\opt{text}{\skbheading{Publications and Content}} Here is were it might get slightly more complicated than in the first few steps. And you might see already that the reason for that is separation! We didn't finish the separation, we have to go one step further. And that means to separate now the contents (with the references and acronyms and figures) from the reason to publish a document. This last step of separation is more conceptual, being focused on the \textit{why?} and \textit{where?} and \textit{how?} we publish, rather than being focused on the \textit{what?} we publish. So we do publish for many reasons: articles for research, project proposals, reports, lecture notes, standard documents, annotated presentations, sometimes even books. We publish for a specific purpose, in a specific (soon historic) context, using the requested format (and style sheets) and a particular structure of our document that fits the purpose. That means we organise and structure our content every time according to these constrains. Thus we need a new directory structure for that, since we will not reuse that as often as our 'stuff' itself. Remember, we use the skb macro \cmd{\skbheading} for headings, not the classical \LaTeX~macros like \cmd{\section}, so our files effectively do not contain much information about their place in the structure, only that they claim one \footnote{Currently experimental, but soon to be ready, there will be an extension to the \cmd{\skbheading} macro that allows a little bit more information to be put in the repository files. For the moment this is captured in the \cmd{\skbheadingduc} macro.}. This comes in handy now, since all we have actually to do is to assign a document heading level to every repository file we load. Let's create a folder for the published documents and call it \skbem[code]{published} with a set of sub-folders that help us to understand the general context of the publication.% \opt{note}{My directory structure is shown in this slide}% \opt{text}{ My directory structure could look like this: \begin{longtable}{|>{}p{0.945\textwidth} >{}p{1pt}|} \hline \rowcolor[gray]{.9} \skbinput[from=fig]{dirtree/publish} & \\ \hline \end{longtable} \addtocounter{table}{-1} } \opt{text}{\skbinput[from=rep]{separate/separate-parts-pc2}}