\documentclass{article} \usepackage{shortvrb} \usepackage{ltugcomn} \newcommand\TeXmuse{\TeX\-{\itshape\kern-.1em\raisebox{.0ex}{m\kern-.05em use}}} \title{\protect\TeXmuse's shortcomings and wants} \author{} \begin{document} \MakeShortVerb{\|} \maketitle The `first stage of \TeXmuse' is over: a program that, by and large, can typeset Bach's \emph{Inventions}. But not everything was solved. In addition to the incompleteness inherent in a program that can \emph{only} typeset the \emph{Inventions} (so: no slurs, no many-note-head notes, no repetition signs, etc.), there are things that the program just doesn't do right yet. This document is a compilation of those things. It is intended as disclaimer, as warning, and as debate forum. If the solution to a problem hits you, please let me know! There are things that: $a)$~have been figured out but not implemented; $b)$~have not been figured out; $c)$~misbehave in particular circumstances that I had not foreseen when implemented them, and have not fixed yet. \subsection*{Figured out, not implemented} \begin{description} \item[Line breaking] is still limited. It was figured out along with pickup-bars: both things mean user's control over ends of measures and barlines. There is variables |\@bar@line| and |\@break|, which will set the different kinds of barline and break at the end of blocks. The latter can be 0 for no break, 1 for discretionary break, 2 for forced break, and 3 for forced break and font change. But only 1, and to an extent 2, are implemented. \item[Sharp key signatures.] Flats are nicer because they can be defined algorithmically for all clefs. But the behavior of sharps in key signatures in different clefs is not easily programmed. I am still looking for a way, but I will probably have to wire it in as a list. And then, I'm having trouble with \MF's capacity\dots \item[Rests] show up still a little off to the right, I think. Also, whole-rests are badly drawn. \item[Time signatures.] I haven't designed the numbers in \TeXmuse's font. What about using another font? Then this becomes one of the not-figured-out problems. \item[Closing ties] after a line-break. This ties into a problem with ties, one of the `not~fixed' kind. \end{description} \subsection*{Not figured out} These are the most terrifying. \begin{description} \item[Adding stuff to the score,] for example measure numbers and possibly time signatures, was supposed to be very easy. \MF\ would tell \TeX\ where to put them. But: \MF\ cannot write files. I can't see a way of communicating \MF$\Rightarrow$\TeX\ that would be needed for this kind of thing to be done completely automatic. The user's help will have to be enlisted. \item[Different-width lines,] for example for indented music, I have not thought too much about, but if you ask me right now, I wouldn't know how to do it. Not so bad, though. \item[The final barline,] when there is more than one instrument, is a headache. \MF\ connects the intra-staff barlines with inter-staff barlines, but there is as yet no way for it to know what \emph{kind} of barline it was. That's why the intra-staff final barline is good, but the connection is not. This would happen with every non-normal barline in the piece, if they were implemented. But this is part of a bigger problem: \item[General characteristics] of the piece. The user's input goes essentially staff by staff. So, where are general changes (time- or key-signature changes, repetitions) going to be input? It wouldn't make sense to ask the user to input them in all staves---apart from being repetitive, it asks for fatal mistakes. \item[Whole-measure rests] go centered in the measure. They are not part of a character, but rather an addition to the line. And that has not been yet dealt with. \end{description} \subsection*{Not fixed} \begin{description} \item[Ties] behave wrong when there are many on the same note in the same line. It's a pretty obvious and bad-looking problem. I'm sure it's very simple, but never got around to fixing it. \item[Opening-line clefs] and other material (key signatures) gets not aligned when the note in one of the staves has an extra element---an accidental, for example. \item[Beam heights,] unlike regular stems, have not been set to reach the middle line of the staff when they are far away from the staff. I didn't remember that when racking my brains with beaming. \end{description} \end{document}