%%% ==================================================================== %%% @LaTeX-file{ %%% author = "Alan Jeffrey and Rowland McDonnell and %%% Ulrik Vieth and Lars Hellstr{\"o}m", %%% version = "1.928", %%% date = "2007-09-06", %%% time = "11:22:41 +02:00", %%% filename = "fontinst.tex", %%% email = "fontinst@tug.org", %%% checksum = "", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "fontinst, TeX, PostScript, documentation", %%% supported = "yes", %%% abstract = "This is the documentation for the fontinst %%% font installation package.", %%% package = "fontinst", %%% dependencies = "ltxguide.cls, url.sty, xspace.sty" %%% } %%% ==================================================================== % Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Alan Jeffrey % Modified by Rowland McDonnell June 1998 % Modified and revised by Ulrik Vieth June 1998 % Modified by Lars Hellstr\"om July 2004 and later \documentclass[a4paper]{ltxguide} \usepackage[OT1]{fontenc} \usepackage{url,xspace} 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\newcommand{\etx}{\setfilename{etx}\xspace} \newcommand{\Etx}{\setfilename{Etx}\xspace} \newcommand{\enc}{\setfilename{enc}\xspace} \newcommand{\Enc}{\setfilename{Enc}\xspace} \newcommand{\pfa}{\setfilename{pfa}\xspace} \newcommand{\Pfa}{\setfilename{Pfa}\xspace} \newcommand{\pfb}{\setfilename{pfb}\xspace} \newcommand{\Pfb}{\setfilename{Pfb}\xspace} \newcommand{\dvi}{\setfilename{dvi}\xspace} \newcommand{\Dvi}{\setfilename{Dvi}\xspace} \newcommand{\pdf}{\setfilename{pdf}\xspace} \newcommand{\Pdf}{\setfilename{Pdf}\xspace} \newcommand{\ttf}{\setfilename{ttf}\xspace} \newcommand{\Ttf}{\setfilename{Ttf}\xspace} \newcommand{\map}{\setfilename{map}\xspace} \newcommand{\Map}{\setfilename{Map}\xspace} \newcommand{\vftovp}{\setpackagename{vftovp}\xspace} \newcommand{\vptovf}{\setpackagename{vptovf}\xspace} \newcommand{\pltotf}{\setpackagename{pltotf}\xspace} \newcommand{\tftopl}{\setpackagename{tftopl}\xspace} \newcommand{\BibTeX}{Bib\TeX} \title{fontinst} \subtitle{Font installation software for \TeX} \author{Alan Jeffrey\and Rowland McDonnell\and Lars Hellstr\"om} \illustration{roadmap.eps} \version{1.9} \date{August 2009} \begin{document} \maketitle % \begin{itshape} % This manual is currently being rewritten, and may therefore be a % bit disorganised. For authoritative information on command syntaxes % and the like, see the Literate Programming sources for % \fontinst. The main file there is \textsl{\texttt{fisource.tex}}. % \end{itshape} % % \bigskip \begin{footnotesize} This manual describes the \texttt{fontinst} software for converting fonts from Adobe Font Metric format to forms readable by \TeX. This manual should be distributed with the \texttt{fontinst} software, which is available by anonymous FTP from \url{ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/fonts/utilities/fontinst}, and on the various CD-ROMs containing material from the CTAN archives. Please do not contact the author directly for copies. If you would like to report a bug with \texttt{fontinst}, please mail \url{fontinst@tug.org}. The mail will be sent to the \texttt{fontinst} mailing list. If you would like to be on the \texttt{fontinst} mailing list, see \url{http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/fontinst}. \end{footnotesize} \tableofcontents % \vfill \clearpage \section{Introduction} The purpose of \fontinst is to make digital fonts, as they may be bought from a foundry or other supplier, usable with \AllTeX; in general, they are not directly so. An obvious problem can be that the font information is not available in a format that \TeX\ understands. A more subtle problem is that the fonts are often organised in a way that is unsuitable for automatic typesetting. It is furthermore necessary to inform \AllTeX\ and related software about the existence of the new font, and the pieces of code needed to do this are somewhat exotic. Regarding the first problem, \fontinst can bridge the gap between non-\TeX\ and \TeX-specific file formats, but may need some help from other tools (\setfilename{pltotf}, \setfilename{vptovf}, \setfilename{ttf2afm}, etc.) with conversions between text and binary file formats. Regarding the last problem, \fontinst can generate the necessary code, although you may in some cases need to paste it into the right configuration file yourself. It is however with respect to the second problem that \fontinst shines, as the many minutiae of providing fonts for \AllTeX\ are automated to a very high degree, while still providing you as user with the power to fine-tune every detail of the output. In addition, \fontinst is available for every platform that has \TeX. The reason \fontinst is so portable is simply that it is written in \TeX, exploiting those features of the language which does other things than typesetting. A drawback of this is the inability to work directly with binary file formats, but an advantage is that users do not need to learn a separate command language before they can configure the tool; \fontinst only introduces a set of new \TeX\ commands, not a new set of syntax rules. Moreover, many encoding and metric files used with \fontinst can also be typeset as \LaTeX\ documents, yielding a rendering of their contents which might be more pleasing to the eye than the raw code. The main thing \fontinst does is creating virtual fonts (\vf's). For this, it takes the approach that the world is full of glyphs, and a subset of these are to be picked, perhaps tweaked, and finally wrapped up as a new font for \TeX\ to use. In the basic case where one merely wants to make a specific foundry-supplied font available to \TeX, what one does is to present only that font as glyphbase for \fontinst, since this means all glyphs in the resulting virtual font will come from that base font, only reorganised to meet the requirements of \AllTeX. It is however not uncommon to use several base fonts for forming a single glyphbase, maybe because the foundry has arbitrarily decided to divide the basic font up into separate ``base'', ``expert'', and ``alternate'' varieties that don't match the needs of \TeX, or maybe because the foundry did not provide all the glyphs of standard \TeX\ fonts and glyphs from some other font family are used to fill in the gaps. Either way, since it's you that's doing the packaging, it is you that gets to say what goes into the package. In the process of creating some virtual fonts, many minor pieces of data are encounted that would be needed when informing \AllTeX\ and related software about these new fonts. \Fontinst records this information and provides for writing finished files in the most common formats, notably \LaTeX\ \fd files and \dvips \map files. One can even ask \fontinst to have certain transformations performed on the base fonts, to extend or tweak the repertoire of glyph shapes that are available. \subsection{Overview of the process} If you're using \fontinst, the usual steps you need to take to use an ordinary \PS latin text font with \LaTeX\ are these: \marginpar{Related commands:} \begin{enumerate} \item \label{WhatToDoList:1} Gather \afm files for the base fonts you want to make use of, and (optionally) give the \afm files appropriate names. \item \label{WhatToDoList:2} Use \fontinst\marginpar{\cs{transformfont}} to produce \texttt{8r} encoded \pl files from these \afm files. \item \label{WhatToDoList:3} Use \fontinst\marginpar{\cs{installfont}} to create T1 and OT1 encoded \pl and \vpl files from the |8r| encoded \pl files (this procedure will also create suitable \fd files). \item \label{WhatToDoList:4} Use \fontinst (its \setfilename{finstmsc.sty}\marginpar{ \cs{adddriver}} variety) to generate the mapfile entries needed for the above. \item Use \pltotf to turn each \pl file into a \tfm file. \item Use \vptovf to turn each \vpl file into a pair of \vf and \tfm files. \item Move the \tfm, \vf, and \fd files into the appropriate directories so \LaTeX\ can see them. \item Tell your \dvi driver about the new font (typically involves editing some configuration file or files, possibly also running some helper command to update cached configuration information). \item Test it. (The \LaTeX\ command \cs{usefont} lets you select a font by encoding, family, series, and shape. The Plain\TeX\ file \setfilename{testfont.tex} provides an easy way of producing font tables.) \item Perhaps write a package file to make selecting the new font a little easier. \end{enumerate} The \setfilename{examples\slash basic\slash basicex.tex} file contains examples of doing \ref{WhatToDoList:2} and~\ref{WhatToDoList:3}; in many cases, it is possible to use the |\latinfamily| command to do all of this. The \setfilename{examples\slash basic\slash basicex2.tex} file contains examples of doing \ref{WhatToDoList:4}. \section{Defining terms} The process of making fonts usable involves some rather technical issues, so in order to understand a discussion of what is going on, it is necessary to first get the terminology straight. Feel free to skip parts of this if you think you already know the material covered or for the moment want to concentrate on other aspects of what \fontinst does, but bear in mind that you may then have reason to return to this section at a later time. % This is rather a large and perhaps tedious section. You might be % tempted to skip it so you can get to some more direct information on % how to use \fontinst. That's fine if you understand everything about % how \TeX\ handles fonts. If not, we suggest you at least skim though % this section. \subsection{What's a font?} Once upon a time, this question was easily answered: a font is a set of type in one size, style, etc. There used to be no ambiguity, because a font was a collection of chunks of type metal kept in a drawer, one drawer for each font. These days, with digital typesetting, things are more complicated. What a font `is' isn't easy to pin down. A typical use of a \PS font with \LaTeX\ might use these elements: \begin{itemize} \item Type 1 printer font file \item Bitmap screen font file \item Adobe font metric file (\afm file) \item \TeX\ font metric file (\tfm file) \item Virtual font file (\vf file) \item font definition file (\fd file) \end{itemize} Looked at from a particular point of view, each of these files `is' the font. So what's going on? \subsubsection{Type 1 printer font files} These files contain the information needed by your printer to draw the shapes of all the characters in a font. They're typically files with a \pfa or \pfb extension; on Macs they're usually in files of type `LWFN' and have icons that look like a laser printer. The information in all these formats is basically the same: the only difference is in its representation. \pfa stands for `printer font ASCII', while \pfb stands for `printer font binary'. \pfa files are pure \PS code (though in parts highly convoluted) and can typically be pasted into or copied from \PS documents using a text editor if one feels like hacking. Since \pfa files contain a large chunk of hex-encoded binary data, they are however about twice the size of the equivalent \pfb, where text and binary data reside in separate sections of an overall binary file format. % That is, \pfa files contain plain text information, % while \pfb files contain the same information encoded as % machine-readable binary data. % If you have Adobe Type Manager (ATM) installed on your computer, % ATM will use these files to draw an accurate representation of the % letters on the screen of your computer when you are previewing a % \TeX\ document. Printer font files are not used directly by \TeX\ at all -- \TeX\ just prepares a \dvi file that refers to the fonts by name and the characters by number: \TeX\ knows nothing about the shapes involved. The \dvi driver uses the printer font files when you ask it to print the \dvi file. This means that you can produce a \dvi file which uses, say, Palatino, even if you do not have the Type~1 printer font file for this font on your computer. You will need to find a computer that does have Palatino before you can print it or preview it, though. (Pdf\TeX\ is different from \TeX\ in this respect; since pdf\TeX\ integrates most of the functionality of a \dvi driver, it may be unable to generate working \pdf output if the some Type~1 printer font file is not available.) \Dvi drivers generating \pdf often require Type~1 fonts to be in \pfb format, as that is very close to how the data is stored in a \pdf file. \subsubsection{Bitmap screen font files} These files contain a low-resolution bitmap for drawing a representation of the font on the screen of your computer if ATM is not installed. In the \TeX\ world, these files are only used for screen previews by \dvi drivers that use the windowing system for rendering text. % They are kept in font suitcase files on Macintoshes. %\marginnote{And where on other computers?} Technically, \pk files are also bitmap font files, for use on screen or with a printer, but \TeX\ systems tend to be set up so that \pk files are generated automatically when needed. (Of course, this requires that the font is first available in some other format, usually \mf or \pfb.) \subsubsection{Adobe font metric files (\afm files)} These files are text files which contain information about the size of each character in a font, kerning and ligature information, and so on. They can't be used by \TeX\ directly, but the information they contain is essential if you want to use a font with \TeX. \Fontinst can from an \afm file create the necessary \tfm and \vf files (well, really \pl and \vpl files, but see below) so you can use a font with \TeX. Once you have created all the files you need to use a font with \TeX, you can remove the corresponding \afm files from your computer unless you have other software that needs them. The job of turning an \afm file into a set of \tfm and \vf files is one of the main uses for \fontinst. Most of this document is concerned with this process, so don't worry if it seems a bit vague at the moment. \subsubsection{\TT and OpenType font files} The \TT format was created as an Apple--Microsoft collaboration to avoid being dependent on Adobe's font technologies. Later Adobe and Microsoft went on to define the OpenType format, which is a development of \TT. However, the three don't always agree on the fine details of the format. A \TT font file is a collection of rather disparate tables, and can therefore contain scalable outline fonts (like \PS~type~1), bitmap screen fonts, and font metrics all in one file; for software with direct support for \TT this tends to simplify font installation, but for \TeX\ it rather adds a level of complication. An advantage for \TeX\ use is that the suppliers provide font metrics in a cross-platform format (as opposed to rather obscure platform-specific formats, which could previously be the norm), but they still have to undergo conversion before we can use them. \TT is furthermore a ``there is more than one way to do it'' format, so it sometimes happens that information which is present in the font is ignored by some programs because that information happened to be in an unusal format\dots Classical \TT fonts have outlines defined in terms of quadratic Bezier curves. The main addition in the OpenType specification was a second outline format (CFF\slash type~2) which uses cubic Bezier curves. Both outline formats are directly supported in \pdf and can (even if the driver doesn't have built-in support for the format) with a thin wrapper be used in \PS, but there is also a tradition of rather converting to type~1 before using such fonts with \TeX; the latter leads to a slight drop in quality. \subsubsection{\TeX\ font metric files (\tfm files)} These are binary data files in a format designed for use by \TeX\ which contain (more-or-less) the same information as \afm files: the size of each character in a font (font metric data), kerning, and ligature information. When you select a font in \TeX, you are telling \TeX\ to typeset using a particular \tfm file; from \TeX's point of view, a \tfm file (and nothing else) \emph{is} a font. \TeX\ itself doesn't see printer font files, screen bitmaps, \pk files, \vf files, or anything else to do with fonts: only \tfm files. \TeX\ uses these \tfm files to decide where to put characters when typesetting. From \TeX's point of view, \tfm files \emph{are} fonts, even though they contain no information about the shape of letters, and are rarely needed by anything except \TeX. (\Dvi drivers generally read \tfm files so that they can keep track of exact glyph widths and fine-tune positioning accordingly, but they would get by fairly well with only the information in the printer fonts.) \subsubsection{Property list files (\pl files)} \pl files are human-readable text files which contain all the font metric, kerning, ligature, and other information needed to create a \tfm file. You can convert between the two file formats using \tftopl and \pltotf, which are standard utilities in a \TeX\ system. \subsubsection{Virtual font files (\vf files)} These are binary data files in a format designed for use by \TeX\ \dvi drivers. Their main purpose in life is to replace the raw font abstraction available in the printer with one more convenient for \TeX. These files are used by \dvi driver software only. \Dvi drivers use \vf files to work out what should \emph{really} be printed when you ask for a particular character. Technically they are like subroutine libraries for \dvi drivers, with one subroutine for each character in the virtual font: when the \dvi driver sees a \dvi command to set a character from a virtual font, it will execute a sequence of \dvi commands (the ``mapcommands property'' of this character) that it reads in the \vf file. You need not worry about the details of this, as \fontinst deals with them for you. Creating and using virtual fonts is what this document is about, so don't worry if this doesn't make sense yet. (After all, how much do you need to know about the inner workings of \dvi files to typeset and print \TeX\ documents?) Each \vf file has a \tfm file with the same name. To use a virtual font, you select the \tfm file as the font to use in your document. When the \dvi driver comes across this \tfm file in the \dvi file, it looks up the \vf file and uses that to decide what to do. \subsubsection{Virtual property list files (\vpl files)} \vpl files are human-readable text files which contain all the font metric, kerning, mapping, and other information needed to create a \vf and \tfm pair. \vptovf will create a \vf/\tfm pair from a \vpl file. \vftovp will create a \vpl from a \vf/\tfm pair. \vftovp also needs to be able to read all the \tfm files that are referred to by a \vf to recreate the \vpl\ -- it looks at the checksums to verify that everything's okay. \subsubsection{Font definition files (\fd files)} These are files containing commands to tell \LaTeX\ which \tfm files to associate with a request for a font using \LaTeX's font selection commands. For example, here is a small and edited part of the \fd file supplied with \setpackagename{PSNFSS} to allow you to use the Adobe Times font in T1 encoding: \begin{verbatim} \ProvidesFile{t1ptm.fd} [1997/02/11 Fontinst v1.6 font definitions for T1/ptm.] \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{ptm}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ptm}{m}{n} {<<->> ptmr8t}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ptm}{m}{it}{<<->> ptmri8t}{} ... \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ptm}{b}{n} {<<->> ptmb8t}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ptm}{b}{it}{<<->> ptmbi8t}{} ... \end{verbatim} What this means is: when you use \LaTeX\ to select the font family |ptm| in T1 encoding in the medium series (|m|) and normal shape (|n|), \TeX\ uses the font \texttt{ptmr8t.tfm}. Similarly, if you select bold italic, \TeX\ uses \texttt{ptmbi8t.tfm}. \LaTeX\ works out which \fd file to load based on the current encoding and font family selected. If you've selected T1 encoded |ptm| like this: \begin{verbatim} \fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont \end{verbatim} \LaTeX\ loads the file \url{t1ptm.fd} (if it doesn't exist, you're in trouble). As you can see above, this file contains information so that \LaTeX\ knows which \tfm file to use. So if you ask for, say, |T1/ptm/b/it| (T1 encoded Times-Roman, bold series, italic shape), you get the font \texttt{ptmbi8t}. You can find more about \fd files and \LaTeX's font selection commands at CTAN: \url{ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/fntguide.tex} and \url{ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/info/simple-nfss.tex} are both useful. \subsubsection{Font mapping files (\map files)} These are files telling \dvi drivers which printer fonts correspond to specific \TeX\ fonts (\tfm files) -- how a specific \TeX\ font should be \emph{mapped} onto a font concept available in the \dvi driver's output format. Unlike \tfm, \fd, and \vf files, which tend to be found as soon as they're in a suitable location (such as the current directory), mapfiles typically need to be fully installed or selected through a command-line option before any notice is taken of them. The format of mapfiles varies from driver to driver, but a common format is that of \dvips, where each line is a separate entry (except lines that contain comments). The first word of an entry is the \TeX~font name, the second word is the basic printer font name, and remaining words provide additional information (e.g., the name of the file in which the font is stored). The default in most \TeX\ systems is that fonts are assumed to be \mf fonts unless there is a specific \map file entry which says otherwise. Hence if you're trying to use a new Type~1 font, but the \dvi driver gives you an error message that `\textit{somefile}\texttt{.mf} not found', then the problem is most likely with the mapfiles. \subsection{Fonts and characters} The term `character' (or just `char') is frequently used in discussions of fonts, but not always correctly, and when getting into the details of what \fontinst does it is necessary to keep the terminology straight. \begin{description} \item[Glyph] A glyph is an image, often associated with one or several characters. Some examples of glyphs are: `A', `\textsf{A}', `$\mathcal{A}$', `B', `F', `{\usefont{OT1}{cmr}{m}{n}f}', `{\usefont{OT1}{cmr}{m}{n}fi}', `\~{}'. Fonts are collections of glyphs. \Fontinst refers to glyphs by name. \item[Slot] This is jargon for `a numbered position in a font'. (What is important is the number, and that this number refers to a position in a font, but which font is usually specified separately.) For typesetting, \TeX\ identifies glyphs as ``slot $n$ in font $f$''. \item[Character] The modern definition is that a character is the smallest component of written language that has semantic value. Speaking of a character, one refers to the abstract meaning, rather than a specific shape. Since fonts have often contained a unique glyph for each character and each usable glyph has been assigned a particular slot, it is not uncommon (in particular in older terminology) to see the three mixed up, usually so that one says `character' where one of the other two would have been more correct. The \TeX-related font file formats is no exception, as you may see examples of elsewhere in this document. \item[Encoding] There are really two different encoding concepts that one encounters when using \fontinst. The differences are not great, and an encoding of one kind often corresponds to an encoding of the other kind, but it is not merely a matter of translation. A \emph{\LaTeX\ encoding} is a mapping from characters (or more formally \LaTeX\ Internal Character Representations) to slots. In the \texttt{OT1} encoding, `\o' (or more technically `|\o|') maps to slot~28, whereas in the \texttt{T1} encoding it maps to slot~248. This kind of encoding affects what \TeX\ is doing; \dvi drivers are not involved. A \emph{font encoding} (or \emph{encoding vector}) is a mapping from slots to glyph names. This is the kind of encoding that \fontinst primarily deals with, and also the kind of encoding that \dvi drivers make use of. \texttt{ot1.etx} associates slot~28 with `\texttt{oslash}', whereas \texttt{t1.etx} and \texttt{EC.enc} (one of several to \texttt{T1} corresponding encoding vectors that come with \dvips) associates slot~28 with `\texttt{fi}'. \LaTeX\ encodings occur in \fontinst only as names and only in relation to \fd files. It is unlikely that you will need to create one of your own. The mappings defined by font encodings are on the other hand of great importance and \etx files are used to direct the generation of virtual fonts. Advanced \fontinst users may well find that they need to create new font encodings to achieve their goals. \end{description} \fontinst creates \vpl and \pl files from \afm or \pl files to map any glyph or combination of glyphs in the original font files to any slot in the output font file. There, isn't that better? Off you go now\ldots % You're probably familiar with ASCII % encoding, which has the letter `A' in slot~65, `B' in slot~66, % and so on. That's it, really. \TeX\ uses several different % encodings. The most common ones are OT1 (the original \TeX\ % 7~bit encoding) and T1 (the newer \TeX\ 8~bit encoding). % % -- much more on this later. The thing is that the average \PS font comes in Adobe standard encoding, which, for example, has the glyph dotless~i `\i' in slot~245. But \TeX\ \texttt{T1} encoding expects the glyph o~dieresis `{\"o}' in that slot, and wants dotless~i in slot~25. So if you tried to use a raw \PS font with \TeX, any time you tried to get an `\"o', you'd get a `\i'; and every time you tried to get a `\i', you'd get a blank, because Adobe standard encoding says that slot~25 is empty. The process of dealing with this problem is called `re-encoding', and is one thing \fontinst helps with. % This might not make much sense yet; the best thing to do is relax. % There's a lot of things that need to be dealt with when you're % setting up \LaTeX\ to use a new font, so you can expect to be a % bit confused until you've done it a few times. \subsection{What are verbatim, typewriter, and monowidth fonts?} The verbatim, typewriter, and monowidth concepts are common sources of confusion for those who use \fontinst to install fonts with \LaTeX; in particular there are many misconceptions about the relation between them. The official view (of which not much has actually been brought forward) is that these concepts are really about three quite different things. A font is a \emph{monowidth} (monospaced, fixed-pitch) font if all glyphs in it have exactly the same width. Some font formats make special provisions for such fonts; the most notable example is the \afm format, where a single \texttt{CharWidth} keyword specifies the width for all glyphs in the font. \Fontinst responds to this by including the command \begin{quote} |\setint{monowidth}{1}| \end{quote} in the \mtx file generated from an \afm, but that is everything that is hard-wired into the program. That a font is monowidth is however something that one should take note of when installing it for \TeX, as it means many of the glyphs in it have such a strange appearance that they are (pretty much) useless. The \texttt{endash} is for example usually only half as long as the \texttt{hyphen} and the letters in ligature glyphs are only half as wide as normal letters. Many of the \etx and \mtx files that come with \fontinst contain special commands to avoid making use of such degenerate glyphs. That a font is a \emph{typewriter} font really only means that it has a typewriterish look about it. The two most familiar typewriter fonts are probably Computer Modern Typewriter (\texttt{cmtt}) and Courier. Both of these fonts are monowidth, but there is no absolute rule about this. One of the standard \TeX\ fonts is for example Computer Modern Variable-width Typewriter (\texttt{cmvtt}), which is not a monowidth font, as Figure~\ref{Fig:TTvsVTT} shows. \begin{figure} \begin{tabular}{ll} \texttt{cmtt}:& \fontfamily{cmtt}\selectfont The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\\ \texttt{cmvtt}:& \fontfamily{cmvtt}\selectfont The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. \end{tabular} \caption{Two typewriter fonts} \label{Fig:TTvsVTT} \end{figure} The verbatim concept has very little to do with fonts at all; in \LaTeX\ it is considered to be a property of the environment (\texttt{verbatim}, \texttt{macrocode}, etc.) rather than a property of the font. The connection there is with fonts is that the encoding of the font must contain visible ASCII (as defined in Appendix~C of \emph{The \TeX book}%~\cite{TeXbook} ) as a subset for the text to be rendered correctly. The \texttt{cmtt} family is the only one amongst the original Computer Modern fonts which meets this criterion and that is the primary grounds for the idea that these three concepts should be connected. Today that reason is at best a very weak one, as all \texttt{T1}-encoded fonts also meet the criterion of containing visible ASCII as a subset. A circumstance which has probably added to the confusion is that \texttt{OT1} is usually claimed to be one encoding. In reality the Computer Modern fonts that are declared in \LaTeX\ as being \texttt{OT1} display as many as five different encodings, as shown in Table~\ref{Tab:OT1-fonts}. \begin{table}[!tb] \DeleteShortVerb{\|} \begin{tabular}{l|c|c|c|} & \texttt{TEX TEXT}& \begin{tabular}[b]{c} \texttt{TEX TEXT}\\ \texttt{WITHOUT}\\ \texttt{F-LIGATURES} \end{tabular}& \begin{tabular}[b]{c}\texttt{TEX}\\ \texttt{TYPEWRITER}\\ \texttt{TEXT} \end{tabular}\\ \hline non-italic& \begin{tabular}{l} \texttt{cmb10}\\ \texttt{cmbx5}--\texttt{12}\\ \texttt{cmbxsl10}\\ \texttt{cmdunh10}\\ \texttt{cmff10}\\ \texttt{cmfib8}\\ \texttt{cmr6}--\texttt{17}\\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{l} \texttt{cmsl8}--\texttt{12}\\ \texttt{cmss8}--\texttt{17}\\ \texttt{cmssbx10}\\ \texttt{cmssdc10}\\ \texttt{cmssi8}--\texttt{17}\\ \texttt{cmssq8}\\ \texttt{cmssqi8}\\ \texttt{cmvtt10} \end{tabular}& \begin{tabular}{l} \texttt{cmcsc8}--\texttt{10}\\ \texttt{cmr5} \end{tabular}& \begin{tabular}{l} \texttt{cmsltt10}\\ \texttt{cmtcsc10}\\ \texttt{cmtt8}--\texttt{12} \end{tabular}\\ \hline italic& \begin{tabular}{l} \texttt{cmbxti10}\\ \texttt{cmfi10}\\ \texttt{cmti7}--\texttt{12}\\ \texttt{cmu10} \end{tabular}&& \begin{tabular}{l} \texttt{cmitt10} \end{tabular}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \MakeShortVerb{\|} \caption{``\texttt{OT1}-encoded'' Computer Modern fonts, collected according to the actual font encoding} \label{Tab:OT1-fonts} \end{table} Since most monowidth fonts are only used for setting verbatim text, there is some code in \texttt{ot1.etx} which automatically chooses a \texttt{TEX TYPEWRITER TEXT} encoding for the font when the \texttt{monowidth} integer is set. The only reason for this is the guess that this is what the user wanted. \section{Fontmaking commands} There are three main types of files that you may write to control what \fontinst does: \emph{command files} (usually with suffix \setdotfilename{tex}), \emph{encoding definition files} (suffix \setdotfilename{etx}), and \emph{metric files} (suffix \setdotfilename{mtx}). Command files directly tell \fontinst to do things, whereas the purpose of an encoding or metric file is more to store data, but all three file types are technically sequences of \TeX\ commands that \fontinst execute when reading the file. Normal \TeX\ syntax rules apply in all three file types, although a few commands may behave in unfamiliar ways. Within the command file category, it is possible to discern certain subcategories. Most command files are written for one particular task, but some are common pieces that have been factored out from larger command files and are merely meant to be |\input| where appropriate. (\setfilename{csc2x.tex} in the \fontinst distribution is an example of this latter kind.) One may also distinguish between command files that are made for use with \setfilename{fontinst.sty} command definitions and command files that are made for use with \setfilename{finstmsc.sty} command definitions. This section documents the commands that are particular to the former category, whereas the next section documents commands that are particular to the latter. \subsection{Install commands} The core fontmaking takes place within a block of ``install commands''. (This name is a bit unfortunate since nothing is actually installed; rather some files that need to be installed are generated.) Such blocks have the structure \begin{quote} |\installfonts|\\ \m{install commands}\\ |\endinstallfonts| \end{quote} The \m{install commands} describe the fonts, glyphs and encodings used to build fonts, whereas the purpose of the delimiting |\installfonts| and |\end|\-|install|\-|fonts| are rather to organise the writing of \fd files. \begin{decl*} |\installfonts|\\ |\endinstallfonts| \end{decl*} At |\installfonts|, \fontinst's internal list of \fd files to generate are cleared. At |\endinstallfonts|, \fd files are written for those combinations of encoding and font family that appeared in the \meta{install commands}. \begin{hackernote} |\installfonts|, |\endinstallfonts|, and the individual install commands between them also cooperate in a rather complicated grouping scheme to cache glyphbases. This may interfere with non-\fontinst commands in the \meta{install commands}. If for example an assignment to some |\tracing|\dots\ parameter here does not seem to have any effect, try making the assignment |\global|. \end{hackernote} The most important \meta{install command} is \begin{decl*} |\installfont|\arg{font-name}\arg{metrics-list}\arg{etx-list}\\ \hspace*{1.5em}\arg{encoding}\arg{family}\arg{series}% \arg{shape}\arg{size} \end{decl*} This produces a \TeX\ virtual font called \m{font-name}. The \meta{metrics-list} and the \meta{etx-list} determine this font, whereas the other arguments specify how the \fd file will declare it for \LaTeX. The \m{encoding}, \m{family}, \m{series}, and \m{shape} are precisely the NFSS parameters. The \m{size} is either a shorthand declared by \verb|\declaresize| (see below), or is an \fd size specification. Like most \fontinst lists, the elements in the \meta{metrics-list} and \meta{etx-list} are separated by commas (so-called comma-separated lists). In their simplest form, the elements of these lists are file names (minus suffixes): \mtx files in the \meta{metrics-list} and \etx files in the \meta{etx-list}. First the \mtx files are processed to build up a glyphbase, i.e., store definitions of glyphs and their metric properties in memory, and then the \etx files are processed (several times) to select a set of glyphs and write the corresponding information to a \vpl file. For example, to install the \texttt{T1}-encoded Times Roman font (using \texttt{t1.etx} and \texttt{latin.mtx}), you say: \begin{verbatim} \installfont{ptmr8t}{ptmr8r,latin}{t1} {T1}{ptm}{m}{n}{} \end{verbatim} To install a \texttt{OT1}-encoded Times Roman font, with a scaled version of Symbol for the Greek letters, you say: \begin{verbatim} \installfont{zptmrsy}{ptmr8r,psyr scaled 1100,latin}{ot1} {OT1}{ptm}{m}{n}{} \end{verbatim} As the second example indicates, there is more to the list items than just file names. In the case of an metrics list item, the syntax permits the two forms \begin{decl*} \meta{filename}\meta{optional modifiers}\\ |\metrics| \meta{metric commands} \end{decl*} \NEWfeature{v1.923} where an \meta{optional modifier} is one of \begin{decl*} \verb*| scaled |\meta{rawscale factor}\\ \verb*| suffix |\meta{glyph name suffix}\\ \verb*| encoding |\meta{etx}\\ \verb*| option |\meta{string} \end{decl*} A list item may contain several such modifiers, but most commonly it does not contain any. The \meta{metric commands} are explicit metric commands, as described in Section~\ref{Sec:Metric}; this latter feature is meant for minor adjustments that you don't want to bother creating a separate \mtx file for. The \meta{filename} above primarily refers to a file \meta{filename}\texttt{.mtx}, but that need not always exist before executing the above command. If there exists a \pl, \afm, or \vpl file with the right name then that is first converted to a corresponding \mtx file. However, a special case occurs if there is an |encoding| modifier: this forces conversion of a \pl or \vpl file even if an \mtx file exists, and also forces using the specified \etx file when assigning glyph names to the slots of that file. Normally the choice of \etx file for such conversions to \mtx is based on |\declareencoding| declarations. The |scaled| modifier sets the \texttt{rawscale} variable for the processing of that file. This has the effect of scaling all raw glyphs from that file to \meta{rawscale factor} per milles of their previous size. The |suffix| modified causes the \meta{glyph name suffix} to be implicitly appended to all glyphs defined by this file. The |option| modifier adds the \meta{string} to the list of ``options'' for this file. The |\ifoption| command can be used in the file to test whether a particular string has been supplied as an option. \begin{hackernote} In general, \fontinst commands process comma-separated list arguments by first splitting at commas and then fully expanding each item, but this \meta{metrics-list} argument is an exception. This is first fully expanded (|\edef|) and then split into items. The difference is that a macro used in this \meta{metrics-list} argument can expand to several list items, whereas a macro used in an ordinary comma-separated list argument can only expand to (part of) a single list item. The |\metrics| list items do however constitute an exception within this exception. These list items are in their entirety protected from the initial full expansion, so you don't have to worry about peculiar fragility errors there. \end{hackernote} The elements in the \meta{etx-list} have fewer variants, but there is still a general syntax \begin{decl*} \meta{filename}\meta{optional modifiers} \end{decl*} The \meta{optional modifier}s permitted are: \begin{decl*} \verb*| mtxasetx|\\ \verb*| option |\meta{string} \end{decl*} The \texttt{option} one is as for metric files. \texttt{mtxasetx} is probably only relevant for use with |\installrawfont| (see below). \begin{decl}[v1.912] |\installfontas|\arg{font-name}\\% \hspace*{1.5em}\arg{encoding}\arg{family}\arg{series}% \arg{shape}\arg{size} \end{decl} This install command adds an \fd entry for the \meta{font-name}, but it doesn't actually generate that font. Usually that font was generated by a previous |\installfont|, and this is used to create additional entries for the font. \begin{decl} |\installrawfont|\arg{font-name}\arg{metrics-list}\arg{etx-list}\\ \hspace*{1.5em}\arg{encoding}\arg{family}\arg{series}% \arg{shape}\arg{size} \end{decl} This is similar to |\installfont| except that it produces a \TeX\ raw font as \pl file rather than a virtual font. Often a \pl file with the specified name will already exist when this command is called, and that will then be overwritten. These two \pl files will typically be somewhat different. The normal reason for using this command is that one wishes to ``refine'' the metrics of a font that was generated by transformation commands. For example, to install an \texttt{8r}-encoded Times Roman raw font (using \texttt{8r.etx} and \texttt{8r.mtx}), you say: \begin{verbatim} \installrawfont{ptmr8r}{ptmr8r,8r}{8r} {8r}{ptm}{m}{n}{} \end{verbatim} (The files referred to are, in order, \texttt{ptmr8r.pl}, \texttt{ptmr8r.mtx}, \texttt{8r.mtx}, and \texttt{8r.etx}.) The effect of a \begin{decl*}[v1.923] \meta{filename}\verb*| mtxasetx| \end{decl*} in the \meta{etx-list} is not that \meta{filename}\texttt{.etx} is read, but that \meta{filename}\texttt{.mtx} is read. The interpretation of the commands in this file is however not the customary, and almost the only thing paid attention to is the correspondence between glyph names and slot numbers that is provided by the |\setrawglyph| and |\setscaledrawglyph| commands; this correspondence is treated as if it was given by |\setslot| \dots\ |\endsetslot| commands in an \etx file. This is however only guaranteed to work with transformable metric files. The purpose of this feature is to simplify installation of fonts with very special encodings, such as ``Dingbat'' or ``Pi'' fonts. Instead of creating an \etx file, which would probably only be useful with that particular font, one can make use of the fact that the interesting information is anyway available in the \mtx file. To install Zapf Dingbats in their default encoding, one can thus say \begin{verbatim} \installrawfont{pzdr}{pzdr}{pzdr mtxasetx} {U}{pzd}{m}{n}{} \end{verbatim} Unlike the case with |\installfont|, which actually creates a real (although virtual) font, |\installrawfont| can only create the metrics for a font. The \dvi driver will require some other kind of implementation of this font, usually an entry in some map file (e.g. \texttt{psfonts.map}, in the case of \dvips) that links the \TeX\ font name to e.g.\ a \PS\ font name and file. (Many \dvi drivers are configured in such a way that they, without such a map file entry, will call Metafont with the font name and thereby raise a sequence of error messages about a \setdotfilename{mf} that doesn't exist. These results are often rather confusing.) \begin{decl} |\installfamily|\arg{encoding}\arg{family}\arg{fd-commands} \end{decl} This tells \fontinst to write an \fd file for the given combination of encoding and family, and clears the internal list of entries to put in that file. |\installfamily| commands usually come first in each block of \meta{install commands}. For example, if you intend to produce a \texttt{T1}-encoded Times family of fonts, you say: \begin{verbatim} \installfamily{T1}{ptm}{} \end{verbatim} The \m{fd-commands} are executed every time a font in that family is loaded, for example to stop the Courier font from being hyphenated you say: \begin{verbatim} \installfamily{T1}{pcr}{\hyphenchar\font=-1} \end{verbatim} In more recent versions of \fontinst, the |\installfamily| command is only necessary if you want the \m{fd-commands} argument to be nonempty, but it doesn't hurt to make it explicit. \begin{hackernote} The \m{fd-commands} argument is tokenized with the current catcodes and written to file without expansion. In particular this means that spaces will be inserted after all control sequences whose names consists of letters, which can be unexpected if you intend to make use of control sequences whose names contain |@| characters. One way around this is to use |\fontinstcc| and |\normalcc| to temporarily switch catcodes around the |\installfamily| command. \end{hackernote} \subsection{Transformation commands} \begin{decl} |\transformfont|\arg{font-name}\arg{transformed font} \end{decl} This makes a raw transformed font, for example expanded, slanted, condensed or re-encoded. \emph{It is the responsibility of the device driver to implement this transform.} Each \verb|\transformfont| command writes out an \mtx file and a raw \pl file for \m{font-name}. The following commands are valid \m{transformed font}s: \begin{decl*} |\fromafm|\arg{afm}\\ |\fromany|\arg{whatever}\\ |\frompl|\arg{pl}\\ |\fromplgivenetx|\marg{pl}\marg{etx}\\ |\frommtx|\arg{mtx} \end{decl*} These read the metrics of the font which is about to be transformed from an external file. |\fromafm|, |\frompl|, and |\fromplgivenetx| write out an \mtx file corresponding to the \afm or \pl file. In addition, |\fromafm| also writes out a raw \pl file, containing just the glyph metrics but no kerning information. |\fromplgivenetx| permits specifying which encoding file to use when associating glyph names to slots, whereas |\frompl| tries to guess this from the \texttt{CODINGSCHEME} property of the \pl file. |\fromany| looks for a file in any of the formats (in the order \mtx, \pl, \afm) and behaves as the first |\from|\dots\ for which it found a file. A \m{transformed font} may also be one of the following: \begin{decl*} |\scalefont|\arg{integer expression}\arg{transformed font}\\ |\xscalefont|\arg{integer expression}\arg{transformed font}\\ |\yscalefont|\arg{integer expression}\arg{transformed font}\\ |\slantfont|\arg{integer expression}\arg{transformed font} \end{decl*} This applies a geometric transformation to the font metrics of \m{transformed font}. The scale factor or slant factor are given in units 1000 to the design size. Typical examples are 167 for slanted fonts (a slant of $\frac{1}{6}$) or 850 for condensed fonts (shrunk to 85\% of their natural width). The final case of a \m{transformed font} is: \begin{decl*} |\reencodefont|\arg{etx}\arg{transformed font} \end{decl*} This rearranges the encoding vector of \m{transformed font} to match the encoding given by the \etx file. For example, to create an oblique, |8r|-encoded version of Adobe Times called \texttt{ptmro8r} you say: \begin{verbatim} \transformfont{ptmro8r}{ \reencodefont{8r}{ \slantfont{167}{\fromafm{ptmr8a}} } } \end{verbatim} This will create \texttt{ptmr8a.mtx}, \texttt{ptmr8a.pl}, \texttt{ptmro8r.mtx} and \texttt{ptmro8r.pl}, which can then be used as raw fonts in \verb|\installfont| commands. The equivalent transformation can also be achieved in two steps: \begin{verbatim} \transformfont{ptmr8r}{\reencodefont{8r}{\fromafm{ptmr8a}}} \transformfont{ptmro8r}{\slantfont{167}{\frommtx{ptmr8r}}} \end{verbatim} This will create \texttt{ptmr8a.mtx}, \texttt{ptmr8a.pl}, \texttt{ptmr8r.mtx}, \texttt{ptmr8r.pl}, \texttt{ptmro8r.mtx} and \texttt{ptmro8r.pl}. You will have to inform your device driver about the transformed font, using the syntax appropriate for that driver. For example, in \dvips you add a line to \texttt{psfonts.map}: \begin{verbatim} ptmro8r Times-Roman ".167 SlantFont TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont" <<8r.enc \end{verbatim} See Section~\ref{Sec:Mapmaking} and Subsection~\ref{Ssec:MapFragments} for details on how to generate such lines automatically. \subsection{The \cs{latinfamily} command} \begin{decl} |\latinfamily|\marg{family}\marg{commands} \end{decl} This command is by itself an entire |\installfonts| \dots\ |\endinstallfonts| block, automatically doing |\transformfont|s, |\installfont|s, and |\install|\-|raw|\-|font|s depending on which base font metrics it finds. It generates virtual fonts in the \texttt{T1}, \texttt{OT1}, and \texttt{TS1} encodings. There is really much to much about this command for it to be described in full here. Please see other available documentation. \begin{decl} |\fakenarrow|\marg{width factor} \end{decl} This command makes |\latinfamily| fake `narrow' fonts in the family it is working on, by $x$-scaling the normal fonts. The \meta{width factor} is the scale factor to use. \subsection{Reglyphing commands} ``Reglyphing'' is an \mtx file transformation that changes glyph names but leaves the slot numbers and metrics as they were; optionally it may drop some of the metric commands. See Subsection~\ref{Ssec:Des:Reglyph} for an introduction to this. Like installation commands, reglyphing commands are preferably placed in a block between two delimiter commands: \begin{decl*} |\reglyphfonts|\\ \meta{reglyphing commands}\\ |\endreglyphfonts| \end{decl*} The purpose of these delimiter commands is to delimit the scope in which the various declarations made take effect. After |\endreglyphfont|, you're back to the ``clean'' state that existed before the |\reglyphfont|. \begin{decl} |\reglyphfont|\marg{destination font}\marg{source font} \end{decl} This is the only command that actually does something; all the other commands simply set parameters for the processing carried out here. What the command does is that it reads the \meta{source font} (which may be in \mtx, \pl, \afm, or \vpl format, but will be converted to \mtx before it is read for reglyphing) and writes each command back to the \meta{destination font} (in \mtx format \emph{only}), but often with some subtle modifications. It should be observed that the ``destination font'' generated by this command is not a real font, but just an \mtx file. If that \mtx file contains raw glyph defintions (|\setscaledrawglyph| commands) then these will refer to the \meta{source font}, so that is all a \dvi driver needs to be informed about. \begin{decl} |\renameglyph|\marg{to}\marg{from}\\ |\renameglyphweighted|\marg{to}\marg{from}\marg{weight}\\ |\killglyph|\marg{glyph}\\ |\killglyphweighted|\marg{glyph}\marg{weight} \end{decl} The |\renameglyph| and |\renameglyphweighted| commands cause each reference to the glyph \meta{from} in the source font to be replaced by a reference to the glyph \meta{to} in the destination font. Thus if the source font contains a command that sets a glyph with the name \meta{from}, then this will in the destination font be changed to a command that sets a glyph with the name \meta{to}, but with the same metrics, slot, and base font name as in the source font. Kerns are similarly adjusted to be for the \meta{to} glyph. There is also a ``weight'' associated with each command being copied from source font to destination font, and if that weight is too small then the command will be omitted from the destination font. The weight of a command is the sum of the weights of all glyphs mentioned in that command. A glyph for which no settings have been made has weight $0$. A glyph name which is the \meta{from} of a |\renameglyphweighted| or the \meta{glyph} of a |\killglyphweighted| has the \meta{weight} specified there. A \meta{from} glyph of a |\renameglyph| gets the weight stored in the \texttt{renameweight} integer variable (by default $1$) and the \meta{glyph} of a |\killglyph| gets the weight stored in the \texttt{killweight} integer variable (by default $-10$). It is this large negative weight that makes |\killglyph| ``kill'' glyphs. The weight condition for keeping a command is given by the |\iftokeep| command, which is regarded as a \fontinst command variable (see Section~\ref{Sec:Variables}). The default definition is to keep things with non-negative weight (typically everything that doesn't involve a glyph that has been killed), but for example \setfilename{csckrn2x.tex} redefines it to only keep things with positive weight (typically everything involving at least one glyph that has been renamed and not any that has been killed). \begin{decl} |\offmtxcommand|\marg{command}\\ |\onmtxcommand|\marg{command} \end{decl} Turning a command `off' using |\offmtxcommand| means no such commands are to be copied to a destination font by |\reglyphfont|. Turning it back `on' using |\onmtxcommand| restores it to normal, i.e., whether it is copied depends on the weight of the command. \begin{hackernote} |\offmtxcommand| and |\onmtxcommand| are wrappers around the general-purpose |\offcommand| and |\oncommand| commands (see Subsection~\ref{Ssec:Variables}). The wrapping makes the general commands to act on a family of internal macros, namely those which are used by |\reglyphfont| as definitions of the transformable metric commands. \end{hackernote} \subsection{Miscellaneous settings} \begin{decl} |\substitutesilent|\arg{to}\arg{from}\\ |\substitutenoisy|\arg{to}\arg{from} \end{decl} This declares a \LaTeX\ font substitution, that the series or shape \m{to} should be substituted if necessary by the series or shape \m{from}. Font substitutions happen at |\endinstallfonts| time, and cause font declarations using |sub| or |ssub| to be added to the \fd files being written. \verb|\substitutenoisy| means that a warning will be given when the substitution is made by \LaTeX. \verb|\substitutesilent| means that \LaTeX\ should not warn when the font substitution is made. For example, to say that the series |bx| can be replaced by the series |b| (a request for series |bx| selects a font with actual series |b|), you say: \begin{verbatim} \substitutesilent{bx}{b} \end{verbatim} To say that the shape |ui| can be replaced by the shape |it| (a request for shape |ui| selects a font with actual shape |it|), you say: \begin{verbatim} \substitutenoisy{ui}{it} \end{verbatim} The following weight substitutions are standard: \begin{verbatim} \substitutesilent{bx}{b} \substitutesilent{b}{bx} \substitutesilent{b}{sb} \substitutesilent{b}{db} \substitutesilent{m}{mb} \substitutesilent{m}{l} \end{verbatim} The following shape substitutions are standard: \begin{verbatim} \substitutenoisy{ui}{it} \substitutesilent{it}{sl} \substitutesilent{sl}{it} \end{verbatim} In order to disable a default substitution, use the \meta{from} for both arguments. The |\installfontas| command should be considered as an alternative to using font substitution, as it gives much finer control over what \fd entries will be made. \begin{decl} |\declaresize|\arg{size}\arg{fd-size-range} \end{decl} This declares a new size shorthand, and gives the \fd size specifications for it. For example, \url{fontinst.sty} declares the following sizes: \begin{verbatim} \declaresize{}{<<->>} \declaresize{5}{<<5>>} \declaresize{6}{<<6>>} \declaresize{7}{<<7>>} \declaresize{8}{<<8>>} \declaresize{9}{<<9>>} \declaresize{10}{<<10>>} \declaresize{11}{<<10.95>>} \declaresize{12}{<<12>>} \declaresize{14}{<<14.4>>} \declaresize{17}{<<17.28>>} \declaresize{20}{<<20.74>>} \declaresize{25}{<<24.88>>} \end{verbatim} The first of these is what gives an empty \meta{size} argument for the font installation commands the meaning ``all sizes''. \begin{decl} |\declareencoding|\arg{string}\arg{etx} \end{decl} This declares which \etx file corresponds to which \texttt{CODINGSCHEME} string, and is used when reading metrics in \pl format. For example, \url{fontinst.sty} declares the following encoding strings: \begin{verbatim} \declareencoding{TEX TEXT}{ot1} \declareencoding{TEX TEXT WITHOUT F-LIGATURES}{ot1} \declareencoding{TEX TYPEWRITER TEXT}{ot1tt} \declareencoding{TEX MATH ITALIC}{oml} \declareencoding{TEX MATH SYMBOLS}{oms} \declareencoding{TEX MATH EXTENSION}{omx} \declareencoding{EXTENDED TEX FONT ENCODING - LATIN}{t1} \declareencoding{TEX TEXT COMPANION SYMBOLS 1---TS1}{ts1} \declareencoding{TEXBASE1ENCODING}{8r} \declareencoding{TEX TYPEWRITER AND WINDOWS ANSI}{8y} \end{verbatim} \subsection{Low-level conversion commands} The following commands are the low-level commands which carry out various conversions. There's usually no need to bother about them unless you are hacking \fontinst, but you may see them in the header comments of files \fontinst generates, so here's a description of what they do and when they are used. \begin{decl} |\afmtomtx|\marg{afmfile}\marg{mtxfile}\\ |\generalpltomtx|\marg{plfile}\marg{mtxfile}% \marg{plsuffix}\marg{opt-enc} \end{decl} These handle importing font metric data to the \fontinst native \mtx format. |\afmtomtx| converts metrics in \afm format. It uses the \texttt{minimumkern} integer variable and the |\slanteditalcorr| and |\uprightitalcorr| command variables. |\generalpltomtx| converts metrics in \pl or \vpl format. If the \meta{opt-enc} string expression is nonempty then that is taken as the name of an \etx file that assigns glyph names to the slots in the font. \begin{decl} |\mtxtomtx|\marg{source MTX}\marg{destination MTX} \end{decl} This is the heart of the |\transformfont| command. It makes use of the \texttt{x-scale}, \texttt{y-scale}, and \texttt{slant-scale} integer variables, and the \texttt{etx-name} string variable. \begin{decl} |\mtxtopl|\marg{mtxfile}\marg{plfile} \end{decl} This converts \mtx metrics to \pl format; more precisely it generates \texttt{CHARACTER} property lists for |\setrawglyph| and |\setscaledrawglyph| commands. Kerning information is ignored. The command is used immediately after an |\afmtomtx| or |\mtxtomtx|. The invariant is that if there can be some |\setrawglyph| or |\setscaledrawglyph| command which refers to a glyph in some font, then there must also be a \pl file with metrics for that font. \begin{decl} |\etxtovpl|\marg{encoding list}\marg{vplfile}\\ |\etxtopl|\marg{encoding list}\marg{plfile} \end{decl} These are the cores of |\installfont| and |\installrawfont| respectively. They don't really convert files---it's more like generating a \vpl or \pl under the control of the \etx. \subsection{Other} The following commands also belong in this section, but don't belong to any of the major groups. \begin{decl} |\recordtransforms|\marg{filename}\\ |\endrecordtransforms| \end{decl} See Subsection~\ref{Ssec:MapFragments} for an explanation of how these are used. \begin{decl} |\NOFILES| \end{decl} This command switches off file generation, and causes \fontinst to only generate empty files. It only affects the user level commands, so it is primarily of use when debugging commands that build on these, such as for example the |\latin|\-|family| command. \section{Mapmaking commands} \label{Sec:Mapmaking} The commands described in this section are for use with command files that input \texttt{finstmsc.sty}. \subsection{Mapfile command reference} For an introduction to making map file entries, see Subsection~\ref{Ssec:MapFragments}. \begin{decl} |\adddriver|\marg{driver name}\marg{fragment file name} \end{decl} This opens the file \meta{fragment file name} for writing mapfile entries to. The \meta{driver name} selects the format of these entries. \emph{Note} that if the \meta{fragment file name} does not include a suffix, it will get the suffix \setfilename{tex}, which is probably not what you want. \begin{decl} |\makemapentry|\marg{\TeX\ font name} \end{decl} This causes a mapfile entry for the specified font to be written to all files currently open for receiving mapfile entries. These commands are usually automatically generated by \fontinst. \begin{decl} |\donedrivers| \end{decl} This closes all files open for receiving mapfile entries. \subsection{Drivers} The \meta{driver name}s that may be used with |\adddriver| are: \begin{decl} |dvips| \end{decl} The \dvips driver. The mapfiles generated are useful also with pdf\TeX, but one does not always use the exact same file for both; sometimes they require different settings. \begin{decl} |dvipdfm| \end{decl} The \setpackagename{dvipdfm} \dvi-to-\pdf driver. Not much tested, but appears to work. \begin{decl}[v1.915] |pltotf| \end{decl} Not really a \dvi driver. The file that is generated is a shell script of \texttt{pltotf} commands for converting precisely those \pl files which are needed to \tfm files (\fontinst generally generates also a bunch of \pl files that in the end turn out to be unnecessary). The \texttt{TFMfileprefix} variable can be used to specify a path to the directory where these files should be placed. \begin{decl} |debug| \end{decl} Not a \dvi driver either, but for each base font a report on the information that was available. Useful if you need to write the driver file yourself. \begin{hackernote} Creating a new driver \meta{foo} is mostly a matter of suitably defining the |\make_|\meta{foo} command. \end{hackernote} \subsection{Configuration commands} \label{Ssec:MapConfig} The following commands configure the generation of mapfile entries, mostly with respect to how various pieces of information are deduced from other pieces. \begin{decl} |\AssumeAMSBSYY|\\ |\AssumeBaKoMa|\\ |\AssumeMetafont| \end{decl} These commands change what the map file writer does when it needs to know the \PS name for a font but only knows the \TeX\ name. This usually happen when the metrics came from a \pl file. |\AssumeAMSBSYY| tells it to uppercase the \TeX\ name and use that as \PS name; this is correct for the AMS\slash Blue~Sky\slash Y\&Y conversions of the Computer Modern fonts. |\AssumeBaKoMa| tells it to lowercase the \TeX\ name and use that as \PS name; this is correct for the BaKoMa conversions of the Computer Modern fonts. |\AssumeMetafont| tells it to ignore base fonts for which no \PS name is known, on the assumption that they are \mf fonts. \begin{decl} |\AssumeLWFN| \end{decl} This commands changes what the map file writer does when it needs to know the name of the file in which a \PS font is stored. The file name is constructed from the \PS font name using the $5+3+3+\cdots$ convention used in (Classic) Mac~OS. By default \fontinst uses as \PS font file name the \TeX\ name of the font (i.e., the name of the source \afm or whatever file) and appends to that the contents of the \texttt{PSfontsuffix} string. For fonts which fit neither of these schemes, one can give individual specifications using the command \begin{decl*} |\specifypsfont|\marg{PS font name}\marg{actions} \end{decl*} Note that the font is here identified using its \PS font name, not the \TeX\ font name. An \meta{action} is one of\footnote{Additional actions can be added in the future, if there is a need for them. It is not a problem if not all driver can support an action, since all actions typically default to \cs{download}.} \begin{decl*}[v1.928] |\download|\marg{file}\\ |\fulldownload|\marg{file} \end{decl*} where \meta{file} is a file to download (`download' typically means ``include in the generated \PS output or equivalent''). The difference between |\download| and |\fulldownload| have to do with how partial downloading (subsetting) of fonts should be handled. |\download| means use the driver's defaults (often settable via command line options) for this. |\fulldownload| means don't subset: always include the full font, if \fontinst knows how to express this in a map file entry for this particular driver. If FooBar-Regular is a non-subsettable font, then you may specify this to \fontinst through a command like \begin{verbatim} \specifypsfont{FooBar-Regular}{\fulldownload{foobar.pfb}} \end{verbatim} To specify that the PDF ``base 14'' fonts do not require downloading, one would say \begin{verbatim} \specifypsfont{Courier}{} \specifypsfont{Courier-Bold}{} \specifypsfont{Courier-BoldOblique}{} \specifypsfont{Courier-Oblique}{} \specifypsfont{Helvetica}{} \specifypsfont{Helvetica-Bold}{} \specifypsfont{Helvetica-BoldOblique}{} \specifypsfont{Helvetica-Oblique}{} \specifypsfont{Times-Roman}{} \specifypsfont{Times-Bold}{} \specifypsfont{Times-Italic}{} \specifypsfont{Times-BoldItalic}{} \specifypsfont{Symbol}{} \specifypsfont{ZapfDingbats}{} \end{verbatim} When more than one action appears in the \meta{actions} argument, then it is usually the last that actually creates the font, whereas the others contain resources needed by the last. \begin{decl} |\declarepsencoding|\marg{etx}\marg{postscript name}\marg{action} \end{decl} This command specifies how reencoding using a particular \etx file should be performed by the driver. The \meta{postscript name} is the \PS name of the encoding vector used, whereas the \meta{action} is the action (as above) that the driver needs to perform to make the encoding known to whatever it is that it is serving (often a \PS interpreter). Usually the right thing to do is to |\download| an \enc file, but there is also an action \begin{decl*}[v1.931] |\encodingdownload|\marg{file} \end{decl*} which tries to express the fact that the \meta{file} contains an encoding vector. In the case of \dvips this is only necessary if (i)~the font is being subsetted and (ii)~the \meta{file} name is nonstandard (does not end with \enc). \begin{decl}[v1.931] |\providepsencoding|\marg{etx}\marg{postscript name}\marg{action} \end{decl} This command is the same as |\declarepsencoding|, except that it doesn't do anything if an encoding has already been declared for this \meta{etx}. It is used for autogenerated encoding declarations, so that these will not override one issued by the user. \begin{decl} |\storemapdata|\marg{\TeX\ font name}\marg{source}\marg{transforms} \end{decl} This records information about how the font named \meta{\TeX\ font name} was generated. Such commands are usually found in the file of recorded transforms. If a font is encountered for which no information has been stored, then the corresponding \mtx file will be sourced, looking for a |\storemapdata| command there. A \meta{source} is one of \begin{decl*} |\fromafm|\marg{\afm name}\marg{PS name}\\ |\frompl|\marg{\pl name}\\ |\frommtx|\marg{\mtx name}\\ |\fromvpl| \end{decl*} Note that several of them have a different syntax and meaning than they do in fontmaking command files. A \meta{transform} is one of \begin{decl*} |\reencodefont|\marg{etx}\\ |\reglyphfont|\\ |\transformfont|\marg{x-scale}\marg{slant-scale} \end{decl*} Note that all of these have a different meaning than they do in fontmaking command files. \begin{decl} |\debugvalue|\arg{name} \end{decl} This adds a value to the list of those that are reported by the \texttt{debug} driver. Example: \begin{verbatim} \debugvalue{PS_font_file} \end{verbatim} \subsection{Basic conversion commands} Some of the basic ``convert an $X$ file to a $Y$ file'' commands in \fontinst are not useful as part of a fontmaking run, and are available only in \texttt{finstmsc.sty} to conserve some memory. \begin{decl} |\enctoetx|\marg{encfile}\marg{etxfile} \end{decl} This reads the file \meta{encfile}\texttt{.enc} which should be simple \PS code defining a \PS encoding vector and generates a corresponding rudimentary \fontinst encoding file \meta{etxfile}\texttt{.etx}. It's a basic ``import encoding to \fontinst'' command. \begin{decl}[v1.911] |\etxtoenc|\marg{etxfiles}\marg{encfile} \end{decl} This does the opposite of |\enctoetx|; the information in the \etx files that is converted is the correspondence between slots and glyph names. \NEWfeature{v1.927} The \meta{etxfiles} argument is a comma-separated list of encoding files which are superimposed to generate the \PS encoding. The first |\setslot| for a particular slot is the one which decides which glyph will be placed there. \begin{decl}[v1.928] |\etxtocmap|\marg{etxfile}\marg{cmapfile} \end{decl} This reads an \etx file and generates a corresponding ToUnicode CMap file; the information that is converted is the map from slot numbers to |\Unicode| code points. \section{General commands} This section describes commands and mechanisms that are the same in all file types. Commands that are particular for one type of file are described in subsequent sections. \subsection{Variables} \label{Ssec:Variables} Many (but not all) of the activities \fontinst perform can be understood as either ``setting variables'' or ``formatting and writing to file data stored in some variable''. The accessing of variables is an important aspect of how \fontinst works. Variables come in different types and variables of different types live in different namespaces; |\int{foo}|, |\str{foo}|, and |\dim{foo}| refer to three different variables which are all named |foo|. Variables are either set or not set. Unless the contrary is stated explicitly, each variable defaults to not being set. It is an error to access the value of a variable that has not been set. \Fontinst variable assignments are as a rule local, i.e., will be undone when the enclosing \TeX\ group is ended. Most command file commands that cause files to be read will begin a group before reading the file(s) and end the group at some point after having read them. Taking string variables as an example, there are three commands for changing a string variable: \begin{decl*} |\setstr|\arg{name}\arg{string expression}\\ |\resetstr|\arg{name}\arg{string expression}\\ |\unsetstr|\arg{name} \end{decl*} The |\resetstr| command unconditionally sets the string variable \meta{name} to the full expansion of the \meta{string expression}. The |\unsetstr| command unconditionally renders the string variable \meta{name} unset. If the the string variable \meta{name} is currently unset then the |\setstr| command will set it to the full expansion of the \meta{string expression}, but if it already is set then |\setstr| does nothing. This pattern with three commands, one |\set|\dots\ which only sets unset variables, one |\reset|\dots\ which sets variables regardless of whether they have been set or not, and one |\unset|\dots\ which unsets variables is recurring in \fontinst. Variables are most commonly set using some |\set|\dots\ command; this has the effect that the first command to try to set a variable is the one which actually sets it. If |\set|\dots\ is the command for setting the value of a variable, the command for getting that value has the same name without the |set| part, e.g., |\setint|--|\int|, |\setglyph|--|\glyph|, etc. (Notable exceptions are |\setkern|, where the ``get'' command is called |\kerning|, and |\setcommand|, where no separate ``get'' command is needed.) There are typically also conditionals for testing whether variables are set, and these take the form |\ifis|\dots\arg{name}|\then|. \medskip % The following commands for changing the value of a variable can be % used anywhere: \begin{decl} |\setdim|\arg{dim}\arg{dimension}\\ |\setint|\arg{int}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\setstr|\arg{str}\arg{string expression} \end{decl} If the dimension variable \m{dim} is currently undefined, it is defined to be the current value of \m{dimension}. If the integer variable \m{int} is currently undefined, it is defined to be the current value of \m{integer expression}. If the string variable \m{str} is currently undefined, it is defined to be the current value of \m{string expression}. \begin{decl} |\setcommand|\arg{command}\meta{parameter text}\arg{replacement text} \end{decl} If the command \m{command} is currently undefined, it is defined to grab parameters as specified by the \meta{parameter text} and then expand to the \m{replacement text}. This uses the same syntax for parameters as the \TeX\ \verb|\def| command. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{r l} Number of parameters& \meta{parameter text}\\ 0& (empty)\\ 1& |#1|\\ 2& |#1#2|\\ 3& |#1#2#3|\\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{and so on.} \end{tabular} \end{center} Some examples: \begin{verbatim} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#2} \setcommand\lc#1#2{#1small} \end{verbatim} With the first definition, |\lc{A}{a}| expands to |a|, but with the second it expands to |Asmall|. \begin{decl} |\resetdim|\arg{dim}\arg{dimension}\\ |\resetint|\arg{int}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\resetstr|\arg{str}\arg{string expression} \end{decl} The dimension variable \m{dim} is defined to be the current value of \m{dimension}. The integer variable \m{int} is defined to be the current value of \m{integer expression}. The string variable \m{str} is defined to be the current value of the \m{string expression}. (|\resetstr| mostly boils down to a \TeX\ |\edef| command.) \begin{decl} |\resetcommand|\arg{command}\meta{parameter text}\arg{replacement text} \end{decl} The command \m{command} is defined to grab parameters as specified by the \meta{parameter text} and then expand to the \m{replacement text}. This is a synonym for the \TeX\ \verb|\def| command. \begin{decl} |\unsetdim|\arg{dim}\\ |\unsetint|\arg{int}\\ |\unsetstr|\arg{str}\\ |\unsetcommand|\arg{command} \end{decl} Makes \m{dim}, \m{int}, \m{str}, or \m{command} an undefined dimension, integer, string or command. \begin{decl}[v1.900] |\offcommand|\marg{command}\\ |\oncommand|\marg{command} \end{decl} |\offcommand| turns off a command, i.e., it redefines it to do nothing (while still taking the same number of arguments). |\oncommand| turns a command back on, i.e., it restores the definition the command had before a previous |\offcommand|. Using |\offcommand| on a command that is already off or |\oncommand| on a command that is not off has no effect. \subsection{Argument types and expansion} Most arguments of \fontinst commands belong to one of the following six categories: \begin{itemize} \item integer expressions, \item string expressions, \item comma-separated lists of string expressions, \item dimensions, \item commands (i.e., a single \TeX\ control sequence), and \item code (zero or more commands in sequence, each of which may have arguments of its own). \end{itemize} Integer expressions are explained in Subsection~\ref{Sec:integer} below. The most common form of a string expression is simply a sequence of character tokens, but any balanced text which expands to such a sequence of tokens is legal. Several of the standard \etx files use macros in string expressions to make glyph names to some extent configurable. Besides such custom macros, the following \fontinst commands may be used to access variable values inside a string expression \begin{decl*} |\strint|\arg{int}\\ |\str|\arg{str}\\ |\dim|\arg{dim} \end{decl*} Incidentally, these \m{int}, \m{str}, and \m{dim} are themselves string expressions (for the names of integer, string, and dimen respectively variables). Dimensions are simply \TeX\ \meta{dimen}s; their use is rather limited. \Fontinst does not provide for any sort of ``dimen expressions''. Most actual lengths are expressed as integer expressions, in AFM units ($1/1000$ of the font size). Common to integer expressions, string expressions, and dimensions is that these argument types get expanded during evaluation (in the case of string expressions, this expansion \emph{is} the evaluation), which means one can use macros in arguments of these types. Command arguments do not get expanded---they are mainly used with commands that modify the definitions of other commands. Comma-separated lists of string expressions are first split at commas (without prior expansion) and each element is then treated as a string expression (i.e., \emph{gets expanded}). (As remarked elsewhere, the \meta{metrics-list} argument of |\installfont| is not properly a comma-separated list of string expressions, even though it may look like one.) Code arguments are generally expanded, but one should not make any presumptions about \emph{when} this will happen, and similarly not assume that code placed in such an argument will only be executed once. It is typically safe to use a macro in a code argument if the definition of that macro stays the same throughout, but one should otherwise not use any other commands in code arguments than those explicitly documented as legal there. Finally, there are command arguments which do not fall into any of these categories. For these, one cannot give any rules: they might get expanded, but it could also happen that they won't. \subsection{Integer expressions} \label{Sec:integer} The \emph{integer expressions} provide a user-friendly syntax for \TeX\ arithmetic. They are used to manipulate any integers, including glyph dimensions (which are given in AFM units, that is 1000 to the design size). \TeX\ \pl fonts have their dimensions converted to AFM units automatically. The \emph{integer expressions} are: \begin{decl} \m{number} \end{decl} Returns the value of a \TeX\ \m{number} (as explained in \emph{The \TeX book}). Typical examples of this kind of integer expression are |0|, |1000|, |538|, |-20|, |"9C|, |'177|, etc. \begin{decl} |\int|\arg{int} \end{decl} Returns the value of the integer variable \m{int}. \begin{decl} |\width|\arg{glyph}\\ |\height|\arg{glyph}\\ |\depth|\arg{glyph}\\ |\italic|\arg{glyph} \end{decl} Returns the width, height, depth, or italic correction of the glyph variable \m{glyph}. \begin{decl} |\kerning|\arg{left}\arg{right} \end{decl} Returns the kerning between the \m{left} and \m{right} glyphs. Unlike other types of variable accesses, where it is an error to access something that has not been explicitly set, this command returns |0| if no kern has been set between the two glyphs. \begin{decl} |\neg|\arg{integer expression}\\ |\add|\arg{integer expression}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\sub|\arg{integer expression}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\max|\arg{integer expression}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\min|\arg{integer expression}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\mul|\arg{integer expression}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\div|\arg{integer expression}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\scale|\arg{integer expression}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\half|\arg{integer expression}\\ |\otherhalf|\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} These commands evaluate their argument(s) and perform some arithmetic operations on the result(s). |\neg| returns the negation of the \m{integer expression}. |\add| returns the sum of the two \m{integer expression}s. |\sub| returns the first \m{integer expression} minus the second. |\max| returns the maximum of the two \m{integer expression}s. |\min| returns the minimum of the two \m{integer expression}s. |\mul| returns the product of the two \m{integer expression}s. |\div| returns the first \m{integer expression} divided by the second. |\scale| returns the first \m{integer expression} times the second, divided by 1000. |\scale| does better rounding than the corresponding combination of |\mul| and |\div|. |\half| returns half the \m{integer expression}. It does better rounding than |\scale|\arg{integer expression}|{500}| or |\div|\arg{integer expression}|{2}|. |\otherhalf| returns the ``other half'' of the \m{integer expression}, i.e., the sum of |\half| something and |\otherhalf| the same thing is that thing back. \subsection{Conditionals and loops} \Fontinst has a rather extensive family of conditionals (|\if|s), and as of late also some convenient loop commands. The most common forms of a \fontinst conditional are \begin{decl*} |\if|\dots \meta{argument(s)}|\then| \meta{then branch} |\Fi|\\ |\if|\dots \meta{argument(s)}|\then| \meta{then branch} |\Else| \meta{else branch} |\Fi| \end{decl*} i.e., \fontinst uses Plain\TeX\ style conditionals (with else and fi control sequences) rather than \LaTeX\ style conditionals (with separate arguments for the two branches). Every |\if|\dots\ command can be thought of as testing some condition. If the condition is true then the \meta{then branch} will be executed, but not the \meta{else branch} (if there is one). If the condition is false then the \meta{then branch} will not be executed, but if there is an \meta{else branch} then that will be executed. Conditionals may be nested (i.e., occur in the then or else branch). \begin{hackernote} The |\then| is not just syntactic sugar, but a functional part of those conditionals which take arguments. Its purpose is to look like an |\if| to \TeX\ when the conditional occurs in a skipped branch of another conditional. \end{hackernote} The most common conditionals are those which test if a variable is set. \begin{decl*} |\ifisint|\arg{int}|\then|\\ |\ifisdim|\arg{dim}|\then|\\ |\ifisstr|\arg{str}|\then|\\ |\ifiscommand|\arg{command}|\then| \end{decl*} These cause the following \meta{then branch} to be executed if the specified variable is set, and the \meta{else branch} to be executed if the variable is not set. The \meta{int}, \meta{dim}, and \meta{str} are string expressions for the names of an integer, dimension, and string respectively variable. The \meta{command} is the actual control sequence (command variable) that should be tested. \begin{decl} |\ifisglyph|\arg{glyph}|\then| \end{decl} This similarly tests if a glyph (also a variable of a kind) is set in the current glyph base. The glyph name \meta{glyph} is a string expression. \begin{decl}[v1.917] |\ifareglyphs|\marg{glyph list}|\then| \end{decl} This command tests whether all the glyphs in the \meta{glyph list} (a comma-separated list of string expressions) are set in the current glyph base. If one of the glyphs is not set then the condition is false. \begin{decl}[v1.900] |\ifnumber|\marg{integer expression}\meta{rel}% \marg{integer expression}|\then| \end{decl} The \meta{rel} is one of \texttt{<}, \texttt{=}, and \texttt{>}. This command evaluates the two \meta{integer expression}s and then tests whether the specified relation holds between their values. \begin{decl}[v1.900] |\ifiskern|\marg{glyph1}\marg{glyph2}|\then| \end{decl} This tests whether a kern has been set with \meta{glyph1} on the left and \meta{glyph2} on the right (both arguments are string expressions). This is almost the negation of \begin{verbatim} \ifnumber{\kerning{}{}}={0}\then \end{verbatim} but |\ifiskern| can distinguish the case that an zero kern has been set (true) from the case that no such kern has been set (false), which |\kerning| can not. It is however unlikely that this distinction would ever be of use in a practical situation. \begin{decl}[v1.924] |\ifoption|\marg{string}|\then| \end{decl} Test whether \meta{string} (a string expression) is among the current list of options. This list is by default empty, elements are added using |option| modifiers (cf.~the description of |\installfont|), and the list is cleared for each new file for which one can specify options. \begin{decl}[v1.909] |\Else| |\Fi| \end{decl} For \fontinst, these two control sequences are precisely the same as the \TeX\ primitives |\else| and |\fi|, but things are a bit more complicated in \fontdoc. The mechanism in \fontdoc\ that allows it to present both branches of the conditional in the typeset output requires that |\Else| and |\Fi| generate typeset output. See also the |\showbranches| \fontdoc command. \begin{hackernote} Before |\Else| and |\Fi| were introduced, the \TeX\ primitives |\else| and |\fi| were used instead for \fontinst conditionals. Back then, \fontdoc defined all conditionals to expand to |\iftrue|. It used to be the case that all conditionals would be fully expandable (which in particular would have made it possible to use them in string expressions), but that is no longer the case. \end{hackernote} The \fontdoc formatter for visible branches treats an |\Else| immediately followed by an `if' as an `else if', i.e., it assumes the entire else branch consists of the conditional begun at that `if' and leaves out one level of indentation. When that is not the case, you will upon typesetting get a \LaTeX\ error about |\begin{IfBranchDummy}| and |\end{IfBranch}|. In that case you need to help the formatter by placing something between the |\Else| and the `if'; as it turns out leaving an empty line there is sufficient (although just a single newline is not). \begin{decl}[v1.901] |\for|\parg{name}\marg{start}\marg{stop}\marg{step} \meta{body} |\endfor|\parg{name} \end{decl} will cause the \meta{body} code to be repeated some number of times. How many depends on the values of \meta{start}, \meta{stop}, and \meta{step}, which are integer expressions. As a precaution, the \meta{body} is not allowed to contain any empty lines (|\par| tokens). If you want to have the visual separation (for sakes of legibility or otherwise), put a |%| somewhere on the line---that makes it nonempty. \meta{name} should consist of character tokens only. It is used as the name of an integer variable, which will serve as loop variable. This variable gets reset to the value of \meta{start} before the first repetition of \meta{body code}. After each repetition but the last, it is incremented by \meta{step}. \meta{body} gets repeated if the value of \meta{name} has not gotten past that of \meta{stop}. To get past means to be bigger if \meta{step} is positive and to be smaller if \meta{step} is negative. In the case that \meta{step} is zero, the entire construction above will be equivalent to \begin{quote} |\resetint|\marg{name}\marg{start}\\ \meta{body} \end{quote} |\for| \textellipsis\ |\endfor| constructions can be nested. \meta{name} is used by |\for| to identify its matching |\endfor|, so they need to be identical in |\for| and |\endfor|. \textbf{Note} that the delimiters around the \meta{name} are parentheses, not braces. \begin{decl}[v1.901] |\foreach|\parg{name}\marg{csep-list} \meta{body} |\endfor|\parg{name} \end{decl} will cause the \meta{body} code to be repeated one time for each item in the \meta{csep-list}. \meta{csep-list} is a comma-separated list of string expressions. As a precaution, the \meta{body} is not allowed to contain any empty lines (|\par| tokens). If you want to have the visual separation (for sakes of legibility or otherwise), put a |%| somewhere on the line---that makes it nonempty. \meta{name} should consist of character tokens only. It is used as the name of a string variable, which will serve as loop variable. Before each repetition of the \meta{body code}, the loop variable will get reset to the next item in the \meta{csep-list}. |\foreach|\textellipsis\ |\endfor| constructions can be nested. \meta{name} is used by |\foreach| to identify its matching |\endfor|, so they need to be identical in |\foreach| and |\endfor|. \textbf{Note} that the delimiters around the \meta{name} are parentheses, not braces. \subsection{Other general commands} \begin{decl} |\needsfontinstversion|\arg{version} \end{decl} This issues a warning if the current version of the \fontinst package is less than \m{version}. \begin{decl}[v1.914] |\needsTeXextension|\marg{extension tests}\marg{who} \end{decl} The |\needsTeXextension| command issues a warning if \fontinst is not being run on one of the listed extensions of \TeX. This can be used to protect files that make use of features not present in base \TeX. As \meta{who} is preferably used the file name in which the command occurs; it should be the answer to ``who is issuing this warning?'' An extension test is one of: \begin{decl*} |\eTeX|\marg{version number}\\ |\pdfTeX|\marg{version number}\marg{revision} \end{decl*} Multiple tests in sequence are \textsc{or}'ed together. If you rather need to \textsc{and} them, then use separate |\needsTeXextension| commands. \begin{hackernote} At present there is no test for Omega. This is really a shame, because the extended character codes (outside the 0--255 range) provided by Omega is the existing extension that would be most useful for \fontinst, but Omega documentation does not give any indication of how such a test should be implemented. Code contributions are welcome. \end{hackernote} \begin{decl}[v1.915] |\fontinstcc|\\ |\normalcc| \end{decl} |\fontinstcc| switches to the catcodes used in e.g.\@ \texttt{fontinst.sty}: |_| and |@| are letters, space and newline are ignored, and |~| is a space. |\normalcc| switches back to normal catcodes. \begin{decl}[v1.900] |\begincomment| \meta{text} |\endcomment| \end{decl} This hides the \meta{text} from \fontinst processing, but allows it to show up when the file is typeset with \fontdoc. \begin{decl}[v1.906] |\fontinsterror|\marg{subsystem}\marg{error}\marg{help}\\ |\fontinstwarning|\marg{subsystem}\marg{warning}\\ |\fontinstwarningnoline|\marg{subsystem}\marg{warning}\\ |\fontinstinfo|\marg{subsystem}\marg{info} \end{decl} General commands to convey information to the user, based on \LaTeX's |\PackageError|, |\PackageWarning|, etc. \begin{decl}[v1.906] |\messagebreak| \end{decl} Used to start a new line in an \meta{error}, \meta{help}, \meta{warning}, or \meta{info} message. Finally, there are two Plain\TeX\ commands which should be mentioned: \begin{decl*} |\input| \meta{file name}\\ |\bye| \end{decl*} |\input| followed by a \meta{file name} (\emph{without} braces around) is the recommended way of inputting a \fontinst command file, or the \fontinst package itself (\texttt{fontinst.sty}, \texttt{finstmsc.sty}, etc.). This is the only way to make things work regardless of whether the underlying format is \LaTeX, Plain\TeX, or even a raw Ini\TeX. |\bye| is the command to use to terminate a \fontinst command file. \section{Encoding files} An \emph{encoding file} (or \texttt{.etx} file) is a \TeX\ document with the structure: \begin{quote} |\relax|\\ \meta{ignored material}\\ |\encoding|\\ \meta{encoding commands}\\ |\endencoding|\\ \meta{ignored material} \end{quote} This describes the encoding of a font, using the \m{encoding commands}. Since the encoding file ignores any material between \verb|\relax| and \verb|\encoding|, an \emph{encoding file} can also be a \LaTeX\ document. The structure is then \begin{quote} |\relax|\\ |\documentclass{article} %| Or some other class\\ |\usepackage{fontdoc}|\\ \meta{\LaTeX\ preamble}\\ |\begin{document}|\\ \meta{\LaTeX\ text}\\ |\encoding|\\ \m{encoding commands}\\ |\endencoding|\\ \meta{\LaTeX\ text}\\ |\end{document}| \end{quote} See also the descriptions in \emph{Writing ETX format font encoding specifications} (\texttt{encspecs.tex}). \subsection{Encoding commands} The \m{encoding commands} are: \begin{decl} |\nextslot|\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} Sets the number of the next slot. If there is no \verb|\nextslot| command, the number is the successor of the previous slot. Immediately after |\encoding|, the next slot number is $0$. \begin{decl}[v1.8] |\skipslots|\arg{integer expressions} \end{decl} Advances the number of the next slot. \begin{decl} |\setslot|\arg{glyph} \m{slot commands} |\endsetslot| \end{decl} Assigns \m{glyph} to the current slot. The \m{slot commands} can be used to specify additional behaviour for the slot, and typically also contains comments about the glyph. \begin{decl}[v1.9] |\setleftboundary|\marg{glyph} \m{slot commands} |\endsetleftboundary| \end{decl} Makes the beginning of a word (left boundary) behave like the right side of \m{glyph} with respect to kerning. |\ligature| commands in the \meta{slot commands} create beginning of word ligatures. \begin{decl}[v1.9] |\setrightboundary|\marg{glyph} \end{decl} Makes the end of a word (right boundary) behave like the left side of \m{glyph} with respect to kerning and ligatures. The current slot position is left empty. \begin{decl} |\inputetx|\arg{file} \end{decl} Inputs the \m{encoding commands} of \m{file}\texttt{.etx}. \begin{decl}[v1.917] |\setfontdimen|\marg{fontdimen no.}\marg{integer variable} \end{decl} Sets up a correspondence between a font dimension and an integer variable. When generating a font, the font dimension value is taken from the integer variable. When converting a font from \pl or \vpl format, the fontdimen value will be recorded as a |\setint| command for the variable. \begin{decl}[v1.924] |\ifdirect| \end{decl} Encoding files set up a correspondence between slot numbers and glyph names, which can be used in two different ways. In the \emph{direct} mode, encoding files map slot numbers to glyph names. In the \emph{inverse} mode, glyph names are mapped to slot numbers. The inverse mapping can in general be one-to-many, and when precisely one target slot is needed \fontinst chooses that arbitrarily. The |\ifdirect| conditional can be used to disambiguate the inverse mapping, by conditionalising all undesired |\setslot|s on that the file is being interpreted in the direct mode. For example: \begin{verbatim} \ifdirect \setslot{hyphen} \comment{Soft hyphen slot} \endsetslot \Else \skipslots{1} \Fi \end{verbatim} Currently the only case in which encoding files are being read in the inverse mode is when reencoding fonts. \begin{decl}[v1.8] |\setslotcomment|\marg{text}\\ |\resetslotcomment|\marg{text}\\ |\unsetslotcomment| \end{decl} These commands can be used to specify an automatic |\comment| text for all slots. They are ignored by \fontinst, but interpreted by \fontdoc. \begin{decl}[v1.8] |\useexamplefont|\marg{font} \end{decl} This command is ignored by \fontinst. In \fontdoc it sets the font that is used by the |\slotexample| command. The \meta{font} argument has the same syntax for a font as the \TeX\ primitive |\font|. \subsection{Slot commands} The \m{slot commands} are: \begin{decl} |\comment|\arg{text} \end{decl} A comment, which is ignored by \fontinst, but typeset as a separate paragraph by \fontdoc. \begin{decl}[v1.917] |\label|\arg{text} \end{decl} A reference label (like in \LaTeX), which records the slot number and glyph name. Ignored by \fontinst. \begin{decl} |\ligature|\arg{ligtype}\arg{glyph1}\arg{glyph2} \end{decl} |\ligature| declares a ligature of type \m{ligtype}, which will take effect if the current glyph is immediately followed by \meta{glyph1} when \TeX\ is constructing a list of horizontal material. This ligature will then replace the two glyphs by the third glyph \meta{glyph2}. For example: \begin{verbatim} \setslot{ff} \comment{The `ff' ligature.} \ligature{LIG}{i}{ffi} \ligature{LIG}{l}{ffl} \endsetslot \end{verbatim} declares one ligature \(\texttt{ff}*\texttt{i} \longrightarrow \texttt{ffi}\) and one ligature \(\texttt{ff}*\texttt{l} \longrightarrow \texttt{ffl}\). The eight \m{ligtype}s are the names of the underlying \pl properties, i.e.,: \begin{quote} \texttt{LIG}\hfil \texttt{/LIG}\hfil \texttt{/LIG>}\hfil \texttt{LIG/}\hfil \texttt{LIG/>}\hfil \texttt{/LIG/}\hfil \texttt{/LIG/>}\hfil \texttt{/LIG/>>} \end{quote} The basic \texttt{LIG} may be immediately preceded or followed by a slash, and then immediately followed by \texttt{>} characters not exceeding the number of slashes. The slashes specify retention of the left or right original glyph; the \texttt{>} signs specify passing over that many glyphs of the result without further ligature or kern processing. \begin{decl}[v1.918] |\Ligature|\arg{ligtype}\arg{glyph}\arg{glyph}\\ |\oddligature|\marg{note}\arg{ligtype}\arg{glyph}\arg{glyph} \end{decl} The |\Ligature| command is by default a synonym of |\ligature| (but \fontdoc may typeset them differently). The |\oddligature| command is by default ignored by \fontinst. See \setfilename{encspecs.tex} for an explanation of the semantic differences. \begin{decl} |\makerightboundary|\arg{glyph} \end{decl} This makes the current slot the end of word (right boundary) marker with respect to ligatures and kerning, i.e., \TeX\ will kern and ligature as if there was an invisible occurrence of this character after the last character of every word. All kerns and ligatures with \meta{glyph} as the right part will apply for this slot. It is preferable to use |\setrightboundary| to control end of word behaviour if you have an empty slot to spare. \begin{decl} |\Unicode|\marg{code point}\marg{name}\\ |\charseq|\marg{\cs{Unicode} commands} \end{decl} These commands declare a Unicode character or character sequence as possible interpretations of what is in this slot. They are ignored when making fonts, but \fontdoc give them a prominent role in encoding specifications and to |\etxtocmap| they are the primary properties of the slot. \begin{decl}[Obsolete?!] |\usedas|\arg{type}\arg{control sequence} \end{decl} This command declares a \TeX\ control sequence for this slot, with the \emph{type} taken from: \begin{verbatim} char accent mathord mathbin mathrel mathopen mathclose mathpunct mathvariable mathaccent mathdelim \end{verbatim} There is currently no code in \fontinst which makes any use of this command. It might in principle be possible to autogenerate \LaTeX\ output encoding definition (\meta{enc}\texttt{enc.def}) files and math symbol declarations from this information. \begin{decl} |\nextlarger|\arg{glyph} \end{decl} Math font property: makes \meta{glyph} the \textsc{nextlarger} entry of the current slot. \begin{decl} |\varchar| \m{varchar commands} |\endvarchar| \end{decl} Math font property: sets the \textsc{varchar} entry for the current slot, using the \m{varchar commands}. The possible \m{varchar commands} are: \begin{decl*} |\vartop|\arg{glyph}\\ |\varmid|\arg{glyph}\\ |\varbot|\arg{glyph}\\ |\varrep|\arg{glyph} \end{decl*} Sets the top, middle, bottom, or repeated \m{glyph} of the \textsc{varchar}. \subsection{Other} \begin{decl}[v1.9] |\ifisinslot|\marg{glyph}\marg{slot}|\then| \end{decl} During \vpl\slash\pl generation, this conditional tests whether glyph \meta{glyph} (a string expression) is put in the slot \meta{slot} (an integer expression). Since encoding files are normally read several times in that context, the exact behaviour of this command is a bit uncertain. It was intended to support collecting additional information about the fonts being generated, but at the time of writing this is probably only of academic interest. \begin{decl}[v1.931] |\declarepsencoding|\marg{etx-name}\marg{PS-encoding-name}% \marg{action} \end{decl} This command is placed in \etx files generated by |\enctoetx|, and has the same syntax as in a mapmaking command file (see Subsection~\ref{Ssec:MapConfig}). It records information about the source encoding file to assist the map file writer, but is mostly ignored by main \fontinst. \section{Metric files} \label{Sec:Metric} A \emph{metric file} (or \mtx file) is a \TeX\ document with the structure: \begin{quote} |\relax|\\ \emph{ignored material}\\ |\metrics|\\ \m{metric commands}\\ |\endmetrics|\\ \emph{ignored material} \end{quote} This describes the glyphs in a font, using the \m{metric commands}. Like encoding files, metric files can simultaneously be \LaTeX\ documents. Metric files are usually either \emph{hand-crafted} or \emph{transformable}. The transformable metric files typically encode the metrics of one particular font and are automatically generated. Hand-crafted metric files (such as \setfilename{latin.mtx}) typically do not contain much explicit metric data, instead the code there makes use of metrics previously specified by other files to construct new glyphs or adjust metrics to meet special conditions. Whereas transformable metric files tend to be mere lists of metric data, the hand-crafted metric files are more like programs. \subsection{Metric commands} The \m{metric commands} are as follows. All glyph name arguments are string expressions. \begin{decl} |\setglyph|\arg{name} \m{glyph commands} |\endsetglyph| \end{decl} If the glyph called \m{name} is undefined, it is built using the \m{glyph commands}, for example: \begin{verbatim} \setglyph{IJ} \glyph{I}{1000} \glyph{J}{1000} \endsetglyph \setglyph{Asmall} \glyph{A}{850} \endsetglyph \end{verbatim} The \meta{glyph commands} are not executed if the glyph has already been set. \begin{decl} |\resetglyph|\arg{name} \m{glyph commands} |\endresetglyph| \end{decl} This builds a glyph using the \m{glyph commands}, and defines (at~|\endresetglyph|) \meta{name} to be that glyph, regardless of whether that glyph was already defined. \begin{decl} |\unsetglyph|\arg{name} \end{decl} Makes the glyph called \m{name} undefined. \begin{decl} |\setrawglyph|\arg{name}\arg{font}\arg{dimen}\arg{slot}\\ \hspace*{1.5em}\arg{width}\arg{height}\arg{depth}\arg{italic correction}\\ |\setscaledrawglyph|% \arg{name}\arg{font}\arg{dimen}\arg{scale}\arg{slot}\\ \hspace*{1.5em}\arg{width}\arg{height}\arg{depth}\arg{italic correction} \end{decl} These commands will usually be generated automatically from an \afm or \pl file. If the glyph \meta{name} is undefined, then this sets it to be that which is found in slot \meta{slot} of font \meta{font}. The \meta{width}, \meta{height}, \meta{depth}, and \meta{italic} are saved away as the width, height, depth and italic correction respectively of the glyph. The \meta{scale} is a scaling factor which has been applied to the font to give it the specified metrics. If the integer variable \texttt{rawscale} is set, another scaling by that amount will be applied to the glyph (this is how the |scaled| keyword in |\installfont| metrics-lists take effect). The \meta{dimen} is the nominal \emph{design size} of the \meta{font}, usually |10pt|; this information isn't really needed for anything, but the \vf format requires it to be specified and match what is in \meta{font}\setfilename{.tfm}, so a \dvi driver is allowed to error out on us if we don't get this value right. \begin{decl} |\setnotglyph|\arg{name}\arg{font}\arg{dimen}\arg{slot}\\ \hspace*{1.5em}\arg{width}\arg{height}\arg{depth}\arg{italic correction}\\ |\setscalednotglyph|% \arg{name}\arg{font}\arg{dimen}\arg{scale}\arg{slot}\\ \hspace*{1.5em}\arg{width}\arg{height}\arg{depth}\arg{italic correction} \end{decl} These set a glyph called \m{name}\texttt{-not} (if that wasn't set already) to have the specified width, height, depth, and italic correction but be invisible in print. Such commands are usually generated automatically from an \afm file, when a glyph is present in the \m{font} but is not in the default encoding. They take the same arguments as |\setrawglyph| and |\setscaledrawglyph| respectively (although the \meta{slot} will normally be |-1|), because reencoding a font can turn |\setrawglyph| commands into |\setnotglyph| commands and vice versa. \begin{decl} |\inputmtx|\arg{file} \end{decl} Inputs the \m{metric commands} of \m{file}\texttt{.mtx}. \begin{decl}[v1.9] |\usemtxpackage|\marg{package~list}\\ |\ProvidesMtxPackage|\marg{package~name} \end{decl} |\usemtxpackage| behaves like |\inputmtx|, but it will only input a file if no |\ProvidesMtxPackage| for that file has been issued. By putting a |\ProvidesMtxPackage| in an \mtx file one can |use| it in several places without having to worry about it being sourced more than once. \begin{hackernote} |\ProvidesMtxPackage| declarations make local assignments, so the package is forgotten when the current group ends. In particular, the settings made with |\ProvidesMtxPackage| are forgotten when the current glyph base is flushed. \end{hackernote} \subsection{Glyph commands} The \m{glyph commands} add material to the glyph currently being constructed in a |\setglyph| \dots\ |\endsetglyph| or |\resetglyph| \dots\ |\endresetglyph|. They are: \begin{decl} |\glyph|\arg{glyph}\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} Sets the named glyph \m{glyph} at the given scale, with 1000 as the natural size. This: \begin{itemize} \item Advances the current glyph width. \item Sets the current glyph height to be at least the height of the named glyph, adjusted for the current vertical offset. \item Sets the current glyph depth to be at least the depth of the named glyph, adjusted for the current vertical offset. \item Sets the current glyph italic correction to be the same as the set glyph. \end{itemize} The named glyph must have already been defined, otherwise an error will occur. For example: \begin{verbatim} \setglyph{fi} \glyph{f}{1000} \glyph{i}{1000} \endsetglyph \end{verbatim} \begin{decl} |\glyphrule|\arg{integer expression}\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} Sets a rule of the given width and height, for example: \begin{verbatim} \setglyph{underline} \glyphrule{333}{40} \endsetglyph \end{verbatim} \begin{decl} |\glyphspecial|\arg{string expression} \end{decl} Sets a driver-dependent \verb|\special|, for example: \begin{verbatim} \setglyph{crest} \glyphspecial{Filename: crest.eps} \endsetglyph \end{verbatim} \begin{decl} |\glyphwarning|\arg{string expression} \end{decl} Sets a warning \verb|\special|, and produces a warning message each time the glyph is used, for example: \begin{verbatim} \setglyph{missingglyph} \glyphrule{500}{500} \glyphwarning{Missing glyph `missingglyph'} \endsetglyph \end{verbatim} \begin{decl} |\movert|\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} Moves right by the given amount, and advances the current glyph width, for example: \begin{verbatim} \setglyph{Asmall} \movert{50} \glyph{A}{700} \movert{50} \endsetglyph \end{verbatim} \begin{decl} |\moveup|\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} Moves up by the given amount, and advances the current vertical offset. Each glyph should always end at vertical offset zero, for example: \begin{verbatim} \setglyph{onehalf} \moveup{500} \glyph{one}{700} \moveup{-500} \glyph{slash}{1000} \moveup{-200} \glyph{two}{700} \moveup{200} \endsetglyph \end{verbatim} \begin{decl} |\push| \m{glyph commands} |\pop| \end{decl} Performs the \m{glyph commands}, but at the |\pop| the current position and glyph width are restored to what they were at the |\push|, for example: \begin{verbatim} \setglyph{aacute} \push \movert{\half{\sub{\width{a}}{\width{acute}}}} \glyph{acute}{1000} \pop \glyph{a}{1000} \endsetglyph \end{verbatim} \begin{decl} |\glyphpcc|\arg{glyph}\arg{integer expression}\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} This is generated from \texttt{PCC} instructions in an \afm file, and is syntactic sugar for: \begin{quote} \small |\push|\\ |\movert|\arg{first integer expression}\\ |\moveup|\arg{second integer expression}\\ |\glyph|\arg{glyph}|{1000}|\\ |\pop| \end{quote} \begin{decl} |\resetwidth|\arg{integer expression}\\ |\resetheight|\arg{integer expression}\\ |\resetdepth|\arg{integer expression}\\ |\resetitalic|\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} Sets the width, height, depth, or italic correction of the current glyph. \begin{decl} |\samesize|\arg{glyph} \end{decl} Sets the dimensions of the current glyph to be the same as \m{glyph}. \bigskip Inside a |\setglyph| definition of \m{glyph}, you can use expressions such as |\width|\arg{glyph} to refer to the glyph defined so far. For example, a display summation sign can be defined to be a text summation $\sum$ scaled 120\% with 0.5\,pt extra height and depth using: \begin{verbatim} \setglyph{summationdisplay} \glyph{summationtext}{1200} \resetheight{\add{\height{summationdisplay}}{50}} \resetdepth{\add{\depth{summationdisplay}}{50}} \endsetglyph \end{verbatim} Within a |\resetglyph|, these expressions will refer to the previous definition of the glyph. For example, you can add sidebearings to the letter `A' with: \begin{verbatim} \resetglyph{A} \movert{25} \glyph{A}{1000} \movert{25} \endresetglyph \end{verbatim} \subsection{Kerning commands} The kerning commands may be used anywhere in a metrics file. \begin{decl} |\setkern|\arg{glyph}\arg{glyph}\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} This sets a kern between the two glyphs, scaled by the current value of \texttt{rawscale}, unless such a kern already has been set. \begin{decl}[v1.9] |\resetkern|\arg{glyph}\arg{glyph}\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} |\resetkern| unconditionally sets a kern between the two glyphs, scaled by the current value of \texttt{rawscale}. \begin{decl} |\setleftkerning|\arg{glyph}\arg{glyph}\arg{integer expression}\\ |\setrightkerning|\arg{glyph}\arg{glyph}\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} Sets the amount by which the first glyph should mimic how the second glyph kerns on the left or right, for example: \begin{verbatim} \setleftkerning{Asmall}{A}{850} \setrightkerning{Asmall}{A}{850} \setleftkerning{IJ}{I}{1000} \setrightkerning{IJ}{J}{1000} \end{verbatim} The commands work by copying kerning pairs containing the first glyph. As the names indicates, these commands do not override kerning pairs previously set. \begin{decl}[v1.8] |\setleftrightkerning|\arg{glyph}\arg{glyph}\arg{integer expression} \end{decl} Sets the amount by which the first glyph should mimic how the second glyph kerns on both sides, for example: \begin{verbatim} \setleftrightkerning{Asmall}{A}{850} \end{verbatim} This command is equivalent to doing first a |\setleftkerning| and then a |\setrightkerning|. \begin{decl}[v1.906] |\noleftkerning|\arg{glyph}\\ |\norightkerning|\arg{glyph}\\ |\noleftrightkerning|\arg{glyph} \end{decl} Removes all kerning on the specified side(s) of the \meta{glyph}. \begin{decl}[v1.9] |\unsetkerns|\marg{left~glyph~list}\marg{right~glyph~list} \end{decl} Removes all kerns with one glyph in the \meta{left glyph list} on the left and one glyph in the \meta{right glyph list} on the right. \subsection{Other} \begin{decl}[v1.915] |\aliased|\marg{font's name}\marg{alias name} \end{decl} This command, which syntactically counts as a \meta{string expression}, is meant to be used in glyph name arguments of commands one may find in metric files. It was added to support combining mapfile entry generation with a custom form of reglyphing that has been developed for the \texttt{T2} bundle (Cyrillic font support). This does however not necessarily mean that the \texttt{T2} bundle has been updated to take advantage of this feature. The basic problem is that cyrillic fonts display a much greater variation in how the glyphs are named than latin fonts do.% \footnote{The Adobe guidelines have not been as prevailing here as in the latin range, but this isn't entirely surprising when they give opaque suggestions such as using the name \texttt{afii10018} for \texttt{U+0411} (\textsc{cyrillic capital letter be}). The suggestion made some sense though; AFII (Association for Font Information Interchange) maintained a glyph registry.} This complicates writing files similar to \setfilename{latin.mtx}, so the author of the \texttt{T2} bundle took the route to regularize the glyph names at the \afm to \mtx conversion step. Since \TeX\ does not know anything about glyph names, this makes no difference for the virtual fonts that are built. The glyph names do however make a difference for base fonts that are reencoded, since \PS encoding vectors list explicit glyph names that have to be the same as in the font. \Fontinst's choice of encoding vector for a mapfile entry is based on which \etx file was used in the reencoding, and hence the glyph names used when reencoding must match those actually used in the font, or problems will follow. The |\aliased| command can be used to preserve the information necessary for such reencodings. If a glyph name is specified as for example \begin{verbatim} \aliased{afii10018}{CYRB} \end{verbatim} then \fontinst will behave as if the glyph name is \texttt{CYRB} (i.e., the \meta{alias name}) for all purposes \emph{except} reencoding, where instead \fontinst behaves as if the glyph name is the \meta{font's name} \texttt{afii10018}. This makes it possible to use \etx files when reencoding which can be correctly translated to the right encoding vectors. \begin{decl}[v1.931] |\providepsencoding|\marg{etx}\marg{postscript name}\marg{action} \end{decl} If this command occurs in an \mtx file then it was placed there by a |\declare|\-|ps|\-|encoding| in an \etx file that was used to reencode this \mtx. It is meant for consumption by the mapfile writer, and is ignored by main \fontinst. \section{\textsf{fontdoc} commands} The following commands are defined by \fontdoc but are unknown to \fontinst. \subsection{Comment commands} \begin{decl} |\plaindiv|\\ |\plainint|\\ |\plainmax|\\ |\plainmin|\\ |\plainneg| \end{decl} These are the \LaTeX\ definitions of |\div|, |\int|, |\max|, |\min|, and |\neg| respectively. They are provided under these names because \fontinst uses the normal names for integer expression constructions. \begin{decl}[v1.8] |\slotexample| \end{decl} This typesets the character in the current slot from the example font (cf.~|\use|\-|example|\-|font|). \begin{decl}[v1.916] |\macroparameter|\marg{digit} \end{decl} This can be used in integer and string expressions. It typesets as \textit{\#n}, where `\textit{n}' is the \meta{digit}. \begin{decl}[v1.918] |\textunicode|\marg{code point}\marg{name} \end{decl} This generates a reference to a particular Unicode character, for use within a |\comment| or similar. \subsection{Style control commands} \begin{decl}[v1.909] |\showbranches| \end{decl} The is the main switch that turns on displaying both branches of \fontinst conditionals. If you use this command in an encoding or metrics file, you \textbf{must} use |\Else| and |\Fi| to delimit the conditionals in that file. If you do not use this command in an encoding or metrics file, then the conditionals will not generate any typeset material and neither will their \meta{else branch}es. \section{\fontinst variables} \label{Sec:Variables} The following is a list of the \fontinst variables that are accessible for the user through the |\set|\textellipsis, |\reset|\textellipsis, |\unset|\textellipsis, etc.\ commands. You may of course set or use other variables in the \mtx and \etx files you write yourself, as does for example the standard \mtx file \texttt{latin.mtx}, but all variables that \fontinst commands implicitly use or set are listed below. % \begin{list}{}{% % \setlength\labelwidth{0pt}% % \setlength\itemindent{-\leftmargin}% % \setlength\parsep{0pt} % \def\makelabel#1{\hspace\labelsep \normalfont\ttfamily #1}% % } \begin{itemize} \item[acccapheight] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The height of accented full capitals. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[address] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Snailmail address put in \BibTeX-style file header of automatically generated \enc files. No \texttt{address} field is written unless the \texttt{address} string is set. Quotes are not automatically inserted around the \texttt{address} string. \item[Set by] \etx files. \item[Used by] The \etx-to-\enc converter. \end{smalldes} \item[afm-name] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Name of source font. Internal variable. \item[Set by] |\from|\dots\ commands. \item[Used by] The |\transform|\-|font|, |\install|\-|font|, |\install|\-|raw|\-|font|, and |\reglyph|\-|font| commands. \end{smalldes} \item[ascender] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The ascender height of the font. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \afm-to-\mtx converter usually writes |\setint| commands for this integer. \item[Used by] Some \mtx and \etx files. \end{smalldes} \item[author] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Author name(s) put in \BibTeX-style file header of automatically generated \enc files. See the macro |\ref_to_sourcefile| for more details. \item[Set by] \etx files. \item[Used by] The \etx-to-\enc converter. When not set, the value \texttt{"See file }\meta{etx name}\texttt{"} is used instead. \end{smalldes} \item[\cs{autoinstallfamily}] (command) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Command called by the font installation commands, as \begin{quote} |\autoinstallfamily|\marg{encoding}\marg{family} \end{quote} when they are asked to install a font with a combination of \meta{encoding} and \meta{family} that has not been seen before (there was no explicit |\installfamily|). \item[Set by] Explicit commands. Defaults to calling |\installfamily|. \item[Used by] Font installation commands. \end{smalldes} \item[axisheight] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{22}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[baselineskip] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The font designer's recommendation for natural length of the \TeX\ parameter |\baselineskip|. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[bigopspacing1] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\xi\sb{9}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[bigopspacing2] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\xi\sb{10}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[bigopspacing3] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\xi\sb{11}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[bigopspacing4] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\xi\sb{12}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[bigopspacing5] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\xi\sb{13}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[capheight] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The height of the font's full capitals. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \afm-to-\mtx converter usually writes |\setint| commands for this variable. \item[Used by] Some \mtx and \etx files. \end{smalldes} \item[cmapname] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The name given to the CMap generated from an \etx file. \item[Set by] \etx files. \item[Used by] The \etx-to-CMap converter. When not set, the value |fontinst-|\nolinebreak[1]\meta{cmap file name} is used instead. \end{smalldes} \item[codingscheme] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The codingscheme name. \item[Set by] \etx files. \item[Used by] The \cvpl writer. When not set, the value \texttt{UNKNOWN} is used instead. \end{smalldes} \item[defaultrulethickness] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\xi\sb{8}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[delim1] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{20}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[delim2] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{21}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[denom1] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{11}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[denom2] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{12}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[descender] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The depth of lower case letters with descenders. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[descender\_neg] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The vertical position of the descender line of the font, i.e., the negative of the font's descender depth. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \afm-to-\mtx converter usually writes |\setint| commands for this variable. \item[Used by] Some \mtx and \etx files. \end{smalldes} \item[designsize] (dimension) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The design size of the font. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \cvpl-to-\mtx converter usually writes |\setdim| commands for this variable. \item[Used by] The \cvpl writer. The design size defaults to $10\,\mathrm{pt}$ if this variable is not set. \item[Note] The value of this variable has no effect on how the font is declared to \LaTeX. \end{smalldes} \item[designunits] (dimension denoting a real number) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The design size of a font expressed in the design unit used in a \cvpl file. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \cvpl-to-\mtx converter usually writes |\setdim| commands for this variable. \item[Used by] Nothing. If this variable is set, but to any value other than $1\,\mathrm{pt}$, then some metrics are most likely wrong. \end{smalldes} \item[digitwidth] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The median width of the digits in the font. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[email] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Email address put in \BibTeX-style file header of automatically generated \enc files. See the macro |\ref_to_sourcefile| for more details. \item[Set by] \etx files. \item[Used by] The \etx-to-\enc converter. When not set, the value \texttt{"See file }\meta{etx name}\texttt{"} is used instead. \end{smalldes} \item[encodingname] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The name by which the encoding in question is made known to a Postscript interpreter. \item[Set by] \etx files. \item[Used by] The \etx-to-\enc converter. When not set, the value |fontinst-|\nolinebreak[1]|autoenc-|\nolinebreak[1]% \meta{etx name} is used instead. \end{smalldes} \item[etx-name] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Name of \etx file. Internal variable in |\transform|\-|font|. \item[Set by] The |\reencodefont| command. \item[Used by] The |\mtxtomtx| command. \end{smalldes} \item[extraspace] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The natural width of extra interword glue at the end of a sentence. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[fontdimen($n$)] (integer) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Family of semi-internal variables that store the values to use for font dimension $n$. It is preferred that the newer |\set|\-|font|\-|dimen| interface is used for setting these values. \item[Set by] \etx files. \item[Used by] The \cvpl writer. \end{smalldes} \item[\cs{iftokeep}] (macro) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] |\iftokeep|\,\#1\,|\then|, where \#1 will be a \meta{number}, behaves like a switch and decides whether a glyph is kept or not while reglyphing. \item[Set by] Explicit commands. Defaults to $$ \mbox{\cs{iftokeep}\,\#1\,\cs{then}} \mapsto \mbox{\cs{ifnum}\,\texttt{-1<}\#1} $$ \item[Used by] The |\reglyphfont| command. \end{smalldes} \item[interword] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The natural width of interword glue (spaces). \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[italicslant] (integer denoting factor) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The italic slant of a font. \item[Set by] \mtx files generated from \afm or \cvpl files. \mtx files generated by |\transformfont|. Locally in the \afm-to-\mtx converter for possible use in |\uprightitalcorr| or |\slanteditalcorr|. \item[Used by] \mtx files (\texttt{latin.mtx} and the like). \etx files (for determining \texttt{fontdimen(1)}). \end{smalldes} \item[killweight] (integer) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Weight for glyphs that are killed. \item[Set by] Explicit commands. Defaults to $-10$ if not set. \item[Used by] The |\kill|\-|glyph| command; indirectly the |\reglyphfont| command. \end{smalldes} \item[letterspacing] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Extra width added to all glyphs of a font. \item[Set by] \mtx (preferred) or \etx files. \item[Used by] The \cvpl writer. Defaults to $0$ if not set. \end{smalldes} \item[maxdepth] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The maximal depth over all slots in the font. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[maxdepth\_neg] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The negative of the maximal depth of a glyph in the font. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \afm-to-\mtx converter usually writes |\setint| commands for this variable. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[maxheight] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The maximal height of a glyph in the font. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \afm-to-\mtx converter usually writes |\setint| commands for this variable. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[minimumkern] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Kerns whose size in absolute value is less than or equal to this variable are ignored. \item[Set by] Command files or \mtx files. \item[Used by] The \afm-to-\mtx converter and the \cvpl file generator. When not set, the value $0$ is used instead. \end{smalldes} \item[monowidth] (flag integer) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Set if this font is monowidth, unset otherwise. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \afm-to-\mtx converter writes a |\setint| command for this variable if the \afm specifies \texttt{IsFixedPitch true}. \item[Used by] Some \mtx files (\texttt{latin.mtx} and the like), \etx files. \end{smalldes} \item[num1] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{8}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[num2] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{9}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[num3] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{10}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[quad] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The quad width of the font, normally approximately equal to the font size and\slash or the width of an `M'. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \item[Note] It is the quad width in the symbol math font (family~|2|) that \TeX\ uses as reference when translating |mu|s to ordinary lengths. Hence that quad can be considered a math font designer's scaling factor for |mu|. \end{smalldes} \item[PSfontsuffix] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Suffix added to font names to form name of file to download to include font. \item[Set by] Explicit commands in mapmaking command files. Defaults to `\texttt{.pfa}'. \item[Used by] The map file fragments writer. \end{smalldes} \item[rawscale] (integer denoting factor) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Scaling factor applied to raw glyphs. \item[Set by] The |\installfont| command (\texttt{scaled} clauses in argument \#2). Unset for metric files listed without a \texttt{scaled} clause. \item[Used by] The |\set|\-|raw|\-|glyph|, |\set|\-|not|\-|glyph|, |\set|\-|scaled|\-|raw|\-|glyph|, |\set|\-|scaled|\-|not|\-|glyph|, |\set|\-|kern|, and |\reset|\-|kern| commands. \end{smalldes} \item[renameweight] (integer) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Weight for glyphs that are renamed. \item[Set by] Explicit commands. Defaults to $1$ if not set. \item[Used by] The |\rename|\-|glyph| command; indirectly the |\reglyphfont| command. \end{smalldes} \item[requireglyphs] (flag integer) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Set if warnings are to be generated for glyphs listed in \etx files but not present in the glyph base. \item[Set by] Explicit commands. By default not set. \item[Used by] The \cvpl file generator. \end{smalldes} \item[rightboundary] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The name of a glyph with the property that kerns on the left may be intended as right word boundary kerns. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \cvpl-to-\mtx converter can write |\setstr| commands for this variable. \item[Used by] Some \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[shrinkword] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The (finite) shrink component of interword glue. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[slant-scale] (integer denoting factor) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Factor to slant by. Internal variable in |\transform|\-|font|. \item[Set by] The |\slant|\-|font|, |\xscale|\-|font|, and |\scale|\-|font| commands. \item[Used by] The |\mtxtomtx| command. \end{smalldes} \item[\cs{SlantAmount}] (macro expanding to an integer expression) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Slant factor used for faking oblique shape. \item[Set by] Explicit commands. Defaults to \texttt{167}. \item[Used by] The |\latinfamily| command. \end{smalldes} \item[\cs{slanteditalcorr}] (macro expanding to an integer expression) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The integer expression used to calculate a guess for the italic correction of glyphs in a font with positive slant. It has the syntax \begin{quote} \cs{slanteditalcorr}\marg{width}\marg{left}\marg{right}% \marg{bottom}\marg{top} \end{quote} where \meta{width} is the glyph's advance width, and the remaining arguments are coordinates of sides of the glyph's bounding box. The \texttt{italicslant} integer provides the italic slant of the font. \item[Set by] Explicit commands in \textsf{fontinst} command files. Defaults to $$ \max\{0, \mathit{right}-\mathit{width}\}. $$ \item[Used by] The \afm-to-\mtx converter. \end{smalldes} \item[stretchword] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The (finite) stretch component of interword glue. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[sub1] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{16}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[sub2] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{17}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[subdrop] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{19}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[sup1] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{13}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[sup2] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{14}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[sup3] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{15}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[supdrop] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Math formula parameter $\sigma\sb{18}$. \item[Set by] \mtx files. \item[Used by] Some \etx and \mtx files. \end{smalldes} \item[TFMfileprefix] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Prefix (typically a path) added to names of TFM files. \item[Set by] Explicit commands in mapmaking command files. By default not set, which is equivalent to being empty. \item[Used by] The \texttt{pltotf} ``map file fragments writer''. \end{smalldes} \item[underlinethickness] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The recommended thickness of an underlining rule. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \afm-to-\mtx converter usually writes |\setint| commands for this variable. \item[Used by] Some \mtx files (\texttt{latin.mtx} and the like). \end{smalldes} \item[\cs{uprightitalcorr}] (macro expanding to an integer expression) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The integer expression used to calculate a guess for the italic correction of glyphs in a font with non-positive slant. It has the syntax \begin{quote} \cs{uprightitalcorr}\marg{width}\marg{left}\marg{right}% \marg{bottom}\marg{top} \end{quote} where \meta{width} is the glyph's advance width, and the remaining arguments are coordinates of sides of the glyph's bounding box. The \texttt{italicslant} integer provides the italic slant of the font. \item[Set by] Explicit commands in \textsf{fontinst} command files. Defaults to $0$. \item[Used by] The \afm-to-\mtx converter. \end{smalldes} \item[version] (string) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Version number put in \BibTeX-style file header of automatically generated \enc files. See the macro |\ref_to_sourcefile| for more details. \item[Set by] \etx files. \item[Used by] The \etx-to-\enc converter. When not set, the value \texttt{"See file }\meta{etx name}\texttt{"} is used instead. \end{smalldes} \item[verticalstem] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The dominant width of vertical stems (usually the width of stems of lower case letters). \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \afm-to-\mtx converter writes |\setint| commands for this variable if the \afm file specifies \texttt{StdVW}. \item[Used by] Currently nothing. \end{smalldes} \item[\texttt{warningspecials}] (switch) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Controls whether |\glyphwarning| commands will generate \vpl \texttt{SPECIAL}s. Defaults to `true'. \item[Set by] Explicit commands (|\warningspecialstrue| and |\warningspecialsfalse|). \item[Used by] The \cvpl file generator. \end{smalldes} \item[x-scale] (integer denoting factor) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Horizontal scaling factor. Internal variable in |\transform|\-|font|. \item[Set by] The |\xscale|\-|font| and |\scale|\-|font| commands. \item[Used by] The |\mtxtomtx| command. \end{smalldes} \item[xheight] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] The x-height of the font. \item[Set by] \mtx files. The \afm-to-\mtx and \cvpl-to-\mtx converters usually write |\setint| commands for this variable. \item[Used by] \mtx files, and \etx files (for determining \texttt{fontdimen(5)}). \end{smalldes} \item[y-scale] (integer denoting factor) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Vertical scaling factor. Internal variable in |\transform|\-|font|. \item[Set by] The |\yscale|\-|font| and |\scale|\-|font| commands. \item[Used by] The |\mtxtomtx| command. \end{smalldes} \item[\meta{\rmfamily glyph}-spacing] (integer denoting length) \begin{smalldes} \item[Description] Glyph-specific override for \texttt{letterspacing}; extra width added to the glyph \meta{glyph} as part of the process of writing a \vpl file. \item[Set by] \etx or \mtx files. \item[Used by] The \cvpl writer. Defaults to $0$ if not set. \end{smalldes} \end{itemize} % \end{list} Besides these, the |\latinfamily| command provides a whole range of helper macros (|\latin_weights|, |\latin_widths|, |\latin_shapes|, etc.) that are often used somewhat like variables. That subject does however deserve to be treated separately. \section{Customisation} The \fontinst package reads a file \texttt{fontinst.rc} if it exists. This can contain your own customisations. The catcodes that are in force when this file is read are the same as those selected by |\fontinstcc|. Similarly \texttt{finstmsc.sty} reads \texttt{finstmsc.rc} and the \fontdoc package reads \texttt{fontdoc.cfg}. You can create a \texttt{fontinst} format by running ini\TeX{} on \texttt{fontinst.sty} then saying \verb|\dump|. \section{Notes on features new with v\,1.9} The following notes are copied from \texttt{fisource.tex}; they were written to explain new \fontinst features to old \fontinst users. \subsection{Metric packages} \Fontinst has traditionally come with a collection of \mtx files that complement the \mtx files generated from base font metrics, in that they build glyphs that may be missing from the base fonts or in some other way needs to be improved. The most well-known of these is the \texttt{latin.mtx} file; other examples include \texttt{textcomp.mtx}, \texttt{mathit.mtx}, and \texttt{latinsc.mtx}. A problem with these is however that they cannot produce optimal results for all fonts simply because there are irregular differences in how fonts are set up by the foundries. Most glyphs come out all right, but there are usually a few for which the parameters used are more or less wrong. Therefore most high quality font installations are made with modified versions of these files, where the parameters have been tuned to the specific font design. Modifying in particular \texttt{latin.mtx} is however not an entirely easy task, because this is a rather large file (with plenty of archaic pieces of code in curious places). Doing it once is no big problem, but if one has to do it several times (maybe because some errors are discovered in the original \texttt{latin.mtx}) then it is probably no fun anymore. Furthermore, if one has two or three modified copies of this file because one has made high quality installations of that many different fonts then even a trivial bugfix might start to feel like entirely too much work. If one has to make modifications then it is usually easier to deal with several small files (many of which can be used unchanged) than one big file. Thus it would be better if these big files were split up into several smaller ones. The main problem with splitting up something like \texttt{latin.mtx} is that there are some commands which are defined at the top and which are then used in almost all sections of the file. One must make certain that these commands are always loaded, which makes the metric files somewhat harder to use (especially if the one who tries to use them is not the one who wrote them). One strategy is to include all definitions needed for a metric file in it. This has the slight disadvantage that the commands will have to be defined several times. What is worse however, is that the command definitions will appear in several files, so if one finds a bug in one of them, one cannot simply correct this bug in one place. As the number of files can soon become quite large, correcting such bugs can become a boring procedure indeed. Another strategy is to put all the command definitions in one file and then explicitly include it in the \meta{file-list} argument of |\installfont|. This eliminates the repeated bug fixing problem, but requires the user to do something that the computer can actually do just as well. A third strategy is to put the command definitions in one or several files and then in each metric file the user explicitly mentions load the command definitions needed for that particular file. Metric packages uses an improved version of this strategy, since they also make it possible for \fontinst to remember which packages (i.e., sets of command definitions) that have already been loaded, so that they are not unnecessarily loaded again. The \texttt{newlatin.mtx} file is an alternative to \texttt{latin.mtx} that implements this strategy. Most of the actual code is located in the following metric packages: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l p{0.7\linewidth}} \texttt{ltcmds.mtx}& Defines some common commands used by the other files.\\ \texttt{llbuild.mtx}& Builds the latin lower case alphabet (unaccented letters are `unfakable', the rest are constructed if not present in the base fonts).\\ \texttt{lubuild.mtx}& Builds the latin upper case alphabet.\\ \texttt{lsbuild.mtx}& Builds accented letters in the latin smallcaps alphabet, but only if there are unaccented letters to build them from in the base fonts.\\ \texttt{lsfake.mtx}& Fakes a latin smallcaps alphabet by shrinking the upper case alphabet, but only if the glyph had not already been manufactured.\\ \texttt{lsmisc.mtx}& Make some miscellaneous smallcaps glyphs (mostly ``smallcaps f-ligatures'').\\ \texttt{ltpunct.mtx}& Makes digits, punctuation marks, and other symbols (mostly by marking as ``unfakable''). \end{tabular} \end{center} \noindent All of these are easy to use as components of equivalents of a modified \texttt{latin.mtx} files, and all dependencies of one package upon another are handled via explicit |\usemtxpackage| commands. % For information on the syntax etcetera of commands related to metric % packages, see Section~\ref{Sec:Metric files}. \subsection{Word boundary ligatures and kerns} One of the new features added in \TeX~3 was that of ligatures and kerns with word boundaries. \Fontinst has had an interface for making such ligatures and kerns, but it has been completely redesigned in v\,1.9 and the old interface (setting the integer |boundarychar|) is no longer recognized by \fontinst. Files which use the old interface can still be processed with \texttt{cfntinst.sty}, though. Before considering the new commands, it is suitable to make a distinction between proper glyphs and pseudoglyphs. A proper glyph has been set using one of the commands |\setrawglyph|, |\setglyph|, and |\resetglyph|. A pseudoglyph is any name used in the context of a glyph name which does not denote a proper glyph. If a pseudoglyph |g-not| was set using the |\setnotglyph| command, then |\ifisglyph{g-not}\then| will evaluate to true, but something can be a pseudoglyph even if an |\ifisglyph| test evaluates to false. The interesting point about pseudoglyphs when considering word boundaries however, is that a pseudoglyph can have ligatures and kerns. Kerns and ligatures at the left word boundary (beginning of word) are specified using the commands |\setleftboundary| and |\endsetleftboundary|, which are syntactically identical to |\setslot| and |\endsetslot| respectively. One important difference is however that the argument to |\setslot| must be a proper glyph, while the argument to |\setleftboundary| may be any glyph, hence any pseudoglyph will do just fine. |\ligature| commands between |\setleftboundary| and |\endsetleftboundary| will generate beginning of word ligatures. Kerns on the right of the glyph specified in |\setleftboundary| will become beginning of word kerns. Kerns and ligatures at the right word boundary (end of word) are trickier, due to the asymmetrical nature of the ligkern table in a \pl file. What a font can do is to specify that the right word boundary, for purposes of kerning and ligatures, should be interpreted as character $n$. By including a kern or ligature with character $n$ on the right, that kern or ligature will be used at the end of a word, but it will also be used each time the next character is character $n$. Because of this, one usually wants the slot $n$, which the right word boundary is interpreted as being, to be empty whenever the encoding allows this. The command \begin{quote} |\setrightboundary|\marg{glyph} \end{quote} will mark the current slot as used to denote the right word boundary, and leave the slot empty, increasing the current slot number by one just like a |\setslot| \textellipsis\ |\endsetslot| block does. Kerns on the left of \meta{glyph} will be end of word kerns and |\ligature| commands with \meta{glyph} as the second argument will be for the end of a word. The command \begin{quote} |\makerightboundary|\marg{glyph} \end{quote} is similar to |\setrightboundary|, but it is a slot command which may only be used between a |\setslot| and the matching |\endsetslot|. Like |\setrightboundary|, it marks the current slot as used to denote the right word boundary, but the glyph specified in the enclosing |\setslot| will be written to that slot. Ligatures for the glyph specified by the |\setslot| and ligatures for the glyph specified by the |\makerightboundary| will both be for this single slot. Kerns on the right of the |\setslot| glyph and the |\makerightboundary| glyph will similarly both be for this single slot. The idea is that the |\setslot| glyph should be used when making a kern or ligature for that glyph, while the |\makerightboundary| glyph should be used when making a kern or ligature for the end of a word. \Fontinst will warn you if these two uses of the slot directly contradict each other. \subsection{Changing the names of glyphs} \label{Ssec:Des:Reglyph} Sometimes, primarily when making a virtual font from more than one raw font and two of the raw fonts contain different glyphs with the same name, it becomes necessary to change the names of some glyphs to make some sense out of it. The main source of this kind of trouble is the ``caps and small caps'' (SC) and ``oldstyle figures'' (OsF) fonts within many commercial font families. The typical problem is that what is typographically different glyphs---such as the lowercase `a' (\texttt{a}, for \fontinst) and the smallcaps `\textsc{a}' (\texttt{Asmall}, for \fontinst)---are given the same name by the foundry. One way to get round this is to say for example \begin{quote} |\setglyph{Asmall} \glyph{a}{1000} \endsetglyph|\\ |\setleftrightkerning{Asmall}{a}{1000}|\\ |\unsetglyph{a}|\\ |\noleftrightkerning{a}| \end{quote} and continuing like that for all the duplicate glyph names. This is however a rather prolix method and if the number of glyphs is large then it is usually simpler to use the |\reglyphfont| command. To reglyph one or several fonts, one writes \begin{quote} |\reglyphfonts|\\ \vadjust{}\quad \meta{reglyphing commands}\\ |\endreglyphfonts| \end{quote} There are two types of reglyphing commands: the |\reglyphfont| command, and the commands that modify what |\reglyphfont| will do to the fonts it operates on. The syntax of |\reglyphfont| is \begin{quote} |\reglyphfont|\marg{destination font}\marg{source font} \end{quote} The \meta{source font} font here is the name (suffix not included, of course) of the font metric file one wants to change the glyph names in. This font metric file can be in any of the formats \mtx, \pl, \afm, and \vpl, and it will be converted to \mtx format if it isn't already in that format (this happens just as for files listed in the second argument of |\installfont|). \meta{destination font} (which must be different from \meta{source font}) will be taken as the name for a new \texttt{.mtx} file that will be generated. The destination font can differ from the source font only in two ways: the names of some glyphs in the source font might be changed, and some of the commands from the source font might not have been copied to the destination font. To what extent the fonts are different is determined by what modifying commands have been executed; when no modifying commands have been executed, the source and destination font are equal. The modifying reglyphing commands are \begin{quote} |\renameglyph|\marg{to}\marg{from}\\ |\renameglyphweighted|\marg{to}\marg{from}\marg{weight}\\ |\killglyph|\marg{glyph}\\ |\killglyphweighted|\marg{glyph}\marg{weight}\\ |\offmtxcommand|\marg{command}\\ |\onmtxcommand|\marg{command} \end{quote} |\renameglyph| simply declares that occurrences of the glyph name \meta{from} should be replaced by the glyph name \meta{to}. To each glyph name is also assigned a \emph{weight}, which is used by a mechanism which conditions copying of commands from the source font to the destination font by the set of glyphs that command mentions. The details of this mechanism are however somewhat tricky, so those interested in the full generality should read the comments in the source of \fontinst. Here it needs only be noted that if one applies |\killglyph| to a glyph name, then (under most circumstances) commands that refer to that glyph name will not be copied to the destination font. |\offmtxcommand| and |\onmtxcommand| also control whether commands are copied to the destination font, but they look at the actual command rather than the glyphs it refers to. For example, after the command \begin{quote} |\offmtxcommand{\setkern}| \end{quote} no |\setkern| commands will be copied. By using |\offmtxcommand|, it is possible to achieve effects similar to those of the files \texttt{kernoff.mtx} and \texttt{glyphoff.mtx}---the difference is that with |\offmtxcommand|, it happens at an earlier stage of the font generation. As expected, |\onmtxcommand| undoes the effect of |\offmtxcommand|. A special rule pertains to the |\set|\-|raw|\-|glyph|, |\set|\-|not|\-|glyph|, |\set|\-|scaled|\-|raw|\-|glyph|, and |\set|\-|scaled|\-|not|\-|glyph| commands, since |\transformfont| doesn't care what something was in the source font when it generates the transformed font. To turn these commands off while reglyphing, you use |\offmtx|\-|command| on |\set|\-|scaled|\-|raw|\-|glyph|. The effects of modifying reglyphing commands are delimited by |\reglyphfonts| and |\endreglyphfonts|, which starts and ends a group respectively. As we expect the most common reglyphing operation will be to go from SC glyph names to expert glyph names, there is a file \texttt{csc2x.tex} in the \fontinst distribution which contains the modifying reglyphing commands needed for setting up that conversion. Thus you can write for example \begin{quote} |\reglyphfonts|\\ | \input csc2x|\\ | \reglyphfont{padrcx8r}{padrc8r}|\\ | \reglyphfont{padscx8r}{padsc8r}|\\ |\endreglyphfonts| \end{quote} to alter the glyph names in the SC fonts in the Adobe Garamond (\texttt{pad}) family. Note that the names of the destination fonts here really are rather arbitrary, since they will only exist as \texttt{.mtx} files, and thus only need to work within your local file system. In particular, all the |\setrawglyph| commands in the destination font files still refer to the source font, so it is that font which the drivers need to know about. \subsection{Making map file fragments} \label{Ssec:MapFragments} A \emph{map file fragment} is the lines\footnote{Not in general an entire map file, hence the word \emph{fragment}.} of a map file that the corresponding driver would need for handling some set of fonts. When told to, \fontinst can (in a fairly automatic way) create the map file fragment which is needed for the set of raw fonts \fontinst has (i) installed directly (using |\installrawfont|) or (ii) used as a base font for some installed virtual font (generated by |\installfont|). \Fontinst does not support the map file syntaxes of every existing driver, but the system is designed to be extendable and contributions that extend its capabilities are welcome. Nor can \fontinst examine your \TeX\ system and determine every piece of information needed to make the correct map file fragments, but you can tell it roughly how your installation looks, it can make guesses which work most of the time, and you can specify most things explicitly if the guesses turn out to be wrong. Should the available options for configuring the process turn out to be inadequate for your needs, then please write to the \fontinst mailing list about this---there is probably a way to improve the system so that your needs can be met. Now what does one have to do to use this map file fragment writer, then? First you need to tell \fontinst to record the information the map file fragment writer needs. You do this by giving the command \begin{quote} |\recordtransforms{whatever.tex}| \end{quote} at the beginning of the run. Here \texttt{whatever.tex} is the name of a file that will be created, so you can use some other name if you like. After that you do all the calls to |\transform|\-|font|, |\install|\-|font|, |\install|\-|raw|\-|font|, |\latin|\-|family|, etc.\ you need to make the fonts you want. When you're done, you give the command \begin{quote} |\endrecordtransforms| \end{quote} and end the run (say |\bye|). The file \texttt{whatever.tex} will now contain the information about which fonts were used and what needs to be done with them. The second step is to actually run the map file fragment writer. Observe that it is located in the file \texttt{finstmsc.sty}, not \texttt{fontinst.sty}! The commands you need to give it can be so few that you can type them in at \TeX's \texttt{*} prompt, but if you are writing a command file then it should typically have the following structure (comments not necessary, of course): \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} |\input finstmsc.sty|& |%| Input command definitions\\ \meta{general settings} & |%| See below\\ |\adddriver|\marg{driver name}\marg{output file}& |%| Open output file\\ |\input whatever.tex|& |%| Writes to output file(s)\\ |\donedrivers|& |%| Close output file(s), tidy up\\ |\bye|& |%| Quit \end{tabular} \end{center} The |\adddriver| command gives the order ``write map file entries for the \meta{driver name} \dvi driver to the file \meta{output file}.'' The plan is that it should be possible to use the name of just about any major driver (\texttt{dvips}, \texttt{xdvi},\footnote{Or does that use the same map file as \texttt{dvips}? I heard somewhere that it did. /LH} \texttt{pdftex},\footnote{pdf\TeX\ can read the map files generated for \texttt{dvips}, but a separate driver is desirable because the formats are not completely identical.} \texttt{OzTeX}, etc.) here and get suitable map file entries for that driver as output, but for the moment only the \texttt{dvips} and \texttt{dvipdfm}\footnote{Whose support I made very much to illustrate that you \emph{don't} have to be a big and ancient driver like \texttt{dvips} to have supporting code put into \fontinst. (The fact that I just happened to have printed out the documentation and that is was easy to read also helped, of course.) Note, however, that there won't be any support for a driver unless someone sits down and writes the code for it! Don't assume I will. /LH} drivers are supported. You may also use \texttt{debug} or \texttt{pltotf} for \meta{driver name}. The \texttt{debug} ``\dvi driver'' file simply contains all the available information about each font (hence it should come handy for debugging code writing entries for real drivers) in a format that should be easy to interpret for a human. It could be the right choice if you're going to write the map file manually, as the combined effects of several font transformations are not always easy to compute manually. The file generated for the \texttt{pltotf} ``driver'' is actually a shell script consisting of a sequence of \pltotf commands. These commands perform the \pl to \tfm conversion for precisely those fonts that are actually needed (\fontinst usually generates \pl files also for a number of fonts at intermediate stages of transformation, and many of these need not be converted to \tfm files). The \texttt{TFMfileprefix} string can be used to add a directory path to the \tfm file names, perhaps saving the step of moving them to their proper location later. The file \texttt{whatever.tex} in the above example contains the commands (|\make|\-|map|\-|entry| commands) that actually cause entries to be written to the output file. It also contains a number of |\store|\-|map|\-|data| commands---these describe how some given font was made. If some metric file you have used contains |\set|\-|raw|\-|glyph| commands that were not automatically generated by \fontinst, then there might not be a |\store|\-|map|\-|data| for the font they refer to in \texttt{whatever.tex}, so you will have to include such a command yourself somewhere. This can for example be done in the \meta{general settings} part of the above example file. Another class of things that will typically appear in the \meta{general settings} part above is commands that will inform the routines actually writing output about your \TeX\ system, about the set of fonts you are using on this run, or about something else that might be useful. Some such commands are of a general nature and affect what assumptions \fontinst will make in certain conditions when no specific information is available. For the moment there commands are: \begin{description} \item[\cs{AssumeMetafont}] Assume all fonts with \pl metrics are bitmaps generated by Metafont, and therefore make no entries for them. \item[\cs{AssumeAMSBSYY}] Assume all fonts with \pl metrics have their \TeX\ names in all upper case as postscript names---just like the Computer Modern fonts in the AMS\slash Blue~Sky\slash Y\&Y distribution. \item[\cs{AssumeBaKoMa}] Assume all fonts with \pl metrics have their \TeX\ names in all lower case as postscript names---just like the Computer Modern fonts in the BaKoMa distribution. \end{description} Otherwise the default action of the routine for finding out the postscript name of a font simply is to observe that it hasn't got a clue about what the right value is when the metrics were taken from a \pl file, and therefore it writes `\texttt{??????}' for the postscript name. \begin{description} \item[\cs{AssumeLWFN}] Assume postscript fonts for which nothing else has been specified are stored in files which are named according to the \mbox{MacOS} scheme for \texttt{LWFN}s.%\footnote{LaserWriter FoNt} \end{description} Otherwise the default action is to use the name of the \afm or \pl from which the metrics were originally taken, and add the file suffix stored in the string \texttt{PSfontsuffix}. The default value of this string is \texttt{.pfa}, but it can be changed using |\resetstr|. If neither the default nor the LWFN scheme produce correct results then you may use the more specific |\specifypsfont| command, which describes exactly which file (or files, if any) a given font is stored in. The syntax of this command is \begin{quote} |\specifypsfont|\marg{PS font name}\marg{actions} \end{quote} where the \meta{actions} is a sequence of ``action commands''. Currently the only such command is \begin{quote} |\download|\marg{file} \end{quote} which instructs the map file writer to include in any entry using that PS font and ``instruction'' that the specified file should be downloaded. Some examples are \begin{verbatim} \specifypsfont{Times-Roman}{} \specifypsfont{Shareware-Cyrillic-Regular}{\download{fcyr.gsf}} \specifypsfont{zmnl8ac6}{% \download{MinionMM.pfb}\download{zmnl8ac6.pro}% } \end{verbatim} Many \dvi drivers (for example \dvips) have more than one style of font downloading (e.g., partial and full downloading). This interface could be extended to control also such finer details (for example by adding a |\fulldownload| command to force full download of a font), but requests for this has so far been scarce. Finally, there is the |\declarepsencoding| command which is used to link \etx files to postscript encodings. If no postscript encoding has been linked to a given \etx file then \fontinst will automatically create a postscript encoding (\texttt{.enc}) file for that encoding, and use this file for all reencoding commands. The \texttt{8r} encoding is predeclared, and it doesn't matter if an encoding is undeclared if you never use it to reencode fonts, but there is potentially a problem with not having declared encodings you have installed and use for reencoding, as you may then find yourself having two files with identical names that define encodings that do not have the same name (as far as postscript is concerned). \subsection{Tuning accent positions---an application of loops} The accent placements made by \texttt{latin.mtx} certainly aren't perfect for all fonts, and the only way to find out where they should be put is through trying in text the accented letters you get for a couple of values for the position parameter and deciding which one works best. Since to try one parameter value you need to (i) edit it into an \mtx file, (ii) run \fontinst, (iii) run \vptovf, (iv) run \TeX\ on some test text, and (v) print that text, trying one parameter value can take annoyingly much time. Repeating the same procedure ten times to test ten values is not something one does without being bored (unless one scripts it, of course), but it is possible to try ten parameter values in a single virtual font, and without doing very much typing. Say you're not too happy with how \texttt{latin.mtx} positions the accent in the \texttt{ohungarumlaut} glyph: \begin{quote} |\setglyph{ohungarumlaut}|\\ | \topaccent{o}{hungarumlaut}{500}|\\ |\endsetglyph| \end{quote} The |500| is the horizontal position (in thousandths of the width of the \texttt{o}) that the centre of \texttt{hungarumlaut} in the glyph constructed will have, so that is the position parameter value that you want to change. Create an \mtx file containing the code \begin{quote} |\for(pos){250}{750}{50}|\\ | \setglyph{ohungarumlaut\strint{pos}}|\\ | \topaccent{o}{hungarumlaut}{\int{pos}}|\\ | \endsetglyph|\\ | \setleftrightkerning{ohungarumlaut\strint{pos}}|\\ | {ohungarumlaut}{1000}|\\ |\endfor(pos)| \end{quote} This will set eleven glyphs \texttt{ohungarumlaut250}, \texttt{ohungarumlaut300}, \texttt{ohungarumlaut350}, \textellipsis\,, \texttt{ohungarumlaut750}, each being an Hungarianly umlauted `o' (i.e., an `\H{o}') but all having that umlaut in slightly different positions. In order to put them in a font, you also need to make an encoding that contains them. Therefore create an \etx file which contains the code \begin{quote} |\relax\encoding|\\ |\nextslot{"C0}|\\ |\for(pos){250}{750}{50}|\\ | \setslot{ohungarumlaut\strint{pos}}|\\ | \endsetslot|\\ |\endfor(pos)|\\ |\endencoding| \end{quote} The command for installing this experiment font would be something like \begin{quote} |\installfont|\marg{some name}|{|\meta{the normal list of metrics}% |,|\penalty0\meta{the new \mtx}|}|\penalty0 |{ot1,|\meta{the new \etx}|}|\penalty0|{OT1}|\textellipsis \end{quote} The reason for including \texttt{ot1} in the third argument above is that you'll need letters other than `\H{o}' against which you can compare the experimental glyphs. It would not have been possible to use \texttt{t1} instead of \texttt{ot1} (even though that has more Hungarian letters) since that would set all slots in the font and leave none for these experimental \texttt{ohungarumlaut}s. It is even possible to use a loop for making the test text. The \LaTeX\ macros \begin{verbatim} \newcount\slotcount \newcommand\testtext[3]{% \slotcount=#1\relax \begin{description}% \loop\item[\the\slotcount]#3% \ifnum #2>>\slotcount \advance \slotcount 1 \repeat \end{description}% } \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\H}{OT1}{o}{\char\slotcount} \end{verbatim} will let you write \begin{quote} |\testtext|\marg{first}\marg{last}\marg{text} \end{quote} to get the text \meta{text} typeset once for each slot from \meta{first} to \meta{last} inclusive, with |\H{o}| ranging through the glyphs in this interval. Thus in this case |\testtext|\penalty\hyphenpenalty|{"C0}|\penalty\hyphenpenalty|{"CA}|% \penalty\hyphenpenalty|{Erd\H{o}s}| would be a trivial test. \subsection{Font installation commands} \label{Ssec:FontInstCmds} The |\installfont|, |\installrawfont|, and |\installfontas| commands have the respective syntaxes \begin{isyntax} |\installfont|\marg{font-name}\marg{metrics}\marg{etx-list}\penalty0 \marg{encoding}\marg{family}\marg{series}\marg{shape}\marg{size}\\ |\installrawfont|\marg{font-name}\marg{metrics}\marg{etx-list}% \penalty0 \marg{encoding}\marg{family}\marg{series}\marg{shape}\marg{size}\\ |\installfontas|\marg{font-name}\penalty0\marg{encoding}% \marg{family}\marg{series}\marg{shape}\marg{size} \end{isyntax} The \meta{font-name} argument and the last five arguments are common to all these commands. The first argument is the name of a \TeX\ font to install. The last five arguments are the NFSS attributes under which that font will be declared to \LaTeX---encoding, family, series, shape, and size. It is worth observing that encoding names are usually in upper case, whereas the family, series, and shape are usually in lower case. The size argument is either a shorthand (declared using |\declaresize|) for a particular font size (or range of font sizes), or an explicit list of font sizes or ranges of sizes, which is copied directly to the font declaration. The most common case is to let the size argument be empty, as that is declared as a shorthand for ``any size''. The |\installfontas| command does not itself create the font, it just makes a note that the specified font declaration should be written to the proper FD file at |\end|\-|install|\-|fonts|. The |\install|\-|font| and |\install|\-|raw|\-|font| commands do however produce the font, in the sense that they write a \vpl and \pl respectively file for the font. It depends solely on the \meta{metrics} and \meta{etx-list} arguments what this font will contain. Many features of these arguments are new with \fontinst v\,1.9; therefore the complete syntaxes are described below. Both arguments are comma-separated lists of basically file names (not including an extension). The files listed in the \meta{metrics} are font metric files which together build up a \emph{glyph base} (definitions of glyphs and metrics related to one or several glyphs), whereas the files listed in the \meta{etx-list} are encoding definition files that select a subset of the glyph base for turning into a \TeX\ font. The font metrics can be in either of the four formats \mtx, \pl, \afm, and \vpl, which are considered in that order. If the metrics are not originally in \mtx format then they will be converted to this format (a new file will be created) before they are used. The encoding definitions must be in \etx format. The files actually read will have a suffix \texttt{.mtx}, \texttt{.pl}, \texttt{.afm}, \texttt{.vpl}, or \texttt{.etx} appended to the name given, depending on which format is expected. Within each element of the comma-separated list, the actual file name is followed by zero or more \emph{modifier clause}s. A \meta{modifier clause} consists of a \emph{keyword} followed by some number (usually one) of \emph{arguments}, separated by spaces. The whole thing looks a lot like the \meta{rule specifications} of e.g.\ the |\vrule| command, but here the spaces are mandatory. The currently defined \meta{modifier clause}s are \begin{description} \item[\mdseries\textvisiblespace\texttt{option}\textvisiblespace \meta{string}] Available for metric and encoding files. This adds \meta{string} to the list of options for this file, which may affect what code the file executes. The file can then test, using the |\ifoption| command, whether a specific string is one of the options it was given. \item[\mdseries\textvisiblespace\texttt{scaled}\textvisiblespace \meta{factor}] Available for metric files. Causes the \texttt{rawscale} integer variable to be set to the \meta{factor} (an integer expression) while the file is being read. This scales glyphs and kerns that are added to the glyph base by the \meta{factor}. \item[\mdseries\textvisiblespace\texttt{suffix}\textvisiblespace \meta{suffix}] Available for metric files. Causes \meta{suffix} to be appended to every glyph name appearing in a glyph or kern that file adds to the glyph base. Thus ``\texttt{suffix /2}'' effectively changes a \begin{quote} |\setrawglyph{a}|\dots \end{quote} to a \begin{quote} |\setrawglyph{a/2}|\dots \end{quote} \item[\mdseries\textvisiblespace\texttt{encoding}\textvisiblespace \meta{etx-name}] Available for metric files, and forces \fontinst to only consider the \pl and \vpl formats for this font. As these file formats do not contain glyph names, an \etx file is used to assign glyph names to the slots in the font. This \etx file is usually selected according to the \texttt{CODINGSCHEME} property of the \pl or \vpl (using the correspondences set up via the |\declare|\-|encoding| command), but that information is not always as one would want it (there are even fonts for which it is quite wrong). An \texttt{encoding} clause bypasses this automatic mechanism, so that the file \meta{etx-name}\texttt{.etx} is used instead. % % The following is no longer true as of v1.926: % \textbf{Note:} The first time that a file in PL or VPL format is % used in a \meta{metrics} argument, a corresponding \mtx file is % generated. This means that if the same file reference is used % another time then the reference will be to the \mtx file, not to % the original PL or VPL, and thus \texttt{encoding} clauses on % subsequent uses will have no effect. Each font only has one % encoding, so it usually makes no sense to switch the \etx file % used to interpret a font, but since \mtx files are not % automatically deleted between runs there is a risk that this % takes away the intended effect of an \texttt{encoding} clause. \item[\mdseries\textvisiblespace\texttt{mtxasetx}] This is available for files in the \meta{etx-list}. The actual function of a \begin{quote} \meta{file-name} \texttt{mtxasetx} \end{quote} item in the \meta{etx-list} is that the file \meta{file-name}\texttt{.mtx} is inputted (\emph{not} \meta{file-name}\texttt{.etx}) and that the correspondence between glyph names and slot numbers set up in |\set|\-|raw|\-|glyph| or |\set|\-|scaled|\-|raw|\-|glyph| commands in this file is treated as if it had been set up by |\setslot| commands in an \etx file. Provided the \mtx file is transformable, the glyph base will be unaffected. The purpose of this feature is to simplify quick and dirty installations of odd fonts for which no suitable \etx file is available. This can be useful in early stages of the design of a new font, but is inferior to installation using proper \etx files since one for example cannot specify any ligatures in \mtx files. \end{description} Furthermore there is a special exception for the \meta{metrics}: if the first token in one of the list items is the control sequence |\metrics|, then the rest of that item is interpreted as explicit metric commands to execute. If the \meta{metrics} of two subsequent |\install|\-|font| or |\install|\-|raw|\-|font| commands are identical then the glyph bases will be identical as well. This creates an opportunity for optimization, which \fontinst makes use of by caching glyph bases from one installation command to the next so that the glyph base does not have to be rebuilt in these cases. A side-effect of this caching is that local assignments made between two font installation commands are cleared out with the glyph base, but |\setint| and similar \fontinst commands make global assignments when used in such positions. Some examples might be in order. The first is an adaptation of an installation command from \texttt{mfnt-0.59} %~\cite{mfnt} by Matthias Clasen and Ulrik Vieth: the installation command for the 8-bit math font \texttt{xma1000} (which can be thought of as being to \texttt{cmmi10} sort of as \texttt{ecrm1000} is to \texttt{cmr10}). The first three \texttt{encoding} clauses are more fine-tuning---without them, a few glyphs would get incorrect names---but the last two are quite essential, as the \texttt{msam10} and \texttt{msbm10} fonts incorrectly claim to have the coding scheme \texttt{TEX MATH SYMBOLS}. \begin{verbatim} \installfont{xma1000}{% yma1000 encoding mcin,% cmr10 encoding ot1upright,% cmmi10,% cmsy10 encoding omscal,% msam10 encoding msam,% msbm10 encoding msbm,% mccmhax,mccmkern,mcmissing,% cmsy10-base,cmsy10-extra% }{mc}{MC}{cm}{m}{n}{<<10->>} \end{verbatim} Also note the explicit \LaTeX\ size specification for the range ``10\,pt and up''. The second example makes use of a \texttt{suffix} clause to combine the letters from one font with the digits from another. \begin{verbatim} \installfont{msbrj8t}{msbr8r,msbrc8r suffix /2,latin}{digit2,t1} {T1}{msbj}{m}{n}{} \end{verbatim} In this case, the glyph base contains the glyphs of Monotype Sabon (SabonMT)---under names such as \texttt{A} for `A', \texttt{a} for `a', and \texttt{one} for a lining digit one---as well as the glyphs of Monotype Sabon Small Caps and Oldstyle Figures (SabonMT-SCOSF)---under names such as \texttt{A/2} for `A', \texttt{a/2} for `\textsc{a}', and \texttt{one/2} for a hanging digit one. The \texttt{digit2.etx} file simply makes the definition \begin{verbatim} \setcommand\digit#1{#1/2} \end{verbatim} which causes \texttt{t1.etx} to put \texttt{zero/2} in slot 48 (digit zero), \texttt{one/2} in slot 49 etc., instead of as it normally would \texttt{zero} in slot 48, \texttt{one} in slot 49 and so on. The net effect is that the digits in the generated \texttt{msbrj8t} is from \texttt{msbrc8r} (SabonMT-SCOSF) but everything else is from \texttt{msbr8r} (SabonMT). The third example makes use of an \texttt{mtxasetx} clause to install (with its default encoding) a font for which creating an appropriate \etx file seems not worth the trouble. \begin{verbatim} \installrawfont{psyr}{psyr,\metrics \setint{xheight}{\height{alpha}} }{txtfdmns,psyr mtxasetx}{U}{psy}{m}{n}{} \end{verbatim} The effect of the second \texttt{psyr} is that \texttt{psyr.mtx} is read (in case there was no \texttt{psyr.mtx} then it is created from (hopefully) \texttt{psyr.afm}) and the information in it will form the glyph base. Because of the |\metrics| control sequence, the rest of that item will be interpreted as explicit metric commands modifying the glyph base, and thus the |\setint| command can provide a value for the \texttt{xheight} variable (there doesn't seem to be such a value in the \afm). Once the glyph base is completed, the |\install|\-|raw|\-|font| starts writing the file \texttt{psyr.pl} (that's for the first \texttt{psyr}). The encoding of that font will, because of the \texttt{psyr mtxasetx}, be the same as that used in \texttt{psyr.mtx}. Finally, the \texttt{txtfdmns} is for \texttt{txtfdmns.etx}, an \etx file which sets fontdimens 1--16 as for a \texttt{T1} encoded font but does not set any slots. Since \texttt{psyr.mtx} reinterpreted as an \etx file sets slots but no fontdimens, these complement each other nicely. \subsection{Bounding boxes} Han The Thanh has created an implementation of bounding box support for \fontinst, and it is a modified form of that support is distributed with \fontinst as the file \texttt{bbox.sty}. To load this, begin your command file with \begin{verbatim} \input fontinst.sty \input bbox.sty \end{verbatim} The reason for not making it default is that keeping track of bounding boxes increases some of \fontinst's memory requirements quite a lot. One important characteristic of this implementation is that the dimensions of the bounding box are not bundled into the same data structure (the |\g-|\meta{glyph} macros) as the glyph's width, height, depth, and italic correction are, but stored in a separate data structure (the |\gb-|\meta{glyph} macros). A glyph doesn't need to have its bounding box set, it is simply a piece of information that \fontinst will store if you tell it to and which you can later retrieve. The bounding box will be stored as coordinates of the sides in the normal AFM coordinate system. The commands for retrieving these coordinates are \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} \textbf{Command}& \textbf{Side}\\ |\bbtop|\marg{glyph}& top ($y$-coordinate)\\ |\bbbottom|\marg{glyph}& bottom ($y$-coordinate)\\ |\bbleft|\marg{glyph}& left ($x$-coordinate)\\ |\bbright|\marg{glyph}& right ($x$-coordinate) \end{tabular} \end{center} In Thanh's implementation the command names were |\ury|, |\lly|, |\llx|, and |\urx| respectively instead, but I think the former are easier to remember. If no bounding box has been set for a glyph then the above commands will instead report the corresponding coordinate of the glyph's \TeX\ box (i.e.\ |\height|\marg{glyph}, |\neg{\depth|\marg{glyph}|}|, |0|, and |\width|\marg{glyph} respectively). The command for setting the bounding box of a glyph is \begin{quote} |\setglyphbb|\marg{glyph}\marg{left}\marg{bottom}\marg{right}% \marg{top} \end{quote} \section*{Acknowledgements} We'd like to thank all of the \fontinst $\alpha$-testers, especially Karl Berry, Damian Cugley, Steve Grahthwohl, Yannis Haralambous, Alan Hoenig, Rob Hutchings, Constantin Kahn, Peter Busk Laursen, Ciar{\'a}n {\'O} Duibh{\'\i}n, Hilmar Schlegel, Paul Thompson, Norman Walsh and John Wells, who made excellent bug-catchers! Thanks to Barry Smith, Frank Mittelbach, and especially Sebastian Rahtz for many useful email discussions on how virtual fonts should interact with \LaTeXe. Thanks to Karl Berry and Damain Cugley for detailed comments on this documentation. Thanks to David Carlisle for the use of his \texttt{trig} macros for calculating trigonometry. % \section*{Warranty and distribution} % % There is no warranty for the \fontinst package, to the extent % permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing, % the author provides the program `as is' without warranty of any kind, % either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the % implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular % purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the % program is with you. Should the package prove defective, you assume % the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. % % In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing % will the author be liable to you for damages, including any general, % special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or % inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of % data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or % third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other % programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the % possibility of such damages. % % Redistribution of unchanged files is allowed provided that all files % listed in the \texttt{MANIFEST} file are distributed. % % If you receive only some of these files from someone, or if you % receieve altered files, then complain! \end{document}