40 projectIdent 0 VpeMain 1 WRect 256 0 8960 9284 2 MProject 3 MCommand 322 # Locations of zlib and (if required) awk (change as required:) set zlib=..\..\..\zlib set awk= # @if not exist pngconfig.dfa $(MAKE) $(__MAKEOPTS__) -f pngconfig.mak defaults @if exist config.inf type config.inf @echo Checking for the libpng configuration file pnglibconf.h $(MAKE) $(__MAKEOPTS__) -f pngconfig.mak 4 MCommand 19 @type pngconfig.inf 3 5 WFileName 10 libpng.tgt 6 WFileName 11 pngtest.tgt 7 WFileName 12 pngvalid.tgt 8 WVList 3 9 VComponent 10 WRect 0 0 5632 4164 0 0 11 WFileName 10 libpng.tgt 0 0 12 VComponent 13 WRect 1280 1540 5632 4164 0 0 14 WFileName 11 pngtest.tgt 0 1 15 VComponent 16 WRect 518 487 5632 4164 0 0 17 WFileName 12 pngvalid.tgt 0 1 9