\makeatletter \usepackage{fontspec} \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures={TeX}} \setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella} \newfontfamily\dejaVuSans{DejaVu Sans} \SetPhoto[bleed=3mm, file={obscure-crop}]{June} \SetQuote[xOffset=-5mm, yOffset=-20mm]{June}{% \raggedright \setlength{\parskip}{10pt}% \Large \color{white} I shall set forth for somewhere,\\ I shall make the reckless choice\\ Some day when they are in voice\\ And tossing so as to scare\\ The white clouds over them on.\\ I shall have less to say,\\ But I shall be gone. \textit{The Sound of the Trees} by Robert Frost } \ifshowframe \SetCalendar[bg/.style={opacity=0.5, fill=white}]{June} \else \SetCalendar[bg/.style={opacity=0.8}]{June} \fi \SetEvents{June}{% if (equals=2018-06-21) [day text={\dejaVuSans\char"263C}];% U+263C white sun with rays }{% \raggedleft {\dejaVuSans\char"263C} June 21: Summer Solstice } \SetPhoto[bleed=3mm, file={obscure-crop}]{July} \SetQuote[% xOffset=0.5\linewidth - 0.5\paperwidth -3mm, yOffset=-20mm, ]{July}{% \begin{tikzpicture}% \node [ fill=white, opacity=0.6, minimum width={\paperwidth + 3mm}, minimum height=30mm] {};% \node [] {% \begin{minipage}{\paperwidth + 3mm}% \centering \Large \color{white} I shall have less to say,\\ But I shall be gone. \textit{The Sound of the Trees} by Robert Frost \end{minipage}% }; \end{tikzpicture}% } \ifshowframe \SetCalendar[bg/.style={opacity=0.5}]{July} \else \SetCalendar[bg/.style={opacity=1}]{July} \fi \SetEvents{July}{ if (equals=2018-07-27) [day text={\dejaVuSans\char"263C}]; }{% \raggedleft {\dejaVuSans\char"263C} July 27: Mars at Opposition } \SetPhoto[bleed=3mm, file={obscure-crop}, yOffset=-150mm]{August} \SetQuote[yOffset=-3mm]{August}{% \centering \setlength{\parskip}{10pt}% \Large \color{black!80} I shall have less to say,\\ But I shall be gone. \textit{The Sound of the Trees} by Robert Frost } \ifshowframe \SetCalendar[bg/.style={opacity=0.5}]{August} \else \SetCalendar[bg/.style={opacity=1}]{August} \fi \SetEvents{August}{ if (equals=2018-08-12) [day text={\dejaVuSans\char"263C}]; }{% \raggedleft {\dejaVuSans\char"263C} August 12, 13: Perseids Meteor Shower } \makeatother \begin{document} \MonthPage[layout=full page, put photo=full page]{June} \MonthPage[layout=full page, put photo=full width above calendar]{July} \MonthPage[layout=small landscape, put photo=full width]{August} \end{document}