\load[opbible] % macros OP-Bible %\overfullrule0pt \def\shadowparameter{0.075} %\checksyntax fmt/fmt-CzeSNC-Da intro-Da.tex notes-Da.tex articles-Da.tex {} \input opbible-hebrew % Hebrew phrases are declared here %\input greek % Greek -"- \cslang \let\notecolor=\relax \def\nadpis#1{\medskip\noindent{\bf#1}\par\nobreak} %pro intro \normalchapnumbers \ifx\tmark\udefined %\def\tmark {PSP} %\def\tmark {BKR} %\def\tmark {CSP} \def\tmark {CEP} % Variant of translation %\def\tmark {B21} %\def\tmark {SNC} \fi \def\txsfile {./txs/Cze\tmark-\bmark.txs} % Localization of .txs files \amark for SNC + PSP \def\fmtfile {./fmt/fmt-\tmark-\amark.tex} % Localisation of fmts \def\notesfile {./notes/notes-\amark.tex} % Localisation of notes \def\introfile {./intros/intro-\amark.tex} % Localisation introductions \def\articlefile {./articles/article-\amark.tex} % Localisation of articles \switch {BKR}{\def\bibname{Bible kralická}}% {B21}{\def\bibname{Bible pro 21. století}}% {CEP}{\def\bibname{Český ekumenický překlad}}% {CSP}{\def\bibname{Český studijní překlad}}% {PSP}{\def\bibname{Pavlíkův studijní překlad}}% {SNC}{\def\bibname{Slovo na cestu}}% {NBK}{\def\bibname{Nová Bible Kralická}}% {Jeruzalem}{\def\bibname{Jeruzalem}}% {HejclCol}{\def\bibname{Hejcl-Col}}% {RBK}{\def\bibname{Revidovaná Bible Kralická}}% \quotationmarks{„}{“} \input {vars.tex} % Language variants \input {./books.tex} % Czech book titles \def\printedbooks {% Gn Ex Lv Nu Dt Joz Sd Rt 1Sa 2Sa 1Kr 2Kr 1Pa 2Pa Ezd Neh Est Jb Ž Př Kaz Pís Iz Jr Pl Ez Da Oz Jl Am Abd Jon Mi Na Abk Sf Ag Za Mal Mt Mk Lk Jn Sk Ř 1Kor 2Kor Ga Ef Fp Ko 1Te 2Te 1Tm 2Tm Tt Fm Žd Jk 1Pt 2Pt 1Jn 2Jn 3Jn Ju Zj } \def\printedbooks {Da} %\def\printedbooks {Ex} %\def\printedbooks {1Pt} %\def\printedbooks {Lk} %\def\printedbooks{Gn} %\hfill Varianta: \tmark \processbooks % Generates books declared in \printedbooks \bye