%% ****** Start of file aiptemplate.tex ****** % %% %% This file is part of the files in the distribution of AIP substyles for REVTeX4. %% Version 4.1 of 9 October 2009. %% % % This is a template for producing documents for use with % the REVTEX 4.1 document class and the AIP substyles. % % Copy this file to another name and then work on that file. % That way, you always have this original template file to use. \documentclass[aip,graphicx]{revtex4-1} %\documentclass[aip,reprint]{revtex4-1} \draft % marks overfull lines with a black rule on the right \begin{document} % Use the \preprint command to place your local institutional report number % on the title page in preprint mode. % Multiple \preprint commands are allowed. %\preprint{} \title{} %Title of paper % repeat the \author .. \affiliation etc. as needed % \email, \thanks, \homepage, \altaffiliation all apply to the current author. % Explanatory text should go in the []'s, % actual e-mail address or url should go in the {}'s for \email and \homepage. % Please use the appropriate macro for the type of information % \affiliation command applies to all authors since the last \affiliation command. % The \affiliation command should follow the other information. \author{} %\email[]{Your e-mail address} %\homepage[]{Your web page} %\thanks{} %\altaffiliation{} \affiliation{} % Collaboration name, if desired (requires use of superscriptaddress option in \documentclass). % \noaffiliation is required (may also be used with the \author command). %\collaboration{} %\noaffiliation \date{\today} \begin{abstract} % insert abstract here \end{abstract} \pacs{}% insert suggested PACS numbers in braces on next line \maketitle %\maketitle must follow title, authors, abstract and \pacs % Body of paper goes here. Use proper sectioning commands. % References should be done using the \cite, \ref, and \label commands \section{} %\label{} \subsection{} \subsubsection{} % If in two-column mode, this environment will change to single-column format so that long equations can be displayed. % Use only when necessary. %\begin{widetext} %$$\mbox{put long equation here}$$ %\end{widetext} % Figures should be put into the text as floats. % Use the graphics or graphicx packages (distributed with LaTeX2e). % See the LaTeX Graphics Companion by Michel Goosens, Sebastian Rahtz, and Frank Mittelbach for examples. % % Here is an example of the general form of a figure: % Fill in the caption in the braces of the \caption{} command. % Put the label that you will use with \ref{} command in the braces of the \label{} command. % % \begin{figure} % \includegraphics{}% % \caption{\label{}}% % \end{figure} % Tables may be be put in the text as floats. % Here is an example of the general form of a table: % Fill in the caption in the braces of the \caption{} command. Put the label % that you will use with \ref{} command in the braces of the \label{} command. % Insert the column specifiers (l, r, c, d, etc.) in the empty braces of the % \begin{tabular}{} command. % % \begin{table} % \caption{\label{} } % \begin{tabular}{} % \end{tabular} % \end{table} % If you have acknowledgments, this puts in the proper section head. %\begin{acknowledgments} % Put your acknowledgments here. %\end{acknowledgments} % Create the reference section using BibTeX: \bibliography{your-bib-file} \end{document} % % ****** End of file aiptemplate.tex ******