditoastur@gmail.com> Language-Team: Asturian <ast@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxbootArchive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxbootDestination: %1tuxbootDestination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxbootSource:tuxbootSource: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxboot!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisqunFloppytuxbootDiscu duru Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxbootInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUnid USB USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller9DQ%4!OsO `}5ln 2v4$uQu|dyӞ5N 85nV5^b37a*K X&I/gyP$1B- FT]6c0<!.$r11;%WWr_*E#JC db%> D bʓ 0t  & ,Urv 6r~& PC$ D f a @dO /. /  Ζ45  !&F  ء P  81 `~ a0 m#/?*6[nV3~ 9u1r'qND#%  1>i7 :Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-17 03:24+0000 Last-Translator: Jan-Christoph Borchardt <inquata@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) LinksNachRechts LeftToRightQObjectD%1 besteht bereits, berschreiben?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot|%1 hat keinen Speicherplatz mehr frei, Installation abbrechen?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot"%1 nicht gefunden %1 not foundtuxboot0%1 nicht gefunden. Dies wird jedoch fr %2 Installationsmodus bentigt. Installieren Sie das Paket %3 oder das entsprechende Paket Ihrer Distribution.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot&%1 nicht eingehngt%1 not mountedtuxboot\%1/%2 bereinstimmungen in <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Aktuell) (Current)tuxboot(Erledigt)(Done)tuxboot"<b>Archiv:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxboot2<b>Kopiert:</b> %1 von %2Copied: %1 of %2tuxboot,<b>Kopiert:</b> 0 byteCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Ziel:</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>Ziel:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot"<b>Ziel:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxbootB<b>Heruntergeladen:</b> %1 von %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot><b>Heruntergeladen:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootH<b>Extrahiert:</b> %1 von %2 Dateien Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootF<b>Extrahiert:</b> 0 von %1 DateienExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootT<b>Extrahiere komprimiertes Abbild:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Quelle:</b>Source:tuxboot,<b>Quelle:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootD<b>Quelle:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot8== Distribution auswhlen ==== Select Distribution ==tuxbootWhlen Sie nach dem Neustart die USB-Startoption im BIOS-Startmen aus.%1 Jetzt neustarten?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot$Alle Dateien (*) All Files (*)tuxboot2Konfiguriere Grldr auf %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot0Konfiguriere Grub auf %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot2Konfiguriere Grub2 auf %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootDDatei wird kopiert, bitte warten &Copying file, please wait...tuxboot@Initrd-Datei wird von %1 kopiertCopying initrd file from %1tuxboot@Kernel-Datei wird von %1 kopiertCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot6Abbild-Datei nicht gefundenDiskimage file not foundtuxbootJLade Dateien herunter, bitte warten &!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot\Einstellung fr Startverwalter wird extrahiert#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootDExtrahiere Dateien, bitte warten & Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot"DiskettenlaufwerkFloppytuxbootFestplatte Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxbootLStecken Sie ein USB-Flash-Laufwerk einInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot6Installiere Extlinux auf %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxboot>Initrd-Datei wird in %1 gesuchtLocating initrd file in %1tuxboot>Kernel-Datei wird in %1 gesuchtLocating kernel file in %1tuxboot$Keine USB-Flash-Laufwerke wurden gefunden. Falls Sie bereits ein USB-Laufwerk eingesteckt haben, versuchen Sie es mit FAT32 erneut zu formatieren.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootAbbild ffnenOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot8Suche in <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot8Whlen Sie eine Abbild-DateiSelect a disk image filetuxboot8Whlen Sie eine DistributionSelect a distrotuxboot.Gleiche Dateisysteme abSyncing filesystemstuxbootDas Verzeichnis hat keinen Speicherplatz mehr frei. Klicken Sie auf Ja, um die Installation abzubrechen; auf Nein, um diesen Fehler zu ignorieren und mit der Installation fortzufahren oder auf Nein, alle, um alle diese Fehler zu ignorieren.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboot2Die Datei %1 besteht bereits. Drcke Ja, alle, um diese und alle weiteren bestehenden Dateien zu berschreiben; Ja, um diese Datei zu berschreiben und bei jeder weiteren Datei zu whlen und Nein um Ihre bestehende Version zu behalten. Drcken Sie im Zweifelsfall Ja, alle.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot^Die angegebene Abbild-Datei %1 existiert nicht./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB-Laufwerk USB DrivetuxbootZSie mssen das USB-Laufwerk %1 erst einhngen. Die meisten Distributionen werden dies automatisch tun, nachdem Sie das USB-Laufwerk ausgeworfen und wieder eingesteckt haben.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootbSie mssen eine Abbild-Datei zum Laden auswhlen.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootbSie mssen eine Distribution zum Laden auswhlen.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootentwedereithertuxboot &Typ:&Type: tuxbootui &... tuxbootui01. Lade Dateien herunter1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiB2. Extrahiere und kopiere Dateien2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui:3. Installiere Startverwalter3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiJ4. Installation vollstndig, Neustart 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Diese <span style=" font-weight:600;">potentiell gefhliche</span> Option wird alle Laufwerke in der Drop-Down -Box "Laufwerke" anzeigen. Aktivieren Sie dies nur, wenn sie genau wissen, was Sie tun. Wenn Sie diese Option verwenden kann die Installation fehlschlagen oder zu Bootfehlern fhren.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiAbbrechenCancel tuxbootui&Laufwerk:Dri&ve: tuxbootui EscapeEsc tuxbootuiBeendenExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&DistributionOn-Line Distribution tuxbootuiAbb_ildPre Downloaded tuxbootui Jetzt neustarten Reboot Now tuxbootui ZurckReturn tuxbootui>Whlen Sie die Abbild-Datei ausSelect disk image file tuxbootuirWhlen Sie aus der Liste der untersttzten Distributionen-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui>Whlen Sie einen Abbild-Typ ausSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiFWhlen Sie die DistributionsversionSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiFWhlen Sie den Typ der Installation#Select the installation target type tuxbootui`Whlen Sie ein Ziellaufwerk fr die Installation%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui\Zeige &alle Laufwerke (vorsichtig zu benutzen) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiLWhlen Sie eine Abbild-Datei zum Laden!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootuiTMuss als Systemverwalter ausgefhrt werdenMust run as root uninstaller4Deinstallation vollstndigUninstallation Complete uninstaller/AD!%)OsO `}5"n (Mv* miuQ | fdy"ӞgN5n 6*b)Z7a_*K5XDI%gy4$L&- FT],c&<j.\'1;AW*_EJCddb> D ! bʓ  ,Ur 6r~ PC ? D f = @d? /. &  Ζ4+  !\  ء p  81J `~ m#/ #*+[n (~u''qN*   1> i,*Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-16 03:25+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) $D'esquerra a dreta LeftToRightQObjectN%1 ja existeix. El voleu sobreescriure?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot"%1 No s'ha trobat %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 sense muntar%1 not mountedtuxbootT%1/%2 coincidncies de <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxboot <b>Arxiu:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot$<b>Destinaci:</b>Destination:tuxboot*<b>Destinaci:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot.<b>Destinaci:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot6<b>Descarregat:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot:<b>Extret:</b> %1 of %2 files Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot8<b>Extret:</b> 0 of %1 filesExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Font:</b>Source:tuxboot(<b>Font:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxboot@<b>Font:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootDesprs de reiniciar, seleccioneu l'USB boot opci en el menu de la BIOS.%1 Reboot now?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootRNo s'ha trobat el fitxer d'imatge de discDiskimage file not foundtuxboot!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootRExtraient arxius, si us plau, espereu ... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisquetFloppytuxbootDisc dur Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot8Inseriu una unitat flash USBInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootNo s'han trobat unitats flash USB . Si ja ha inserit un dispositiu USB, proveu de formatejar-la com FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot>Obre el fitxer d'imatge de discOpen Disk Image FiletuxbootDS'est cercant <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxbootLSeleccioneu un fitxer d'imatge de discSelect a disk image filetuxboot6Seleccioneu una distribuciSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootEl fitxer %1 ja existeix. Premeu 'S a tot' per sobreescriure'l i evitar ser preguntat de nou, 'S' per sobreescriure fitxers individualment, i 'No' per conservar la versi existent. En cas de dubte premeu 'S a tot'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootTEl fitxer d'imatge de disc %1 no existeix./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB Disc USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootlSeleccioneu una imatge de disc per a carregar l'arxiu.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootPSeleccioneu una distribuci per carregar'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooto beithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui>1. S'estan descarregant fitxers1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiL2. S'estan extraient i copiant fitxers2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui\3. S'est installat en carregador d'arrencada3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiN4. S'ha acabat la installaci, Reinici 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Aquesta opci <span style=" font-weight:600;">s potencialment perillosa</span> i mostra totes les unitats en un men desplegable anomenat "Unitats". Activeu aquesta opci noms si sabeu el que esteu fent; si useu aquesta opci, la installaci probablement fallar, o us pot provocar problemes d'arrencada al vostre equip.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancellaCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiSurtExit tuxbootuiD'acordOK tuxbootuiReinicia ara Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiLSeleccioneu el fitxer d'imatge de discSelect disk image file tuxbootuipSeleccioneu des d'una llista de distribucions suportades-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiJSeleccioneu el tipus d'imatge de discSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiNSeleccioneu la versi de la distribuciSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiXSeleccioneu el tipus d'installaci de dest#Select the installation target type tuxbootuijSeleccioneu la unitat dest a la que voleu installar%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuijEspecifiqueu un fitxer imatge de disc per carregar-lo!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui4S'ha d'executar com a rootMust run as root uninstaller0Desinstallaci completaUninstallation Complete uninstallerA D O%OsO`}5 n !v uQ a|dy*Ӟ N5n Xb7a * KX 8LIgy &$~-XFT]cV<6. l1; W _ tE)JCd VbH>@ D bʓ t ,Urz 6r~ PC  Dt f  @dM /.2    / !~  ء  81 `~ m#/g*[nY~u'qN n :1> i8Project-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-03 00:33+0000 Last-Translator: m4ntUs <iuri@m4ntus.com> Language-Team: Esperanto <eo@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxbootArchive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxbootDestination: %1tuxbootDestination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxbootSource:tuxbootSource: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxboot!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisketoFloppytuxbootFiksa disko Hard DisktuxbootISOtuxbootInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootcxueithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller2D)%-OsO`}5xn ,v.~gyuQ| dy2ӞN5n0.b-l7a*K=XdI*Pgy`$+b- FT]/c+<|.#+1; YWL_XEJC db > D W bʓ   ,Ur 6r~! PC o D f @dC /. v * # Ζ4/ 5 !!D  ء  81` `~ m#/ */R[n,~u+'qNG  V1>i0.Project-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-29 07:58+0000 Last-Translator: Tuxboot Team <Unknown> Language-Team: Slovak <sk@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) LeftToRight LeftToRightQObject,%1 existuje, prepsae?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootjNa %1 u~ nie je dostatok miesta, preruaie inatalciu?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 sa nenaalo %1 not foundtuxboot%1 sa nenaalo. Toto je po~adovan pre %2 inatala n re~im. Nainatalujte balk "%3" alebo jeho ekvivalent.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot&%1 nie je pripojen%1 not mountedtuxboot@%1/%2 zhd v <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Aktulny) (Current)tuxboot(Hotovo)(Done)tuxboot"<b>Archv:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Cie>:</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>Cie>:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot"<b>Cie>:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot2<b>Stiahnut:</b> %1 z %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot4<b>Stiahnut:</b> 0 bajtovDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootB<b>Rozbalen:</b> %1 z %2 sborov Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot@<b>Rozbalen:</b> 0 z %1 sborovExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootD<b>Rozba>ovanie ISO obrazu:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Zdroj:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Zdroj:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Zdroj:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPo reatarte zvo>te v BIOSe zavdzanie systmu z USB.%1 Reatartovae teraz?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot0grldr sa nastavuje na %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot.grub sa nastavuje na %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot0grub2 sa nastavuje na %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot>Sbor obrazu disku sa nenaaiel.Diskimage file not foundtuxbootJSeahovanie sborov, prosm  akajte...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootNRozba>ovanie sborov, prosm  akajte... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisketaFloppytuxbootPevn disk Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot*Vlo~te USB flash diskInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot6extlinux sa inataluje do %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootNenaali sa ~iadne USB flash disky. Ak je predsa USB flash disk zapojen, skste ho naformtovae na FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot8Vber sboru s obrazom diskuOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot<H>ad sa v <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot:Vyberte sbor s obrazom diskuSelect a disk image filetuxboot&Vyberte distribciuSelect a distrotuxbootDSynchronizcia sborovch systmovSyncing filesystemstuxbootV adresri %1 nie je dostatok miesta. Pre preruaenie inatalcie zvo>te 'no', pre ignorovanie tejto chyby a pre pokra ovanie inatalcie zvo>te 'Nie' a pre ignorovanie vaetkch chb o nedostatku miesta zvo>te 'Nie pre vaetky'.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootSbor %1 u~ existuje. Zvolte 'no pre vaetky' pre jeho prepsanie a prepsanie alach bez optania, 'no' pre prepsanie sboru a 'Nie' pre zachovanie s asnej verzie. Ak neviete, zvo>te 'no pre vaetky'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootDZvolen obraz disku %1 neexistuje./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB mechanika USB DrivetuxbootNajskr je potrebn pripojie USB disk %1 k prpojnmu bodu. V aina distribci to urob automaticky po odpojen a optovnom zapojen USB diskuYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootdPre spustenie muste vybrae sbor s obrazom disku.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootPPre spustenie muste vybrae distribciu.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxboot obidvaeithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui*1. Seahovanie sborov1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiJ2. Rozba>ovanie a koprovanie sborov2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui.3. Inatalcia zavdza a3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui>4. Inatalcia je pln, reatart 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Tto <span style=" font-weight:600;">potencilne nebezpe n</span> vo>ba zobraz vaetky zariadenia a sprstupn ich v rozbalovacej ponuke "Zariaden". Povo>te len v prpade, ~e viete  o robte - m~e znemo~nie vytvorenie spustite>nho disku alebo poakodie existujci systm.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui ZruaieCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootui KoniecExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui"Reatartovae teraz Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootui:Vyberte sbor s obrazom diskuSelect disk image file tuxbootuiTVyberte z ponuky podporovanch distribci-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui0Vyberte typ obrazu diskuSelect the disk image type tuxbootui4Vyberte verziu distribcieSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiLVyberte typ zariadenia pre inatalciu:#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiBVyberte zariadenie pre inatalciu%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui$Vber obrazu disku!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui8Je potrebn spustie ako rootMust run as root uninstaller,Odinatalcia kompletnUninstallation Complete uninstallerD+%OsO`}5n  v ~uQ w| dy>Ӟ N5n Bb7a *KX`Igy $h-FT$]c@<&.a\1;W _PEJCd "b2>z DW bʓ  ,Ur 6r~ PC  D f @d= /. H    E !h  ء  P 81H `~ m#/ }*[nC~u'qN  P^1> i(Project-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-20 22:03+0000 Last-Translator: Izumi <Unknown> Language-Team: Lithuanian <lt@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) $Ia kairs / deain LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxboot&<b>Archyvas:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxbootDestination: %1tuxbootDestination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot><b>Iaskleista:<b/> 0 ia %1 bylsExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootN<b>Iaskleid~iamas ISO atvaizdas:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot <b>`altinis:</b>Source:tuxboot0<b>`altinis:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxbootPParsiun iamos bylos, praaome palaukti...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootRIaskleid~iamos bylos, praaome palaukti... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot"Lankstus diskelisFloppytuxboot Standusis diskas Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxbootInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB diskas USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller ) , 5D]O%0OsO`}5n /-v1!4uQ|dytӞNV5nn1Fb07a*KX0I,Lgy$-- P-FT]2bc-<.!.p1;!W_E iJC Sdb"~>  D bʓo -"  v ,Ur 6r~# PC! D f  @d? /.  ,~  Ζ41 _ !# ; ء 0 81 `~H a-n m#/ =*2[n/~_u.'qNP ( 1>6i2*Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-02 05:01+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) DeGaucheADroite LeftToRightQObject(%1 existe, craser?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboottespace disque insuffisant sur %1, annuler l'installation ?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 introuvable %1 not foundtuxboot%1introuvable. Ncessaire pour le mode d'installation %2. Installation du paquet "%3" ou l'quivalent de votre distributiono%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot$%1 n'est pas mont%1 not mountedtuxbootP%1/%2 trouv(s) dans <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(En cours) (Current)tuxboot(Termin)(Done)tuxboot$<b>Archive:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot&<b>Destination:</b>Destination:tuxboot,<b>Destination:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot0<b>Destination:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot:<b>Tlcharg:</b> %1 sur %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot6<b>Tlcharg:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootD<b>Extrait:</b> %1 de %2 fichiers Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootB<b>Extrait:</b> 0 de %1 fichiersExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootR<b>Extraction de l'iso compress:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Source:</b>Source:tuxboot,<b>Source:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootD<b>Source:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxboot Aprs avoir redmarr, choisissez l'option "dmarrez depuis un priphrique USB" dans le menu de dmarrage du BIOS. %1 Redmarrer immdiatement?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot:Configuration de grldr sur %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot8Configuration de grub sur %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot:Configuration de grub2 sur %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot@Le fichier image est introuvableDiskimage file not foundtuxbootdTlchargement des fichiers, veuillez patienter...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootJExtraction des fichiers, patientez... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootdisquetteFloppytuxbootDisque dur Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot*Insrer un disque USBInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot>Installation de extlinux sur %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootAucun disque USB dtect. Si vous l'avez dj connect, essayez de le reformater en FAT 32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootBOuvrir le disque du fichier imageOpen Disk Image FiletuxbootDRecherche dans <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot0Choisir un fichier imageSelect a disk image filetuxboot0Choisir une distributionSelect a distrotuxbootPSynchronisation des systmes de fichiersSyncing filesystemstuxboot Il n'y a plus d'espace disponible dans le rpertoire %1. Pressez 'Oui' pour annuler l'installation, 'Non' pour ignorer cette erreur et continuer malgr tout l'installation, ou 'Non tout' pour ignorer tout les messages d'erreur lis un manque d'espace disque.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootLe fichier %1 existe dj. Cliquer 'Oui tout' pour l'craser et ne plus tre questionn ce sujet, 'Oui' pour craser isolment et 'Non' pour garder la version existante. Dans le doute, 'Oui tout'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot>L'image %1 choisie n'existe pas/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootLecteur USB USB DrivetuxbootVous devez d'abord monter le disque USB %1sur un point de montage. La plupart des distributions le font automatiquement la connexion.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootNVous devez choisir une image charger.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot\Vous devez choisir une distribution charger.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxboot Aucuneithertuxboot&Type :&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui<1. Tlchargement des fichiers1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiF2. Extraction et copie des fichiers2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootuiR3. Installer le gestionnaire de dmarrage3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiH4. Intallation termine, redmarrage 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Cette option <span style=" font-weight:600;">potentiellement dangereuse</span> montrera tous les disque dans la liste droulante Disques:. Activez la que si vous savez exactement ce que vous faites; si vous utilisez cette option l'installation peut chouer et le dmarrage peut tre compromis.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiAnnulerCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootui chapEsc tuxbootuiQuitterExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&DistributionOn-Line Distribution tuxbootuiDisque&ImagePre Downloaded tuxbootuiRedmarrer Reboot Now tuxbootui EntreReturn tuxbootuiChoisir l'imageSelect disk image file tuxbootuirChoisir partir d'une liste de distributions compatibles-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui.Choisir le type d'imageSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiDChoisir la version de distributionSelect the distribution version tuxbootui@Choisir le type de support cible#Select the installation target type tuxbootui0Choisir le support cible%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiJChoisir une image de disque charger!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui0Seul root peut le lancerMust run as root uninstaller0Dsinstallation termineUninstallation Complete uninstaller7D{5%2[OsO`}5n 0v2"uQ|dyӞaNn5n3b17a*K+X$I-gyt$/- FT]4c/^<f."0@1;#Wh_E"JC db$> D 9 bʓs .  ,Ur" 6r~% PC#G = D f  @dC /. z . I Ζ44 I !$ e ء  81 2 `~ a/ m#/ *4N[n1K~u/'qNR!5  Z1> i5.Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-16 03:24+0000 Last-Translator: Andr Gondim <andregondim@ubuntu.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) 4Da esquerda para a direita LeftToRightQObject8%1 existe, escrever em cima?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootN%1 est sem espao, abortar instalao?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot"%1 no encontrado %1 not foundtuxboot%1 no encontrado. Este necessrio para instalao do tipo %2. Por favor instale o pacote "%3" ou olgo equivalente (da distribuio).o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 no montado%1 not mountedtuxbootd%1/%2 incidncias (acertos) em <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Atual) (Current)tuxboot(Terminado)(Done)tuxboot$<b>Arquivo:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxboot0<b>Copiado:</b> %1 de %2Copied: %1 of %2tuxboot.<b>Copiado:</b> 0 bytesCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Destino:</b>Destination:tuxboot$<b>Destino:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot(<b>Destino:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot"Baixado: %1 de %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot.<b>Baixado:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot\<b>Extrado:</b> %1 de um total de %2 arquivos Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot`<b>Extrado(s):</b> 0 de um total de %1 arquivosExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootF<b>Extraindo iso comprimido:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Fonte:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Fonte:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Fonte:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootAps reiniciar, selecione a opo "Boot USB" no menu da BIOS. %1 Reiniciar Agora?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot0Configurando drldr no %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot.Configurando grub no %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot0Configurando grub2 no %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootLCopiando arquivo, por favor aguarde...Copying file, please wait...tuxboot*Copiando initrd de %1Copying initrd file from %1tuxboot*Copiando kernel de %1Copying kernel file from %1tuxbootRArquivo de Imagem de Disco no encontradoDiskimage file not foundtuxbootLBaixando arquivos, por favor espere...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxbootHExtraindo configurao do bootloader#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootPExtraindo arquivos, aguarde por favor... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisqueteFloppytuxbootDisco Rgido Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot,Insira uma Unidade USBInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot2Instalando extlinux no %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxboot0Localizando initrd em %1Locating initrd file in %1tuxboot0Localizando kernel em %1Locating kernel file in %1tuxbootNenhuma unidade USB foi encontrado. Se voc j inseriu, tente reformata-lo como FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot*Abrir Imagem do DiscoOpen Disk Image FiletuxbootDPesquisando em <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot<Selecione um arquivo de imagemSelect a disk image filetuxboot4Selecione uma DistribuioSelect a distrotuxbootBSincronizando sistema de arquivosSyncing filesystemstuxbootO diretrio %1 est sem espao. Pressione 'Sim' para cancelar a instalao, 'No', para ignorar este erro e tentar continuar a instalao e 'No para todos' para ignorar todos os erros de 'sem espao'.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboot4O arquivo %1 j existe. Pressione 'Yes to All (Sim para Todos)' para escrever em cima e no ser perguntado novamente. 'Yes (Sim)' para escrever em cima individualmente (um a um), e 'No (No)' para manter a verso existente. No caso de dvida, pressione 'Yes to All (Sim para Todos).The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootrO arquivo de imagem de disco %1 especificado, no existe./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUnidade USB USB Drivetuxboot"Voc deve primeiro montar a %1 unidade USB. Maioria das distribuies faro isso automaticamente aps voc remover e reinserir o dispositivo USB.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot necessrio selecionar um arquivo de imagem de disco para carregar.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootxVoc tem que selecionar uma distribuio para ser carregada.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootcada(um)eithertuxboot &Tipo:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui(1. Baixando Arquivos1. Downloading Files tuxbootui@2. Extraindo e Copiando arquivos2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui43. Instalando o Bootloader3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiF4. Instalao Completada, Reiniciar 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Esta <span style=" font-weight:600;">potencialmente perigosa</span> opo, vai mostrar todos os dispositivos de disco numa lista entitulada "Discos". Habilite isso somente caso voc entenda o que est fazendo; usando esta opo, a instalao tender a falhar, ou poder resultar em problemas de (boot) inicializaco.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancelarCancel tuxbootuiUn&idadeDri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootuiSairExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&DistribuioOn-Line Distribution tuxbootui &Imagem de discoPre Downloaded tuxbootuiReiniciar Agora Reboot Now tuxbootui EnterReturn tuxbootui:Selecione o arquivo de imagemSelect disk image file tuxbootuiTSelecione a distribuio desejada da lista-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui4Selecione o tipo de imagemSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiDSelecione a verso da distribuioSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiNSelecione o tipo de instalao desejado#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiPSelecione o disco no qual ser instalado%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuiVExibir tod&as as unidades (use com cuidado) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiZEspecificar uma imagem de disco para carregar!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui8Deve ser executado como rootMust run as root uninstaller0Desinstalao CompletadaUninstallation Complete uninstaller$0D% _OsO`}5n v  U;uQ y| dyӞqNx5n  b 7a*KXI2gy.$:- tiFT]!Oc<.3^1;WZ_JEMJCsd\b>: D bʓ  ,Ur6 6r~D PCa  D f { @d] /. V    ! { ء X  81 `~ m#/ *![n"~u*'qN    1> i!HProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-02 05:01+0000 Last-Translator: ivan90112 <ivan90112@gmail.com> Language-Team: Indonesian <id@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) kiri ke kanan LeftToRightQObject(sudah ada 1% ,timpa?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot$%1 tidak ditemukan %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Saat ini) (Current)tuxboot(Selesai)(Done)tuxboot <b>Arsip:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Tujuan:</b>Destination:tuxboot"<b>Tujuan:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot(<b>Tujuan:</b> %1 %2Destination: %1%2tuxboot<<b>Mendownload:</b> %1 dari %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot4<b>Mendownload:</b> 0 byteDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootF<b>Mengekstrak:</b> 1% dari %2 file Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootD<b>Mengekstrak:</b> 0 dari %1 fileExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Sumber:</b>Source:tuxboot,<b>Sumber:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootD<b>Sumber:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot8Mengkonfigurasi gldr pada %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot8Mengkonfigurasi grub pada %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot:Mengkonfigurasi grub2 pada %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot2Diskimage tidak ditemukanDiskimage file not foundtuxbootBMendownload file, mohon tunggu...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootBMengekstrak file, mohon tunggu... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot DisketFloppytuxbootHard Disk Hard DisktuxbootDISO (sistem ISO 9660 media CD-ROM)ISOtuxboot0Masukkan USB flash driveInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot8menginstall extlinux pada %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootTidak ada USB flash drive yang ditemukan. Jika Anda telah memasukkan USB drive, cobalah format ke FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootBuka file isoOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot>Mencari di <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxbootPilih file isoSelect a disk image filetuxboot.Pilih salah satu DistroSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootFile sudah ada sebelumnya . Tekan 'Ya untuk Semua' untuk menimpanya, 'Ya' untuk menimpa file-file secara individual, dan 'Tidak' untuk mempertahankan versi yang ada. Jika ragu, tekan "Ya untuk Semua '.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot Kotak pemuat USB USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootRAnda harus memilih file iso untuk memulai*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootVAnda harus memilih distribusi untuk memulai'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootSalah Satueithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstallerD c%OsO`}5 n Cv< uQ y| dyBӞ N5n zb7a -* K%X LdIgy >$-pFT(]cx<^. 1;-W _ EQJCd jbj>X D5 bʓ  ,Ur 6r~ PC  D f  @de /.J    G !  ء   81& `~ m#/*[n{~u'qN  R 1> i PProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-20 22:03+0000 Last-Translator: Russell John <russell.john@ubuntu.com> Language-Team: Bengali <bn@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxbootArchive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxbootDestination: %1tuxbootDestination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxbootSource:tuxbootSource: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxboot!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot Floppytuxboot  Hard DisktuxbootISOtuxbootInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB  USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstallerD -%OsO`}5 n v luQ c|dy,Ӟ N5n 0bn7a * KX NIgy ($V-ZFT]c.<. cJ1;W _ REJCd Jb >B D bʓ v ,Ur| 6r~ PC  Dv f  @dO /.4    1 !V  ء  81 `~ m#/i*o[n 1~uz'qN p <1> i:Project-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-10 02:25+0000 Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> Language-Team: Malayalam <ml@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxbootArchive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxbootDestination: %1tuxbootDestination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxbootSource:tuxbootSource: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxboot!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootFloppytuxboot Hard DisktuxbootISOtuxbootInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstallerD ;%OsO`}5 n v zuQ q| dy:Ӟ N5n >b|7a * KX $\Igy 6$d-hFT ]c<<". qX1;W _ `EJCd Xb.>P D- bʓ  ,Ur 6r~ PC  D f  @d] /.B    ? !d  ء  81 `~ m#/w*}[n ?~u'qN ~ J1> iHProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-26 11:32+0000 Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> Language-Team: Min Nan Chinese <nan@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxbootArchive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxbootDestination: %1tuxbootDestination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxbootSource:tuxbootSource: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxboot!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootFloppytuxboot Hard DisktuxbootISOtuxbootInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller#7D%OsO`}5n v  %#uQ | dyӞ UN^5n Hb7aM*KX8Igy$,-+FTn] (c\<.v61;=W_EJC-dZb> Di bʓk P ,Ur 6r~ PC  Dz f @d? /. T  m Ζ4  Q ! c ء  81 `~ m#/ *[n~]u'qN  \ t .1> i *Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-18 21:01+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) SoldanSaa LeftToRightQObject>%1 mevcut, zerine yaz1ls1n m1?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 bulunamad1 %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxboot <b>Ar_iv:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Hedef:</b>Destination:tuxboot <b>Hedef:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot$<b>Hedef:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot><b>0ndirilen:</b> %1, toplam %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot2<b>0ndirilen:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootJ<b>1kar1lan:</b> 0 , toplam %1 dosyaExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Kaynak:</b>Source:tuxboot,<b>Kaynak:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootD<b>Kaynak:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot8Disk 0maj Dosyas1 Bulunamad1Diskimage file not foundtuxbootPDosyalar indiriliyor, ltfen bekleyin...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootNDosyalar a1l1yor, ltfen bekleyiniz... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisket SrcFloppytuxbootSabit Disk Hard Disktuxboot0SOISOtuxboot,USB Flash Src Tak1nInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootUSB Flash src bulunamad1. Eer USB src takt1ysan1z FAT32 olarak formatlay1n.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot(Disk 0maj Dosyas1 AOpen Disk Image FiletuxbootF<a href="%1">%1</a> iinde aran1yor Searching in %1tuxboot.Disk 0maj Dosyas1 SeinSelect a disk image filetuxboot$Bir Da1t1m SeinSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB Src USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot2Bir Disk imaj1 semelisin*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot,Bir da1t1m semelisin'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui(Dosyalar indiriliyor1. Downloading Files tuxbootui>2. Dosyalar a1l1p kopyalan1yor2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui.3. Bootloader kuruluyor3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiJ4. Kurulum tamamland1. Yeniden ba_lat 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui 0ptalCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootui 1k1_Exit tuxbootui TamamOK tuxbootui(^imdi yeniden ba_lat Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootui2Disk imaj dosyas1n1 seinSelect disk image file tuxbootui^Listeden desteklenen da1t1mlardan birini sein-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootui2Da1t1m versiyonunu seinSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui>Ynetici olarak al1_t1rmal1s1nMust run as root uninstaller&Kald1rma tamamland1Uninstallation Complete uninstaller5kD%0MOsO`}5n .v0E!uQm|dyӞgNj5n1.b/7a*KXI,~gy,$-- JuFT]2Rc-H<@.!.1;"eW>_dE JC UdZb"> : D bʓ/  ,UrB 6r~# PC" Df f u @d% /.  ,  Ζ41  !#X  ء  81 `~ m#/ =*1[n/?~u-'qN| G ( 1>i2Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-29 08:09+0000 Last-Translator: Tuxboot Team <Unknown> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) Balrl jobbra LeftToRightQObject6A(z) %1 ltezik, fellrja?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot~A(z) %1 eszkzn kevs a szabad hely, megszaktja a teleptst?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot*A(z) %1 nem tallhat %1 not foundtuxboot*A(z) %1 nem tallhat. Ez ehhez a teleptsi mdhoz szksges: %2. Teleptse a(z) "%3" csomagot, vagy az n disztribcijban tallhat megfelelQjt.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot2A(z) %1 nincs felcsatolva%1 not mountedtuxbootP%1/%2 egyezik ebben: <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(folyamatban) (Current)tuxboot (ksz)(Done)tuxboot&<b>Archvum:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Cl:</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>Cl:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot <b>Cl:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot,<b>Letltve:</b> %1/%2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot.<b>Letltve:</b> 0 bjtDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot@<b>Kicsomagolt fjlok:</b> %1/%2 Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot><b>Kicsomagolt fjlok:</b> 0/%1Extracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootX<b>Tmrtett ISO fjl kicsomagolsa:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Forrs:</b>Source:tuxboot,<b>Forrs:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootD<b>Forrs:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootjraindts utn vlassza az USB boot opcit a BIOS boot menjben.%1 jraindtja most a szmtgpet?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot6Grldr konfigurlsa itt: %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot4Grub konfigurlsa itt: %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot6Grub2 konfigurlsa itt: %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot8A lemezkpfjl nem tallhatDiskimage file not foundtuxbootBFjlok letltse, krem vrjon...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootJFjlok kicsomagolsa, krem vrjon... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot FloppyFloppytuxbootMerevlemez Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxbootRCsatlakoztasson egy USB-s flash meghajttInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot6Extlinux teleptse ide: %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootNem tallhat USB-s flash meghajt. Ha mr csatlakoztatta, de mgsem lthat, prblja meg jraformzni FAT32 fjlrendszerre.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot.Lemezkpfjl megnyitsaOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot8Keress: <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot6Vlasszon egy lemezkpfjltSelect a disk image filetuxboot6Vlasszon egy disztribcitSelect a distrotuxboot<Fjlrendszerek szinkronizlsaSyncing filesystemstuxbootA(z) %1 knyvtrban kevs a szabad hely. Nyomja meg a 'Yes' gombot a teleptse megszaktshoz, a 'No' gombot a hiba figyelmen kvl hagyshoz s a telepts folytatshoz, vagy a 'No to All' gombot az sszes 'kevs szabad hely' hibazenet figyelmen kvl hagyshoz.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootA %1 fjl mr ltezik. Nyomja meg a 'Yes to All' gombot az sszes fjl fellrshoz, a 'Yes' gombot a fjlok egyesvel trtnQ fellrshoz, vagy a 'No' gombot a jelenlegi verzi megtartshoz. Ha nem tud dnteni, nyomja meg a 'Yes to All' gombot.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootNA megadott %1 lemezkpfjl nem ltezik./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB meghajt USB DrivetuxbootZElQszr csatolja az USB-s meghajtt a(z) %1 csatolsi ponthoz. A legtbb disztribci automatikusan elvgzi ezt az USB-s eszkz eltvoltsa, majd jbli csatlakoztatsakor.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot^Ki kell vlasztania a betltendQ lemezkpfjlt.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot^Ki kell vlasztania a betltendQ disztribcit.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootakrmelyikeithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui&1. Fjlok letltse1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiF2. Fjlok kicsomagolsa s msolsa2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui:3. RendszerbetltQ teleptse3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiL4. Telepts befejezQdtt, jraindts 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Ez egy <span style=" font-weight:600;">potencilisan veszlyes</span> opci, mivel az sszes eszkzt megjelenti a meghajtknl. Csak akkor engedlyezze, ha pontosan tudja, mit csinl, ellenkezQ esetben a telepts meghisulhat, vagy esetleg rendszerbetltsi problmkat okozhat.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui MgsemCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiKilpsExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui jraindts most Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootui2Lemezkpfjl kivlasztsaSelect disk image file tuxbootui^Vlasszon a tmogatott disztribcik listjbl-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiDVlassza ki a lemezkpfjl tpustSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiHVlassza ki a disztribci verzijtSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiHVlassza ki a teleptsi cl tpust#Select the installation target type tuxbootui`Vlassza ki a kvnt clmeghajtt a teleptshez%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiFAdja meg a betltendQ lemezkpfjlt!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui<Adminisztrtorknt kell futniaMust run as root uninstaller0Az eltvolts elkszltUninstallation Complete uninstaller5$DI}%/OsO`}5Bn .ev0<S uQ|JdyNӞN 5n0b/87a*KXI+rgy$-*- H9FT]1c,<. -1;!sW_&E JC Odb!> 2 D bʓ ,V  ,Ur 6r~" PC!! D f ! @dK /. +  Ζ41;  !"N  ء d < 81 `~N a, m#/ *1n[nR.~u-V'qN@  1>^i2W6Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-16 03:29+0000 Last-Translator: Vojtch Trefn <vojtech.trefny@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) LeftToRight LeftToRightQObject2%1 ji~ existuje, pYepsat?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootZV %1 nen dostatek msta, pYeruait instalaci?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 nenalezeno %1 not foundtuxboot%1 nebylo nenalezeno. Toto je tYeba pro %2 instala n re~imy. Nainstalujte balk "%3" nebo ekvivalent pro vaai distribuci.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 nepYipojen%1 not mountedtuxbootH%1/%2 souhlas s <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Aktuln) (Current)tuxboot(Hotovo)(Done)tuxboot"<b>Archiv:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxboot6<b>Zkoprovno:</b> %1 z %2Copied: %1 of %2tuxboot4<b>Zkoprovno:</b> 0 bytoCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Cl:</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>Cl:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot <b>Cl:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot.<b>Sta~eno:</b> %1 z %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot.<b>Sta~eno:</b> 0 bajtoDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootB<b>Rozbaleno:</b> %1 z %2 souboro Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot@<b>Rozbaleno:</b> 0 z %1 souboroExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot<<b>Rozbaluji ISO obraz:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Zdroj:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Zdroj:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Zdroj:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPo restartu zvolte v BIOSu mo~nost zavdn systmu z USB. %1 Restartovat nynPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot*Nastavuji grldr na %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot(Nastavuji grub na %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot*Nastavuji grub2 na %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootJKoprovn souboru, prosm  ekejte...Copying file, please wait...tuxboot<Koprovn souboru initrd z %1Copying initrd file from %1tuxboot@Koprovn souboru s jdrem z %1Copying kernel file from %1tuxbootBSoubor obrazu disku nebyl nalezenDiskimage file not foundtuxbootDStahuji soubory,  ekejte prosm...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot<Rozbalovn nastaven zavad e#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootHRozbaluji soubory,  ekejte prosm... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisketaFloppytuxbootPevn disk Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot*Vlo~te USB flash diskInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot0Instaluji extlinux na %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxboot6Hledn souboru initrd v %1Locating initrd file in %1tuxboot:Hledn souboru s jdrem v %1Locating kernel file in %1tuxboot}dn USB flash disky nebyly nalezeny. Pokud jste USB disk ji~ vlo~ili, zkuste jej naformtovat na FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot:Vybrat soubor s obrazem diskuOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot>Vyhledvn <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot<Vyberte soubor s obrazem diskuSelect a disk image filetuxboot$Vyberte distribuciSelect a distrotuxboot>Synchronizuji souborov systmySyncing filesystemstuxbootV adresYi %1 nen dostatek msta. Pro pYeruaen instalace zvolte 'Ano', pro ignorovn tto chyba a pokra ovn instalace zvolte 'Ne' a pro ignorovn vaech chyb o nedostatku msta 'Ne vaem'.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboottSoubor %1 ji~ existuje. Zvolte 'Ano vaem' pro jeho pYepsn a pYepsn dalach bez ptan, 'Ano' pro pYepsn souboru a 'Ne' pro zachovn sou asn verze. Pokud nevte, zvolte 'Ano vaem'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootDUveden obraz disku %1 neexistuje./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootMechanika USB USB DrivetuxbootNapYed je tYeba pYipojit USB zaYzen %1. Vtaina distribuc to provede automaticky po odpojen a optovnm pYipojen zaYzen.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootNPro spuatn muste vybrat obraz disku.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootJPro spuatn muste vybrat distribuci'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootobaeithertuxboot &Typ:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui 1. Stahovn dat1. Downloading Files tuxbootui>2. Rozbalovn a koprovn dat2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui*3. Instalace zavad e3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiD4. Instalace je kompletn, restart 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Tato <span style=" font-weight:600;">potenciln nebezpe n</span> volba zobraz vaechna zaYzen a u in je dostupnmi v rozbalovac nabdce "ZaYzen". Povolte jen v pYpad, ~e vte co dlte - mo~ete znemo~nit vytvoYen spustitelnho disku nebo dokonce poakodit stvajc systm.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiUkon itCancel tuxbootuiZaYz&enDri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootuiUkon itExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&DistribuceOn-Line Distribution tuxbootui&Obraz diskuPre Downloaded tuxbootui Restartovat nyn Reboot Now tuxbootuiZptReturn tuxbootui<Vyberte soubor s obrazem diskuSelect disk image file tuxbootuiTVyberte z nabdky podporovanch distribuc-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui.Zvolte typ obrazu diskuSelect the disk image type tuxbootui0Vyberte verzi distribuceSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiDVyberte typ zaYzen pro instalaci#Select the installation target type tuxbootui<Vyberte zaYzen pro instalaci%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui^Zobrazit vaechna &zaYzen (pou~vejte opatrn) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui$Vbr obrazu disku!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui>Spuatn s prvy administrtoraMust run as root uninstallerDOdinstalace byla span dokon enaUninstallation Complete uninstaller+DY%&OsO`}5@n %v'zuQ3|pdyhӞGN5n'b&7ay*KXI#gy$z$- <FT](c$n<.%H1;W_EKJC CdJb >  D bʓ  h ,Ur 6r~ PCe D f G @d? /. #  Ζ4(Q  ! 6 / ء p  81 `~ m#/ )*([n<&9~Qu$'qN<  1>i)*Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-01 21:03+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) ;V20 =0?@02> LeftToRightQObject.%1 VA=CT, ?5@570?8A0B8?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootX%1 =528AB0G0T <VAFO, ?@8?8=8B8 2AB0=>2;5==O?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 =5 7=0945=> %1 not foundtuxboot%1 =5 7=0945=>. &5 =5>1EV4=> 4;O @568<C 2AB0=>2;5==O %2. AB0=>2VBL ?0:C=>: "%3" G8 9>3> 5:2V20;5=B 48AB@81CB82V, O:89 28:>@8AB>2CTBLAO.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot"%1 =5 7<>=B>20=89%1 not mountedtuxbootJ%1/%2 A?V2?040T 7 <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(>B>G=89) (Current)tuxboot(8:>=0=>)(Done)tuxboot <b>@EV2:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot&<b>@87=0G5==O:</b>Destination:tuxboot,<b>@87=0G5==O:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot0<b>@87=0G5==O:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot8<b>020=B065=>:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot6<b>020=B065=>:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootB<b>8BO3=5=>:</b> %1 of %2 D09;V2 Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot@<b>8BO3=5=>:</b> 0 of %1 D09;V2Extracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootL<b>8BO3CN AB8A=5=89 iso->1@07:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>65@5;>:</b>Source:tuxboot.<b>65@5;>:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootF<b>65@5;>:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootVA;O ?5@57020=B065==O >15@VBL 2 BIOS >?FVN 7020=B0665==O 7 USB.%1 5@57020=B068B8 70@07?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot00;0HBC20==O grldr =0 %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot.0;0HBC20==O grub =0 %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot00;0HBC20==O grub2 =0 %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot@$09; 7 >1@07>< 48A:C =5 7=0945=>Diskimage file not foundtuxbootZ020=B065==O D09;V2, 1C4L-;0A:0, 70G5:09B5...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootX8BO3C20==O D09;V2, 1C4L-;0A:0, 70G5:09B5... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot8A:5B0Floppytuxboot>@AB:89 48A: Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot.AB02B5 USB-=0:>?8GC20GInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot4AB0=>2;5==O extlinux 2 %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxboot5 7=0945=> =V >4=>3> USB-=0:>?8GC20G0. /:I> 28 9>3> 265 ?V4:;NG8;8, A?@>1C9B5 ?5@5D>@<0BC20B8 9>3> 2 FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot:V4:@8B8 D09; 7 >1@07>< 48A:COpen Disk Image Filetuxboot6>HC: 2 <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot215@VBL D09; >1@07C 48A:CSelect a disk image filetuxboot&15@VBL 48AB@81CB82Select a distrotuxboot:!8=E@>=V70FVO D09;>28E A8AB5<Syncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboot$09; %1 265 VA=CT. 0B8A=VBL '"0:, 4;O 2AVE' I>1 ?5@570?8A0B8 9>3> V =5 282>48B8 4V0;>3 7=>2C 4;O =0ABC?=8E D09;V2, '"0:' 4;O ?5@570?8AC 2 V=482V4C0;L=><C ?>@O4:C, B0 'V' 4;O 715@565==O ?>?5@54=L>W 25@AVW . /:I> AC<=V20TB5AL, B> =0B8A:09B5 '"0:, 4;O 2AVE'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootB:070=89 >1@07 48A:C %1 =5 VA=CT./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB-?@8AB@V9 USB Drivetuxboot"!?>G0B:C ?>B@V1=> 7<>=BC20B8 USB-=0:>?8GC20G %1. V;LHVABL 48AB@81CB82V2 7@>1;OBL F5 02B><0B8G=>, O:I> 289=OB8 B0 2AB028B8 7=>2C USB-=0:>?8GC20G.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootj8 ?>28==V >1@0B8 D09; >1@07C 48A:C 4;O 7020=B065==O.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot\8 ?>28==V >1@0B8 48AB@81CB82 4;O 7020=B065==O'You must select a distribution to load.tuxboot1C4L-O:89eithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui &... tuxbootui,1. 020=B065==O D09;V21. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiV4. AB0=>2;5==O 7025@H5=>, 5@57020=B065==O 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootui 89B8Exit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui"5@57020=B068B8AL Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootui815@VBL D09; 7 >1@07>< 48A:CSelect disk image file tuxbootui>15@VBL 7V A?8A:C 48AB@81CB82V2-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui015@VBL B8? >1@07C 48A:CSelect the disk image type tuxbootui615@VBL 25@AVN 48AB@81CB820Select the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiJ15@VBL 48A: =0 O:89 1C45 2AB0=>2;5=>%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiZ15@VBL D09; 7 >1@07>< 48A:C 4;O 7020=B065==O!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstaller&840;5==O 7025@H5=>Uninstallation Complete uninstaller ) , : DcC%3OsO`}5 n 21v4z$2uQ+|hdyzӞ-N5n5b3@7a*~K XI/gyp$0- _FT]6c0< .#1|1;$36lWl_E#]JC db%h> b D  bʓ /  ,Ur 6r~&v PC$ 1 D f  @d/ /. L /D  Ζ45  !% E ء  81 `~ a0D m#/ *5[nV2~u0'qN" l &1>i7:Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-19 20:56+0000 Last-Translator: victor tejada yau <Unknown> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) ,De izquierda a derecha LeftToRightQObject>%1 ya existe, sobreescribirlo?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootf%1 no dispone de espacio, cancelar la instalacin?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 no encontrado %1 not foundtuxboot%1 no encontrado. Es necesario para el modo de instalacin %2. Instala el paquete %3 o el equivalente en tu distribucin.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot$%1 no est montado%1 not mountedtuxbootT%1/%2 coincidencias en <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Actual) (Current)tuxboot(Hecho)(Done)tuxboot$<b>Archivo:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxboot0<b>Copiado:</b> %1 de %2Copied: %1 of %2tuxboot.<b>Copiado:</b> 0 bytesCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Destino:</b>Destination:tuxboot$<b>Destino:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot(<b>Destino:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot<<b>Descargado(s):</b> %1 de %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot6<b>Descargados:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootF<b>Extrados:</b> %1 de %2 archivos Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootD<b>Extrados:</b> 0 de %1 archivosExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootH<b>Extrayendo iso comprimida:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Origen:</b>Source:tuxboot,<b>Origen:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootD<b>Origen:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxbootB== Seleccionar la Distribucion ==== Select Distribution ==tuxbootDespus de reiniciar, seleccionar la opcin de arranque por USB en el men de arranque de la BIOS.%1 Reiniciar ahora?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot$Todos los Archivos All Files (*)tuxboot0Configurando grldr en %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot.Configurando grub en %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot0Configurando grub2 en %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootLCopiando archivo, por favor, espere...Copying file, please wait...tuxboot@Copiando archivo initrd desde %1Copying initrd file from %1tuxbootNCopiando el archivo del kernel desde %1Copying kernel file from %1tuxboot\Non se encuentra el archivo de imagen de discoDiskimage file not foundtuxbootRDescargando archivos, por favor espere...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxbootxExtrayendo configuracin del cargador de inicio (bootloader)#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootPExtrayendo archivos, por favor espere... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisqueteFloppytuxbootDisco duro Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot8Inserte una unidad flash USBInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot2Instalando extlinux en %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxboot:Ubicando archivo initrd en %1Locating initrd file in %1tuxbootBUbicando archivo del kernel en %1Locating kernel file in %1tuxbootNo se encontr ninguna unidad USB. Si ha insertado ya una unidad USB, pruebe a formatearlo como FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootFAbrir el archivo de imagen de discoOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot>Buscando en <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxbootPSeleccione un archivo de imagen de discoSelect a disk image filetuxboot6Seleccione una distribucinSelect a distrotuxbootHSincronizando el sistema de archivosSyncing filesystemstuxbootEl directorio %1 no dispone de espacio. Pulse S para interrumpir la instalacin, No para ignorar este error y tratar de continuar la instalacin, y No a todos para hacer caso omiso de todos los mensajes de error sobre el espacio disponible.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootEl archivo %1 ya existe. Prulse Si a todo para sobreescribirlo y que no sea solicitado de nuevo, Si para sobreescribir los archivos de forma individual, y No para conservar la versin existente. En caso de duda, pulse Si a todo.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootVEl archivo de imagen de disco %1 no existe./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUnidad USB USB Drivetuxboot:Primero debe montar la unidad USB %1 en un punto de montaje. Muchas distribuciones harn esto automticamente cuando quite y vuelva a insertar la unidad USB.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootvDebe seleccionar un archivo de imagen de disco para cargar.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot\Debe seleccionar una distribucin para cargar.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootcualquieraeithertuxboot &Tipo:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui.1. Descargando archivos1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiB2. Extrayendo y copiando archivos2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootuiJ3. Instalando el cargador de arranque3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiP4. Se complet la instalacin, reiniciar 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Esta opcin <span style=" font-weight:600;">potencialmente peligrosa</span> mostrar todas las unidades en el cuadro desplegable titulado Unidad. Active esta opcin slo si sabe lo que est haciendo, si usa esta opcin la instalacin puede fallar o crear problemas de arranque.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancelarCancel tuxbootuiUnidad:Dri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootui SalirExit tuxbootuiAceptarOK tuxbootui&DistribucinOn-Line Distribution tuxbootuiDisco&ImagenPre Downloaded tuxbootuiReiniciar ahora Reboot Now tuxbootui VolverReturn tuxbootuiJSeleccione archivo de imagen de discoSelect disk image file tuxbootuijSeleccione de una lista de distribuciones disponibles-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiJSeleccione el tipo de imagen de discoSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiPSeleccione la versin de la distribucinSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiXSeleccione el tipo de instalacin de destino#Select the installation target type tuxbootui^Seleccionar la unidad de destino donde instalar%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuidMostrar &Todas las Unidades (Utilizar con cuidado) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuihEspecifica un archivo de imagen de disco para cargar!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootuiFSe debe ejecutar como administradorMust run as root uninstaller*Tuxboot DesinstaladorTuxboot Uninstaller uninstaller:Se complet la desinstalacinUninstallation Complete uninstaller+D5%U(%%OsO`}5\n $v% mbuQ | dyӞKN5n H&b%N7a* KX_BI"^gy$#- rƨ'Pt&ZFTH](c#<%.$`!1;I"W_EJCdbJ> D bʓH #O  ,Ur 6r~ PC ? Db ߭' f @d3 /. "  ^-[ Ɏ/# Ζ4'  S !  ء h  81> `~R m#/ *(?[n% ~u$"'qN  :#  1> i(Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-18 21:13+0000 Last-Translator: Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) u1]S LeftToRightQObject%1 ]}[XW( [U%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot$%1 xxzzN f/T&e>h['%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot b~N R0 %1 %1 not foundtuxbootbb~N R0 %10%2 [j!__ŘOu([0 [ "%3" ߚSbf/`vv|LrHuvN-v^O%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (WLN-) (Current)tuxboot([b)(Done)tuxboot$<b>Archive:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>vvW0</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>vvW0</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot <b>vvW0</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot(<b>]N </b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot&<b>]N </b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot4<b>]cS</b> %1 of %2 files Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot,<b>]cS</b> 0 of %1 jhHExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot"<b>f ajcS</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>On</b>Source:tuxboot$<b>On</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxboot<<b>On</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootT͕j__ ːxd BIOS j_xUuvN-v USB j_x0%1 sW(͕j_U?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot kcW(-[ %1 N v grldrConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootkcW(-[ %1 N v grubConfiguring grub on %1tuxboot kcW(-[ %1 N v grub2Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootz P kcW(jhH...Copying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot b~N R0f PjDiskimage file not foundtuxbootjhHN N- z _...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootcSjhHN- z _... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootxrGFloppytuxbootxlx Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxbootcQe USB xInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot [ extlinux %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxboot MD5 WI MD5 ChecksumtuxbootJb~N R0 USB x0Yg]}cQe fWh<_Sb FAT32 jhH|}q0gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot U_f PjOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot@QH[ p7zip-full b p7zip-plugins 1Please Install p7zip-full or p7zip-plugins first!tuxbootS[X ISO jSave ISO File totuxboot0kcW(d\ <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxbootxdNP f PjSelect a disk image filetuxbootxdNP v|LYWNSelect a distrotuxbootkcW(T kejhH|}qSyncing filesystemstuxbooteY> %1 ]}nN0c "f/" NN-kb[ "T&" NNP /N&Vf~|~[ݐNz bc N "QhvT&" N_ueb@g zzN ev `o0The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootjhH %1 ][XW(0c N "Qhvf/" N剆ˊruvhH N&W(NK_QN_N cy: bc N "f/" SꉆːP jhH bf/ "T&" NOuYvRMvrHg,0YgO`N wS`PZ c "Qhvf/"0The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootc[vf Pj %1 N [XW(0/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB xxj_ USB DrivetuxboothO`_ŘQH\ USB x %1 c wO0Y'Rv|}qgW(O`ydN&ecQe USB x_Rc 0You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootO`_ŘxdNP f Pj*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootO`_ŘxdNP v|LYWN'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootbf/eithertuxbootMD5 WIY1eW(%1)md5 check error: %1 Faile! tuxboot^W(&T)&Type: tuxbootui &... tuxbootui1. jhHN N-1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. cSN&jhH2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui 3. [ Bootloader3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui4. [[b ej_ 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootuiz<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">P <span style=" font-weight:600;">g o[W(Sq`'</span>vx\gW("RRrS@"N bɐxUQgoy:b@g vxS@0x[O`wSO`W(^yNNK_QU_u(P x `Ou(NP x [ݐNz \g SY1eW Ng S b|}qj_UOL0</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiSmCancel tuxbootuixx:Dri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootui}Pg_Exit tuxbootui MD5 WI MD5 Check tuxbootuix[OK tuxbootuiv|LrH(&D)On-Line Distribution tuxbootui sW(ej_ Reboot Now tuxbootuiVReturn tuxbootui S[XISOj Save ISO file tuxbootui xdf ajSelect disk image file tuxbootuinUN-xd]e/cvYWN-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuixdf Pjh<_Select the disk image type tuxbootuixdrHg,Select the distribution version tuxbootuixd[vj_b_#Select the installation target type tuxbootuixd[vjxxS@%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui(oy:Qhxxj_(Ou(fB\_) (&A) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui"xd ISO or ZIP f Pj,Specify a CD image (ISO or ZIP) file to load tuxbootuic[xxf ajN2Lݏ !Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootuifeUpdate tuxbootui ferHg,NJ Update distro version list tuxbootuiN MD5 jgjhHcheck iso file with md5sum tuxbootui S[XISOj save iso file tuxbootui_ŘNroot҂rWLMust run as root uninstaller]}[bydRO\Uninstallation Complete uninstaller0D%+OsO`}5Ln *?v, uQ | JdyӞN5n,b+7a*K/XI'gy|$F)(- :uFT]-c(<d.+)1;Wb_ EeJC Mdb>: D bʓ (p  ,UrB 6r~ PCM  Dj f ! @d- /. ' A Ζ4-  !d  ء X  81 `~ a( m#/ *-4[n"*~u)V'qN\  1>Ni-Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-02 05:37+0000 Last-Translator: Yaron <sh.yaron@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) RightToLeft LeftToRightQObject%1 , ?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootJ  %1 ,    ?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1   %1 not foundtuxboot%1  .       %2.     "%3"    .o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1  %1 not mountedtuxbootH%1/%2   <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot() (Current)tuxboot ()(Done)tuxboot"<b>:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>:</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot <b>:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot*<b>:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot(<b>:</b> 0 Downloaded: 0 bytestuxboot<<b>:</b> %1  %2  Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot:<b>:</b> 0  %1 Extracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootB<b>  ISO :</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>:</b>Source:tuxboot(<b>:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxboot@<b>:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxboot ,     USB    BIOS. %1   ?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot" grldr  %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot  grub  %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot* grub2   %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot4    Diskimage file not foundtuxboot2 ,  ...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot6 ,  ... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot Floppytuxboot  Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot*    USBInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot( extlinux  %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxboot    USB.     USB,     FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot.   Open Disk Image Filetuxboot:  <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot4    Select a disk image filetuxboot  Select a distrotuxboot&  Syncing filesystemstuxbootL %1   .    ''    , ''       , ' '       .The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootd %1  .    ' '       ,''     , ''     .   ,   ' '.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootN    %1  ./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot USB USB Drivetuxboot     USB %1  .            USB.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot4    .*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot*   .'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot &:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui1.  1. Downloading Files tuxbootui*2.   2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui,3.   3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui<4.  ,   4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><html dir="rtl"><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=" direction:rtl;font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">  <span style=" font-weight:600;">  </span>         "".             ;     ,     ,     .</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui Cancel tuxbootui &:Dri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootui Exit tuxbootui OK tuxbootui &On-Line Distribution tuxbootui &Pre Downloaded tuxbootui  Reboot Now tuxbootui EnterReturn tuxbootui.    Select disk image file tuxbootui<    -Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui4     Select the disk image type tuxbootui.    Select the distribution version tuxbootui4     #Select the installation target type tuxbootui8     %Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuiB &  ( ) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui<     !Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui&   Must run as root uninstaller Uninstallation Complete uninstaller5D%0MOsO`}5Bn .v0!>uQE|dyӞ[N5n1b/7ay*KXI+gy$-- aFT]2c-D<.!. 1;"W_&E iJC {dLb"> B D  bʓ ,  ,Ur. 6r~#j PC!  D f Y @dA /. & ,  Ζ42'  !" q ء  81 `~ a- m#/ [*2Z[nf/=~u-'qNP L 1>i3',Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-14 05:28+0000 Last-Translator: Jeppe Toustrup <launchpad@tenzer.dk> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) LinksNaarRechts LeftToRightQObjectP%1 bestaat al, wil je het overschrijven?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot\Geen ruimte meer op %1, installatie annuleren?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 niet gevonden %1 not foundtuxboot %1 niet gevonden. Dit is noodzakelijk voor de %2 installatiemodus. Installeer het "%3" pakket of het equivalent voor jouw distributie.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot*%1 niet aangekoppeld.%1 not mountedtuxbootX%1/%2 overeenkomsten op <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(huidig) (Current)tuxboot(Voltooid)(Done)tuxboot$<b>Archief:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot$<b>Bestemming:</b>Destination:tuxboot*<b>Bestemming:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot.<b>Bestemming:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot6<b>Gedownload:<b> %1 van %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot4<b>Gedownload:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootN<b>Uitgepakt:</b> %1 van %2 bestand(en) Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootJ<b>Uitgepakt:</b> 0 van%1 bestand(en)Extracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot@<b>Iso bestand uitpakken:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Bron:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Bron::</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxboot@<b>Bron:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootKies, na het herstarten, in je BIOS de optie 'USB boot' %1 Nu herstarten?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot0grldr configureren op %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot.grub configureren op %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot2grub 2 configureren op %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootBDisk image-bestand niet gevonden.Diskimage file not foundtuxbootXBestanden worden gedownload, n momentje...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootDBestanden uitpakken, n moment... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisketteFloppytuxbootHarde schijf Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot.Sluit een USB drive aanInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot4extlinux installeren op %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootEr is geen USB drive gevonden. Als je er wel n hebt aangesloten, probeer deze dan te formatteren als FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot.Open Disk Image-bestandOpen Disk Image FiletuxbootJAan het zoeken in <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxbootBSelecteer een disk image bestand.Select a disk image filetuxboot2Selecteer een distributieSelect a distrotuxboot>Bestandssystemen synchroniserenSyncing filesystemstuxbootDe directory %1 heeft geen vrije ruimte meer. Klik 'Ja' om te annuleren, of 'Nee' om deze fout te negeren en toch proberen door te gaan. Kies 'Nee op alles' om alle toekomstige ruimte-meldingen te negeren.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootHet bestand %1 bestaat al. Klik 'Ja op alles' om het te overschrijven en dit voor alle volgende situaties ook te doen, 'Ja' om het te overschrijven en de volgende keer weer te vragen en 'Nee' om de huidige versie te behouden. Als je twijfelt, klik dan op 'Ja op alles'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot^Het gekozen disk image-bestand %1 bestaat niet./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB-schijf USB Drivetuxboot<Je moet de USB drive %1 eerst aankoppelen (mounten). De meeste distributies doen dat automatisch als je de de USB drive verwijdert en vervolgens terugplaatst.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootzJe dient een disk image-bestand te selecteren om in te laden.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootfJe dient een distributie te selecteren om te laden.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxboot Ofweleithertuxboot &Type:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui>1. Bestanden aan het downloaden1. Downloading Files tuxbootui>Bestanden uitpakken en kopiren2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui,Bootloader installeren3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiJInstallatie gereed. Opnieuw opstarten 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootuiz<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Deze <span style=" font-weight:600;">potentieel gevaarlijke</span> optie toont alle schijven in het selectiemenu. Doe dit alleen als u weet waar u mee bezig bent. Als u dit doet, zal de installatie waarschijnlijk mislukken of leiden tot opstartproblemen.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiAnnulerenCancel tuxbootuiSch&ijfDri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootuiAfsluitenExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&DistributieOn-Line Distribution tuxbootuiDisk&imagePre Downloaded tuxbootuiNu herstarten Reboot Now tuxbootui TerugReturn tuxbootui8Selecteer disk-image bestandSelect disk image file tuxbootui`Kies uit een lijst van ondersteunde distributies-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui:Selecteer het disk-image typeSelect the disk image type tuxbootui4Kies de distributie-versieSelect the distribution version tuxbootui^Selecteer het type van de installatiebestemming#Select the installation target type tuxbootuihSelecteer de harde schijf waarop genstalleerd wordt%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuidToon &Alle Schijven (voor geavanceerde gebruikers) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiNKies een disk image-bestand om te laden!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui>Moet als root worden uitgevoerdMust run as root uninstaller(Denstallatie gereedUninstallation Complete uninstaller7D%1OsO`}5n 0?v2XA"uQi|dyӞNh5n 2b147a*KXI-:gyT$.- J9FT]4hc.<J.)!/1;"WP_|E!JC Qdb#8>  D bʓO .(  | ,Ur 6r~$J PC"] D f q @d- /.  -n q Ζ43  !# = ء  81 `~ a.r m#/ 7*3[n0~ku/$'qNx W & 1>i4Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-14 06:19+0000 Last-Translator: Adi Roiban <adi@roiban.ro> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) .De la stnga la dreapta LeftToRightQObject:%1 exist deja, suprascrieci?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot^%1 nu mai are spaciu liber, anulaci instalarea?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot$%1 nu a fost gsit %1 not foundtuxboot%1 nu a fost gsit. Acesta este necesar pentru modul de instalare %2. Instalaci pachetul "%3" sau pachetul echivalent din distribucia voastr.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot"%1 nu este montat%1 not mountedtuxboot0%1 nu a(u) fost gsit(e)$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot&(Cel aflat n curs) (Current)tuxboot (Gata)(Done)tuxboot"<b>Arhiva:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot$<b>Destinacie:</b>Destination:tuxboot*<b>Destinacie:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot.<b>Destinacie:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot6<b>Descrcate:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot2<b>Descrcate:</b> 0 bytiDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootB<b>Extrase:</b> %1 din %2 fisiere Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot@<b>Extrase:</b> 0 din %1 fi_iereExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootX<b>Se extrage fi_ierul iso comprimat:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Sursa:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Sursa:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Sursa:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootDup repornire, selectaci optiunea pentru bootare USB din meniul de boot al BIOS-lui.%1 Repornici acum?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot6Se configureaz grldr pe %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot4Se configureaz grub pe %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot6Se configureaz grub2 pe %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootPFi_ierul imagine-de-disc nu a fost gsitDiskimage file not foundtuxbootPSe descarc fi_iere, v rog asteptaci...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootPSe extrag fi_ierele, v rog asteptaci... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDischetFloppytuxbootDisc dur Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot<Introduceci un USB flash driveInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot8Se instaleaz extlinux in %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootNiciun USB flash drive nu a fost gsit. Dac aci conectat deja un USB drive, incercaci s l reformataci ca FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootBDeschide Fi_ierul Imagine-de-DiscOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot>Se caut n <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxbootFSelectaci un fi_ier imagine-de-discSelect a disk image filetuxboot.Selectaci o distribucieSelect a distrotuxbootBSe sincronizeaz fi_ierele-sistemSyncing filesystemstuxbootDirectorul %1 nu mai are spaciu liber. Apsaci 'DA' pentru a anula instalarea, 'NU' pentru a ignora aceast eroare _i a ncerca continuarea instalrii, _i 'NU pentru toate' pentru a ignora toate erorile privind lipsa de spaciu gol pe disc.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootFi_ierul %1 exist deja. Apsaci 'DA pentru toate' pentru a suprascrie _i a nu fi intrebat din nou, 'DA' pentru a suprascrie fi_ierele fiecare pe rnd, _i 'NU' pentru a pstra versiunea existent a fi_ierelor. Dac sunteci n dubiu, apsaci 'DA pentru toate'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootbFi_ierul imagine-de-disc specificat %1 nu exist./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootDisc USB USB Drivetuxboot`nti trebuie s montaci drive-ul USB %1 ntr-un un punct-de-montare. Cele mai multe distribucii vor face aceasta n mod automat dup ce scoateci _i reintroduceci drive-ul USB.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot~Trebuie s selectaci un fi_ier imagine-de-disc pentru ncrcare*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootrTrebuie s selectaci o distribucie pentru a fi ncrcat.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootoricare dineithertuxboot &Tip:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui*Se descarc fi_ierele1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiBSe extrag _i se copiaz fi_ierele2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui^Se instaleaz Incrctorul-de-Boot (Bootloader)3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui@4. Instalare complet, Repornici 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Aceast <span style=" font-weight:600;">potencial periculoas</span> opciune va arta toate drive-urile n lista derulant numit "Drives". Activaci aceast opciune doar dac _tici ce faceci; dac folosici aceast opciune, este probabil ca instalarea s e_ueze, sau poate conduce la probleme legate de bootarea sistemului.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiRevocareCancel tuxbootuiDispoziti&v:Dri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootui IeireExit tuxbootuiBineOK tuxbootui&DistribuieOn-Line Distribution tuxbootuiDisc&imagePre Downloaded tuxbootuiRepornire acum Reboot Now tuxbootui EnterReturn tuxbootuiDSelectaci fi_ierul imagine-de-discSelect disk image file tuxbootuiXSelectaci din lista distribuciilor suportate-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui@Selectaci tipul imaginii-de-discSelect the disk image type tuxbootui@Selectaci versiunea distribucieiSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiNSelectaci tipul cintei pentru instalare#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiRSelectaci drive-ul cint pentru instalare%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui\&Arat toate dispozitivele (folosii cu grij) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuitSpecificaci un fi_ier imagine-de-disc pentru a fi incrcat!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui`Trebuie rulat cu drepturi de administrare (root)Must run as root uninstaller*Dezinstalare completUninstallation Complete uninstaller $Di %0OsO`}5n /Qv1`E"uQs|dyӞNh5n1b0>7a*K%X*I-gyV$. - |CFT]2c-<\.A!.1;"Wn_E!9JC Idb#H>  D bʓy  t ,Ur 6r~$6 PC"g D f  @d? /. " -F C Ζ427  !# S ء  81 `~ m#/ W*2j[n/~uu.D'qN| k F 1>i39*Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-01 21:04+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) &EsquerdaParaDireita LeftToRightQObject8%1 existe, escrever em cima?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootN%1 est sem espao, abortar instalao?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot"%1 no encontrado %1 not foundtuxboot%1 no encontrado. Este necessrio para instalao do tipo %2. Por favor instale o pacote "%3" ou olgo equivalente (da distribuio).o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 no montado%1 not mountedtuxbootd%1/%2 incidncias (acertos) em <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Atual) (Current)tuxboot(Terminado)(Done)tuxboot$<b>Arquivo:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Destino:</b>Destination:tuxboot$<b>Destino:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot(<b>Destino:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot0<b>Baixado:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot8<b>Descarregado:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot\<b>Extrado:</b> %1 de um total de %2 arquivos Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot`<b>Extrado(s):</b> 0 de um total de %1 arquivosExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootF<b>Extraindo iso compactada:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Fonte:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Fonte:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Fonte:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootAps reiniciar, selecione a opo 'USB boot' no menu de boot da BIOS. %1 Quer reinicializar agora?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot0Configurando grldr em %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot.Configurando grub em %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot0Configurando grub2 em %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootRArquivo de Imagem de Disco no encontradoDiskimage file not foundtuxbootLBaixando Arquivos, por favor espere...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootPExtraindo arquivos, aguarde por favor... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisqueteFloppytuxbootDisco Rgido Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxbootPInsira um Dispositivo de Disco USB FlashInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot2Instalando extlinux em %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootNenhum dispositivo de USB Flash foi encontrado. Tente re-inserir, e persistindo o problema, tente re-formatar o mesmo no modo FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot.Abrir Arquivo de ImagemOpen Disk Image FiletuxbootDPesquisando em <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot<Selecione um arquivo de imagemSelect a disk image filetuxboot4Selecione uma distribuioSelect a distrotuxbootDSincronizando sistemas de arquivosSyncing filesystemstuxbootO diretrio %1 est sem espao. Pressione 'Sim' para abortar a instalao, 'No' para ignorar o erro e tentar continuar a instalao, e 'No para todos' para ignorar os erros de falta de espao.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboot4O arquivo %1 j existe. Pressione 'Yes to All (Sim para Todos)' para escrever em cima e no ser perguntado novamente. 'Yes (Sim)' para escrever em cima individualmente (um a um), e 'No (No)' para manter a verso existente. No caso de dvida, pressione 'Yes to All (Sim para Todos).The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootrO arquivo de imagem de disco %1 especificado, no existe./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootDisco USB USB Drivetuxbootb necessrio montar o dispositivo USB %1 em um subdiretrio qualquer (mountpoint). Muitas distribuies fazem a auto-montagem, basta que se retire e re-insira o dispositivo USB.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot necessrio selecionar um arquivo de imagem de disco para carregar.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootn necessrio selecionar uma distribuio para carregar.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootcada(um)eithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui21. Descarregando Arquivos1. Downloading Files tuxbootui@2. Extraindo e Copiando arquivos2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui43. Instalando o Bootloader3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiF4. Instalao Completada, Reiniciar 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Esta <span style=" font-weight:600;">potencialmente perigosa</span> opo, vai mostrar todos os dispositivos de disco numa lista entitulada "Discos". Habilite isso somente caso voc entenda o que est fazendo; usando esta opo, a instalao tender a falhar, ou poder resultar em problemas de (boot) inicializaco.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancelarCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiSairExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootuiReiniciar Agora Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootui:Selecione o arquivo de imagemSelect disk image file tuxbootuiTSelecione a distribuio desejada da lista-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui4Selecione o tipo de imagemSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiDSelecione a verso da distribuioSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiNSelecione o tipo de instalao desejado#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiPSelecione o disco no qual ser instalado%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiZEspecificar uma imagem de disco para carregar!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui8Deve ser executado pelo rootMust run as root uninstaller0Desinstalao CompletadaUninstallation Complete uninstaller(D%$!OsO`}5n #?v$| 5WuQ w| dyӞ Nd5n $b#7a*KX:8I gy$"j- TFT:]%c":<.#"1;Wb_EyJC}db>t D bʓ) !  ,Ur 6r~ PC_ # D\ f @d- /. !  Ζ4%+  + !F  ء R H 81( `~ a! m#/ *%^[nd#~u"'qN  l  1> i%Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-27 21:55+0000 Last-Translator: SN <wantinghard@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) N]R0S LeftToRightQObject%1 ]~[XW( f/T&v%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot%1 zzN Y0e>_['%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 lg b~R0 %1 not foundtuxbootZ%1 lg b~R00[j!_ %20 [  %3  SbO`vSшLrHg,v{IeHrHg,0o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 lg c}%1 not mountedtuxbootH%1/%2 matches in <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (YtN-) (Current)tuxboot([b)(Done)tuxboot<b>[Xhc</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>vh</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>vh</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot<b>vh</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot&<b>]N }</b> %1 / %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot$<b>N }</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot2<b>bS</b> %1 of %2 files Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot.<b>bS</b>0 of %1 filesExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot*<b>S)iso\PeN</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>gen</b>Source:tuxboot$<b>gen</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxboot<<b>gen</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootFT/RT W(BIOSvT/RSU bUSBT/R y0 zSsT/RPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootW( %1 N Mn grldrConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootW( %1 N Mn grubConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootW( %1 N Mn grub2Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootlg b~R0xvؕ\PeNDiskimage file not foundtuxbootkcW(N }eN z P & &!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootkcW(bSeN z {I & & Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootovFloppytuxbootHard Disk Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxbootcQeUSBqRVhInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot [ extlinux R0 %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootTlg SsUSBqRVh0Yg`]~cQeUSBqRVh \Ցeh<_SN:FAT32h<_0gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootbS_xvؕ\PeNOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot0kcW(d}" <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot bNN*xvؕ\PeNSelect a disk image filetuxboot bNN*SшLrHg,Select a distrotuxboot T keeN|~Syncing filesystemstuxbootv_U %1 zzN Y0c f/  e>_[ c T&  _ueN*^v~~[ c Qh T&  _ueb@g zzN Y NK|{v0The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbooteN %1 ]~[XW(0SUQ 'Yes to All' ۈLv^vNN Qcy: 'Yes' vSUN*eN 'No' OuYO`sW(vrHg,0 YgN xn[ SUQ 'Yes to All'0The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot"c[vxvؕ\PeN %1 N [XW(0/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB qRVh USB DrivetuxbootbO`_Ř{QHW( %1 c}qRVh0Y'RSшLrHg,OW(`yd^vNecQeUSBqRVhTRbgLdO\0You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot O`_Ř{ bR}NN*xvؕ\PeN0*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootO`_Ř{ bR}NN*SшLrHg,0'You must select a distribution to load.tuxboot N$N QvNeithertuxboot|{W(&T)&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui1. N }eN1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. bSTbeN2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui 3. [ Bootloader3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui4. [[b T/ 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootuij<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">N* <span style=" font-weight:600;">g o\W(Sqiv</span> y \W(T N: qRVh vN bhFN-f>y:b@g qRVh0 NW(O`wSO`W(PZNNHQT/u([ YgO`Ou(N* y [SOY1% bS[|~T/Rv0</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiSmCancel tuxbootuiqRVh(&V):Dri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootuiQExit tuxbootuixn[OK tuxbootuiSшLrH(&D)On-Line Distribution tuxbootuiQIvؕ\P(&I)Pre Downloaded tuxbootuisW(T/ Reboot Now tuxbootuiVReturn tuxbootui bxvؕ\PeNSelect disk image file tuxbootuiW(RhN- bNN*e/cvSшLrHg,-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui bxvؕ\P|{WSelect the disk image type tuxbootui bSшLrHg,Select the distribution version tuxbootui b[vh|{W#Select the installation target type tuxbootui bۈL[vvhqRVh%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuif>y:b@g qRVh(aNu()(&A) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuic[R}xvؕ\PeN!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui_Ř{NrootvNЈLMust run as root uninstaller[QhSx}Uninstallation Complete uninstaller))D%%OsO`}5hn $_v%X'uQQ|dyvӞ[N 5n%b$7a*KUXI"gy"$#- L)FT]&Ac#<.$1;IW_DEJC KdRb> D bʓ  l ,Ur 6r~ PC D f ] @d] /.  #   ! = ء  81 `~ m#/ Q*%[np$~[u#'qN^i 4 1>i&xHProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-14 06:18+0000 Last-Translator: Yuksel Saliev <yuksbg@gmail.com> Language-Team: Bulgarian <bg@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject8%1 AJI5AB2C20, ?@570?8A20=5?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootz%1 =O<0 4>AB0BJG=> ?@>AB@0=AB2>, ?@5:JA20=5 =0 8=AB0;0F8OB0 ?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot(%1 =5 5 =0<5@5=(0/>) %1 not foundtuxboot%1 =5 5 =0<5@5=(0/>). 78A:20 A5 70 @568< =0 8=AB0;8@0=5 %2. =AB0;8@09B5 ?0:5B0 %3  8;8 =53>28O 5:2820;5=B 70 48AB@81CF8OB0 8.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxbootL%1/%2 AJ2?045=8O 2 <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(2 ?@>F5A) (Current)tuxboot(3>B>2>)(Done)tuxboot <b>@E82:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot$<b>@09=0 F5;:</b>Destination:tuxboot*<b>@09=0 F5;:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot.<b>@09=0 F5;:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot:<b>7B53;5=8 A0:</b> %1 >B %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot8<b>7B53;5=8 A0:</b> 0 109B0Downloaded: 0 bytestuxbootF<b>72;5G5=8 A0:</b> %1 >B %2 D09;0 Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootD<b>72;5G5=8 A0:</b> 0 >B %1 D09;0Extracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot^<b>72;8G0=5 >B :><?@5A8@0=8O iso-D09;0:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot <b>7B>G=8::</b>Source:tuxboot0<b>7B>G=8::</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootH<b>7B>G=8::</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxboot!;54 @5AB0@B8@0=5 8715@5B5 70@5640=5 >B USB <5=NB> =0 BIOS.%1  5AB0@B8@0=5 A530?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot40AB@>920=5 =0 grldr =0 %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot20AB@>920=5 =0 grub =0 %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot40AB@>920=5 =0 grub2 =0 %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot@Disk image D09;0 =5 15H5 >B:@8B.Diskimage file not foundtuxbootL7B53;O=5 =0 D09;>25, <>;O, 87G0:09B5 &!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootL72;8G0=5 =0 D09;>25, <>;O, 87G0:09B5 & Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot8A:5B0Floppytuxboot"2J@4 48A: Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot.:;NG8 USB CAB@>9AB2>B>Insert a USB flash drivetuxboot@=AB0;8@0=5 =0 extlinux 2(J2) %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxboot5 15H5 =0<5@5=> USB CAB@>9AB2>. :> CAB@>9AB2>B> 25G5 5 2:;NG5=>, ?@>1209B5 40 3> D>@<0B8@0B5 2J2 FAT32 D09;>20 A8AB5<0.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot.B2>@8 Disk Image D09;0Open Disk Image FiletuxbootB"J@A5=5 2(J2) <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot071>@ =0 disk image D09;Select a disk image filetuxboot(71>@ =0 48AB@81CF8OSelect a distrotuxbootF!8=E@>=878@0=5 =0 D09;>28B5 A8AB5<8Syncing filesystemstuxboot 48@5:B>@8OB0 %1 =O<0 =0;8G=> A2>1>4=> ?@>AB@0=AB2>. 0B8A=5B5 '0' 70 ?@5:JA20=5 =0 8=AB0;8@0=5B>, '5' 70 83=>@8@0=5 =0 B>20 AJ>1I5=85 8 >?8B 70 4>2J@H20=5 =0 8=AB0;0F8OB0, 8 '5 =0 2A8G:8' 70 83=>@8@0=5 =0 2A8G:8 ?>4>1=8 AJ>1I5=8O.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot #AB@>9AB2> A USB USB Drivetuxboot"You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootb"@O120 40 8715@5B5 disk image D09; 70 70@5640=5.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootV"@O120 40 8715@5B5 48AB@81CF8O 70 70@5640=5'You must select a distribution to load.tuxboot8;8eithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootui<"@O120 40 AB0@B8@0B5 :0B> rootMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller#D%OsO`}5n ?v 8 uQ | NdyӞN:5n ^ vb7a*KX6IgyX$B- 7FT] ct<.1;)W2_EJC dbf> D bʓY P ,Ur 6r~ PC  Dj f % @d? /.  U  ! U ء   81 `~ m#/ * [nw~iu'qN,   p1> &i!*Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-27 21:53+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) ta LeftToRightQObject$%1 0o[XW(0W0~0Y0N f0M0W0~0Y0K%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot@%1 0n0_00n00000L0B00~0[000000000N-kb0W0~0Y0K'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 0L0d0K00~0[0 %1 not foundtuxboot%1 0L0d0K00~0[000S00o%20n0000000n0_00k_ʼn0g0Y0 "%3"000000K0T {I0n0000000000000W0f0O0`0U0D0o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot00000U00f0D0j0D %1%1 not mountedtuxboot@<a href="%3">%3</a> 0g %1/%2 0L000$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Current) (Current)tuxboot (Done)(Done)tuxboot<b>QQC:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>QQH:</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>QQH:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot <b>QQH:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot0<b>000000n:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot.<b>000000n:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot6<b>Qn0:</b> %1 of %2 files Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot4<b>Qn0:</b> 0 of %1 filesExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot4<b>W'~.0U00_ISO00000Q:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>000:</b>Source:tuxboot&<b>000:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxboot><b>000:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot%10ngrldr0-[Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot%10ngrub0-[Configuring grub on %1tuxboot%10ngrub20-[Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot,00000n000000000L0d0K00~0[00Diskimage file not foundtuxboot>000000000000W0f0D0~0Y00W0p00O0J_0a0O0`0U0D...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot600000Q0W0f0D0~0Y00W0p00O0J_0a0O0`0U0D... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot 00000Floppytuxboot0000000 Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot"USB00000c?Qe0W0f0O0`0U0D0Insert a USB flash drivetuxboot$%10kextlinux0000000Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootlUSB00000L0d0K00~0[0000We0kc?Qe0W0f0D00j00FAT32_b_0k0000000Wv0W0f00f0O0`0U0D0gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot 00000n0000000000OOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot0<a href="%1">%1</a> 0i}"N- Searching in %1tuxboot.00000n000000000xb0W0f0O0`0U0D0Select a disk image filetuxboot*000000000000xb0W0f0O0`0U0D0Select a distrotuxboot000000000T gSyncing filesystemstuxboot%1 0000000n0_00n00000L0B00~0[00'Yes'0b0Y0h00000000N-kb0W0~0Y0'No'0b0Y0h00000q!0W0f0000000n}L0f00~0Y0'No to All'0b0Y0h00000N 0n0000Qh0fq!0W0~0Y0The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboot%1 0oe0k[XW(0W0~0Y0'Yes to All'0b0Y0h0Qh0f0N f0M0W0~0Y0'Yes'0b0Y0h00S0n00000n0N f0M0W0~0Y0'No'0b0Y0h00Y0g0k[XW(0W0f0D000000}c0W0~0Y0R0K00j0Q00p0'Yes to All'0b0W0f0O0`0U0D0The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot2c[0U00_00000000 %1 0L[XW(0W0~0[00/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB 0000 USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot60000000n000000000xb0W0f0O0`0U0D0*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot200000000000000xb0W0f0O0`0U0D0'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootNe0neithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstallerD )%OsO`}5 n v huQ _|dy(Ӟ N5n ,bj7a * KX JI~gy $$R-VFT]c*<. _F1;W _ NEJCd Fb>> D bʓ r ,Urx 6r~ PC  Dr f  @dK /.0    - !R  ء  81 `~ m#/e*k[n -~uv'qN l 81> i6Project-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-20 17:12+0000 Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> Language-Team: Amharic <am@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxbootArchive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxbootDestination: %1tuxbootDestination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxbootSource:tuxbootSource: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxboot!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootFloppytuxboot Hard DisktuxbootISOtuxbootInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller3HD9%-OsO`}5hn ,v.pu\uQ| dyDӞN:5n>/b-t7a*rKXvI)gy<$+- FT]0c+L< .0,1; W0_$EJC dlb > D c bʓ *   ,Ur 6r~!j PC } D f @d? /. *  Ζ4/ C !  ء  81n `~ a+ m#/ */[n-~)u+'qN  j1>i0*Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-01 21:04+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) VenstreTilHyre LeftToRightQObject2%1 eksisterer, overskriv?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot\%1 har ikke mer plass, avbryte installasjonen?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 ikke funnet %1 not foundtuxboot%1 ikke funnet. Dette er ndvendig for %2installasjonsmetoden. Installer "%3" pakken tilsvarende din distribusjon.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot$%1 ikke lastet inn%1 not mountedtuxbootB%1/%2 treff i <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Nvrende) (Current)tuxboot(Ferdig)(Done)tuxboot <b>Arkiv:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Ml:</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>Ml:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot <b>Ml:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot6<b>Lastet ned:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot4<b>Lastet ned:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot@<b>Pakket ut:</b> %1 av %2 filer Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot><b>Pakket ut:</b> 0 av %1 filerExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootN<b>Pakker ut komprimert ISO-fil:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Kilde:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Kilde:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Kilde:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootEtter omstart, velg USB boot valget i BIOS boot menyen. %1 Omstart n?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot0Konfigurerer grldr p %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot.Konfigurerer grub p %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot0Konfigurerer grub2 p %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot(Bildefil ikke funnetDiskimage file not foundtuxboot:Laster ned, vennligst vent...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootBPakker ut filer, venligst vent... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDiskettFloppytuxbootHarddisk Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot6Sett inn en USB flash enhetInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot6Installerer extlinux til %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootIngen USB flash enheter ble funnet. Hvis du allerede har satt in en USB enhet, prv reformatere den sm FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootpne bildefilOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot6Sker i <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxbootVelg bildefilSelect a disk image filetuxbootVelg en distroSelect a distrotuxboot2Synkroniserer filsystemerSyncing filesystemstuxbootDirektivet %1 har ikke mer plass. Trykk 'Ja' for avbryte installasjonen, 'Nei' for ignorere denne feilen og prve fortsette installasjonen, og 'Nei til alt' for ignorere alle feil som flge av for lite plass.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootFilen %1 eksisterer allerede. Trykk 'Ja til Alt' for overskrive og slippe bli spurt igjen, 'Ja' for overskrive enkeltfiler, og 'Nei' for beholde eksisterende versjon. Hvis du er usikker, trykk 'Ja til Alt'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootRDen valgte bildefilen %1 eksisterer ikke./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB-disk USB DrivetuxbootFDu m frst montere USB-enheten %1 til ett innlastningspunkt. De fleste distribusjoner gjr dette automatisk etter at du har fjernet og satt inn igjen USB-enheten.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootPDu m velge en bildefil som skal brukes.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootXDu m velge en distribusjon som skal brukes.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxboot enteneithertuxboot &Type:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui&1. Laster ned filer1. Downloading Files tuxbootui<2. Pakker ut og kopierer filer2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui03. Installerer Bootlader3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiB4. Installasjon fullfrt, Omstart 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Dette <span style=" font-weight:600;">er potensielt farlig</span> valg vil vise alle enheter i listen "Enheter". Velg dette kun hvis du vet hva du gjr; hvis du bruker dette valget s vil installasjonen antageligvis misslykkes,eller lede til oppstartsproblemer.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui AvbrytCancel tuxbootui &EnhetDri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootuiAvsluttExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&DistribusjonOn-Line Distribution tuxbootuiDisk&avtrykkPre Downloaded tuxbootuiOmstart N Reboot Now tuxbootui EnterReturn tuxbootuiVelg bildefilSelect disk image file tuxbootuiXVelg fra en liste av stttede distribusjoner-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui&Velg bildefill typeSelect the disk image type tuxbootui2Velg distribusjonsversjonSelect the distribution version tuxbootui6Velg installasjons mltypen#Select the installation target type tuxbootuiBVelg en mlenhet installere til%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuiZVis skuljte enheter (brukes med forsiktighet) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiLSpesifiser en bildefil som skal brukes!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui$M kjres som rootMust run as root uninstaller.Avinstallasjon FullfrtUninstallation Complete uninstaller" D3%5OsO`}5n vx ;uQ | dyӞN5n b7a*KKXIgy$- @mFTb]%c<.i41;iW_EuJCEdb>J D bʓ  ,Ur: 6r~ PC7  D f @d_ /. ,   ! { ء | " 81 `~D m#/ 1*[n<~u'qNL/  1> ri\JProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-14 19:18+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: Finnish <fi@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) $VasemmaltaOikealle LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 ei lytynyt %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot$%1 ei ole liitetty%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Nykyinen) (Current)tuxboot(Valmis)(Done)tuxboot&<b>Arkisto:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot"<b>Mrnp:</b>Destination:tuxboot(<b>Mrnp:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot,<b>Mrnp:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot.<b>Ladattu:</b> 0 tavuaDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootB<b>Purettu:</b> %1 %2 tiedostosta Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootB<b>Purettu:</b> 0 %1 tiedostostaExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot\</a>Avataan tiivistetty iso tiedostoa:</a> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Lhde:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Lhde:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Lhde:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootUudelleen kynnistyksen jlkeen, valitse USB asema kynnistettvksi mediaksi BIOS menusta. %1 Uudelleen kynnist nyt?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxboot&Sdetn grub2: %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxbootZLadataan tiedostoja, odota krsivllisesti...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootZPuretaan tiedostoja, odota krsivllisesti... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot LevykeFloppytuxbootKiintolevy Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxbootAseta USB asemaInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot2Asennetaan extlinuxia: %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootUSB asemaa ei lytynyt. Jos olet jo asettanut USB aseman, yrit uudelleen alustamista muotoon FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot.Avaa levy kuva tiedostoOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot8Haetaan: <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxboot(Valitse Linux jakeluSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootUSB-asema USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootEi kumpikaaneithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller De%;OsO`}5n Kv~ PuQ | dyӞ Nv5n fb7a/*.KXNIlgy $-KFTF]c<..1;W _EJC?d >b> D{ bʓ 4 j ,Ur 6r~~ PC  D f m @dc /.   Ζ4G  ! ] ء  81 `~ m#/ *z[n~}u'qN   61> .iNProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-01 21:02+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: Slovenian <sl@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 ni bil najden %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot"%1 ni priklopljen%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(trenutno) (Current)tuxboot(kon ano)(Done)tuxboot <b>Arhiv:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot<b>Cilj:</b>Destination:tuxboot<b>Cilj:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot"<b>Cilj:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot4<b>Preneaeno:</b> %1 od %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot4<b>Preneaeno:</b> 0 bajtovDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Vir:</b>Source:tuxboot&<b>Vir:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxbootNPrenaaanje datotek. Prosim, po akajte..!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDisketaFloppytuxbootTrdi disk Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot,Vstavite USB pomnilnikInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot:Iskanje v <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot6Izberi datoteko slike diskaSelect a disk image filetuxboot*Izberite distribucijoSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootPogon USB USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Vrsta:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui*1. Prenaaanje datotek1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiF2. Razairjanje in kopiranje datotek2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui43. Namestitev zaganjalnika3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiN4. Namestitev kon ana, ponovno za~enite 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiPrekli iCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootui V reduOK tuxbootui&DistribucijaOn-Line Distribution tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootui:Izberite verzijo distribucijeSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuiLPrika~i &vsel pogone (bodite previdni) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller !!$,Do!%'OsO `}5n &qv(PuQ| PdytӞN5n(b'H7a*KWXI#gy$%X- N1FT])c%<.W%1;wW_`EJC ]db> D bʓ $  ,Ur 6r~ PC!  D f ' @d_ /. #  Ζ4)  ! T 9 ء n * 81 `~4 a$ m#/ #*):[nh&~cu%'qNjk  1>^i)JProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-01 21:03+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: Faroese <fo@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) "Vinstru til hgru LeftToRightQObject0%1 finnst, skriva oman?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootT%1 hevur ikki plss, gevst vi innlegging?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 ikki funnin %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 ikki sett%1 not mountedtuxbootF%1/%2 samsvar <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Nverandi) (Current)tuxboot(Liugt)(Done)tuxboot*<b>Skjalasavn:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot*<b>Mttkustaur:</b>Destination:tuxboot0<b>Mttkustaur:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot4<b>Mttkustaur:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot6<b>Niurtiki:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot4<b>Niurtiki:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot><b>tpakka:</b> %1 of %2 flur Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot<<b>tpakka:</b> 0 of %1 flurExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot@<b>Pakki t stappaa iso:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Kelda:</b>Source:tuxboot*<b>Kelda:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootB<b>Kelda:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootEftir endurbyrjan, vel USB/geymu byrjanarkostin BIOS byrjanarvalmyndini.%1PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot(Samanseti grldr %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot&Samanseti grub %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot(Samanseti grub2 %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxboot2Diskmyndafla ikki funninDiskimage file not foundtuxbootDNiurtaki flur, vinarliga ba...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootBPakki t flur, vinarliga ba... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot DiskilFloppytuxbootHardiskur Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot"Set inn ein geymaInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot,Innleggi extlinux %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootEingin geymi funnin. Um t longu hevur sett ein geyma inn, royn at endursnia hann sum FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot*Lat upp diskmyndafluOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot6Leiti <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot,Vel eina diskmyndafluSelect a disk image filetuxboot(Vel ein linux tgvuSelect a distrotuxboot&Stevjavni flukerviSyncing filesystemstuxbootFluskrin %1 hevur ikki plss. Trst 'Ja' fyri at gevast vi innlegging. 'Nei' fyri at sggja burtur fr hesari villu, og royna at halda vi innlegging; og 'Nei til allt' fyri at sggja burtur fr llum plss-trots-villum.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootFlan %1 finnst longu. Trst 'Ja til alt' fyri at skriva oman, og ikki vera mint/ur aftur, 'Ja' fyri at skriva oman flur einum einstkum fri, og 'Nei' fyri at varveita nverandi tgvu. Er t iva, trst 'Ja til alt'The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot\Tann tilskilaa diskmyndaflan %1 finnst ikki./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot Geymi USB Drivetuxboot8T mst fyrst seta geyman %1 eitt setingasta. Tr flestu linux tgvurnar gera hetta sjlvvirknar, eftir at t tekur geyman t og setur hann inn aftur.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootRT mst velja eina diskmyndaflu at la.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootPT mst velja eina linux tgvu at la.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbootannahvrteithertuxboot &Slag:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui$1. niurtaki flur1. Downloading Files tuxbootui62. Pakka t og avrita flir2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui43. Innleggi byrjunarlara3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui>4. Innlegging liug, endyrbyrja 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui gildaCancel tuxbootui Dri&v:Dri&ve: tuxbootuiEscEsc tuxbootui Far tExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&tgvaOn-Line Distribution tuxbootuiD&iskmyndPre Downloaded tuxbootuiEndurbyrja n Reboot Now tuxbootuiVend afturReturn tuxbootui"Vel diskmyndafluSelect disk image file tuxbootui@Vel r listanum av tkum tgvum-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui"Vel diskmyndaslagSelect the disk image type tuxbootui@Vel hvrja tgvu i t vil havaSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiJVel hvat milaslag i t vil skriva #Select the installation target type tuxbootui:Vel mldrivuna at innleggja %Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui:Sn &ll driv (nt vi varni) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui M koyra sum rtMust run as root uninstaller0Av-innlegging fullfgjrdUninstallation Complete uninstallernDy %OsO`}5 n v HuQ ?|dyӞ N5n  bJ7a * bKX *I^gy $2-6FT]{c <. ?&1;W _ .EJCd &b> D bʓ R ,UrX 6r~p PC  DR f  @d+ /.    !2  ء  81 `~ j m#/E*K[n  ~uV'qN L v1> riProject-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2009-04-29 04:24+0000 Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)  LeftToRightQObject%1 exists, overwrite?tuxboot'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot %1 not foundtuxbooto%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot (Current)tuxboot(Done)tuxbootArchive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxbootDestination:tuxbootDestination: %1tuxbootDestination: %1%2tuxbootDownloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxbootSource:tuxbootSource: %1 (%2)tuxboot"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootDiskimage file not foundtuxboot!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootFloppytuxboot Hard DisktuxbootISOtuxbootInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootgNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxbootOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxbootSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootThe directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootThe file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot/The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller ) , 64Dc%0aOsO`}5n .v1 !uQ|dyzӞN,5nN1b/7a*KXI, gy|$-- f7FT]2c-<.G .V1;!Wv_xE gJC idb"D> 0 D bʓ/ ,  ,Ur 6r~#J PC!c  D f  @d] /.  ,P  Ζ42+ W !" C ء  81 `~ a-B m#/ I*2^[n/W~iu-'qN> 4 1>i3cHProject-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-01 21:04+0000 Last-Translator: Geza Kovacs <geza0kovacs@gmail.com> Language-Team: Polish <pl@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) $od lewej do prawej LeftToRightQObject,%1 istnieje. Nadpisa?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootXNa %1 zabrakBo miejsca. Przerwa instalacj?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot"Nie znaleziono %1 %1 not foundtuxboot%1 nie znaleziono. Wymagane, gdy tryb instalacji to: %2. Zainstaluj pakiet "%3" lub odpowiednik dla Twojej dystrybucji.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot2%1 nie zostaB zamontowany%1 not mountedtuxbootD%1/%2 pasuje w <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Bie|cy) (Current)tuxboot(Zrobiony)(Done)tuxboot&<b>Archiwum:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot0<b>Miejsce docelowe:</b>Destination:tuxboot6<b>Miejsce docelowe:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot:<b>Miejsce docelowe:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot.<b>Pobrano:</b> %1 z %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot0<b>Pobrano:</b> 0 bajtwDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootD<b>Rozpakowano:</b> %1 z %2 plikw Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootB<b>Rozpakowano:</b> 0 z %1 plikwExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootH<b>Rozpakowuj spakowane iso:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>yrdBo:</b>Source:tuxboot,<b>yrdBo:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootD<b>yrdBo:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPo ponownym uruchomieniu komputera wybierz opcj bootowania z USB w menu bootowania znajdujcym si w BIOSie.%1 Uruchomi ponownie komputer?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot.Konfiguruj grldr na %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot,Konfiguruj grub na %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot.Konfiguruj grub2 na %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootNPlik obrazu dysku nie zostaB znalezionyDiskimage file not foundtuxboot@Pobieram pliki, prosz czeka...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootFRozpakowuj pliki, prosz czeka... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootDyskietkaFloppytuxbootDysk twardy Hard DisktuxbootPlik ISOISOtuxboot(WB| napd flash USBInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot0Instaluj extlinux na %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootNie znaleziono napdu flash USB. Je[li ju| wBo|yBe[ napd USB sprbuj sformatowa go w systemie plikw FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot0Otwrz plik obrazu dyskuOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot8Szukam w <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot2Wybierz plik obrazu dyskuSelect a disk image filetuxboot&Wybierz dystrybucjSelect a distrotuxboot<Synchronizacja systemw plikwSyncing filesystemstuxbootW katalogu %1 zabrakBo miejsca. Naci[nij "Tak", aby przerwa instalacj; "Nie", aby zignorowa ten bBd i sprbowa kontynuowa instalacj; "Nie dla wszystkich", aby zignorowa wszystkie komunikaty o braku miejsca.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboot"Plik %1 ju| istnieje. Naci[nij "Tak dla wszystkich", aby go nadpisa i nie by pytanym przy nastpnych. Naci[nij "Tak", aby by ka|dorazowo pytanym o nadpisanie pliku. Naci[nij "Nie", aby zachowa istniejc wersj pliku. W razie wtpliwo[ci naci[nij "Tak dla wszystkich".The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootVWskazany plik obrazu dysku %1 nie istnieje./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootNapd USB USB DrivetuxbootNajpierw musisz zamontowa dysk USB %1 w punkcie montowania. Wikszo[ dystrybucji robi to automatycznie po odBczeniu i podBczeniu dysku USB.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootRWybierz plik obrazu dysku do zaBadowania.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootFWybierz dystrybucj do zaBadowania.'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot &Typ:&Type: tuxbootui &... tuxbootui(1. Pobieranie plikw1. Downloading Files tuxbootuiJ2. Rozpakowywanie i kopiowanie plikw2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui63. Instalowanie bootloadera3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui\4. Instalacja zakoDczona, ponowne uruchamianie 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Ta <span style=" font-weight:600;">potencjalnie niebezpieczna</span> opcja poka|e wszystkie napdy komputera w li[cie rozwijalnej "Napdy". WBcz j tylko wtedy je[li wiesz co robisz; je[li u|yjesz tej opcji, instalacja prawdopodobnie si nie powiedzie lub te| doprowadzi do problemw z uruchomieniem systemu.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui AnulujCancel tuxbootui&Napd:Dri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiZakoDczExit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&DystrybucjaOn-Line Distribution tuxbootuiObraz dyskuPre Downloaded tuxbootui Uruchom ponownie Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootui2Wybierz plik obrazu dyskuSelect disk image file tuxbootuiNWybierz z listy wspieranych dystrybucji-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui0Wybierz typ pliku obrazuSelect the disk image type tuxbootui4Wybierz wersj dystrybucjiSelect the distribution version tuxbootuiXWybierz rodzaj miejsca docelowego instalacji#Select the installation target type tuxbootuifWybierz docelowy napd, na ktry nastpi instalacja%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuiZPoka| &wszystkie napdy (korzystaj z rozwag) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiJOkre[l plik obrazu dysku do wczytania!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootui^Musi zosta uruchomione w trybie administratoraMust run as root uninstaller@Proces odinstalowania zakoDczonyUninstallation Complete uninstaller , 7D-%1}OsO`}5Rn 0Sv1=y"uQ|dy:ӞNB5n2b17a5*KXrI-~gy$l/>- v+FT]3c.<&. "V/1;#-W_&E!JC udb#> @ D bʓ .`  ,Ur 6r~$ PC" D` f  @d /. 8 -  Ζ43 i !$  ء  81 `~l a. m#/ *38[nH0~u/l'qN ! P 1> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) !;520 =0?@02> LeftToRightQObject4%1 ACI5AB2C5B, ?5@5?8A0BL?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootd% =5 E20B05B A2>1>4=>3> <5AB0, >B<5=8BL CAB0=>2:C?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1 =5 =0945= %1 not foundtuxboot%1 =5 =0945=. -B> =5>1E>48<> 4;O @568<0 CAB0=>2:8 %2. #AB0=>28B5 ?0:5B "%3" 8;8 53> M:2820;5=B 2 8A?>;L7C5<>< 48AB@81CB825.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot"%1 =5 A<>=B8@>20=%1 not mountedtuxbootJ%1/%2 A>2?0405B 2 <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot("5:CI89) (Current)tuxboot(K?>;=5=>)(Done)tuxboot <b>@E82:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxboot8<b>!:>?8@>20=>:</b> %1 87 %2Copied: %1 of %2tuxboot4<b>!:>?8@>20=>:</b> 0 109BCopied: 0 bytestuxboot$<b>07=0G5=85:</b>Destination:tuxboot*<b>07=0G5=85:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot.<b>07=0G5=85:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot4<b>03@C65=>:</b> %1 87 %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot2<b>03@C65=>:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootF<b> 0A?0:>20=>:</b> %1 of %2 D09;>2 Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootD<b> 0A?0:>20=>:</b> 0 of %1 D09;>2Extracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootP<b> 0A?0:>2K20N A60BK9 iso->1@07:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot <b>AB>G=8::</b>Source:tuxboot0<b>AB>G=8::</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootH<b>AB>G=8::</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot4== K15@8B5 48AB@81CB82 ==== Select Distribution ==tuxboot>A;5 ?5@5703@C7:8 2K15@8B5 2 BIOS >?F8N 703@C7:8 A USB.%1 5@5703@C78BL ?@O<> A59G0A ?PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxbootA5 D09;K (*) All Files (*)tuxboot8>=D83C@8@>20=85 grldr =0 %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot6>=D83C@8@>20=85 grub =0 %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot8>=D83C@8@>20=85 grub2 =0 %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootV>?8@>20=85 D09;0. >60;C9AB0, ?>4>648B5...Copying file, please wait...tuxboot<>?8@>20=85 D09;0 initrd 87 %1Copying initrd file from %1tuxboot,>?8@>20=85 O4@0 87 %1Copying kernel file from %1tuxboot6$09; >1@070 48A:0 =5 =0945=Diskimage file not foundtuxbootP0:0G:0 D09;>2, ?>60;C9AB0, ?>4>648B5...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxbootD72;5G5=85 :>=D83C@0F88 703@C7G8:0#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootV 0A?0:>2:0 D09;>2, ?>60;C9AB0, ?>4>648B5... Extracting files, please wait...tuxboot,8A:>2>4 381:8E 48A:>2FloppytuxbootQAB:89 48A: Hard Disktuxboot1@07 48A:0ISOtuxboot2>4:;NG8B5 USB-=0:>?8B5;LInsert a USB flash drivetuxboot.#AB0=>2:0 extlinux 2 %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxboot8 07<5I5=85 D09;0 initrd 2 %1Locating initrd file in %1tuxboot4 07<5I5=85 D09;0 O4@0 2 %1Locating kernel file in %1tuxboot5 =0945=> USB-=0:>?8B5;59. A;8 CAB@>9AB2> ?>4:;NG5=>, ?>?@>1C9B5 ?5@5D>@<0B8@>20BL 53> 2 FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot2B:@KBL D09; >1@070 48A:0Open Disk Image Filetuxboot6>8A: 2 <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot4K15@8B5 D09; >1@070 48A:0Select a disk image filetuxboot(K15@8B5 48AB@81CB82Select a distrotuxboot8!8=E@>=87CN D09;>2CN A8AB5<CSyncing filesystemstuxboot :0B0;>35 %1 =5B <5AB0. 06<8B5 '0' 4;O ?@5:@0I5=8O CAB0=>2:8, '5B' 4;O 83=>@8@>20=8O MB>9 >H81:8 8 ?>?KB0BLAO ?@>4>;68BL CAB0=>2:C 8;8 '5B 4;O 2A5E' 4;O 83=>@8@>20=8O 2A5E >H81>: > =5E20B:5 <5AB0.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboot$09; %1 C65 ACI5AB2C5B. 06<8B5 '0 4;O 2A5E', GB>1K ?5@5?8A0BL 53> 8 =5 A?@0H820BL 1>;LH5, '0', GB>1K 2K1>@>G=> ?5@5?8A0BL D09;K 8 '5B' >AB028BL ACI5AB2CNICN 25@A8N. A;8 A><=5205B5AL, =06<8B5 '0 4;O 2A5E'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootX040==K9 D09; >1@070 48A:0 %1 =5 ACI5AB2C5B./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot#AB@>9AB2> USB USB DrivetuxbootD5>1E>48<> A=0G0;0 ?@8<>=B8@>20BL USB-=0:>?8B5;L %1 : B>G:5 <>=B8@>20=8O. >;LH8=AB2> 48AB@81CB82>2 45;0NB MB> 02B><0B8G5A:8 ?>A;5 ?5@5?>4:;NG5=8O USB-=0:>?8B5;O.You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootbK 4>;6=K 2K1@0BL D09; >1@070 48A:0 4;O 703@C7:8.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootTK 4>;6=K 2K1@0BL 48AB@81CB82 4;O 703@C7:8'You must select a distribution to load.tuxboot ;N1>9eithertuxboot &"8?:&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui$1. 03@C7:0 D09;>21. Downloading Files tuxbootuiD2. 72;5G5=85 8 :>?8@>20=85 D09;>22. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui.3. #AB0=>2:0 703@C7G8:03. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiH4. #AB0=>2:0 7025@H5=0. 5@5703@C7:0 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">A;8 MB0 <span style=" font-weight:600;">?>B5=F80;L=> >?0A=0O</span> >?F8O 2:;NG5=0, 1C4CB ?>:070=K 2A5 48A:8 2 @0A:@K20NI5<AO A?8A:5 "8A::".  5:><5=4C5BAO 2:;NG0BL MBC >?F8N B>;L:> ?@8 ?>;=>9 C25@5==>AB8 2 A>25@H05<KE 459AB28OE. ! 1>;LH>9 25@>OB=>ABLN CAB0=>2:0 =5 C40ABAO, 8;8 ?@82545B : ?@>1;5<0< A 703@C7:>9 A8AB5<K.</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootui KE>4Cancel tuxbootui>A&8B5;L:Dri&ve: tuxbootui KE>4Esc tuxbootui KE>4Exit tuxbootuiOKOK tuxbootui&8AB@81CB82On-Line Distribution tuxbootui1@07 &48A:0Pre Downloaded tuxbootui(5@5703@C78BL A59G0A Reboot Now tuxbootui 0704Return tuxbootui"$09; >1@070 48A:0Select disk image file tuxbootuiF!?8A>: ?>445@68205<KE 48AB@81CB82>2-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui "8? >1@070 48A:0Select the disk image type tuxbootui&5@A8O 48AB@81CB820Select the distribution version tuxbootui."8? 48A:0 4;O CAB0=>2:8#Select the installation target type tuxbootui$8A: 4;O CAB0=>2:8%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootuih>:070BL &2A5 =>A8B5;8 (8A?>;L7C9B5 A >AB>@>6=>ABLN) Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui<$09; >1@070 48A:0 4;O 703@C7:8!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootuid0?CA: 2>7<>65= B>;L:> A ?@020<8 AC?5@?>;L7>20B5;OMust run as root uninstaller8#40;5=85 ?@>3@0<<K 7025@H5=>Uninstallation Complete uninstaller ) , (JD)Y%$yOsO`}5n #v$S6uQI| dyӞN5n$$b$87a#*KGX@I"Lgy$f# - PFT]%ic"<.#x1;W_|EJC /d&b> D bʓ  : ,UrJ 6r~^ PC{ Dp f @d3 /. "p   !  ء |  81 `~ m#/ 3*%9[n6#~/u#D'qNt-  1>i%Project-Id-Version: tuxboot Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-18 02:31+0000 Last-Translator: syzwn <Unknown> Language-Team: Malay <ms@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) KiriKeKanan LeftToRightQObject,%1 wujud, tulis ganti?%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootV%1 kehabisan ruang, henti paksa pemasangan?'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot"%1 tidak dijumpai %1 not foundtuxboot%1 tidak dijumpai. Ianya diperlukan untuk mod pemasangan %2. Pasang package "%3" atau padanan daripada distribusi anda.o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot%1 not mountedtuxboot$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot(Semasa) (Current)tuxboot(Selesai)(Done)tuxboot <b>Arkib:</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootH<b>Telah disalin:</b> %1 daripada %2Copied: %1 of %2tuxboot8<b>Telah disalin:</b> 0 baitCopied: 0 bytestuxboot"<b>Destinasi:</b>Destination:tuxboot(<b>Destinasi:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot,<b>Destinasi:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxbootF<b>Telah dimuat turun:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxbootB<b>Telah dimuat turun:</b> 0 baitDownloaded: 0 bytestuxbootV<b>Telah diekstrak:</b> %1 daripada %2 fail Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxbootT<b>Telah diekstrak:</b> 0 daripada %1 failExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxbootH<b>Mengekstrak iso termampat:</b> %1$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>Sumber:</b>Source:tuxboot,<b>Sumber:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxbootD<b>Sumber:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxbootPAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxbootSemua Fail (*) All Files (*)tuxbootConfiguring grldr on %1tuxbootConfiguring grub on %1tuxboot6Mengkonfigurasi grub2 on %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxboot:Menyalin fail, sila tunggu...Copying file, please wait...tuxboot8Menyalin fail initrd dari %1Copying initrd file from %1tuxboot8Menyalin fail kernel dari %1Copying kernel file from %1tuxboot>Fail imej cakera tidak dijumpaiDiskimage file not foundtuxbootLMemuat turun fail-fail, sila tunggu...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxbootDMengekstrak konfigurasi bootloader#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxboot@Mengekstrak fail, sila tunggu... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootLiutFloppytuxbootCakera Keras Hard DisktuxbootISOISOtuxboot2Sisipkan pemacu flash USBInsert a USB flash drivetuxbootInstalling extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxbootTiada pemacu flash USB dijumpai. Jika anda telah sisipkan pemacu USB, cuba formatkan semula sebagai FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot*Buka Fail Imej PemacuOpen Disk Image Filetuxboot Searching in %1tuxboot,Pilih fail imej cakeraSelect a disk image filetuxbootSelect a distrotuxbootSyncing filesystemstuxbootDirectory %1 kehabisan ruang. Tekan 'Ya' untuk henti paksa pemasangan, 'Tidak' untuk abaikan ralat ini dan cuba untuk teruskan pemasangan, dan 'Tidak untuk Semua' untuk abaikan semua ralat kehabisan ruang.The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxbootFail %1 telah sedia wujud. Tekan 'Ya untuk Semua' untuk menulis ganti dan tidak dibantu ingat lagi, 'Ya' untuk menulis ganti fail-fail berasaskan individu, dan 'Tidak' untuk mengekalkan versi anda yang telah sedia wujud. Jika ragu-ragu, tekan 'Ya untuk Semua'.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxboot`Fail imej cakera yang ditetapkan %1 tidak wujud./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxbootPemacu USB USB DrivetuxbootYou must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxboot^Anda mesti pilih fail imej cakera untuk dimuat.*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxboot'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui... tuxbootui1. Downloading Files tuxbootui2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootui3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootui 4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootuiExit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiSelect disk image file tuxbootui-Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootuiSelect the disk image type tuxbootuiSelect the distribution version tuxbootui#Select the installation target type tuxbootui%Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootui!Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiMust run as root uninstallerUninstallation Complete uninstaller6Dy'%0OsO`}5n /v1`5!uQk|dyӞ{NH5n1b07a*KX.I,gyD$-- kFT]2c-x<6.]!`.\1;"-W_E JC dtb"> L D  bʓg  ,Ur8 6r~# PC! ! D f  @d= /.  , K Ζ42)  !#" g ء  81 `~ m#/ 9*2\[n/~u-'qNl 5 0 1>i3K(Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-19 01:22-0700 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-27 21:48+0000 Last-Translator: j0hn aka c7p <c7p.admin@gmail.com> Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-06-20 22:16+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown) (   LeftToRightQObjectT%1  ,     ;%1 exists, overwrite?tuxbootN%1   ,  ;'%1 is out of space, abort installation?tuxboot%1   %1 not foundtuxboot%1  .      %2  .   "%3"       .o%1 not found. This is required for %2 install mode. Install the "%3" package or your distribution's equivalent.tuxboot.%1   %1 not mountedtuxbootV%1/%2     <a href="%3">%3</a>$%1/%2 matches in %3tuxboot() (Current)tuxboot()(Done)tuxboot0<b> :</b> %1Archive: %1tuxbootCopied: %1 of %2tuxbootCopied: 0 bytestuxboot$<b>:</b>Destination:tuxboot*<b>:</b> %1Destination: %1tuxboot.<b>:</b> %1%2Destination: %1%2tuxboot<<b>:</b> %1 of %2Downloaded: %1 of %2tuxboot<<b>:</b> 0 bytesDownloaded: 0 bytestuxboot@<b>:</b> %1 of %2 files Extracted: %1 of %2 filestuxboot><b>:</b> 0 of %1 filesExtracted: 0 of %1 filestuxboot(  ISO:$Extracting compressed iso: %1tuxboot<b>:</b>Source:tuxboot&<b>:</b> %1 (%2)Source: %1 (%2)tuxboot><b>:</b> <a href="%1">%1</a>"Source: %1tuxboot== Select Distribution ==tuxboot  ,    BIOS       USB.%1   ;PAfter rebooting, select the USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu.%1 Reboot now?tuxboot All Files (*)tuxboot( grldr  %1Configuring grldr on %1tuxboot& grub  %1Configuring grub on %1tuxboot( grub2  %1Configuring grub2 on %1tuxbootCopying file, please wait...tuxbootCopying initrd file from %1tuxbootCopying kernel file from %1tuxbootH     Diskimage file not foundtuxbootV ,  ...!Downloading files, please wait...tuxboot#Extracting bootloader configurationtuxbootN ,  ... Extracting files, please wait...tuxbootFloppytuxboot  Hard DisktuxbootF    (ISO)ISOtuxboot8  USB flash Insert a USB flash drivetuxboot6 extlinux  %1Installing extlinux to %1tuxbootLocating initrd file in %1tuxbootLocating kernel file in %1tuxboot  USB flash .      USB ,      FAT32.gNo USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.tuxboot<   Open Disk Image FiletuxbootB  <a href="%1">%1</a> Searching in %1tuxboot<   Select a disk image filetuxboot  Select a distrotuxboot>  Syncing filesystemstuxboot  %1    .  ''   , ''          ,  '  '        .The directory %1 is out of space. Press 'Yes' to abort installation, 'No' to ignore this error and attempt to continue installation, and 'No to All' to ignore all out-of-space errors.tuxboot   %1  .  '  '      ,     , ''         ,  ''      .    ,  '  ''.The file %1 already exists. Press 'Yes to All' to overwrite it and not be prompted again, 'Yes' to overwrite files on an individual basis, and 'No' to retain your existing version. If in doubt, press 'Yes to All'.tuxbootj     %1  ./The specified diskimage file %1 does not exist.tuxboot USB USB DrivetuxbootR     USB  %1    .          USB    .You must first mount the USB drive %1 to a mountpoint. Most distributions will do this automatically after you remove and reinsert the USB drive.tuxbootT     .*You must select a disk image file to load.tuxbootN     'You must select a distribution to load.tuxbooteithertuxboot&Type: tuxbootui...... tuxbootui,1.  1. Downloading Files tuxbootui@2.    2. Extracting and Copying Files tuxbootuiB3.   3. Installing Bootloader tuxbootuiV4.   ,  4. Installation Complete, Reboot tuxbootui<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"><p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"> <span style=" font-weight:600;">,   </span> ,           "".       .     ,       ,        .</p></body></html>

This potentially dangerous option will show all drives in the drop-down box titled "Drives". Enable this only if you know what you're doing; if you use this option, the installation will likely fail, or can lead to system boot issues.

 tuxbootuiCancel tuxbootuiDri&ve: tuxbootuiEsc tuxbootui Exit tuxbootuiOK tuxbootui"  Reboot Now tuxbootuiReturn tuxbootuiB    Select disk image file tuxbootuil       -Select from a list of supported distributions tuxbootui8   Select the disk image type tuxbootui@    Select the distribution version tuxbootuit         #Select the installation target type tuxbootuih        %Select the target drive to install to tuxbootui Show &All Drives (Use with Care) tuxbootuiL    !Specify a disk image file to load tuxbootuiTuxbootTuxboot tuxbootuiP      rootMust run as root uninstaller8  Uninstallation Complete uninstaller;l](^^hwyPX} (H((h ` x x p  ( x 0 h  X @(HXh`hXX 8 `x 8h '88)--X..8(01x2X38hBKM8P8RZ([`\_d8i(p0Xx0@8 PX& /X 8= 8@ A(!(U!H!hX""X#(#ȱ#X#h$X`$&h&&h'X'''(BH(V(Hw`)hz)(*H**8+++ @,,?,h_H-.`.x..h(/x/x    (H H h  X8  h   (H(h@h((xUVVVW`WWW(XX@YhYZ[([0x[0"\#\$^%_@%`%`%a(b(hc )dH)dH*d-e-e-8f/Xf/xf/f/f/fx0hh0h0h0h0hi1i01jH1Xj`1jx1j1k1k0k 0k@0kX0k1(l1Xl2l2l02(mX2zRx 48W\BGAA Ht ABF AAET@lHzPLRxp@ T$W }OBGBA A(D0Hs (A ABBF D (D ABBE <|xW0#}OBAA G `  AABA 4hoSOACCCG9 AAD ,`gOACD _ AH W AE "$<8OACH L AE Ld@qʀOBFBB A(A0GH 0A(A BBBA $yZOACH ^ AE \"4tBAA He ABL IABD,H, vOBBA A(CD0h (D ABBE 0  (ACI,(4D BABA CD0 AAB,OACD n AI ] AA T,XOBBB CB(A0A8D`b 8A0A(B BBFA $OMI MM H lX 8OBBB CB(A0A8D@C 8A0A(B BBBF D 8D0A(B BBBE  T40r`dOBPB B(A0A8G%Q+ 8D0A(B BBBH  8 $0ACPD0 4\XLBGAA Hg ABC AAE"X`ACP4H\BGAA Ht ABF AAE,4piBAA GVABdpDQ|xACQ,xOACD x AO ` AO LeOD0D A ,l(-%OAEG4 AF $8|OACD v AI DDS\DS,sOACD0x AG R CA D SD S$T MOACD0p AA 4|HiOAIMCG3 AAA LE-OBCBB A(A0CG $ 0A(A BBBA LeOBCACA CD  AABF e  AABG DTp;OBCBCA CC(G? 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