Multiply Operator


The Multiply Operator takes a mesh input and creates multiple copies with progressively applied transformations (i.e. if copy 1 is rotated α degress around the X axis, copy 2 is rotated 2*α degrees, and so on). Please note that scale propagates by multiplication, while rotation and translation propagate by addition.




One 3D mesh.




Local Rotate (X, Y, Z)

Rotates the copies around their own centers. The local rotation is propagated separately from the regular rotation and does not affect the translation or scaling axes.


Scale (local X, Y, Z)

Scales the copies.


Rotate (local X, Y, Z)

Rotates the copies.


Translate (local X, Y, Z)

Translates the copies.



The total amount of instances (including the input object).



trans uv(on/off): Toggles texture projection translation (specified below).

random(on/off): Toggles random distribution inside the given parameters.


Trans UV (local X, Y)

Controls texture projection translation.


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