\opt{text}{\skbheading{Optional Text -- Versions and Optional}} The \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} provides two means to include text and other \LaTeX~commands on an otional basis. They are pre-configured and will be automatically set/unset according to the three main document types the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} supports: \begin{skbnotelist} \item text -- is equivalent to any classic text document, for instance an article or a book. \item slide -- is used to idenify slides, for instance beamer frames. \item note -- is used to identify lecture notes or handouts, in essence annotated slides (frames). \item anim -- for beamer frames, used for text with animation activated. \item noanim -- for beamer frames, used for text with animation deactivated. \item memoir -- used for documents that include the memoir package. \end{skbnotelist} We use the packages versions and optional and support both. The main difference is that with versions one has to use \cmd{\beging} and \cmd{\end} while with optional one can use more than one of the above introduced types. The macros for provided for optional text are: \begin{skbnotelist} \item \cmd{\skbmodetext} and options using \skbem[code]{text} -- will be valid if neither beamer nor beamerarticle is loaded (normal text). \item \cmd{\skbmodeslide} and options using \skbem[code]{slide} -- will be valid if the beamer package is loaded (slides). \item \cmd{\skbmodenote} and options using \skbem[code]{note} -- will be valid if the beamerarticle package is loaded (annotated slides). \item \cmd{\skbmodeanim} and options using \skbem[code]{anim} -- will be valid if the beamer package is loaded and the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} is loaded with the argument \skbem[code]{beameranim} \item \cmd{\skbmodenoanim} and options using \skbem[code]{noanim} -- will be valid if the beamer package is loaded and the \skbacft{A3DS:SKB} is loaded with the argument \skbem[code]{beamernoanim} \item \cmd{\skbmodememoir} and options using \skbem[code]{memoir} -- will be valid if the memoir package is loaded \end{skbnotelist} \opt{text}{The following code}\opt{note}{This slide} shows a few examples on how to use the optional text.