/* Copyright (C) 2000-2008 by George Williams */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _GIMAGE_H #define _GIMAGE_H #include "basics.h" typedef uint32 Color; #define COLOR_UNKNOWN ((Color) 0xffffffff) #define COLOR_TRANSPARENT ((Color) 0xffffffff) #define COLOR_DEFAULT ((Color) 0xfffffffe) #define COLOR_CREATE(r,g,b) (((r)<<16) | ((g)<<8) | (b)) #define COLOR_ALPHA(col) (((col)>>24)) #define COLOR_RED(col) (((col)>>16) & 0xff) #define COLOR_GREEN(col) (((col)>>8) & 0xff) #define COLOR_BLUE(col) ((col)&0xff) struct hslrgb { double h,s,l,v; double r,g,b; uint8 rgb, hsl, hsv; }; typedef struct clut { int16 clut_len; unsigned int is_grey: 1; uint32 trans_index; /* will be ignored for cluts in images, use base->trans instead */ Color clut[256]; } GClut; typedef struct revcmap RevCMap; enum image_type { it_mono, it_bitmap=it_mono, it_index, it_true, it_rgba }; struct _GImage { /* Format: bitmaps are stored with the most significant bit first in byte units indexed images are stored in byte units true color images are stored in 4 byte units, 0,red,green,blue rgba images are stored in 4 byte units, alpha,red,green blue */ unsigned int image_type: 2; int16 delay; /* for animated GIFs, delay to next frame */ int32 width, height; int32 bytes_per_line; uint8 *data; GClut *clut; Color trans; /* PNG supports more than one transparent color, we don't */ /* for non-true color images this is the index, not a color */ }; /* We deal with 1 bit, 8 bit and 32 bit images internal. 1 bit images may have*/ /* a clut (if they don't assume bw, 0==black, 1==white), 8 bit must have a */ /* clut, 32bit are actually 24 bit RGB images, but we pad them for easy */ /* accessing. it_screen means that we've got an image that can be drawn */ /* directly on the screen */ typedef struct gimage { short list_len; /* length of list */ union { /* depends on whether has_list is set */ struct _GImage *image; struct _GImage **images; } u; void *userdata; } GImage; enum pastetrans_type { ptt_paste_trans_to_trans, ptt_old_shines_through}; typedef struct grect { int32 x,y,width,height; } GRect; typedef struct gpoint { int16 x,y; } GPoint; extern GImage *GImageCreate(enum image_type type, int32 width, int32 height); extern GImage *_GImage_Create(enum image_type type, int32 width, int32 height); extern void GImageDestroy(GImage *gi); extern GImage *GImageCreateAnimation(GImage **images, int n); extern GImage *GImageAddImageBefore(GImage *dest, GImage *src, int pos); extern GImage *GImageBaseGetSub(struct _GImage *base, enum image_type it, GRect *src, GClut *nclut, RevCMap *rev); extern GImage *GImageGetSub(GImage *image,enum image_type it, GRect *src, GClut *nclut, RevCMap *rev); extern int GImageInsertToBase(struct _GImage *tobase, GImage *from, GRect *src, RevCMap *rev, int to_x, int to_y, enum pastetrans_type ptt ); extern int GImageInsert(GImage *to, GImage *from, GRect *src, RevCMap *rev, int to_x, int to_y, enum pastetrans_type ptt ); extern Color _GImageGetPixelColor(struct _GImage *base,int x, int y); /* Obsolete */ extern Color GImageGetPixelColor(GImage *base,int x, int y); /* Obsolete */ extern Color GImageGetPixelRGBA(GImage *base,int x, int y); extern int GImageGetWidth(GImage *); extern int GImageGetHeight(GImage *); extern void *GImageGetUserData(GImage *img); extern void GImageSetUserData(GImage *img,void *userdata); extern void GImageResize(struct _GImage *tobase, struct _GImage *fbase, GRect *src, RevCMap *rev); extern GImage *GImageResize32(GImage *from, GRect *src, int width, int height, Color trans); extern GImage *GImageResizeSame(GImage *from, GRect *src, int width, int height, RevCMap *rev); extern RevCMap *GClutReverse(GClut *clut,int side_size); void GClut_RevCMapFree(RevCMap *rev); extern GClut *GImageFindCLUT(GImage *image,GClut *clut,int clutmax); extern int GImageSameClut(GClut *clut,GClut *nclut); extern int GImageGreyClut(GClut *clut); extern Color GImageColourFName(unichar_t *name); extern Color _GImage_ColourFName(char *name); extern char *GImageNameFColour(Color col); extern Color GDrawColorDarken(Color col, int by); extern Color GDrawColorBrighten(Color col, int by); extern int GImageWriteGImage(GImage *gi, char *filename); extern int GImageWrite_Bmp(GImage *gi, FILE *fp); extern int GImageWriteBmp(GImage *gi, char *filename); extern GImage *GImageRead_Bmp(FILE *file); extern GImage *GImageReadBmp(char *filename); extern int GImageWriteXbm(GImage *gi, char *filename); extern GImage *GImageReadXbm(char *filename); extern int GImageWriteXpm(GImage *gi, char *filename); extern GImage *GImageReadXpm(char *filename); extern int GImageWriteEps(GImage *gi, char *filename); extern GImage *GImageReadTiff(char *filename); extern GImage *GImageReadJpeg(char *filename); extern GImage *GImageRead_Jpeg(FILE *fp); extern int GImageWrite_Jpeg(GImage *gi, FILE *outfile, int quality, int progressive); extern int GImageWriteJpeg(GImage *gi, char *filename, int quality, int progressive); extern GImage *GImageRead_Png(FILE *fp); extern GImage *GImageReadPng(char *filename); extern int GImageWrite_Png(GImage *gi, FILE *fp, int progressive); extern int GImageWritePng(GImage *gi, char *filename, int progressive); extern GImage *GImageReadGif(char *filename); extern int GImageWriteGif(GImage *gi,char *filename,int progressive); extern GImage *GImageReadRas(char *filename); /* Sun Raster */ extern GImage *GImageReadRgb(char *filename); /* SGI */ extern GImage *GImageRead(char *filename); extern void GImageDrawRect(GImage *img,GRect *r,Color col); extern void GImageDrawImage(GImage *dest,GImage *src,void *junk,int x, int y); extern void gRGB2HSL(struct hslrgb *col); extern void gHSL2RGB(struct hslrgb *col); extern void gRGB2HSV(struct hslrgb *col); extern void gHSV2RGB(struct hslrgb *col); extern void gColor2Hslrgb(struct hslrgb *col,Color from); extern Color gHslrgb2Color(struct hslrgb *col); #endif