% Chapter 2 from Asymptote tutorial Jim Hefferon \chapter{Plots} We will draw this function. \begin{equation*} f(x)=x+\frac{1}{x-1} \end{equation*} It goes infinite at $x=1$ so we can't ask \Asy{} to plot all $x$'s. We will instead plot the $x$'s where the associated $y$'s are between $-5$ and~$5$. To find these we can use \textit{Sage} to solve $5=x+(1/(x-1))$ and $-5=x+(1/(x-1))$. \begin{minted}{Python} sage: x = var('x') sage: solve( [5==x+(1/(x-1))], x ) [x == -sqrt(3) + 3, x == sqrt(3) + 3] sage: solve( [-5==x+(1/(x-1))], x ) [x == -2*sqrt(2) - 2, x == 2*sqrt(2) - 2] sage: round(-sqrt(3) + 3, ndigits=3) 1.268 sage: round(2*sqrt(2) - 2, ndigits=3) 0.828 \end{minted} That leads to this source file \path{asy/plot.asy}. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter2/asy/plot.asy} \end{center} Here is the resulting plot. \begin{center} \includegraphics{chapter2/asy/plot.pdf} \end{center} \section{Adjustments} As earlier, on seeing the draft graphic we make some tweaks, which helps give a sense of some available options, leading to the source \path{asy/plot_after.asy} below. The axes go through the two $0$'s and the vertical asymptote passes through the~$1$. We can change the \mintinline{Asymptote}{xaxis(..)} command to say \mintinline{Asymptote}{RightTicks(Step=1, OmitTick(0,1))}, and similarly change \mintinline{Asymptote}{yaxis(..)}. Although we limited the output range to between $y=-5$ and~$5$, the plot is still so tall that it is hard to fit on a page or slide. We make the $y$~unit height be half of the $x$ unit width by adding this command \begin{minted}{Asymptote} scale(Linear, Linear(0.5)) \end{minted} (the \mintinline{Asymptote}{Linear} is in contrast with \mintinline{Asymptote}{Logarithmic}). The axes and graph now come out rescaled but we must also adjust the location of points, the ones defining the vertical asymptote line, using for example line~29's \mintinline{Asymptote}{Scale((1,ymin))}. That tweak of the $y$~axis causes the tick labels to be scrunched together, so we arrange that \Asy{} lists only every fifth label. \begin{minted}{Asymptote} yaxis(ymin=ymin-0.4, ymax=ymax+0.4, LeftTicks(Step=5, step=1, OmitTick(0), Size=3pt, size=2pt), Arrows(TeXHead)); \end{minted} That command also sets the length of the major and minor ticks. Here is \path{asy/plot_after.asy} (more on the first couple of lines in the next section). \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter2/asy/plot_after.asy} \end{center} Here is the output. \begin{center} \includegraphics{chapter2/asy/plot_after.pdf} \end{center} \section{Defaults} Rather than copy and paste elements common across graphics such as the font commands or colors, we can put them in a separate file \path{jh.asy} and import them, as in the prior source's line~2. That file's source is in the Appendix. \section{Ticks} With plot ticks you often want something other than the default. We won't cover all of the options but there are a couple of things we have not yet seen that are especially useful. On a trigonometric graph \begin{center} \includegraphics{chapter2/asy/cos.pdf} \end{center} you don't want the $x$~axis to say $1$, $2$, etc., you want $\pi/2$, $\pi$, etc. You also don't want ``$3.14$,'' you want ``$\pi$.'' This illustrates explicit ticks, on lines 19 and~21. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter2/asy/cos.asy} \end{center} Note line~25's \mintinline{Asymptote}{NW}, which prints the $3\pi/2$ northwest of its tick. Our other tick example has a graph paper effect, where ticks in a light color extending across the graph. (I sometimes use this for lectures; here, to estimate by eye that the slope of the tangent line at $y=2$ is $2$.) \begin{center} \includegraphics{chapter2/asy/exponential.pdf} \end{center} The source has a number of interesting features. \begin{center} \inputminted{Asymptote}{chapter2/asy/exponential.asy} \end{center} The graph paper effect is due to the input in lines 30 through~46. The horizontal lines are a little clearer so we will cover them. They are created by the first two \mintinline{Asymptote}{yaxis(..)} commands, which produce two vertical axes, one on the left and one on the right, These are drawn with a \mintinline{Asymptote}{nullpen} so we don't see vertical black lines at those locations. What we do see are the ticks extending back and forth between them in the color given by \mintinline{Asymptote}{GRAPHPAPERPEN}, because of the \mintinline{Asymptote}{extend=true}. These ticks have a null label because of the \LaTeX{} comment character~\mintinline{Asymptote}{"%"}. (The $y$~axis on the left produces the horizontal graph paper marks between $x=\text{\mintinline{Asymptote}{xmin-0.2}}$ and the third $y$~axis at $x=0$, while the one on the right generates the marks from $x=0$ to $x=\text{\mintinline{Asymptote}{xmax+0.2}}$.) The commands from line~49 to the end produce the black line axes. % Note that \mintinline{Asymptote}{yaxis(..)} produces only one arrow. This is a long file but we will discuss a few finer points. One is that the $(\ln(2),2)$ label has a white background obscuring some of the graph paper lines, from the \mintinline{Asymptote}{Label("$(\ln(2),2)$",filltype=Fill(white))} command. Another is that the 300 in line~19's \mintinline{Asymptote}{f = graph(fcn, xmin, xmax, n=300)} is there because \Asy{} draws the graph by connecting dots that evaluate \mintinline{Asymptote}{fcn} at a finite number of points, and the default was too small so that the graphic had jaggies on the left. Finally, lines 18 and~19 as well as lines 27 and~28 make clear that essential to understanding \Asy{} is understanding the ideas of \mintinline{Asymptote}{path} and \mintinline{Asymptote}{pen}. That's the next chapter.