//Pascal &or the FreePascal use of nintendo 2ds, 3ds regime // // Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, 2017 Kenneth Dwayne Lee Bsc. // all rights reserved type ConsolePrint = function (con:pointer; c:cint):bool;cdecl; {! a font struct for the console. } {!< A pointer to the font graphics } {!< Offset to the first valid character in the font table } {!< Number of characters in the font graphics } ConsoleFont = record gfx : pu8; asciiOffset : u16; numChars : u16; end; PConsoleFont = ^ConsoleFont; {* \brief console structure used to store the state of a console render context. Default values from consoleGetDefault();
  PrintConsole defaultConsole =
  		(u8*)default_font_bin, //font gfx
  		0, //first ascii character in the set
  		128, //number of characters in the font set
  	0,0, //cursorX cursorY
  	0,0, //prevcursorX prevcursorY
  	40, //console width
  	30, //console height
  	0,  //window x
  	0,  //window y
  	32, //window width
  	24, //window height
  	3, //tab size
  	0, //font character offset
  	0,  //print callback
  	false //console initialized
} {!< font of the console. } {!< framebuffer address. } {!< Current X location of the cursor (as a tile offset by default) } {!< Current Y location of the cursor (as a tile offset by default) } {!< Internal state } {!< Internal state } {!< Width of the console hardware layer in characters } {!< Height of the console hardware layer in characters } {!< Window X location in characters (not implemented) } {!< Window Y location in characters (not implemented) } {!< Window width in characters (not implemented) } {!< Window height in characters (not implemented) } {!< Size of a tab } {!< foreground color } {!< background color } {!< reverse/bright flags } {!< callback for printing a character. Should return true if it has handled rendering the graphics (else the print engine will attempt to render via tiles) } {!< True if the console is initialized } PrintConsole = record font : ConsoleFont; frameBuffer : pu16; cursorX : cint; cursorY : cint; prevCursorX : cint; prevCursorY : cint; consoleWidth : cint; consoleHeight : cint; windowX : cint; windowY : cint; windowWidth : cint; windowHeight : cint; tabSize : cint; fg : cint; bg : cint; flags : cint; PrintChar : ConsolePrint; consoleInitialised : bool; end; PPrintConsole = ^PrintConsole; const CONSOLE_COLOR_BOLD = 1 shl 0; CONSOLE_COLOR_FAINT = 1 shl 1; CONSOLE_ITALIC = 1 shl 2; CONSOLE_UNDERLINE = 1 shl 3; CONSOLE_BLINK_SLOW = 1 shl 4; CONSOLE_BLINK_FAST = 1 shl 5; CONSOLE_COLOR_REVERSE = 1 shl 6; CONSOLE_CONCEAL = 1 shl 7; CONSOLE_CROSSED_OUT = 1 shl 8; {! Console debug devices supported by libnds. } {!< swallows prints to stderr } {!< Directs stderr debug statements to 3dmoo } {!< Directs stderr debug statements to 3DS console window } type debugDevice = (debugDevice_NULL,debugDevice_3DMOO,debugDevice_CONSOLE ); {! \brief Loads the font into the console \param console pointer to the console to update, if NULL it will update the current console \param font the font to load } procedure consoleSetFont(console:PPrintConsole; font:PConsoleFont);cdecl;external; {! \brief Sets the print window \param console console to set, if NULL it will set the current console window \param x x location of the window \param y y location of the window \param width width of the window \param height height of the window } procedure consoleSetWindow(console:PPrintConsole; x:cint; y:cint; width:cint; height:cint);cdecl;external; {! \brief Gets a pointer to the console with the default values this should only be used when using a single console or without changing the console that is returned, other wise use consoleInit() \return A pointer to the console with the default values } function consoleGetDefault:PPrintConsole;cdecl;external; {! \brief Make the specified console the render target \param console A pointer to the console struct (must have been initialized with consoleInit(PrintConsole* console) \return a pointer to the previous console } function consoleSelect(console:PPrintConsole):PPrintConsole;cdecl;external; {! \brief Initialise the console. \param screen The screen to use for the console \param console A pointer to the console data to initialze (if it's NULL, the default console will be used) \return A pointer to the current console. } function consoleInit(screen:gfxScreen_t; console:PPrintConsole):PPrintConsole;cdecl;external; {! \brief Initializes debug console output on stderr to the specified device \param device The debug device (or devices) to output debug print statements to } procedure consoleDebugInit(device:debugDevice);cdecl;external; {! Clears the screan by using iprintf("\x1b[2J"); } procedure consoleClear;cdecl;external;