README.MSW 5/94 The XPM library for MS-Windows Motivated by the wxWindows library, which is a (freely available) toolkit for developing multi-platform, graphical applications from the same body of C++ code,I wanted to have XPM pixmaps for MS-windows. Instead of rewriting a XPM-parser I managed to port the XPM-library-code to MS-windows. Thanks to Anaud Le Hors this became a part of the official XPM-library. Until now it's only used together with wxWindows. And even there it's more a kind of beta. But it should be possible to run it as a simple libxpm.a without wxWindows. The key is a transformation of some X types plus some basic X functions. There is not yet a special MSW-API, so you should know the X types used. The following is done in simx.h: typedef HDC Display; typedef COLORREF Pixel; typedef struct { Pixel pixel; BYTE red, green, blue; } XColor; typedef struct { HBITMAP bitmap; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned int depth; } XImage; With these defines and the according functions from simx.c you can call XPM-functions the way it's done under X windows. It can look like this: ErrorStatus=XpmCreateImageFromData(&dc, data, &ximage,(XImage **)NULL, &xpmAttr); ms_bitmap = ximage->bitmap; // releases the malloc,but do not destroy the bitmap XImageFree(ximage); Supported functions are the Xpm*Image* but not the Xpm*Pixmap*. DRAWBACKS: The main drawback is the missing support for Colormaps! There was nothing for it in wxWindows, so I did not know how to deal with Colormaps. The size of the pixmaps is bounded by malloc() (width*height*2 < 64K). Close colors do not look that close. But that seems to be the window system. Neither a special API for MSW nor a special MSW documentation other than this. (I can only point you to wxxpm as an example , see below.) INSTALLATION: There is not yet a makefile with it. Simply take all the *.c files into your project. !!!You MUST set FOR_MSW on the preprocessor options!!! (You might uncomment NEED_STRCASECMP in xpm.h if it's in your lib) This should compile into libxpm.a. Good luck... FTP: wxWindows is currently available from the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute (University of Edinburgh) by anonymous FTP. pub/wxwin/ or read wxxpm, XPM support for wxWindows, the latest version is available at pub/wxxpm/ and maybe in the contrib or tools of wxWindows Please contact me if you have suggestions, comments or problems! -- ////|\\\\ \\\\\\ Hermann Dunkel O O ////// IPN Uni Kiel, Germany | \\\\\\ Tel: +49 431 / 880 3144 \___/ ////// E-mail: \_/ \\\\\\ X.400 : c=de;a=d400;p=uni-kiel;ou=nw-didaktik;s=dunkel