\documentclass[10pt,a4paper,final]{article} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage[protrusion=true,draft=false,final,verbose=true]{microtype} \title{The \textbf{plantslabels} package} \author{Merciadri Luca} \date{\today} %% - HYPERREF PACKAGE - ** MUST be LAST ONE ** \usepackage[a4paper,bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=true,bookmarksopen=true,bookmarksopenlevel=1,breaklinks=true,colorlinks=true,final,menucolor=red,pdfauthor={Merciadri Luca},pdfcreator={Merciadri Luca},pdfkeywords={plants},pdftitle={The plantslabels package},pdfsubject={(La)TeX},pdftoolbar=true]{hyperref} \hypersetup{urlcolor=red,linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,colorlinks=true} \usepackage{breakurl} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Introduction} This package (\verb v1.0 ) \textit{helps you writing plants' labels} when needed. For example, you may want to give a label to each plant of your collection. \section{Use} \subsection{Loading the Package} To \textit{load the package}, please use \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{plantslabels} \end{verbatim} \end{center} \subsection{Available Options} The set of options is currently empty. \newpage \section{Examples} There is only one command in this package: \verb \plant . This command takes $9$ arguments, and only the three first are mandatory. Here is the syntax: \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \plant{cols_labels}{rows_labels}{no_labels}{generic_plant_name} {generic_price}{generic_currency}{$generic_temperature$} {generic_substratum}{generic_picture} \end{verbatim} \end{center} where \begin{enumerate} \item \verb cols_labels ~is the number of cols of labels,\marginpar{Mandatory!} \item \verb rows_labels ~is the number of rows of labels,\marginpar{Mandatory!} \item \verb no_labels ~is the number of labels (under the condition $\texttt{cols\_labels}\times\texttt{rows\_labels}=\texttt{no\_labels}$),\marginpar{Mandatory!} \item \verb generic_plant_name ~is the plant's name which will be written on each of the \verb no_labels ~labels, \item \verb generic_price ~is the plant's price which will be written on each of the \verb no_labels ~labels, \item \verb generic_currency ~is the price currency which will be written on each of the \verb no_labels ~labels, after \verb generic_price , \item \verb $generic_temperature$ ~is the temperature which will be written on each of the \verb no_labels ~labels (it should be $t_{\mathrm{min}}\to t_{\mathrm{max}}$, \textit{i.e.} the min and max temperatures for the plant), \item \verb generic_substratum ~is the plant's substratum which will be written on each of the \verb no_labels ~labels, \item \verb generic_picture ~is the plant's picture which will be drawn on each of the \verb no_labels ~labels. \end{enumerate} As all the arguments after \verb no_labels ~are not mandatory, you can skip them. For this, you need to write brackets, though. For example, \begin{center} \begin{verbatim} \plant{cols_labels}{rows_labels}{no_labels}{Plant}{}{}{}{}{} \end{verbatim} \end{center} will simply draw one \verb no_labels ~($=\texttt{cols\_labels}\times \texttt{rows\_labels}$) labels with ``Plant'' into it. \subsection{Practical Example} Let's say that you have two kinds of plants that you want to label: ``Myplant1'' and ``Myplant2.'' One habitually lives in the desert, and the other lives in tropical regions. You have, say, $2$ specimens of the first, and $4$ of the second. You can invoke, assuming \verb cactus.eps ~is your image for the first one, that you have no image for the second one, and that they respect the conditions mentioned below: \begin{verbatim} \plant{1}{1}{2}{Myplant1}{5}{EUR}{$-10\to +50$}{Peat moss, sand, perlite}{cactus.eps} \plant{2}{2}{4}{Myplant2}{10}{EUR}{$20\to +40$}{Peat moss, fertilizer}{} \end{verbatim} \newpage \section{Implementation} Here is the code of \verb plantslabels.sty : \lstset{language=TEX, basicstyle=\tiny, keywordstyle=\bfseries, commentstyle=\itshape, keywords={}, emph={}, emphstyle=\bfseries, numbers=left, stringstyle=\ttseries, showstringspaces=false, stepnumber=2, numbersep=5pt, showspaces=false, showtabs=false, backgroundcolor=\color{white}} %\begin{lstlisting}[frame=single] \lstinputlisting[lastline=95]{plantslabels.forlisting} %\end{lstlisting} %\newpage \section{Limitations} This package has currently no limitation. \section{Remarks} The temperature unit is habitually so obvious that you do not need to specify it manually. \section{Bugs} Not yet. \section{Version History} \begin{enumerate} \item \verb v1.0 : package is introduced to the \LaTeX{} world. \end{enumerate} \section{Contact} If you have any question concerning this package (limitations, bugs, \ldots), please contact me at \href{mailto:Luca.Merciadri@student.ulg.ac.be}{Luca.Merciadri@student.ulg.ac.be}. \section{Credits} Thanks to Philipp Stephani and \textbf{Enrico Gregorio} for their answers at \begin{center} \url{http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/5703b5328b93a000#}. \end{center} \end{document}