\mode \begin{frame}{Slides} \label{manual:slides1} Use \cmd{\skbslide} and \cmd{\skbslidecite} to integrate slides from outside the \LaTeX~universe \begin{itemize} \item Load PDF slides with or without \LaTeX~annotations \item Load the PDF and/or the \LaTeX~from any SKB known path \item Add standardised citation for the slides to the annotation \end{itemize} Example with Microsoft Powerpoint \begin{itemize} \item Take a Powerpoint presentation and print all slides into a 4x3 format, individual PDF \item Write or reuse existing anotations using \LaTeX~(and \BibTeX~etc.) \item Produce handouts using the SKB and present the slides using Powerpoint \end{itemize} \end{frame} \mode
\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\includeslide{manual:slides1}} \bigskip \skbinput[from=rep]{manual/slides} \clearpage \mode