/* Launcher stub for tlmgr gui (with hidden console window) Originally written in 2011 by Tomasz M. Trzeciak, Public Domain compiling with gcc (size optimized): echo 1 ICON "tlmgr-gui.ico">tlmgr-gui.rc windres tlmgr-gui.rc tlmgr-gui-rc.o gcc -Os -s -mwindows -o tlmgr-gui.exe tlmgr-gui-rc.o tlmgr-gui.c compiling with tcc (ver. 0.9.25), extra small size windres tlmgr-gui.rc tlmgr-gui-rc.o tcc -o tlmgr-gui.exe tlmgr-gui-rc.o tlmgr-gui.c */ #include static char msgbuf[4*MAX_PATH]; #define DIE(...) { \ _snprintf( msgbuf, 4*MAX_PATH, __VA_ARGS__ ); \ MessageBox( NULL, msgbuf, "ERROR!", MB_ICONERROR | MB_SETFOREGROUND );\ return 1; \ } static char cmdln[2*MAX_PATH]; int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShowint ) { // get file name of this executable static char selfdir[MAX_PATH]; char *name, *ext, *s; DWORD nchars = GetModuleFileName(NULL, selfdir, MAX_PATH); if ( !nchars || (nchars == MAX_PATH) ) DIE( "cannot get own path" ); // make command to execute if ( s = strrchr(selfdir, '\\') ) *s = '\0'; // remove file name part strcat( cmdln, "\"" ); strcat( cmdln, selfdir ); strcat( cmdln, "\\tlmgr.bat\" -gui" ); // create child process STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) ); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE ; ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) ); if( !CreateProcess( NULL, // module name (uses command line if NULL) cmdln, // command line NULL, // process security atrributes NULL, // thread security atrributes TRUE, // handle inheritance 0, // creation flags, e.g. CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, DETACHED_PROCESS NULL, // pointer to environment block (uses parent if NULL) NULL, // starting directory (uses parent if NULL) &si, // STARTUPINFO structure &pi ) // PROCESS_INFORMATION structure ) DIE( "command execution failed: %s", cmdln ); return 0; }