% ****** Start of file aipsamp.tex ****** % % This file is part of the AIP files in the AIP distribution for REVTeX 4. % Version 4.1 of REVTeX, October 2009 % % Copyright (c) 2009 American Institute of Physics. % % See the AIP README file for restrictions and more information. % % TeX'ing this file requires that you have AMS-LaTeX 2.0 installed % as well as the rest of the prerequisites for REVTeX 4.1 % % It also requires running BibTeX. The commands are as follows: % % 1) latex aipsamp % 2) bibtex aipsamp % 3) latex aipsamp % 4) latex aipsamp % % Use this file as a source of example code for your aip document. % Use the file aiptemplate.tex as a template for your document. \documentclass[% aip, jmp,% amsmath,amssymb, %preprint,% reprint,% %author-year,% %author-numerical,% ]{revtex4-1} \usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files \usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point \usepackage{bm}% bold math %\usepackage[mathlines]{lineno}% Enable numbering of text and display math %\linenumbers\relax % Commence numbering lines \begin{document} \preprint{AIP/123-QED} \title[Sample title]{Sample Title:\\with Forced Linebreak\footnote{Error!}}% Force line breaks with \\ \thanks{Footnote to title of article.} \author{A. Author} \altaffiliation[Also at ]{Physics Department, XYZ University.}%Lines break automatically or can be forced with \\ \author{B. Author}% \email{Second.Author@institution.edu.} \affiliation{ Authors' institution and/or address%\\This line break forced with \textbackslash\textbackslash }% \author{C. Author} \homepage{http://www.Second.institution.edu/~Charlie.Author.} \affiliation{% Second institution and/or address%\\This line break forced% with \\ }% \date{\today}% It is always \today, today, % but any date may be explicitly specified \begin{abstract} An article usually includes an abstract, a concise summary of the work covered at length in the main body of the article. It is used for secondary publications and for information retrieval purposes. % Valid PACS numbers may be entered using the \verb+\pacs{#1}+ command. \end{abstract} \pacs{Valid PACS appear here}% PACS, the Physics and Astronomy % Classification Scheme. \keywords{Suggested keywords}%Use showkeys class option if keyword %display desired \maketitle \begin{quotation} The ``lead paragraph'' is encapsulated with the \LaTeX\ \verb+quotation+ environment and is formatted as a single paragraph before the first section heading. (The \verb+quotation+ environment reverts to its usual meaning after the first sectioning command.) Note that numbered references are allowed in the lead paragraph. % The lead paragraph will only be found in an article being prepared for the journal \textit{Chaos}. \end{quotation} \section{\label{sec:level1}First-level heading:\protect\\ The line break was forced \lowercase{via} \textbackslash\textbackslash} This sample document demonstrates proper use of REV\TeX~4.1 (and \LaTeXe) in manuscripts prepared for submission to AIP journals. Further information can be found in the documentation included in the distribution or available at \url{http://authors.aip.org} and in the documentation for REV\TeX~4.1 itself. When commands are referred to in this example file, they are always shown with their required arguments, using normal \TeX{} format. In this format, \verb+#1+, \verb+#2+, etc. stand for required author-supplied arguments to commands. For example, in \verb+\section{#1}+ the \verb+#1+ stands for the title text of the author's section heading, and in \verb+\title{#1}+ the \verb+#1+ stands for the title text of the paper. Line breaks in section headings at all levels can be introduced using \textbackslash\textbackslash. A blank input line tells \TeX\ that the paragraph has ended. \subsection{\label{sec:level2}Second-level heading: Formatting} This file may be formatted in both the \texttt{preprint} (the default) and \texttt{reprint} styles; the latter format may be used to mimic final journal output. Either format may be used for submission purposes; however, for peer review and production, AIP will format the article using the \texttt{preprint} class option. Hence, it is essential that authors check that their manuscripts format acceptably under \texttt{preprint}. Manuscripts submitted to AIP that do not format correctly under the \texttt{preprint} option may be delayed in both the editorial and production processes. The \texttt{widetext} environment will make the text the width of the full page, as on page~\pageref{eq:wideeq}. (Note the use the \verb+\pageref{#1}+ to get the page number right automatically.) The width-changing commands only take effect in \texttt{twocolumn} formatting. It has no effect if \texttt{preprint} formatting is chosen instead. \subsubsection{\label{sec:level3}Third-level heading: Citations and Footnotes} Citations in text refer to entries in the Bibliography; they use the commands \verb+\cite{#1}+ or \verb+\onlinecite{#1}+. Because REV\TeX\ uses the \verb+natbib+ package of Patrick Daly, its entire repertoire of commands are available in your document; see the \verb+natbib+ documentation for further details. The argument of \verb+\cite+ is a comma-separated list of \emph{keys}; a key may consist of letters and numerals. By default, citations are numerical; \cite{feyn54} author-year citations are an option. To give a textual citation, use \verb+\onlinecite{#1}+: (Refs.~\onlinecite{witten2001,epr,Bire82}). REV\TeX\ ``collapses'' lists of consecutive numerical citations when appropriate. REV\TeX\ provides the ability to properly punctuate textual citations in author-year style; this facility works correctly with numerical citations only with \texttt{natbib}'s compress option turned off. To illustrate, we cite several together \cite{feyn54,witten2001,epr,Berman1983}, and once again (Refs.~\onlinecite{epr,feyn54,Bire82,Berman1983}). Note that, when numerical citations are used, the references were sorted into the same order they appear in the bibliography. A reference within the bibliography is specified with a \verb+\bibitem{#1}+ command, where the argument is the citation key mentioned above. \verb+\bibitem{#1}+ commands may be crafted by hand or, preferably, generated by using Bib\TeX. The AIP styles for REV\TeX~4 include Bib\TeX\ style files \verb+aipnum.bst+ and \verb+aipauth.bst+, appropriate for numbered and author-year bibliographies, respectively. REV\TeX~4 will automatically choose the style appropriate for the document's selected class options: the default is numerical, and you obtain the author-year style by specifying a class option of \verb+author-year+. This sample file demonstrates a simple use of Bib\TeX\ via a \verb+\bibliography+ command referencing the \verb+aipsamp.bib+ file. Running Bib\TeX\ (in this case \texttt{bibtex aipsamp}) after the first pass of \LaTeX\ produces the file \verb+aipsamp.bbl+ which contains the automatically formatted \verb+\bibitem+ commands (including extra markup information via \verb+\bibinfo+ commands). If not using Bib\TeX, the \verb+thebibiliography+ environment should be used instead. \paragraph{Fourth-level heading is run in.}% Footnotes are produced using the \verb+\footnote{#1}+ command. Numerical style citations put footnotes into the bibliography\footnote{Automatically placing footnotes into the bibliography requires using BibTeX to compile the bibliography.}. Author-year and numerical author-year citation styles (each for its own reason) cannot use this method. Note: due to the method used to place footnotes in the bibliography, \emph{you must re-run BibTeX every time you change any of your document's footnotes}. \section{Math and Equations} Inline math may be typeset using the \verb+$+ delimiters. Bold math symbols may be achieved using the \verb+bm+ package and the \verb+\bm{#1}+ command it supplies. For instance, a bold $\alpha$ can be typeset as \verb+$\bm{\alpha}$+ giving $\bm{\alpha}$. Fraktur and Blackboard (or open face or double struck) characters should be typeset using the \verb+\mathfrak{#1}+ and \verb+\mathbb{#1}+ commands respectively. Both are supplied by the \texttt{amssymb} package. For example, \verb+$\mathbb{R}$+ gives $\mathbb{R}$ and \verb+$\mathfrak{G}$+ gives $\mathfrak{G}$ In \LaTeX\ there are many different ways to display equations, and a few preferred ways are noted below. Displayed math will center by default. Use the class option \verb+fleqn+ to flush equations left. Below we have numbered single-line equations, the most common kind: \begin{eqnarray} \chi_+(p)\alt{\bf [}2|{\bf p}|(|{\bf p}|+p_z){\bf ]}^{-1/2} \left( \begin{array}{c} |{\bf p}|+p_z\\ px+ip_y \end{array}\right)\;, \\ \left\{% \openone234567890abc123\alpha\beta\gamma\delta1234556\alpha\beta \frac{1\sum^{a}_{b}}{A^2}% \right\}% \label{eq:one}. \end{eqnarray} Note the open one in Eq.~(\ref{eq:one}). Not all numbered equations will fit within a narrow column this way. The equation number will move down automatically if it cannot fit on the same line with a one-line equation: \begin{equation} \left\{ ab12345678abc123456abcdef\alpha\beta\gamma\delta1234556\alpha\beta \frac{1\sum^{a}_{b}}{A^2}% \right\}. \end{equation} When the \verb+\label{#1}+ command is used [cf. input for Eq.~(\ref{eq:one})], the equation can be referred to in text without knowing the equation number that \TeX\ will assign to it. Just use \verb+\ref{#1}+, where \verb+#1+ is the same name that used in the \verb+\label{#1}+ command. Unnumbered single-line equations can be typeset using the \verb+\[+, \verb+\]+ format: \[g^+g^+ \rightarrow g^+g^+g^+g^+ \dots ~,~~q^+q^+\rightarrow q^+g^+g^+ \dots ~. \] \subsection{Multiline equations} Multiline equations are obtained by using the \verb+eqnarray+ environment. Use the \verb+\nonumber+ command at the end of each line to avoid assigning a number: \begin{eqnarray} {\cal M}=&&ig_Z^2(4E_1E_2)^{1/2}(l_i^2)^{-1} \delta_{\sigma_1,-\sigma_2} (g_{\sigma_2}^e)^2\chi_{-\sigma_2}(p_2)\nonumber\\ &&\times [\epsilon_jl_i\epsilon_i]_{\sigma_1}\chi_{\sigma_1}(p_1), \end{eqnarray} \begin{eqnarray} \sum \vert M^{\text{viol}}_g \vert ^2&=&g^{2n-4}_S(Q^2)~N^{n-2} (N^2-1)\nonumber \\ & &\times \left( \sum_{i