TransEx Operator


The TransEx Operator allows you to perform a 3D transformation on vertices and UV coordinates of a mesh.




One 3D mesh.




Flags (source, target)

pos -> pos: In this mode, TransEx performs exactly like the Transform Operator.

pos -> uv0: Takes the vertex position, transforms it and applies it to the UV coordinates (Effectively, this is a planar projection).

uv0 -> uv0: Transforms the UV coordinates.

uv0 -> pos: Takes the UV coordinates, transforms them and applies them to the vertex position.


Scale (X, Y, Z)

Controls the tTransformation scale factor.


Rotate (X, Y, Z)

Controls the transformation rotation factor.


Translate (X, Y, Z)

Controls the transformation translation factor.


Keyboard shortcut


Shift - T (when adding MinMesh operators)


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